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- Dementia and ageing research
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- Scotland’s sporting heritage
- Stirling’s leading role in human rights reform
- Enhancing avalanche safety through philosophy
- Tackling depression, suicide and other psychiatric emergencies
- Uncovering forgotten history and shaping a sense of place
- Ensuring transparency and responsibility in surveillance camera use
- Combatting poverty and hunger via sustainable aquaculture
- Utilising computer science to save businesses time and money
- Improving pre-hospital emergency care
- Navigating hydration: Separating science from marketing hype
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- Accounting and Finance
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- English and Literature
- Environmental Science
- Film and Media Studies
- Geography
- Health and Allied Subjects
- History
- Journalism and Publishing
- Languages and TESOL
- Law
- Marketing and Public Relations (PR)
- Mathematics
- Nursing
- Philosophy and Religion
- Politics
- Psychology
- Social Studies
- Sport
- Teaching and Education
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- Undergraduate courses
- BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)
- BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary)
- BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons) Psychology
- BA (Hons) Business Law
- BA (Hons) Business Studies
- BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy
- BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology
- BA (Hons) Digital Media
- BA (Hons) English Studies
- BA (Hons) European Languages and Society with International Management
- BA (Hons) Events Management
- BA (Hons) Film and Media
- BA (Hons) Finance
- BA (Hons) French
- BA (Hons) Heritage and Tourism
- BA (Hons) History
- BA (Hons) History and Heritage
- BA (Hons) Human Resource Management
- BA (Hons) International Politics
- BA (Hons) Journalism Studies
- BA (Hons) Law
- BA (Hons) Marketing
- BA (Hons) Philosophy
- BA (Hons) Politics
- BA (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and Economics: PPE
- BA (Hons) Professional Accountancy
- BA (Hons) Professional Education (Secondary, Chemistry or Physics)
- BA (Hons) Retail Marketing
- BA (Hons) Scottish History
- BA (Hons) Social Work
- BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy
- BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies
- BA (Hons) Sport Business Management
- BA (Hons) Sport Development and Coaching
- BA Teaching Qualification for Further Education (TQFE) - in-service
- BA Teaching Qualification for Further Education (TQFE) - pre-service
- BAcc (Hons) Accountancy
- BAcc (Hons) Accountancy and Finance
- BSc (Hons) Animal Biology
- BSc (Hons) Applied Biological Sciences
- BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Biology
- BSc (Hons) Business Computing
- BSc (Hons) Cell Biology
- BSc (Hons) Computing Science
- BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation
- BSc (Hons) Economics
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography and Outdoor Education
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Science
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Science and Outdoor Education
- BSc (Hons) Graduate Apprenticeship in Data Science
- BSc (Hons) Management
- BSc (Hons) Marine and Freshwater Biology
- BSc (Hons) Mathematics
- BSc (Hons) Nursing - Adult with Honours
- BSc (Hons) Nursing - Mental Health with Honours
- BSc (Hons) Software Development with Cyber Security
- BSc (Hons) Software Engineering
- BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science
- BSc (Hons) Sport Psychology
- BSc Nursing - Adult
- BSc Nursing - Mental Health
- BSc Paramedic Science
- BSc Professional Practice
- LLB (Hons) Law
- LLB Law: Accelerated Graduate
- Modern Languages
- Religion
- Sport
- Postgraduate taught courses
- Clinical Doctorates
- Doctor of Applied Social Research
- Doctor of Education
- LLM Environmental Law and Climate Justice
- LLM, MSc Human Rights and Diplomacy
- MLitt Creative Writing
- MLitt Philosophy
- MLitt Publishing Studies
- MLitt, MSc Genders and Sexualities
- MPH Master of Public Health
- MPH Master of Public Health (Online)
- MPP Public Policy
- MRes Business and Management
- MRes Educational Research
- MRes Health Research (Online)
- MRes Historical Research
- MRes Humanities
- MRes Media Research
- MRes Publishing Studies
- MSc / MA Human Animal Interaction
- MSc Advanced Computing with Artificial Intelligence
- MSc Advancing Practice
- MSc Applied Professional Studies
- MSc Applied Social Research
- MSc Aquatic Pathobiology
- MSc Aquatic Veterinary Studies
- MSc Artificial Intelligence
- MSc Autism Research
- MSc Behavioural Science
- MSc Big Data
- MSc Big Data (Online)
- MSc Business Analytics
- MSc Business and Management
- MSc Criminological Research
- MSc Criminology
- MSc Data Science for Business
- MSc Dementia Studies (Online)
- MSc Digital Banking and Finance
- MSc Digital Marketing and Brand Management
- MSc Digital Media and Communication
- MSc Disaster Interventions and Humanitarian Aid
- MSc Education
- MSc Educational Leadership (specialist Qualification for Headship)
- MSc English Language and Linguistics
- MSc English Language Teaching and Management
- MSc Environmental Management
- MSc Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Sciences
- MSc Finance
- MSc Finance and Data Analytics
- MSc Finance and Risk Management
- MSc Financial Technology (FinTech)
- MSc Gender and Diplomatic Practice
- MSc Gerontology and Global Ageing (Online)
- MSc Global Politics
- MSc Health Psychology
- MSc Heritage
- MSc Historical Research
- MSc Housing Studies (part-time)
- MSc Housing Studies (with internship)
- MSc Human Resource Management
- MSc International Accounting and Finance
- MSc International Business
- MSc International Conflict and Cooperation
- MSc International Journalism
- MSc Investment Analysis
- MSc Marketing
- MSc Marketing Analytics
- MSc Mathematics and Data Science
- MSc Media Management
- MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration)
- MSc Podiatry (pre-registration)
- MSc Professional Education and Leadership
- MSc Psychological Research Methods
- MSc Psychological Therapy in Primary Care
- MSc Psychology (accredited conversion course)
- MSc Psychology of Sport
- MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communication
- MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communication (Online)
- MSc Social Statistics and Social Research
- MSc Social Work Studies
- MSc Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (Health Visiting)
- MSc Sport Management
- MSc Sport Nutrition
- MSc Sport Performance Coaching (Online)
- MSc Strategic Communication and Public Relations (UPF Barcelona)
- MSc Substance Use (Online)
- MSc Sustainable Aquaculture
- MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Online)
- PGCert Design for Dementia and Ageing
- PGCert Tertiary Education with Teaching Qualification (Further Education) - In-service
- PGDip Tertiary Education with Teaching Qualification (Further Education) - Pre-service
- PhD TESOL Research
- Professional Doctorate Data Science
- Professional Doctorate Health Psychology
- Suspended - DDipl Doctor of Diplomacy
- Withdrawn MBA Master of Business Administration
- Withdrawn/suspended - MBA Business Scale Up (Online)
- Withdrawn/suspended - MBA Sustainability Impact (Online)
- Withdrawn/suspended - MSc Business Analytics (Online)
- Withdrawn/suspended - MSc Data Science for Business (Online)
- CPD and short courses
- Advanced Clinical Assessment and Examination
- Advanced Practice
- An Integrated Approach to Frailty
- Applied Exercise Physiology
- Assessing and Managing Symptoms in Palliative Care
- Child Health and Wellbeing in a Global Society
- Coaching as Learning
- Coaching Concepts
- Compassionate Leadership, Research and Innovation
- Creating Engaging Practice
- Curating Collections: Critical Approaches
- Dementia, Space and Place
- Diagnosis and Decision Making in Advanced Practice
- Essentials of Mental Health Assessment
- Evidence Based Practice
- Fish Health and Welfare
- Gateway to Further Study
- Global Public Health
- Health and Wellbeing of People with Dementia
- Health Behaviours and Behaviour Change
- Heritage, Risk, and Resilience: Managing Change in the Anthropocene
- Huntingtons disease: an enabling approach to supporting families
- Identifying and solving problems in sport coaching
- Improving quality through work-based learning
- Introduction to Epidemiology
- Living with Long Term Conditions: Care and Management
- Mental Health, Everyone’s Business
- Physiology of Sport and Exercise
- Prescribing for Healthcare Professionals (Advancing Practice)
- Principles of Public Health Nursing
- Professional Leadership
- Public Health Policy
- Public Health Practice
- Public Health Research
- Qualitative Research and Analysis
- Quantitative Research and Analysis
- Research Ethics and Governance
- Research in Practice
- Skills for Knowledge Enquiry
- Sports Medicine, Health and Wellbeing
- Study Design for Health Research
- Supporting Families with Complex Health and Enhanced Support Needs
- The Coaching Process
- Understanding and Assessing Pain
- Understanding Performance
- Understanding Performers: Psychological Perspectives
- My favourite courses
- Undergraduate courses
- Clearing
- Clearing courses for students from Scotland
- Clearing courses for students from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
- Clearing courses for EU students
- Clearing courses for international students
- Clearing advice
- Postgraduate Clearing
- Clearing experiences
- University clearing places: Popular courses
- Computer Science Clearing courses
- Criminology Clearing course
- Sports Clearing courses
- Economics Clearing courses
- History Clearing courses
- Accountancy and Finance Clearing courses
- Biology Clearing courses
- Nursing Clearing courses
- Ukraine