Belong at Stirling

You are now part of our community of students, academic staff, support staff, partners and visitors. It's a diverse community where everyone has their part to play. It is a community which will be there for you, even after you graduate – our former students stay in touch and often come back to share what they’ve learned.

Our Student Code

The Code helps you understand your responsibilities as a student of the University of Stirling. It applies to all students both online and on campus. By enrolling as a student at the University, you agree to abide by the Code.

Student Charter

Stirling Communication Charter

Our Communication Charter sets out how we expect staff and students to communicate with each other in an effective and respectful way. Developing good communications skills is integral to developing your graduate attributes, which include being socially intelligent, digitally literate and responsible for your own behaviour.

University of Stirling Communication Charter

Be good to yourself

Give yourself time to settle in, it may not happen overnight. Try to get enough sleep and eat well. Get organised and make time for your studies. Keep yourself safe and do not do anything which you are uncomfortable with or is harmful to you or others.

Be good neighbours

Be considerate to the people living and working around you, whether on or off campus. Small things make the difference, like being quiet when you arrive home late or when others are studying.

Be a learning partner

Studying at university is a mutual, active partnership and you’re a very important part of that partnership. By working together with other students and staff professionally and respectfully we can achieve our goals.

Be open to new cultures and ideas

At Stirling you'll experience many different cultures and ideas by being part of our diverse community. Learn from this and share your own culture and experiences with others.

Be sociable and get involved

There are many ways to get involved in the University and local community such as by joining clubs and societies, volunteering, becoming a module rep or simply being friendly and supportive to those around you. Those who give time and attention to others can get a lot back in return.

Be respectful

In your interactions and communications with other students and staff always be polite and respectful and expect the same in return, whatever your background, beliefs, values, or lifestyle choices. We do not tolerate abusive language, discrimination, bullying or harassment and neither should you.

If you are struggling to settle in, remember everyone feels the same at some time when they first arrive. Sharing how you are feeling with another student can be helpful or you can speak to:

  • Accommodation liaison officers, if you are in student accommodation
  • Chaplaincy - a friendly, welcoming place, open to students and staff of all faiths and none
  • Your personal tutor - someone who can give you guidance, information and support throughout your studies
  • Student Support Services - we offer an extensive range of support services to help you fulfil your potential and make the most of your time here
  • The Students’ Union - the Union can offer independent support and information or signpost you to the appropriate University or external services.
  • A Steer peer mentor - they are other students who have been at Stirling for a while and know their way around. They can help support you to solve problems, give you tips on how to settle in from their experience and signpost support and guidance.

Equality and diversity

We take equality, diversity and inclusion very seriously at the University of Stirling and promote these principles through everything we do. Our charter states that “the University shall be committed to the fair and equal treatment of every person and shall not discriminate on unjustified, irrelevant or unlawful grounds.

Learn more about our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Preventing and tackling gender based and sexual violence

At the University of Stirling, we are committed to taking all steps in our power to prevent and tackle gender based and sexual violence in all its forms.

See more about our approach to this issue along with further information about support available for those affected by gender based or sexual violence, or those supporting a friend or colleague.