Kumbirai Mabwe

MSc Investment Analysis


Having been recommended to study on Stirling’s MSc in Investment Analysis by a former student of the programme, I was not disappointed. The programme is interesting, challenging and stimulating. It is intensive and covers all aspects of the modern world of finance and investment.

My experience at the University of Stirling has been one on which I look back with pride. Within a year I was transformed into the holder of a Masters degree who can face the world of finance and investment with pride and confidence.

The most memorable part of my Investment Analysis degree was writing the case study dissertation. It allowed me to apply what I had learned in the modules and produce an independent piece of work.

Enrolling for Investment Analysis has proved to be the best decision that I have ever made and it has opened up many opportunities to me.

Kumbirai Mabwe is now working for HSBC Bank in Stirling in their Global Market and Pricing Team.