Charlie Ovey
MSc Sport Performance Coaching
I decided to study at the University of Stirling as I was accepted on account of my professional experience, as my undergraduate degree was in an unrelated field. It was an affordable entry point into formally studying and getting qualified in my field that was flexible enough to work around my schedule and encouraged me to focus on topics I was interested in. The blend of theory and application was something that stood out to me. It allowed me to continue ‘learning by doing’ while considering the formal educational aspects of coaching too.
The course covered a broad range of topics that have allowed me to expand my professional responsibilities and aspirations. I have been able to improve my performance in my existing role while putting myself in contention for other positions.
The online structure suited me very well. I was able to dip in and out as my work life required without finding myself behind on the course load. The lecturers were willing to send me module material ahead of time so that I could study more during my easier periods at work. The lectures were pre-recorded, further allowing me to study flexibly and consult further with lecturers if I needed to.
The advice I would give to prospective students is to think about the degree over the course of your year and plan your workload ahead of time. I had periods of days/weeks where I was unable to give time to my studies, but anticipating this had allowed me to read ahead or otherwise prepare for busy professional and personal periods. The additional academic workload can be daunting but with proper planning, it can fit into daily life easily.
My studies have enabled me to justify existing ‘good’ practice to my colleagues, shown me the areas of my practice that are clearly not appropriate and given me tools to continually evaluate myself and the work I do. I coach the Seinajoki Crocodiles in Finland and work as the club’s Coaching Manager. I will be able to continually improve my own performance as a coach while also being able to share this professional development with others.