Requesting CAS extension
The University expects you to complete your course according to the dates provided in your original CAS. If you require more time to complete your studies and are unable to complete within the validity of your visa, you may be eligible for a new CAS to extend your student visa. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements, you will normally be expected to return home to complete from overseas. If you are required to return to the UK for a short period at a later date, you would be expected to return on a standard visa.
You may be required to re-sit an exam or resubmit coursework. In such cases, and if your continued participation is not required, then the University will not continue to sponsor you.
Student Immigration Services may have to inform UKVI that your sponsorship will be withdrawn, and your visa will be curtailed. This means that you will not have valid immigration permission to be in the UK.
CAS Request Process
You will need a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number before you can apply for a visa extension under the student visa category.
You should request your CAS at least one month and not more than three months before your visa expires. When applying to extend your visa you must show that you have held the required money for a consecutive 28 day period (finishing on the date of the closing balance) ending no more than 31 days before your application. If you have not already done so you should make sure you deposit the required amount of money into your bank account/s.
If you are in the second semester of study or beyond, you should request the CAS from Student Immigration Services.
Please complete the CAS Request Form and return it to the mailbox, along with a copy of the photograph page in your passport. You should also send a copy of your bank statement showing available funds to support your visa application.
You can also upload this form using the Document Uploader on your portal homepage.
In line with UKVI requirements, before we can assign a new CAS your faculty/department must confirm that your continued participation is required (attendance in classes and/or engagement with scheduled academic activity). You faculty must confirm this on the CAS Request Form or by separate email attached with your request.
Once we have received your request:
- we will gather and check the relevant information, including your course fees, any outstanding debt owed to the University and your eligibility for a new CAS in line with UKVI requirements.
- a CAS will not be assigned until any outstanding debt has been paid to the University.
- if a CAS can be assigned, we will forward the details to the Home Office (UK Visas and Immigration);
- you must ensure that the information sent to the Home Office (UK Visas and Immigration) is correct.
Next steps
If approved, we will send you an email with your unique CAS number. You must ensure that all the information is current and correct. The Home Office will check that the CAS information exactly matches the evidence you provide for the visa application.
As soon as you receive the new visa, you MUST provide us with a scanned, colour copy of the document. The University is required to retain a copy of this document. You must bring the original document/s into the Student Hub.
Please contact if you have any questions about requesting a CAS for an extension to your visa.