Professor Mark Priestley


Education University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Mark Priestley

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About me

I am Professor of Education and the Director of the Stirling Network for Curriculum Studies. I am also Lead Editor of the Curriculum Journal. I started my career in education as a teacher of History, working in a number of secondary schools in England and New Zealand, where I also taught Geography, RE, Humanities and Social Studies. In New Zealand, I was the Coordinating Lecturer of Christchurch College of Education's Nelson campus from January 1999 until June 2000. Since arriving at the former School of Education at Stirling in 2001, I have taken on a number of roles. I was Deputy Dean/Deputy Head of School from 2014-2018, Director of Initial Teacher Education between 2004 and 2007, and Director of the First Year Educational Studies Programme between 2009 and 2011. I have also undertaken several external roles, including: 

Scottish Government: member of the Curriculum and Assessment Board (2017-present)

Scottish Government: member of the Scottish Education Council (2021-present)

Welsh Government: member of the Curriculum and Assessment Group (2016-present)

Scottish Government: member of the National Improvement Strategic Group (2016-2017)

Scottish Educational Review: Editor (2007-2010); Chair of the Editorial Board (2011-2014). 

British Educational Research Association (BERA): Co-opted Council member (2013-2017); Chair of the Academic Publications Committee (2014-2017). 

Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA): Co-opted member of the Executive Committee (2013-2015).  

Curriculum Inquiry: Member of the International Editorial Board (2015-present) 

European Educational Research Association: Co-Convenor of Network 3, Curriculum Innovation (2014-present). 

Scottish Graduate School of Social Science: DTC Education Pathway Convenor (2014-present). 

External examining: UCL/IoE MA in Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy (2016-present); University of Edinburgh MSc Education and MSc Educational Research (2012-2015);
Doctoral external examiner (University of Glasgow, University of Ulster, Newcastle University, Lancaster University, University of Edinburgh, University of Auckland, University of Oslo, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Trinity College Dublin). 

In relation to Doctoral supervision, I welcome inquires relating to the area of curriculum studies: curriculum theory, curriculum policy, curriculum development.

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Research (24)

My research interests relate to  curriculum theory, policy and practice, and the professional work of teachers. Current research concerns teachers and curriculum development (through critical collaborative professional enquiry) in Scotland and Wales, curriculum narrowing in Scotland, and teachers working conditions in Scotland. I am also working with colleagues in a range of countries (including Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Ireland and Canada) to develop understanding of the ways in which curriculum policy is mediated and enacted in diverse ways.


Choice, attainment and positive destinations: exploring the impact of curriculum policy change on young people
PI: Dr Marina Shapira
Funded by: The Nuffield Foundation

West Partnership
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: South Lanarkshire Council

Excellence in Headship 2018-19
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Education Scotland

RIC collaboration
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: West Lothian Council

Green Party policy guidance
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: The Scottish Parliament

Clacks School Based Curriculum Development (SBCD) Through Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry (CCPE) Programme
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Clackmannanshire Council

Inverness Creative Curriculum
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Education Scotland

Excellence in Headship 2019-20
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Education Scotland

Rapid Review of National Qualifications 2020
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Scottish Government

EAS: School-based Curriculum Development through Professional Enquiry
PI: Dr Valerie Drew
Funded by: South East Wales Education Achievement Service

Clackmannanshire: attainment challenge data analysis
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Clackmannanshire Council

British Council Croatia - Consultancy Services
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: The British Council

International practice on the use of Curriculum Learning Outcomes
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment

Review of curricular coherence: Welsh Curriculum
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Welsh Government

A&B School Based Curriculum Development (SBCD) through Critical Collaborative Professional enquiry (CCPE) Programme
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Argyll & Bute Council

Survey of Teacher Workforce
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: National Association of School Masters and Union of Women Teachers

Mapping the impact of educational interventions: a literature review
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: South East Wales Education Achievement Service

Teacher agency and curriculum change
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

CfE Knowledge Exchange Through Partnership
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Scottish Government

Curriculum for the 21st Century: Theory, Policy and Practice
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Curriculum for Excellence Implementation Impact Evaluation in Monifieth HS
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Education Scotland

Supporting Teacher Assessment.
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Scottish Qualifications Authority

AifL Assessment is for Learning 2006-07
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Scottish Government

Curriculum Making in Schools and Colleges
PI: Professor Richard Edwards
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Outputs (112)


Showing 100 of 112 — See all 112 outputs

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Philippou S, Alvunger D & Soini T (2022) Curriculum Making and Teacher Agency. In: Tierney R, Rizvi F & Ercikan K (eds.) Elsevier International Encyclopaedia of Education. 4th ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Philippou S & Priestley M (2022) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 33 (1), pp. 1-4.

Book Chapter

Alvunger D, Soini T, Philippou S & Priestley M (2021) Conclusions: Patterns and trends in curriculum making in Europe. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 273-293.

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Philippou S, Alvunger D & Soini T (2021) Curriculum Making: A conceptual framing. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 1-27.;

Book Chapter

Priestley M & Xenofontos C (2021) Curriculum making: key concepts and practices. In: Biddulph J & Flutter J (eds.) Inspiring Primary Curriculum Design. Unlocking Research. London: Routledge.


Priestley M & Philippou S (2021) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 32 (3), pp. 379-383.

Consultancy Report

Bradfield K & Priestley M (2021) Educational governance through outcomes steering: ‘reforms that deform’. The Scottish Greens.

Preprint / Working Paper

Bradfield K & Priestley M (2021) School Starting Age (SSA): A Brief Summary. Online.

Book Chapter

Priestley M & Nieveen N (2020) Understanding curriculum. In: Chartered College of Teaching (ed.) The Early Career Framework Handbook. Corwin Ltd. London: SAGE, pp. 135-143.

Consultancy Report

Priestley M, Shapira M, Priestley A, Ritchie M & Barnett C (2020) Rapid Review of National Qualifications Experience 2020. Scottish Government. Edinburgh.


Priestley M & Philippou S (2020) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 31 (1), pp. 1-6.

Book Chapter

Priestley M & Drew V (2019) Professional Enquiry: an ecological approach to developing teacher agency. In: Godfrey D & Brown C (eds.) An ecosystem for research-engaged schools: Reforming education through research. London: Routledge, pp. 154-170.

Website Content

Priestley M (2018) 'There be dragons': redrawing the curriculum map in Wales. [A Curriculum for Wales Blog: A curriculum for life] 09.02.2018.

Website Content

Priestley M & Drew V (2017) Teacher Agency and Curriculum Development. [The BERA Blog: Research matters] 04.07.2017.

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Biesta G, Philippou S & Robinson S (2016) The teacher and the curriculum: exploring teacher agency. In: Wyse D, Hayward L & Pandya J (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 187-201.

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2015) Teacher agency: Een ecologische kijk op het handelingsvermogen van leraren. In: Kneyber R & Evers J (eds.) Het Alternatief II: De ladder naar autonomie. Culemburg, Netherlands: Uitgeverij Phronese, pp. 17-32.

Authored Book

Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2015) Teacher Agency: An Ecological Approach. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2015) Teacher agency: what is it and why does it matter?. In: Kneyber R & Evers J (eds.) Flip the System: Changing Education. London: Routledge, pp. 134-148.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Priestley M, Biesta G & Robinson S (2014) Teacher agency: what is it and why does it matter?. Teachers Matter - But how? International Research Conference, Linnaeus University, Vaxjo, Sweden, 23.10.2014-24.10.2014.

Book Chapter

Priestley M (2013) Schools, teachers and curriculum change: a balancing act?. In: Wise C, Cartwright M & Bradshaw P (eds.) Leading professional practice in education. London: SAGE, pp. 89-106.

Book Chapter

Leat D, Livingston K & Priestley M (2013) Curriculum deregulation in England and Scotland - Different directions of travel?. In: Kuiper W & Berkvens J (eds.) Balancing Curriculum Regulation and Freedom across Europe. CIDREE Yearbook, 2013. Enschede, the Netherlands: SLO Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development, pp. 229-248.

Book Chapter

Priestley M (2013) The 3-18 Curriculum in Scottish Education. In: Bryce T, Humes W, Gillies D & Kennedy A (eds.) Scottish Education: Referendum. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 28-38.

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Biesta GJJ & Robinson S (2013) Teachers as agents of change: teacher agency and emerging models of curriculum. In: Priestley M & Biesta G (eds.) Reinventing the curriculum: new trends in curriculum policy and practice. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 187-206.

Book Chapter

Biesta G & Priestley M (2013) Capacities and the curriculum. In: Priestley M & Biesta G (eds.) Reinventing the curriculum: new trends in curriculum policy and practice. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-50.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Priestley M, Biesta GJJ & Robinson S (2012) Understanding teacher agency: The importance of relationships. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada, 13-17 April 2012, Vancouver, 16.04.2012.

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Robinson S & Biesta GJJ (2012) Teacher Agency, Performativity and Curriculum Change: Reinventing the Teacher in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence?. In: Jeffrey B & Troman G (eds.) Performativity in UK education: ethnographic cases of its effects, agency and reconstructions. Painswick: Ethnography & Education Publishing.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Priestley M & Minty S (2012) Curriculum for Excellence: 'A brilliant idea, but. . .'. European Conference for Educational Research, 21 September 2012, Cadiz., Cadiz, 21.09.2012.

Book Chapter

Priestley M, Mannion G, Biesta G & Ross H (2010) Education in a Global Space: The Framing of 'Education for Citizenship'. In: Wisely T, Barr I, Britton A & King B (eds.) Education in a Global Space: Research and Practice in Initial Teacher Education. Edinburgh: International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS)/SCOTDEC, pp. 27-36.

See all 112 outputs

Research centres/groups