All Outputs

Showing 1 to 100 of 36554

Book Chapter

Williams K (2025) Scottish Types. In: History of the Book in Scotland, Volume I. Edinburgh University Press.

Book Chapter

Williams K (2025) Sale Catalogues. In: History of the Book in Scotland, Volume I. Edinburgh University Press.


Carvalho M, Montero D, Betancor M, Kaur K, Serradell A, Izquierdo M, Gines R, Claeyssens V & Torrecillas S (2025) Benefits of dietary krill meal inclusion towards better utilization of nutrients, and response to oxidative stress in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles. Aquaculture, 598, Art. No.: 741957.


Mphasa M, Ormsby MJ, Mwapasa T, Nambala P, Chidziwisano K, Morse T, Feasey N & Quilliam RS (2025) Urban waste piles are reservoirs for human pathogenic bacteria with high levels of multidrug resistance against last resort antibiotics: a comprehensive temporal and geographic field analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 484, Art. No.: 136639.


Rimoldi S, Quiroz KF, Kalemi V, McMillan S, Stubhaug I, Martinez-Rubio L, Betancor MB & Terova G (2025) Interactions between nutritional programming, genotype, and gut microbiota in Atlantic salmon: Long-term effects on gut microbiota, fish growth and feed efficiency. Aquaculture, 596 (Part 1), p. 741813.

Book Chapter

McKeown C (2025) The Pain of Thinking at Light Speed: Posthuman Play as Response to “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream". In: Incomputable Earth Technology and the Anthropocene Hypothesis Incomputable Earth. Theory in the New Humanities. London: Bloomsbury.


Whitmarsh L, Gan YS, Devine-Wright P, Evensen D, Dickie J, Connon I, Varley A, Ryder S & Bartie P (2025) Who is the ‘public’ when it comes to public opinion on energy? A mixed-methods study of revealed and elicited public attitudes to shale gas extraction. Energy Research & Social Science, 119, Art. No.: 103840.


Røynesdal ØB, Roberts GC, Pereira HV, Jelsma JG, Wyke S, Andersen E, Gray CM, Hunt K, Silva MN, van Nassau F & Sørensen M (2025) Fostering Health Behaviour Change in Overweight Male Football Fans Through the European Fans in Training (EuroFIT) Program: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 76, Art. No.: 102742.


Lee C, Messer L, Holland S, Gutierrez T, Quilliam R & Matallana-Surget S (2024) The primary molecular influences of marine plastisphere formation and function: Novel insights into organism -organism and -co-pollutant interactions.. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 54 (2), pp. 138-161.

Book Chapter

Cairney P, Timonina I & Stephan H (2024) What are the prospects of a just transition towards sustainable climate change policies? The search for practical lessons from policy studies.. In: Pandemic Recovery? Reframing and Rescaling Societal Challenges. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 224-237.

Book Chapter

Engstrom S & Choate PW (2024) Social Work Climate Change And Colonialism. In: Baikady R, Sajid SM, Nadesan V, Przeperski J, Islam MR & Gao J (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapter

Kukkonen K, Ballaster R, Dumas G, Keazor H, Vogel J & Wheeler M (2023) Creativity and Contingency: Provoking Chance across the Arts. In: Duprat A & James A (eds.) Figure of Chance II: Chance in Theory and Practice. Figures of Chance. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Meliou E & Mallett O (2024) Age, gender and precarity: the experience of late career self-employment. In: Diversity and Precarious Work During Socio-Economic Upheaval. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapter

Singleton C, Reade JJ, Rewilak J & Schreyer D (2024) How big is home advantage at the Olympic Games?. In: Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 88-103.

Book Chapter

Vine A (2024) "History from Marble": Church Notes and Epigraphy in Early Modern England. In: Johnsen EN & Stovner IL (eds.) Early Modern Genres of History. Early Modern Themes. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 54-77.

Book Chapter

Hall C (2024) Forestry. In: Handbook of African Economic Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Book Chapter

Meiklem R, Bouamrane M, Kingsmore D, Stevenson K, Dunlop M & Thomson P (2024) Patient-Centred, Technology-Based Interventions for High Treatment Burden: An Overview of the State of the Art. In: Bichel-Findlay J, Otero P, Scott P & Huesing E (eds.) MEDINFO 2023 — The Future Is Accessible. Vol 310 ed. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 310: MEDINFO 2023 — The Future Is Accessible. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics: IOS Press, pp. 529 - 533.

Book Chapter

Buchanan-Smith H (2024) Marmosets and tamarins.. In: Golledge H & Richardson C (eds.) The UFAW Handbook on the care and management of laboratory and other research animals. 9th ed. New Jersey: Wiley, pp. 683-706.

Ali T, Rainey J, Lau SY, Gheorghiu E, Maier P, Appiah K & Bhowmick D (2024) An FPGA-based neuromorphic vision system accelerator. In: Bouma H, Prabhu R, Yitzhaky Y & Kuijf HJ (eds.) volume 13206. SPIE "Artificial Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications II, Edinburgh, 16.09.2024-20.09.2024. SPIE.

Book Chapter

Hass A (2024) The Creation of God Being Nothing. In: Feld AN & McGrath SJ (eds.) Unfinished God: The Speculative Philosophical Theology of Ray L. Hart. New Perspectives in Ontology. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, pp. 28-44.


Hass A, Martinson M & ten Kate L (2024) The Music of Theology: Language-Space-Silence. 1 ed. Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Book Chapter

O’Donnell E, Dolman N, Everett G, Kapetas L, Ncube S & Thorne C (2024) Managing flood risk in Blue-Green Cities. In: Lamond J, Proverbs D & Bhattacharya Mis N (eds.) Research Handbook on Flood Risk Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 97-111.

Book Chapter

Baker P (2024) Cinema Nôvo. In: Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Edited Book

Boyle K & Berridge S (eds.) (2024) The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence. Routledge Companions to Gender. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Sop T, Cheyne SM, Kuhl HS, Maisels F, Wich S & Williamson E (2024) Ape Population Abundance Estimates [Abundance Annex: Ape Population Abundance Estimates]. In: State of the Apes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press / Arcus foundation.

Book Chapter

Esteves V (2024) Countercultural Denial in the UK: “New” Social Movements?. In: Marschner N, Richter C, Patz J & Salheiser A (eds.) Contested Climate Justice – Challenged Democracy International Perspectives. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag GmbH, pp. 207-220.


Donin AS, Goldsmith LP, Sharp C, Wahlich C, Whincup PH & Ussher MH (2024) Identifying barriers and facilitators to increase fibre intakes in UK Primary school children and exploring the acceptability of intervention components: a UK qualitative study. Public Health Nutrition, 27 (1).

Book Chapter

Barclay F & Ivey B (2024) Introduction. In: 1 ed. Palgrave Studies in Literature, Culture and Human Rights. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapter

Chetty R, Gibson H & Reilly C (2024) Decolonising Methodologies Through Collaboration: Reflections on Partnerships and Funding Flows from Working Between the South and the North. In: Hudley AHC, Mallinson C & Bucholtz M (eds.) Decolonizing Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Fawdon P, Orgel C, Adeli S, Balme M, Calef FJ, Davis JM, Frigeri A, Grindrod P, Hauber E, Le Deit L, Loizeau D, Nass A, Quantin-Nataf C, Sefton-Nash E & Schröder C (2024) The high-resolution map of Oxia Planum, Mars; the landing site of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover mission. Journal of Maps, 20 (1), Art. No.: 2302361.

Book Chapter

Smith J (2024) History in the Curriculum. In: Rata E (ed.) Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. Elgar, pp. 354-367.

Book Chapter

Dinan W, Esteves V & Harkins S (2024) Climate Obstruction in Scotland: the politics of oil and gas. In: Brulle RJ, Roberts JT & Spencer MC (eds.) Climate Obstruction Across Europe. New York, NY 10016, United States of America: OUP, pp. 57 - 79.

Book Chapter

Palmer L, Quirke M, Huang J & Phillips J (2024) The use of virtual reality to support participatory design processes in environmental design for cognitive change. In: Charras K, Hogervost E, Wallcook S, Kuliga S & Woods B (eds.) Creating Empowering Environments for People with Dementia: Addressing Inclusive Design from Homes to Cities. London: Routledge.