Professor Gerard Hastings

Emeritus Professor

Institute for Social Marketing University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Gerard Hastings

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About me

Professor Gerard Hastings OBE Gerard Hastings is Professor Emeritus at Stirling University and also works with L'École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, Rennes. He founded the Institute for Social Marketing which he directed for many years, and his academic career has focused on researching the impact of marketing on society - both for good and ill. This has involved him in advising Government and working with policy makers and civil society both nationally and internationally. He was a Special Advisor to the House of Commons Health Select Committee during its separate enquiries into the tobacco (2000), food (2004), pharmaceutical (2005), and alcohol industries (2010) and acts as a Temporary Advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) on both communicable and non-communicable disease on a regular basis. He has also been an expert witness in litigation against the tobacco industry in the UK and internationally, and in 2011 successfully challenged the Industry's right to access confidential research through Freedom of Information. He currently sits on the BMA Board of Science, is a member of the Lancet Obesity Commission, a Trustee of the UK Health Forum and a Schools Speaker for Amnesty International. He has published widely in academic outlets, especially in health and business journals. His latest books are Social Marketing: Rebels with a Cause (with Christine Domegan) and The Marketing Matrix: how the corporation gets its power and how we can reclaim it are published by Routledge. In 2009 he was awarded the OBE for services to health care. In 2014 he accepted the Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education on behalf of the University of Stirling for the ground-breaking critical marketing research conducted by the Institute for Social Marketing.

Research (33)

Gerard is interested in critical and social marketing research. The work in the former began with a focus on the marketing techniques of the tobacco, alcohol and food industries, and is now expanding to look at the wider impact of business - especially the corporate sector- on key social problems like materialism, inequality and sustainability. On a social marketing front, he is very interested in real world and multifaceted interventions that attempt to build empowering relationships with stakeholders and the public at large.


Youth Tobacco Policy Survey (YTPS) - Wave 9 (2020)
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

The Uk Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS)
PI: Dr Allison Ford
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Contribution to APISE drinking diaries Wave 1
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Medical Research Council and NHS Health Scotland

Digital R&D Fund for Arts & Culture in Scotland: Research Consortium
PI: Professor Claire Squires
Funded by: The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts

International Tobacco Policy Survey.
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Waterloo

Tobacco Policy Evaluation In Low and Middle Income Countries: the ITC Surveys
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Waterloo

The UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

The Marketing of Electronic Cigarettes in the UK: direct and indirect promotion through traditional, digital and social media
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Alcohol and Public Health Strategy
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Alcohol Focus Scotland, Alcohol Research UK, Balance North East, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, British Liver Trust, Cancer Research UK, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Our Life and Royal College of Physicians

International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Plain and standardised' tobacco packaging
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Exploring the impact that using plain cigarette packaging in real world settings has upon young adult female smokers: an ecological study
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK Centre for Tobacco Control Research
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Study on the Tobacco Industry's New Marketing, Sales and Product Strategies
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

AMMIE- Alcohol Marketing Monitored in Europe.
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project: 4-Country Survey, CIHR Grant MOP-79551
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Waterloo

A Brief Review of Plain Packaging Research for Tobacco Products
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Department of Health

Measuring impacts of alcohol marketing on young New Zealanders
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: The Health Research Council of New Zealand

Learning about alcohol: influences of the family context
Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

ITC project (International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project)
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Independent Retailers and the Demise of Smoking: A Scoping Study
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Department of Health

Health Select Committee Document Analysis
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Alcohol Education & Research council

The Role of Tobacco Control Policy in the Denormalisation of Tobacco
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Assessing the Cumulative Impact of Alcohol Marketing Communications on Youth Drinking
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Medical Research Council

ITC 4-Country Survey Team (ITCPES)
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Waterloo

Do young people engage with food branding
Funded by: Department of Health

Evaluation of the Blueprint Drug Prevention Programme
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Home Office

DCFS: The effects, uses and interpretations of commercial messages and activities
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: UK Government - Department for Education

A review of young people and smoking in England.
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Edinburgh

Qualitative Study of Changes in Smoking (and Drinking) Behaviour following Implementation of the Prohibition of Smoking in Enclosed Public Places
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Study of Drinking Cultures
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

A review of initiatives that have resulted in changes in attitudes, knowledge and behaviour
Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

General Practitioners and Economics of Smoking Cessation in Europe. (PESCE)
Funded by: Cancer Research UK and European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Outputs (171)


Showing 100 of 171 — See all 171 outputs


Pettigrew S, Booth L, Jongenelis MI, Brennan E, Chikritzhs T, Hasking P, Miller P, Hastings G & Wakefield M (2021) A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of combinations of 'why to reduce' and 'how to reduce' alcohol harm-reduction communications. Addictive Behaviors, 121, Art. No.: 107004.


Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Moodie C, Kuipers M, Hastings G & Bauld L (2020) Impact of a ban on the open display of tobacco products in retail outlets on never smoking youth in the UK: findings from a repeat cross-sectional survey before, during and after implementation. Tobacco Control, 29 (3), pp. 282-288.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Bauld L & Hastings G (2019) Youth response to e-cigarette marketing in the UK from 2014 to 2016. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Europe 19th Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway, 12.09.2019-14.09.2019.


Hastings G (2019) Pollyanna's guide to the regulation of alcohol marketing. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 132 (1500), pp. 104-105.

Conference Paper

Hastings G (2018) Remembering who owns the river. 12th Nordic conference of Public Health, Aalborg, Denmark. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 46 (22 supplement), pp. 5-9.

Conference Proceeding

Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Moodie C, Hastings G & Bauld L (2018) The impact of a tobacco point-of-sale display ban on youth in the United Kingdom: findings from a repeat cross-sectional survey pre-, mid- and post-implementation. In: 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health Abstract Book. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 16 (Supplement 1) 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Cape Town, South Africa, 07.03.2018-09.03.2018. Heraklion, Crete, Greece: International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases, p. A539.

Book Chapter

Hastings G (2017) Experts et auteurs du rapport: Le pouvoir du marketing et les réponses nécessaires en matière de santé publique. In: INSERM (ed.) Agir sur les comportements nutritionnels : Réglementation, marketing et influence des communications de santé. Collection Expertise collective. Paris, France: EDP Sciences, pp. 73-93.

Research Report

Acharya A, Angus K, Asma S, Bettcher DW, Blackman K, Blecher E, Borland R, Ciecierski C, Commar AA, Cui M, da Costa e Silva VL, David AM, Delipalla S, Emery S & Hastings G (2016) The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control. Chaloupka F (Editor), Fong G (Editor) & Yürekli A (Editor) NCI Tobacco Control Monograph Series, 21. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, and World Health Organization.


de Andrade M, Angus K & Hastings G (2016) Teenage perceptions of electronic cigarettes in Scottish tobacco-education school interventions: co-production and innovative engagement through a pop-up radio project. Perspectives in Public Health, 136 (5), pp. 288-293.

Book Chapter

Hastings G & de Andrade M (2016) Stakeholder marketing and the subversion of public health. In: Spotswood F (ed.) Beyond behaviour change: Key issues, interdisciplinary approaches and future directions. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 181-198.;


McCambridge J, Kypri K, Miller P, Hawkins B & Hastings G (2014) From tobacco control to alcohol policy. Commentary on: McCambridge J., Hawkins B., Holden C. Vested Interests in Addiction Research and Policy. The challenge corporate lobbying poses to reducing society's alcohol problems: insights from UK evidence on minimum unit pricing. Addiction 2014; 109: 199– 205.. Addiction, 109 (4), pp. 528-529.


Hastings G (2013) Consuming the earth. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 5 (1), pp. 115-123.

Book Chapter

Attwood A, Aveyard P, Bauld L, Britton J, Hajek P, Hastings G, McNeill A, Munafo M, Murray R, Shahab L & West R (2013) Tobacco. In: Miller P (ed.) Principles of Addiction: Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 767-776.;

Research Report

De Andrade M, Hastings G, Angus K, Dixon D & Purves R (2013) The Marketing of Electronic Cigarettes in the UK. Cancer Research UK. University of Stirling.


Stead M, Moodie C, Angus K, Bauld L, McNeill A, Thomas J, Hastings G, Hinds K, O'Mara-Eves A, Kwan I, Purves R & Bryce S (2013) Is Consumer Response to Plain/Standardised Tobacco Packaging Consistent with Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Guidelines? A Systematic Review of Quantitative Studies. PLoS ONE, 8 (10), Art. No.: e75919.

Website Content

De Andrade M & Hastings G (2013) The marketing of e-cigarettes: a UK snapshot. Tobacco Control Blog, 06.04.2013.

Technical Report

Anderson W, Gilmore SI, Bauld L, Bellis M, Brown KA, Drummond C, Gillan E, Hastings G, Hughes E, Irving C, Parsons H, Altwarg H, Langford A, Ludbrook A, Purves R & Stead M (2013) Health First: An evidence-based alcohol strategy for the UK. British Liver Trust. University of Stirling.

Research Report

Moodie C, Stead M, Bauld L, McNeill A, Angus K, Hinds K, Kwan I, Thomas J, Hastings G & O'Mara-Eves A (2012) Plain Tobacco Packaging: A Systematic Review. UK Centre for Tobacco Control. London: Public Health Research Consortium.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Hastings G & De Andrade M (2012) Planning the Endgame for Tobacco. UKCTCS Annual Conference, York, 07.11.2012-09.11.2012.

Edited Book

Hastings G, Angus K & Bryant C (eds.) (2012) The Sage Handbook of Social Marketing. London: SAGE.


Brown A, Boudreau C, Moodie C, Fong GT, Li GY, McNeill A, Thompson ME, Hassan L, Hyland A, Thrasher JF, Yong H, Borland R, Hastings G & Hammond D (2011) Support for removal of point-of-purchase tobacco advertising and displays: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Canada Survey. Tobacco Control.

Book Chapter

Hastings G & Cairns G (2010) Food and beverage marketing to children. In: Waters E, Swinburn B, Seidell J & Uauy R (eds.) Preventing Childhood Obesity: Evidence, Policy and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell.

See all 171 outputs