Research Report

A Brief Review of Plain Packaging Research for Tobacco Products



Moodie C, Hastings G & Ford A (2009) A Brief Review of Plain Packaging Research for Tobacco Products. Moodie C (Editor), Hastings G (Editor) & Ford A (Editor) Department of Health (DH). Institute for Social Marketing.

In September 2009 the Public Health Research Consortium was approached by the Department of Health to conduct a rapid review of the literature on plain packaging for tobacco products. Time was very constrained, but every effort has been made to track down and assimilate as much as possible of the published and unpublished research in the area. This report presents the findings.

plain packaging; tobacco

Publication date30/09/2009
PublisherInstitute for Social Marketing

People (3)

Dr Allison Ford

Dr Allison Ford

Associate Professor, Institute for Social Marketing

Professor Gerard Hastings

Professor Gerard Hastings

Emeritus Professor, Institute for Social Marketing

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor, Institute for Social Marketing