Books 2005-2009

Books, Book Chapters and Monographs - 2005-2009


Hastings G (2009). How social marketing can change the world. In Wymer W (ed), Latest Thinking in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing: How to use communication effectively to connect with supporters. London: The Marketing & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd. (5 min sample of talk available online)

Holme I, MacAskill S and Eadie D (2009). Research to Develop a Communications Campaign to Promote Childsmile within Local Communities - Stage 1: Literature Review. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

Holme I, MacAskill S and Eadie D (2009). Research to Develop a Communications Campaign to Promote Childsmile within Local Communities - Stage 2: Primary Research. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.

Cairns G, Angus K and Hastings G (2009). The Extent, Nature and Effects of Food Promotion to Children: A Review of the Evidence to December 2008. World Health Organisation. ISBN 978 92 4 159883 5.

Hastings G and Angus K (2009). Under the influence: The damaging effect of alcohol marketing on young people. London: British Medical Association Board of Science, September. ISBN: 978-1-905545-37-7.

Moodie C, Hastings G and Ford A (2009). A Brief Review of Plain Packaging Research for Tobacco Products. Report prepared for the Department of Health.


Evans DW and Hastings G (eds) (2008). Public Health Branding: Applying Marketing for Social Change . Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-923713-5.

Evans DW and Hastings G (2008). Public health branding: Recognition, promise, and delivery of healthy lifestyles. In Evans DW and Hastings G (eds) (2008). Public Health Branding: Applying Marketing for Social Change . Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-923713-5.

Gordon R, Hastings G, McDermott L and Evans DR (2008). Addressing the competition: Societal implications of commercial marketing. In Evans DW and Hastings G (eds) (2008). Public Health Branding: Applying Marketing for Social Change . Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-923713-5.

Hastings G, Freeman J, Spackova R and Siquier P (2008). HELP: A European public health brand in the making. In Evans DW and Hastings G (eds) (2008). Public Health Branding: Applying Marketing for Social Change . Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-923713-5.

Evans DW and Hastings G (2008). Future directions for public health branding. In Evans DW and Hastings G (eds) (2008). Public Health Branding: Applying Marketing for Social Change . Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-923713-5.

MacKintosh A, Harris F and Hastings G (2008). Measures to assess the effectiveness of restrictions on tobacco marketing communications. In IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Tobacco Control, Volume 12: Methods for Evaluating Tobacco Control Policies. Lyon, France: IARC. Chapter / Full Report

Hastings G, MacKintosh AM, Holme I, Davies K, Angus K and Moodie C (2008). Point of Sale Display of Tobacco Products. London: Cancer Research UK. Report

Hastings G and Angus K (2008). Forever Cool: The Influence of Smoking Imagery on Young People. London: British Medical Association Board of Science, July. ISBN: 978-1-905545-30-8.

Hastings G (contributing author) to Davis RM, Gilpin EA, Loken B, Viswanath K and Wakefield MA (eds) (2008). The Role of the Media in Promoting and Reducing Tobacco Use. NCI Tobacco Control Monograph Series No. 19. Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Publication No. 07-6242, June.

Gordon R, McDermott L and Hastings G (2008). Critical issues in social marketing: A review and research agenda. Chapter 20 in Sargeant A and Wymer W (eds), The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Marketing. Oxon: Routledge.

Hastings G and McDermott L (2008). Marketing Highlight: Competitive analysis: A fat chance pays off. Chapter 3 Case Study in Kotler P and Lee NR (eds), Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good, 3rd Edition. Thousands Oaks: Sage Publications Inc.


Hastings G (2007). Social Marketing: Why Should the Devil Have all the Best Tunes? Butterworth-Heinemann See here for details.

Hastings G (2007). Eliminating Tobacco Promotion: Realising the FCTC Vision. Stirling: Institute for Social Marketing.Report

Gordon R, Hastings G, McDermott L and Siquier P (2007). The critical role of social marketing. Chapter 11 in Saren M, Maclaran P, Goulding C, Elliott R, Shankar A and Catterall M (eds), Critical Marketing: Defining the Field. London: Butterworth-Heineman.

Stead M, McDermott L, Hastings G, Lawther S and Angus K (2007). Research to Inform the Development of a Social Marketing Strategy for Health Improvement in Scotland. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland. Report

Stead M, MacKintosh AM, McDermott L, Eadie D, Macneil M, Stradling R and Minty S (2007). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Drug Education in Scottish Schools - Report (2005) . Edinburgh: Scottish Executive. Report

Stead M, MacKintosh AM, McDermott L, Eadie D, Macneil M, Stradling R and Minty S (2007). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Drug Education in Scottish Schools - Research Findings No 17 . Edinburgh: Scottish Executive. Report

Stead M and Angus K (2007). Literature Review into the Effectiveness of School Drug Education (2004). Edinburgh: Scottish Executive. Report

Stead M and Eadie (2007). Evaluation of Foolsspeed Campaign Final Phase - Report . Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Social Research. Report

Stead M and Eadie (2007). Evaluation of Foolsspeed Campaign Final Phase - Research Findings No 3/2007 Summary . Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Social Research. Report


Hastings G, McDermott L, Angus K, Stead M and Thomson S (2006). The Extent, Nature and Effects of Food Promotion to Children: A Review of the Evidence . Technical Paper prepared for the World Health Organization, July 2006. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Hastings G (2006). Building social relationships. In Saren M (ed), Marketing Graffiti . Butter-worth-Heinemann, p53-58.

Hastings G and Stead M (2006). Social marketing. Chapter 10 in Macdowall W, Bonell C and Davies M (eds), Health Promotion Practice . Open University Press, p139-151. ISBN: 0-335-21840-7.

Hastings G (2006). The Extent, Nature and Effects of Food Promotion to Children: A Review of the Evidence . InMarketing of Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages to Children - Report of a WHO Forum and Technical Meeting, p10, Oslo, Norway, 2nd -5th May.

MacAskill S and Eadie D (2006). Evaluation of 'Getting it Right Together' learning resource material for students of nursing in Scotland. Report prepared for NHS Education for Scotland, January.

McIntosh J, MacAskill S, Eadie D, Curtice J, McKeganey N, Hastings G, Hay G and Gannon M (2006). Evaluation and Description of Drug Projects Working with Young People and Families funded by Lloyds TSB Foundation Partnership Drugs Initiative . Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Substance Misuse Research Programme. ISBN: 0-7559-6123-4.

Stead M and Hastings G (2006). Media advocacy. Chapter 9 in Macdowall W, Bonell C and Davies M (eds), Health Promotion Practice . Open University Press, p125-138. ISBN: 0-335-21840-7.


Devlin E, Hastings G and Anderson S (2005). Dealing in drugs: An analysis of the pharmaceutical industry's marketing documents. Appendix 33 (PI125) in House of Commons Health Committee Report - The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry - 4 th Report of Session 2004-05 Volume 2, 22 nd March. London: The Stationery Office Ltd.Report

Hastings GB, Devlin E and MacFadyen L (2005). Social marketing. Chapter D10 in Kerr J, Weitkunat R and Moretti M (eds), ABC of Behavior Change: A Guide to Successful Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Oxford: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone.

Hastings G (2005). In 'Tackling Health Inequalities: Implementing the Choosing a Better Diet Action Plan' publication.The Westminster Diet and Health Forum Seminar Series. London: Westminster Forum Projects Ltd. ISBN: I-905029-17-9.

Heim D, MacAskill S, Davies JB, Anderson S, and Hastings G (2005). The Health and Well-Being of People from Pakistani, Indian, African And Caribbean Backgrounds in Greater Glasgow. NHS Greater Glasgow.

McDermott L, Stead M and Hastings GB (2005). Does food promotion influence children's diet? A review of the evidence. Chapter 16 in Cameron N, Norgan NG and Ellison GHT (eds), Childhood Obesity: Contemporary Issues. Boca Raton , FL : Taylor & Francis Group.