Academic articles 2022
Moodie C, Best C, Critchlow N, Stead M, Hitchman SC and McNeill A (2022). [Letter] Increased support for standardised packaging in the UK: a longitudinal online survey. Tobacco Control, 31(1): 119-120. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-055911
Marks J, Sriskandarajah N, Aurelio MM, Gillard S, Rinaldi M, Foster R and Ussher M (2022 Online). Experiences of peer workers and mental health service users with a peer support intervention: applying and critiquing a behaviour change techniques taxonomy. Advances in Mental Health, online 6th January. doi:10.1080/18387357.2021.2012088
Gillard S, Bremner S, Patel A, Goldsmith L, Marks J, Foster R, Morshead R, White S, Gibson SL, Healey A, Lucock M, Patel S, Repper J, Rinaldi M, Simpson A, Ussher M, Worner J, Priebe S, on behalf of the ENRICH trial study group (2022). Peer support for discharge from inpatient mental health care versus care as usual in England (ENRICH): a parallel, two-group, individually randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Psychiatry, 9(2): 125-136. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00398-9
Critchlow N and Moodie C (2022 Online). Consumer protection messages in alcohol marketing on Twitter in Ireland: a content analysis. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, online 27th January. doi:10.1080/09687637.2022.2028730
Hunt K, Brown A, Eadie D, McMeekin N, Boyd K, Bauld L, Conaglen P, Craig P, Demou E, Leyland A, Pell J, Purves R, Tweed E, Bryne T, Dobson R, Graham L, Mitchell D, O’Donnell R, Sweeting H and Semple S (2022). Process and impact of implementing a smoke-free policy in prisons in Scotland: TIPs mixed-methods study. Public Health Research, 10(1): 1-137. doi:10.3310/WGLF1204
Best CS, Brown A and Hunt K (2022). Purchasing of tobacco-related and e-cigarette-related products within prisons before and after implementation of smoke-free prison policy: analysis of prisoner spend data across Scotland, UK. BMJ Open, 12(2): e058909. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058909
O’Donnell R, Brown A, Eadie D, Mitchell D, Bauld L, Demou E, Purves R, Sweeting H and Hunt K (2022). Challenges associated with e-cigarette use by people in custody in Scottish prisons: a qualitative interview study with prison staff. BMJ Open, 12(2): e051009. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051009
Semple S, Dobson R, O'Donnell R, Abidin EZ, Tigova O, Okello G and Fernández E (2022). Smoke-free spaces: a decade of progress, a need for more? Tobacco Control, 31(2): 250-256. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-056556
Moodie C, Hoek J, Hammond D, Gallopel-Morvan K, Sendoya D, Rosen L, Mucan Özcan B and van der Eijk Y (2022). Plain tobacco packaging: progress, challenges, learning and opportunities. Tobacco Control, 31(2): 263-271. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-056559
Gallopel-Morvan K, Andler R, Nguyen Thanh V and Critchlow N (2022). Does the French Évin law on alcohol advertising content reduce the attractiveness of alcohol for young people? An online experimental survey. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83(2): 276-286. doi:10.15288/jsad.2022.83.276
Semple S, O’Donnell R and Dobson R (2022). [Letter] Protecting children from second-hand tobacco smoke: evidence of major progress but a final push is needed in the UK. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 15: 100348. doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2022.100348
Brown A, Mitchell D and Hunt K (2022). Post-implementation perspectives on smokefree prison policy: a qualitative study with staff and people in custody. European Journal of Public Health, 32(1): 112-118. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckab075
Dobson R, Eadie D, O’Donnell R, Stead M, Cherrie JW and Semple S (2022). Changes in personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) during the spring 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in the UK: Results of a simulation model. Atmosphere, 13(2): 273. doi:10.3390/atmos13020273
Notley C, Brown TJ, Bauld L, Boyle EM, Clarke P, Hardeman W, Holland R, Hubbard M, Naughton F, Nichols A, Orton S, Ussher M and Ward E (2022). Development of a smoke-free home intervention for families of babies admitted to neonatal intensive care. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6): 3670. doi:10.3390/ijerph19063670
O’Donnell R, McCulloch P, Greaves L, Semple S and Amos A (2022). What helps and what hinders the creation of a smoke-free home: A qualitative study of fathers in Scotland. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 24(4): 511-518. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntab228
Nogueira SO, Fu M, Lugo A, Tigova O, Henderson E, López MJ, Clancy L, Semple S, Soriano JB, Fernandez E, Gallus S and the TackSHS Project Investigators (2022). Non-smokers’ and smokers’ support for smoke-free legislation in 14 indoor and outdoor settings across 12 European countries. Environmental Research, 204(Part C): 112224. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2021.112224
Cardoso DP, Oliveira D, Antunes B, Saraiva R, Angus K, Gallardo E and Rosário F (2022). Portuguese validated versions of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: A systematic review protocol. [Versões validadas em Português do Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: Protocolo de revisão sistemática da literatura.] Acta Médica Portuguesa, 35(4): 264-269. doi:10.20344/amp.15765
Orton S, Taylor L, Laing L, Lewis S, Ussher M, Coleman T and Cooper S (2022). Are E-cigarettes associated with postpartum return to smoking? Secondary analyses of a UK pregnancy longitudinal cohort. BMJ Open, 12(4): e061028. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061028
MacLean A, Maycock M, Hunt K, Mailer C, Mason K and Gray CM (2022). Fit for LIFE: the development and optimization of an intervention delivered through prison gymnasia to support incarcerated men in making positive lifestyle changes. BMC Public Health, 22: 783. doi:10.1186/s12889-022-13004-3
Nafees AA, Iqbal AR, Cullinan P, Matteis S, Burney P and Semple S (2022). Use of low-cost particle counters for cotton dust exposure assessment in textile mills in low- and middle-income countries. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 66(4): 537-542. doi:10.1093/annweh/wxab102
Coleman T, Clark M, Welch C, Whitemore R, Leonardi-Bee J, Cooper S, Hewitt C, Jones M, Sutton S, Watson J, Daykin K, Ussher M, Parrott S and Naughton F (2022). Effectiveness of offering tailored text message, self-help smoking cessation support to pregnant women who want information on stopping smoking: MiQuit3 randomised controlled trial (RCT) and meta-analysis. Addiction, 117(4): 1079-1094. doi:10.1111/add.15715
Ferdous T, Siddiqi K, Semple S, Fairhurst C, Dobson R, Mdege N, Marshall AM, Abdullah SM and Huque R (2022). Smoking behaviours and indoor air quality: a comparative analysis of smoking-permitted versus smoke-free homes in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tobacco Control, 31(3): 444-451. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-055969
Moodie C and O’Donnell R (2022). ‘I’m killing myself, but I’m saving the planet’: rolling tobacco smokers’ perceptions of rolling papers. Tobacco Control, 31(3): 479-482. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-056103
Rosário F, Vasiljevic M, Pas L, Angus C, Ribeiro C and Fitzgerald N (2022). Efficacy of a theory-driven program to implement alcohol screening and brief interventions in primary health care: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Addiction, 117(6): 1609-1621. doi:10.1111/add.15782
Peddireddy S, Boniface S, Critchlow N, Newberry Le Vay J, Severi K and Vohra J (2022). Factors associated with adolescents’ support for product information and health messaging on alcohol packaging: A cross-sectional study in the United Kingdom. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 57(3): 364-371. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agab080
Cox S, Murray J, Ford A, Holmes L, Robson D and Dawkins L (2022). A cross-sectional survey of smoking and cessation support policies in a sample of homeless services in the United Kingdom. BMC Health Services Research, 22: 635. doi:10.1186/s12913-022-08038-7
Tappin D, Mackay D, Reynolds L and Fitzgerald N (2022). Minimizing sample bias due to stigmatized behaviours: the representativeness of participants in a cohort study of alcohol in pregnancy. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22:138. doi:10.1186/s12874-022-01629-2
Stead M, Eadie D, Purves RI, McKell J, Critchlow N, Angus K, Angus C and Fitzgerald N (2022 Online). Implementation of alcohol minimum unit pricing (MUP): a qualitative study with small retailers. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, online 15th May. doi:10.1080/09687637.2022.2075251
Hajek P, Przulj D, Pesola F, Griffiths C, Walton R, McRobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S, Whitemore R, Clark M, Ussher M, Sinclair L, Seager E, Cooper S, Bauld L, Naughton F, Sasieni P, Manyonda I and Myers Smith K (2022). Electronic cigarettes versus nicotine patches for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. Nature Medicine, 228(5): 958-964. doi:10.1038/s41591-022-01808-0
Miyashita L, Shears R, Foley G, Semple S, Kadioglu A and Grigg J (2022). Underground railway particulate matter and susceptibility to pneumococcal infection. EBioMedicine, 80: 104063. doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104063
McCambridge J, Garry J, Kypri K and Hastings G (2022). “Using information to shape perception”: tobacco industry documents study of the evolution of Corporate Affairs in the Miller Brewing Company. Globalization and Health, 18: 52. doi:10.1186/s12992-022-00843-3
van Mourik DJA, Nagelhout GE, Poole NL, Willemsen MC, Candel MJJM, Moodie C, van den Putte B, Thrasher JF and de Vries H (2022). Non-smoking adolescents’ perceptions of dissuasive cigarettes. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 15: 100433. doi:10.1016/j.abrep.2022.100433
Gillard S, Foster R, White S, Barlow S, Bhattacharya R, Binfield P, Eborall R, Faulkner A, Gibson S, Goldsmith LP, Simpson A, Lucock M, Marks J, Morshead R, Patel S, Priebe S, Repper J, Rinaldi M, Ussher M and Worner J (2022). The impact of working as a peer worker in mental health services: a longitudinal mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry, 22: 373. doi:10.1186/s12888-022-03999-9
Critchlow N, Moodie C and Jones D (2022). Health information and warnings on alcohol packaging in Ireland: it is time to progress the Public Health (Alcohol) Act 2018. [Letter] Irish Journal of Medical Science, 191(3): 1461-1463. doi:10.1007/s11845-021-02719-8
Awokola BI, Okello G, Dobson R, Amusa GA, Johnson O, Erhart A, Mortimer K, Jewell C, Semple S and MA3 Study Group (2022). Measuring Air Quality for Advocacy in Africa (MA3): Ambient PM2.5 concentrations over one-year in 15 locations in eight sub-Saharan African countries using low-cost sensors. [Conference abstract]. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 205: A5170. doi:10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2022.205.1_MeetingAbstracts.A5170
Rabbani U, Razzaq S, Irfan M, Semple S and Nafees AA (2022). Indoor air pollution and respiratory health in a metropolitan city of Pakistan. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(9): 761-765. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000002573
McDonald MD, Hunt K, Sivaramakrishnan H, Moullin J, Avenell A, Kerr DA, Birch JM, Ntoumanis N and Quested E (2022). A systematic review examining socioeconomic factors in trials of interventions for men that report weight as an outcome. Obesity Reviews, 23(7): e13436. doi:10.1111/obr.13436
Gillard S, Barlow S, Bremner S, Foster R, Gibson S, Goldsmith L, Healey A, Lucock M, Marks J, Patel A, Patel S, Priebe S, Rinaldi M, Simpson A, Ussher M and White S (2022). Peer support for discharge from inpatient mental health care – Authors’ reply. [Letter] Lancet Psychiatry, 9(7): 542-543. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(22)00205-X
Cox S, Bauld L, Brown R, Carlise M, Ford A, Hajek P, Li J, Notley C, Parrott S, Pesola F, Robson D, Soar K, Tyler A, Ward E and Dawkins L (2022). Evaluating the effectiveness of e-cigarettes compared with usual care for smoking cessation when offered to smokers at homeless centres: Protocol for a multi-centre cluster randomised controlled trial in Great Britain. Addiction, 117(7): 2096-2107. doi:10.1111/add.15851
Booth G, Howarth A, Stubbs B and Ussher M (2022). The effectiveness of interventions and intervention components for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour in people with persistent musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Journal of Pain, 23(6): 929-957. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2021.11.004
Boyland E, McGale L, Maden M, Hounsome J, Boland A, Angus K and Jones A (2022). Association of food and nonalcoholic beverage marketing with children and adolescents' eating behaviors and health: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatrics, 76(7): e221037. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.1037
Jones D, Moodie C, Purves RI, Fitzgerald N and Crockett R (2022). The role of alcohol packaging as a health communications tool: An online cross-sectional survey and experiment with young adult drinkers in the United Kingdom. Drug and Alcohol Review, 41(5): 1206-1215. doi:10.1111/dar.13469
Wardle H, Kolesnikov A, Fiedler I, Critchlow N and Hunt K (2022 Online). Is the economic model of gambling dependent on problem gambling? Evidence from an online survey of regular sports bettors in Britain. International Gambling Studies, online 4th July. doi:10.1080/14459795.2022.2088823
Moodie C, Page N and Moore G (2022). Prevalence of menthol and menthol capsule cigarette use among 11-16 year olds in Wales prior to a ban on characterizing flavors in cigarettes: Findings from the 2019 Student Health and Wellbeing Survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 24(8): 1257-1263. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntac040
Jones D, Moodie C, Purves RI, Fitzgerald N and Crockett R (2022). Alcohol packaging as a promotional tool: A focus group study with young adult drinkers in Scotland. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 83(4): 565-573. doi:10.15288/jsad.2022.83.565
Martin JG, Giulianotti R, Bandura C, Morrow S, Hunt K, Bancroft A and Purves RI (2022). Stakeholder views of current laws surrounding alcohol at UK football matches: Is it a case of using a “sledgehammer to crack a nut”? International Journal of Drug Policy, 107: 103789. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103789
Robinson M, Templeton M, Kelly C, Grant D, Buston K, Hunt K and Lohan M (2022 Online). Addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights with men in prisons: co-production and feasibility testing of a relationship, sexuality and future fatherhood education programme. International Journal of Prisoner Health, online 18th July. doi:10.1108/IJPH-02-2022-0008
de Vocht F, McQuire C, Ferraro C, Williams P, Henney M, Angus C, Egan M, Mohan A, Purves R, Maani N, Shortt N, Mahon L, Crompton G, O’Donnell R, Nicholls J, Bauld L and Fitzgerald N (2022). Impact of public health team engagement in alcohol licensing on health and crime outcomes in England and Scotland: A comparative timeseries study between 2012 and 2019. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 20: 100450. doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2022.100450
Macaulay L, O’Dolan C, Avenell A, Carroll P, Cotton S, Dombrowski S, Elders A, Goulao B, Gray C, Harris FM, Hunt K, Kee F, MacLennan G, McDonald MD, McKinley M, Skinner R, Torrens C, Tod M, Turner K, van der Pol M and Hoddinott P (2022). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of text messages with or without endowment incentives for weight management in men with obesity (Game of Stones): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 23: 582. doi:10.1186/s13063-022-06504-5
Zulkifli A, Rani NLA, Abdul Mutalib RNS, Dobson R, Ibrahim TAE, Abd Latif NH, O’Donnell R, Uny I, Zainal Abidin E and Semple S (2022). Measuring secondhand smoke in homes in Malaysia: A feasibility study comparing indoor fine particulate (PM2.5) concentrations following an educational feedback intervention to create smoke-free homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 20(July): 64. doi: 10.18332/tid/150338
Wardle H, Critchlow N, Brown A, Donnachie C, Kolesnikov A and Hunt K (2022). The association between gambling marketing and unplanned gambling spend: Synthesised findings from two online cross-sectional surveys. Addictive Behaviors, 135: 107440. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2022.107440
Nicholls J, O’Donnell R, Mahon L and Fitzgerald N on behalf of the ExILEnS consortium (2022). ‘Give us the real tools to do our jobs’: views of UK stakeholders on the role of a public health objective for alcohol licensing. Public Health, 211: 122-127. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2022.07.006
Craig P, Campbell M, Bauman A, Deidda M, Dundas R, Fitzgerald N, Green J, Katikireddi SV, Lewsey J, Ogilvie D, de Vocht F and White M (2022). Making better use of natural experimental evaluation in population health. BMJ, 379: e070872. doi:10.1136/bmj-2022-070872
Yusof MZ, Cherrie JW, Samsuddin N and Semple S (2022). Mosquito control workers in Malaysia: Is lifetime occupational pesticide exposure associated with poorer neurobehavioral performance? Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 66(8): 1044-1055. doi:10.1093/annweh/wxac038
Jackson C, Al Azdi Z, Kellar I, Mdege ND, Fairhurst C, Ferdous T, Hewitt C, Huque R, Marshall AM, Semple S, Sheikh A, Siddiqi K and MCLASS II trial team (2022). “Everything the hujur tells is very educative but if I cannot apply those in my own life then there is no meaning”: a mixed-methods process evaluation of a smoke-free homes intervention in Bangladesh. BMC Public Health, 22: 1889. doi:10.1186/s12889-022-14283-6
Tappin D, Sinclair L, Kee F, McFadden M, Robinson-Smith L, Mitchell A, Keding A, Watson J, Watson S, Dick A, Torgerson D, Hewitt C, McKell J, Hoddinott P, Harris FM, Boyd KA, McMeekin N, Ussher M and Bauld L (2022). Effect of financial voucher incentives provided with UK stop smoking services on the cessation of smoking in pregnant women (CPIT III): pragmatic, multicentre, single blinded, phase 3, randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 379: e071522. doi:10.1136/bmj-2022-071522
Abdul Mutalib RNS, Rani NLA, Zulkifli A, Latif N, Dobson R, Ibrahim TA, Semple S, Abidin EZ, Uny I and O’Donnell R (2022 Online). Knowledge, beliefs and behaviors related to secondhand smoke and smoking in the home: a qualitative study with men in Malaysia. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, online 14th October. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntac239
Awokola B, Okello G, Johnson O, Dobson R, Ouédraogo AR, Dibba B, Ngahane M, Ndukwu C, Agunwa C, Marangu D, Lawin H, Ogugua I, Eze J, Nwosu N, Ofiaeli O, Ubuane P, Osman R, Awokola E, Erhart A, Mortimer K, Jewell C and Semple S (2022). Longitudinal ambient PM2.5 measurement at fifteen locations in eight sub-Saharan African countries using low-cost sensors. Atmosphere, 13(10): 1593. doi:10.3390/atmos13101593
den Daas C, Johnston M, Hubbard G, Dixon D, Cristea M, Davis A, Dobbie F, Fitzgerald N, Fleming L, Fraquharson B, Gorely T, Gray C, Grindle M, HarkessMurphy E, Hunt K, Ion R, Kidd L, Lansdown T, Macaden L, Maltinsky W, Mercer S, Murchie P, O'Carroll R, O'Donnell K, Ozakinci G, Pitkethly A, Reid K, Sidhva D, Stead M, Stewart ME, Tolson D, Thompson CW and Wyke S (2022 Online). An experimental COVID-19 messaging study in a representative sample of the Scottish population: Increasing physical distancing intentions through self-efficacy. British Journal of Health Psychology, online 1st November. doi:10.1111/bjhp.12632
Moodie C and O’Donnell R (2022). Reasons for using roll-your-own tobacco and perceptions of health-promoting pack inserts: A focus group study with roll-your-own tobacco smokers in Scotland. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 24(12): 1937-1944. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntac184
Leung J, Casswell S, Parker K, Huckle T, Romeo J, Graydon-Guy T, Byron K, Callinan S, Chaiyasong S, Gordon R, Harker N, MacKintosh AM, Meier P, Paraje G, Parry CD, Pham C, Williams PP, Randerson S, Schelleman-Offermans K, Sengee G, Torun P and van Dalen W (2022). Effective alcohol policies and lifetime abstinence: An analysis of the International Alcohol Control policy index. Drug and Alcohol Review, online 24th November. doi:10.1111/dar.13582
Wei S and Semple S (2022 Online). Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from non-tobacco sources in homes within high-income countries: a systematic review. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, online 28th November. doi:10.1007/s11869-022-01288-8
Stead M, Ford A, Eadie D, Biggs H, Elliott C, Ussher M, Bedford H, Angus K, Hunt K, MacKintosh AM, Jessop C and MacGregor A (2022). A “step too far” or “perfect sense”? A qualitative study of British adults’ views on mandating COVID-19 vaccination and vaccine passports. Vaccine, 40(51): 7389-7396. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.05.072
Critchlow N and Moodie C (2022). Awareness of alcohol marketing one year after initial implementation of Ireland’s Public Health (Alcohol) Act and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Health, 44(4): 537-547. doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdab353
Dobson R, Howell R, Boags A, Di Tano G, McBurney S, Rowa-Dewer N and O’Donnell R (2022). OP98 Reducing children's second-hand smoke exposure in socioeconomically disadvantaged homes during the pandemic: A mixed methods study involving community pharmacies. [Conference abstract] Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76(Suppl. 1): A48. doi:10.1136/jech-2022-SSMabstracts.97
Henderson E, Rodriguez Guerrero LA, Continente X, Fernández E, Tigova O, Cortés-Francisco N, Semple S, Dobson R, Tzortzi A, Vyzikidou VK, Gorini G, Geshanova G, Mons U, Przewozniak K, Precioso J, Brad R, López MJ and the TackSHS project Investigators (2022). Measurement of airborne nicotine, as a marker of secondhand smoke exposure, in homes with residents who smoke in 9 European countries. Environmental Research, 219: 115118. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2022.115118
McKell J, Harris FM, Sinclair L, Bauld L, Tappin DM and Hoddinott P (2022). Usual care in a multicentre randomised controlled trial of financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: qualitative findings from a mixed-methods process evaluation. BMJ Open, 12: e066494. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066494
Fitzgerald N and Cairney P (2022). National objectives, local policymaking: public health efforts to translate national legislation into local policy in Scottish alcohol licensing. Evidence & Policy, 18(4): 670-690. doi:10.1332/174426421X16397418342227
Dobson R, O’Donnell R, McGibbon M and Semple S (2022). Second-hand smoke exposure among home care workers (HCWs) in Scotland. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 67(2): 208-215. doi:10.1093/annweh/wxac066
Manca F, Parab R, Fitzgerald N and Lewsey J (2022). Evaluating the effect of minimum unit pricing for unit of alcohol on road traffic accidents in Scotland: a controlled interrupted time-series study. [Meeting abstract] The Lancet, 400: S10. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(22)02220-6
Loh M, Yaxley N, Moore G, Holmes D, Todd S, Smith A, Macdonald E, Semple S, Cherrie M, Patel M, Hamill R, Leckie A, Dancer SJ and Cherrie JW (2022). Measurement of SARS-CoV-2 in air and on surfaces in Scottish hospitals. The Journal of Hospital Infection, 133: 1-7. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2022.11.019