Academic articles 2006

Devlin E, Anderson S, Borland R, MacKintosh AM and Hastings GB (2006). Development of a research tool to monitor point-of-sale promotions. Social Marketing Quarterly, XII(1): 29-39.

Gordon R, McDermott L, Stead M and Angus K (2006). The effectiveness of social marketing interventions for health improvement: What's the evidence. Public Health120: 1133-1139.

Hastings G (2006). Ten promises to Terry: Towards a social marketing manifesto - Editorial. Health Education106(1): 5-8.

Hastings G and McDermott L (2006). Putting social marketing into practice. British Medical Journal332: 1210-1212.

Hastings G and McClean N (2006). Social marketing, smoking cessation and inequalities [Editorial]. Addiction101: 303-304.

Haw SJ, Gruer L, Amos A, Currie C, Fischbacher C, Fong GT, Hastings G, Malam S, Pell J, Scott C and Semple S (2006). Legislation on smoking in enclosed public places in Scotland: How will we evaluate the impact? Journal of Public Health,28(1): 24-30.

Logie-MacIver L, Piacentini M and Eadie D (2006). Coping with making and maintaining dietary change: A comparative study. In Karin Ekström and Helene Brembeck (eds), European Advances in Consumer Research7: 536-541. (ISBN: 0-915552-55-8).

McDermott L, O'Sullivan T, Stead M and Hastings G (2006). Food advertising, pester power and its effects.International Journal of Advertising25(4): 513-539.

Shaw D, Hogg G, Wilson E, Shiu E and Hassan L (2006). Fashion victim: The impact of fair trade concerns on clothing choice. Journal of Strategic Marketing14: 427-440.

Thomson JA, Hassan LM, Shiu EMK and Shaw D (2006). Enacting risk reduction: An examination of the volitional stages of smoking cessation. International Journal of Consumer Studies30(3): 256-270.

Thrasher JF, Chaloupka FJ, Hammond D, Fong G, Borland R, Hastings G and Cummings KM (2006). Evaluación de las políticas contra el tabaquismo en países lainoamericanos en la era del Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco ("Evaluation of tobacco control policies in Latin American countries during the era of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control"). Revista de Salud Pública de México48(SuppII): S155-S166.

Thrasher J, Chaloupka F, Hammond D, Fong G, Borland R, Hastings G, Cummings KM (2006). Fortalecimiento de la base de evidencia sobre politicas en contra de tabaquismo: Una estrategia para paises latinoamericanos en la era del Covenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco ("Strengthening the evidence base for tobacco control policy: A strategy for Latin American countries in the FCTC era"). Mexican Journal of Public Health, June.

The following 8 articles are from the Tobacco Control Special Issue (Vol 15, Supp 3) on the International Tobacco Control Project.

Fong GT, Cummings KM, Borland R, Hastings G, Hyland A, Giovino GA, Hammond D and Thompson ME (2006). The conceptual framework of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Policy Evaluation Project. Tobacco Control,15(Supplement 3): iii3-iii11.

Thompson MR, Fong GT, Hammond C, Boudreau C, Driezen P, Hyland A, Borland R, Cummings KM, Hastings G, Siahpush M, MacKintosh AM and Laux FL (2006). Methods of the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Tobacco Control15(Supplement 3): iii12-iii18.

Harris F, MacKintosh AM, Anderson S, Hastings G, Borland R, Fong GT, Hammond D, Cummings KM for the ITC Collaboration (2006). Effects of the 2003 advertising/promotion ban in the United Kingdom on awareness of tobacco marketing: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Tobacco Control,15(Supplement 3): iii26-iii33.

Borland R, Yong H-H, Siahpush M, Hyland A, Campbell S, Hastings G, Cummings KM and Fong GT (2006). Support for and reported compliance with smoke-free restaurants and bars by smokers in four countries: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Tobacco Control15(Supplement 3): iii34-iii41.

Borland R, Yong H-H, Cummings KM, Hyland A, Anderson S and Fong GT (2006). Determinants and consequences of smoke-free homes: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Tobacco Control,15(Supplement 3): iii42-iii50.

Fong GT, Hyland A, Borland R, Hammond D, Hastings G, McNeill A, Anderson S, Cummings KM, Allwright S, Mulcahy M, Howell F, Clancy L, Thompson ME, Connolly G, and Driezen P (2006). Reductions in tobacco smoke pollution and increases in support for smoke-free public places following the implementation of comprehensive smoke-free workplace legislation in the Republic of Ireland: Findings from the ITC Ireland/UK Survey. Tobacco Control15(Supplement 3): iii51-iii58.

Hyland A, Laux FL, Higbee C, Hastings G, Ross H, Chaloupka FJ, Fong GT and Cummings KM (2006). Cigarette purchase patterns in four countries and the relationship with cessation: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Tobacco Control15(Supplement 3): iii59-iii64.

Young D, Borland R, Hammond D, Cummings KM, Devlin E, Yong H-H, O'Connor RJ for the ITC Collaboration (2006). Prevalence and attributes of roll-your-own smokers in the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.Tobacco Control15(Supplement 3): iii76-iii82.