Dr Shane Mcleod

Former Impact Research Fellow


I research Scandinavian migration during the Viking Age, drawing upon migration theory and using a multi-disciplinary approach to assess likely embarkation points and migration routes, and assessing how the culture of the embarkation points may have affected the acculturation processes in the new 'home'. This work has resulted in numerous publications, including The Beginning of Scandinavian Settlement in England: The Viking Great Army and Early Settlers (Brepols 2014), and a forthcoming (in press for 2019) book chapter: 'Shieldmaidens in Anglo-Saxon England' and journal article: 'Human Sacrifice in Viking-Age Britain and Ireland'. I am currently researching the logistics of the movement and winter camps of the Viking great army, including the campaign in Scotland in 874-5, and the relationship between Scandinavian settlers and the Community of St Cuthbert.


My Stirling project — Viking Funeralscapes — resulted in an online database of Scandinavian burials in Scotland, with an emphasis upon viewsheds and visibility, and their location in relation to other natural and man-made landscape features. A side project with two colleagues explored performative and emotional aspects of early medieval funerals in their landscape setting.


​E-mail: shane.McLeod@utas.edu.au