Book Chapter
Primary physical education and its complex puzzle of diversity
Murray A & Adams S (2022) Primary physical education and its complex puzzle of diversity. In: Doull K (ed.) Teaching a Diverse Primary Curriculum. First ed. London: Sage, pp. 105-114.
Climate change, sustainability and the environment: the continued importance of biological education
Rushton EAC & Walshe N (2022) Climate change, sustainability and the environment: the continued importance of biological education. Journal of Biological Education, 56 (3), pp. 243-244.
The 'Iron Cage' of Educational Bureaucracy
Humes W (2022) The 'Iron Cage' of Educational Bureaucracy. British Journal of Educational Studies, 70 (2), pp. 235-253.
Contextualising Further Education Governance In Northern Ireland: History, Policy And Practice
Husband G & Ireland A (2022) Contextualising Further Education Governance In Northern Ireland: History, Policy And Practice. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 27 (3), pp. 351-372.
How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK?
Ireland A, Pennacchia J, Watson C & Bathmaker A (2022) How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK?. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (4), pp. 561-573.
'Talk about the questions of the day, shun them not': three late Victorian voices on the place of history in English schools
Smith J (2022) 'Talk about the questions of the day, shun them not': three late Victorian voices on the place of history in English schools. History of Education, 51 (2), pp. 167-183.
Research Report
Telling Data Stories: developing an online tool for participatory speculative fiction
Wilson A, Ross J, McKie J, Collier A & Lockley P (2022) Telling Data Stories: developing an online tool for participatory speculative fiction. SAGE. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. London: SAGE Publications.
Surveillance practices, risks and responses in the post pandemic university
Beetham H, Collier A, Czerniewicz L, Lamb B, Lin Y, Ross J, Scott A & Wilson A (2022) Surveillance practices, risks and responses in the post pandemic university. Digital Culture and Education, 14 (1), pp. 16-37.
Book Chapter
The use of art to analyze learning practices in pharmacy and to inform assessment and intervention practices
Edwards RM & I'Anson J (2022) The use of art to analyze learning practices in pharmacy and to inform assessment and intervention practices. In: Desselle S, Cardenas V, Anderson C, Chen T, Chen A & Aslani P (eds.) Contemporary Research Methods in Pharmacy and Health Services. London: Academic Press, pp. 233-260.
Physical Literacy and Intentionality: Embodied Beckoning
Durden-Myers EJ, Bartle G, Whitehead ME & Dhillon KK (2022) Physical Literacy and Intentionality: Embodied Beckoning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 92 (9), pp. 42-49.
Book Chapter
Curriculum Making and Teacher Agency
Priestley M, Philippou S, Alvunger D & Soini T (2022) Curriculum Making and Teacher Agency. In: Tierney R, Rizvi F & Ercikan K (eds.) Elsevier International Encyclopaedia of Education. 4th ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Exploring the Notion of Literacy Within Physical Literacy: A Discussion Paper
Durden-Myers EJ, Bartle G, Whitehead ME & Dhillon KK (2022) Exploring the Notion of Literacy Within Physical Literacy: A Discussion Paper. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, Art. No.: 853247.
"They're coming into school hungry, they're not ready to learn". Scottish teachers' perceptions of marginalization in school mathematics
Xenofontos C & Hizli Alkan S (2022) "They're coming into school hungry, they're not ready to learn". Scottish teachers' perceptions of marginalization in school mathematics. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 18 (6), Art. No.: em2116.
Four arenas of school-based participation: towards a heuristic for children's rights-informed educational practice
Mannion G, Sowerby M & I’Anson J (2022) Four arenas of school-based participation: towards a heuristic for children's rights-informed educational practice. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 43 (1), pp. 30-47.
Book Chapter
Formalised Peer-Support for Early Career Researchers: potential for resistance and genuine exchanges
Thériault V, Beck A, Mouroutsou S & Billmayer J (2022) Formalised Peer-Support for Early Career Researchers: potential for resistance and genuine exchanges. In: Addison M, Breeze M & Taylor Y (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education. London: Palgrave, pp. 241-257.
Research Report
An empirical evaluation of ‘big questions’ as an organisational framework for interdisciplinary social studies in a Scottish high school
Doyle S & Smith J (2022) An empirical evaluation of ‘big questions’ as an organisational framework for interdisciplinary social studies in a Scottish high school. BERA. London.
Reflecting on 'classroom readiness' in initial teacher education in a time of global pandemic from the perspectives of eight university providers from across England, UK
Rushton EA, Murtagh L, Ball-Smith C, Black B, Dunlop L, Gibbons S, Ireland K, Morse R, Reading C & Scott C (2022) Reflecting on 'classroom readiness' in initial teacher education in a time of global pandemic from the perspectives of eight university providers from across England, UK. Journal of Education for Teaching, 49 (4), pp. 551-568.
Researching inequality and lifelong education from 1982 to 2020: A critical review
Ilieva-Trichkova P, Galloway S, Schmidt-Hertha B, Guo S, Larson A, Duckworth V & Maruatona T (2022) Researching inequality and lifelong education from 1982 to 2020: A critical review. International Journal of Lifelong Education.
Teacher and youth priorities for education for environmental sustainability: A co-created manifesto
Dunlop L, Rushton EAC, Atkinson L, Ayre J, Bullivant A, Essex J, Price L, Smith A, Summer M, Stubbs JE, Diepen MT & Wood L (2022) Teacher and youth priorities for education for environmental sustainability: A co-created manifesto. British Educational Research Journal, 48 (5), pp. 952-973.
Language education for social justice: Reproductions or disruptions through technology
Yılmaz A & Söğüt S (2022) Language education for social justice: Reproductions or disruptions through technology. Computers and Education, 187, Art. No.: 104535.
Researching with, on, in and through the postdigital: New presences and absences
Thompson T (2022) Researching with, on, in and through the postdigital: New presences and absences. Carnet Users Conference 2022 Opening Up in a Closed World: Scientific Research Section, Sibenik, Croatia, 26.10.2022.
From the Editors
Smith J & Doherty R (2022) From the Editors. Smith J (Editor) & Doherty R (Editor) Scottish Educational Review, 54 (1), pp. 1-2.
Website Content
The “impractical wisdom” of the Early Career Framework.
Murtagh L, Dawes L, Rushton E & Ball-Smith C (2022) The “impractical wisdom” of the Early Career Framework.. BERA Blog [Blog post] 05.10.2022.
What enables student geography teachers to thrive during their PGCE year and beyond?
Rushton E, Nayeri C, Beardmore Crowther D, Griffiths L, Newell P, Sayliss Z, Wise J & Zeina A (2022) What enables student geography teachers to thrive during their PGCE year and beyond?. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 46 (4), pp. 628-637.
Curricula from the past, in the present and for the future?
Philippou S & Priestley M (2022) Curricula from the past, in the present and for the future?. Curriculum Journal, 33 (3), pp. 341-345.
Website Content
Understanding and mitigating the impact of Covid-19 disruption on trainee and early career teachers in secondary schools.
Steadman S & Rushton E (2022) Understanding and mitigating the impact of Covid-19 disruption on trainee and early career teachers in secondary schools.. BERA Blog [Blog post] 23.09.2022.
Resilience in mathematics education research: A systematic review of empirical studies
Xenofontos C & Mouroutsou S (2022) Resilience in mathematics education research: A systematic review of empirical studies. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
A Collective biography of the curriculum of learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Cooper E, Zhang Z, Heydon R, Chen L, Floyd LA, Ghannoum H, Ibdah S, Massouti A, Shen J & Swesi H (2022) A Collective biography of the curriculum of learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Educational Research Association, Liverpool, England, 06.09.2022-08.09.2022.
The sensorium and fleshy schools
Page D & Sidebottom K (2022) The sensorium and fleshy schools. British Educational Research Journal, 48 (4), pp. 771-784.
Research Report
Understanding and mitigating the impact of Covid-19 disruption on trainee and early career teachers in secondary schools
Steadman S, Rushton E, Gibbons S & Sreenan N (2022) Understanding and mitigating the impact of Covid-19 disruption on trainee and early career teachers in secondary schools. King's College London Funded by ESRC. London.
Website Content
Where’s the geography? The importance of geography to disciplinary debates about, and teaching in, education.
Hammond L, Rushton E & Puttick S (2022) Where’s the geography? The importance of geography to disciplinary debates about, and teaching in, education.. BERA Blog [Blog post] 19.07.2022.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Making academic reading visible through the reading pedagogies of equity project: The curriculum
Heydon R, Akiwenzie L, Cooper E, Johns B, McKenzie P, McKee L, Poczobut S, Ruthes Coelho C & Zhang Z (2022) Making academic reading visible through the reading pedagogies of equity project: The curriculum. UKLA International Conference, Birmingham, England, 01.07.2022-03.07.2022.
Research Report
Ramjan C, Hennessy A & Priestley A (2022) THE YOUNG STEM LEADER PROGRAMME Programme Evaluation. SSERC. Stirling.
Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors-Network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology
Lee E, de Lannoy L, Li L, de Barros MIA, Bentsen P, Brussoni M, Fiskum TA, Guerrero M, Hallås BO, Ho S, Jordan C, Leather M, Mannion G, Moore SA, Sandseter EBH, Spencer NLI, Waite S, Wang P & Tremblay MS (2022) Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors-Network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19 (1), Art. No.: 66.
Minority language education: Reconciling the tensions of language revitalisation and the benefits of bilingualism
Peace‐Hughes T (2022) Minority language education: Reconciling the tensions of language revitalisation and the benefits of bilingualism. Children & Society, 36 (3), pp. 336-353.
How does research reach teachers? An agenda for investigating research mobilities in primary literacy education
Burnett C, Gillen J, Guest I, Maxwell B & Thompson TL (2022) How does research reach teachers? An agenda for investigating research mobilities in primary literacy education. Literacy.
Making the impossible, possible. Lessons learnt to ensure embodied physical education teacher education within COVID-19 times and beyond, regardless of the learning medium
Howells K, Murray A, Pearson J & Whewell E (2022) Making the impossible, possible. Lessons learnt to ensure embodied physical education teacher education within COVID-19 times and beyond, regardless of the learning medium. PRACTICE, 4 (2), pp. 125-135.
Book Review
Review of Lesley Gourlay (2021). Posthumanism and the Digital University: Texts, Bodies and Materialities: London: Bloomsbury. 191 pp. ISBN 9781350038172 (Hardcover)
Thompson TL (2022) Review of Lesley Gourlay (2021). Posthumanism and the Digital University: Texts, Bodies and Materialities: London: Bloomsbury. 191 pp. ISBN 9781350038172 (Hardcover). Postdigital Science and Education, 4, pp. 612-617.
Children, childhoods and bilingualism: Exploring experiences, perspectives and policies
Peace‐Hughes T, Cohen BJ, Jamieson L & Tisdall EKM (2022) Children, childhoods and bilingualism: Exploring experiences, perspectives and policies. Children & Society, 36 (3), pp. 301-304.
Education for Environmental Sustainability and the Emotions: Implications for Educational Practice
Dunlop L & Rushton EAC (2022) Education for Environmental Sustainability and the Emotions: Implications for Educational Practice. Sustainability, 14 (8), p. 4441.
Philippou S & Priestley M (2022) Editorial. Curriculum Journal, 33 (1), pp. 1-4.
"Are we making a quilt, with lots of ill-fitting cloths in here?": Teachers' internal conversations on curriculum making
Alkan SH (2022) "Are we making a quilt, with lots of ill-fitting cloths in here?": Teachers' internal conversations on curriculum making. Journal of Educational Change.
Book Chapter
Learning spaces: built, natural and digital considerations for learning and learners
Kraftl P, McKenzie M, Gulson K, Accioly I, Blackmore J, Burke C, Perrotta C, Clarke DAG, Daniels H, Olmo Fregoso Bailon R, Goodyear V, Goodyear P, Gunasekara I, Hartong S & Mannion G (2022) Learning spaces: built, natural and digital considerations for learning and learners [Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment.]. In: Duraiappah AK, van Atteveldt NM, Borst G, Bugden S, Ergas O, Gilead T, Gupta L, Mercier J, Pugh K, Singh NC & Vickers EA (eds.) Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment. New Dehli: UNESCO, pp. 452-549.
Newspaper / Magazine
Muir report could 'break the mould' in Scottish education
Priestley M (2022) Muir report could 'break the mould' in Scottish education. TES Magazine. 14.03.2022.
Presentation / Talk
The ethics of knowledge in curriculum design
Smith J (2022) The ethics of knowledge in curriculum design., 04.03.2022.
The potential of ethnographic drama in the representation, interpretation, and democratization of sociolinguistic research
Blackledge A & Creese A (2022) The potential of ethnographic drama in the representation, interpretation, and democratization of sociolinguistic research. Journal of Sociolinguistics.
Methodologies for decolonising geography curricula in the secondary school and in initial teacher education
Rushton E & Nayeri C (2022) Methodologies for decolonising geography curricula in the secondary school and in initial teacher education. London Review of Education, 20 (1).
Website Content
The place of education in the government’s draft sustainability and climate change strategy.
Rushton E & Dunlop L (2022) The place of education in the government’s draft sustainability and climate change strategy.. BERA Blog [Blog post] 02.02.2022.
Book Chapter
Intergenerational singing and wellbeing
Heydon R, Eaton C, Black S, Cooper E & O'Neill S (2022) Intergenerational singing and wellbeing. In: Heydon R, Fancourt D & Cohen AJ (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume III: Wellbeing. Routledge.
Making waves: A cross-study analysis of young people’s participation arenas in Scotland’s schools
Cross B, Mannion G & Shanks R (2022) Making waves: A cross-study analysis of young people’s participation arenas in Scotland’s schools. Childhood, 29 (1), pp. 75-93.
Oberholzer L & Hill R (2022) Editorial. Management in Education, 36 (1), pp. 3-4.
Prospective Primary Teachers' Professional Noticing in Non-Formal Learning Environments: The Case of a Mathematics Fair
Xenofontos C & Hizli Alkan S (2022) Prospective Primary Teachers' Professional Noticing in Non-Formal Learning Environments: The Case of a Mathematics Fair. Education Sciences, 12 (1), Art. No.: 55.
An innovative method of data analysis: Using art as a lens through which to view pharmacy undergraduate students' learning and assessment practices
Edwards RM & I'Anson J (2022) An innovative method of data analysis: Using art as a lens through which to view pharmacy undergraduate students' learning and assessment practices. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18 (1), pp. 2213-2221.
Book Chapter
Mentoring Through Dialogue
Mackie L (2022) Mentoring Through Dialogue. In: Eady S, Essex J, Livingston K & McColl M (eds.) Mentoring Teachers in Scotland: A Practical Guide. 1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge.
Youth co-authorship as public engagement with geoengineering
Dunlop L, Rushton E, Atkinson L, Cornelissen E, De Schrijver J, Stadnyk T, Stubbs J, Su C, Turkenburg-van Diepen M, Veneu F, Blake C, Calvert S, Dècle C, Dhassi K, Edwards R, Malaj G, Mirjanić J, Saunders W, Sinkovec Y, Vellekoop S & Yuan X (2022) Youth co-authorship as public engagement with geoengineering. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 12 (1), pp. 60-74.
Consultancy Report
Virtual guidelines for EarlyON & family centres: Early childhood development and learning
Heydon R, Akiwenzie E, Cooper E, Ghannoum H, Havord-Wier D, Johns B, MacAlpine K, McKee L, Nagle J, Neeganagwedgin E, Pawlick-Potts D, Poczobut S, Ruthes Coelho C, Stooke R, Tran A & Zhang Z (2022) Virtual guidelines for EarlyON & family centres: Early childhood development and learning . City of London (Ontario, Canada).
Book Chapter
Surveillance contexts in 19th-century British mental healthcare: A study of adverts in The Times
Wiegand V (2021) Surveillance contexts in 19th-century British mental healthcare: A study of adverts in The Times. In: The Role of Context in the Production and Reception of Historical News Discourse. Linguistic Insights, 283. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 287-312.
Authored Book
Science Education and Teacher Professional Development: Combining Learning with Research
A. C. Rushton E (2021) Science Education and Teacher Professional Development: Combining Learning with Research. Palgrave Studies in Alternative Educatin. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Middle and high school science teacher identity considered through the lens of the social identity approach: a systematic review of the literature
Rushton EAC & Reiss MJ (2021) Middle and high school science teacher identity considered through the lens of the social identity approach: a systematic review of the literature. Studies in Science Education, 57 (2), pp. 141-203.
Toward a reflexive mathematics education within local and global relations: Thinking from critical scholarship on mathematics education within the sociopolitical, global citizenship education and decoloniality
le Roux K & Swanson DM (2021) Toward a reflexive mathematics education within local and global relations: Thinking from critical scholarship on mathematics education within the sociopolitical, global citizenship education and decoloniality. Research in Mathematics Education, 23 (3), pp. 323-337.
Book Chapter
Curriculum making: key concepts and practices
Priestley M & Xenofontos C (2021) Curriculum making: key concepts and practices. In: Biddulph J & Flutter J (eds.) Inspiring Primary Curriculum Design. Unlocking Research. London: Routledge.
Conference Paper (published)
(Re)imagining spatialities for equity in mathematics education
le Roux K & Swanson DM (2021) (Re)imagining spatialities for equity in mathematics education. In: Kollosche D (ed.) Exploring new ways to connect: Pro-ceedings of the Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference, volume 2. Mathematics Education and Society Conference 11, Klagenfurt, Austria, 24.09.2021-29.09.2021. Hamburg, Germany: Tredition, pp. 603-612.
Postpartum opportunistic advice in primary care for women who have had gestational diabetes: a qualitative study of health care professionals' views
Evans JMM, Ireland AV, Cameron DM, Clarke KM & Eades CE (2021) Postpartum opportunistic advice in primary care for women who have had gestational diabetes: a qualitative study of health care professionals' views. BMC Family Practice, 22 (1), Art. No.: 209.
Book Chapter
Leadership, Management, and Governance in Early Childhood Education (Canada)
Cooper E & McKee L (2021) Leadership, Management, and Governance in Early Childhood Education (Canada). In: Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies Country Pages. London: Bloomsbury.
The Ghosts of Lilith: Haunting narratives of witness and the postcolonial poetry of Shivanee Ramlochan
Darroch F & Jasper A (2021) The Ghosts of Lilith: Haunting narratives of witness and the postcolonial poetry of Shivanee Ramlochan. Literature and Theology, 35 (4), pp. 433-448.
An interview with Mayra Rivera: Postcolonial women's writing and material religion
Rivera M, Jasper A & Darroch F (2021) An interview with Mayra Rivera: Postcolonial women's writing and material religion. Literature and Theology, 35 (4), pp. 383-395.
APA formatting [Workshop presentation]
Cooper E (2021) APA formatting [Workshop presentation]. Writing Commons workshop, Western University, Canada, 2021.
Book Chapter
Syrian Refugee Children’s Language Learning: A Multiple Case Study in the Turkish Context
Yilmaz A & Smyser HM (2021) Syrian Refugee Children’s Language Learning: A Multiple Case Study in the Turkish Context. In: Warriner DS (ed.) Refugee Education across the Lifespan: Mapping Experiences of Language Learning and Use. Educational Linguistics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 35-55.
Introduction to Special Issue on Postcolonial Women's Writing and Material Religion: New Directions
Darroch F & Jasper A (2021) Introduction to Special Issue on Postcolonial Women's Writing and Material Religion: New Directions. Literature and Theology, 35 (4), pp. 379-382.
Book Chapter
Two concepts of power: Knowledge (re)production in English history education discourse
Smith J & Jackson D (2021) Two concepts of power: Knowledge (re)production in English history education discourse. In: Chapman A (ed.) Knowing History in Schools: Powerful knowledge and the powers of knowledge. Knowledge and the Curriculum. London: UCL Press, pp. 152-176.
Meeting ontologies: actor-network theory as part of a methodologically heterogeneous research project
Oosterhoff A, Thompson TL, Oenema-Mostert I & Minnaert A (2021) Meeting ontologies: actor-network theory as part of a methodologically heterogeneous research project. Studies in Continuing Education, 43 (3), pp. 377-392.
Translanguaging as ideology: Responding to social and linguistic diversity in the classroom of Japanese as a heritage language schools in England
Mulvey N (2021) Translanguaging as ideology: Responding to social and linguistic diversity in the classroom of Japanese as a heritage language schools in England. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 31 (2), pp. 236-259.
The effects of managerialism in higher education on doctoral theorising: time to think?
Pratt N & Shaughnessy J (2021) The effects of managerialism in higher education on doctoral theorising: time to think?. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 42 (8), pp. 1123-1138.
Project Report
Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: Uncovering the complexities of governing
Watson C, Husband G, Hill R, Ireland A, Gilbert E, Bathmaker A, Pennacchia J, James D & Gardner S (2021) Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: Uncovering the complexities of governing. ESRC. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Book Chapter
Article 29 and its translation into policy and practice in Scotland: an impossible right to education?
I'Anson J (2021) Article 29 and its translation into policy and practice in Scotland: an impossible right to education?. In: Gillett-Swan J & Thelander N (eds.) Children's Rights from International Educational Perspectives. Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research, 2. Utrecht: Springer International Publishing.
Newspaper / Magazine
What is it to think and practice educationally? The Three Elements Heuristic
I’Anson J & Jasper A (2021) What is it to think and practice educationally? The Three Elements Heuristic. SERA Theory and Philosophy of Education Network Bulletin. 2021.
Stewardship and beyond? Young people’s lived experience of conservation activities in school grounds
Ruck A & Mannion G (2021) Stewardship and beyond? Young people’s lived experience of conservation activities in school grounds. Environmental Education Research, 27 (10), pp. 1502-1516.
Book Chapter
A more-than-human approach to researching AI at work: Alternative narratives for human and AI co-workers
Thompson TL & Graham B (2021) A more-than-human approach to researching AI at work: Alternative narratives for human and AI co-workers. In: Bonderup Dohn N, Jørgen Hansen J, Børsen Hansen S, Ryberg T & de Laat M (eds.) Conceptualizing and innovating education and work with networked learning. Research in Networked Learning. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 171-187.
Power, policy and personality in Scottish education 1885-1928
Humes W (2021) Power, policy and personality in Scottish education 1885-1928. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 53 (3-4), pp. 233-248.
Global Citizenship Education / Learning for Sustainability: tensions, 'flaws', and contradictions as critical moments of possibility and radical hope in educating for alternative futures
Swanson DM & Gamal EM (2021) Global Citizenship Education / Learning for Sustainability: tensions, 'flaws', and contradictions as critical moments of possibility and radical hope in educating for alternative futures. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 19 (4), pp. 456-469.
Constructions and purposes of school leadership in the UK
Woods PA, Torrance D, Donnelly C, Hamilton T, Jones K & Potter I (2021) Constructions and purposes of school leadership in the UK. School Leadership and Management, 41 (1-2), pp. 152-170.
Take your AI for coffee: Critically knowing AI co-workers
Thompson T (2021) Take your AI for coffee: Critically knowing AI co-workers. Empowering Learners for the Age of AI Conference, Australia / online, 07.12.2021.
Exploring How Performativity Influences the Culture of Secondary Schooling in Scotland
Peace-Hughes T (2021) Exploring How Performativity Influences the Culture of Secondary Schooling in Scotland. British Journal of Educational Studies, 69 (3), pp. 267-286.
Mathematics teachers and social justice: A systematic review of empirical studies
Xenofontos C, Fraser S, Priestley A & Priestley M (2021) Mathematics teachers and social justice: A systematic review of empirical studies. Oxford Review of Education, 47 (2), pp. 135-151.
Elite Girls' 21st Century Schooling in Scotland: Habitus Clive in a Shifting Landscape
Forbes J, Maxwell C & McCartney E (2021) Elite Girls' 21st Century Schooling in Scotland: Habitus Clive in a Shifting Landscape. British Journal of Educational Studies, 69 (3), pp. 287-306.
Recontextualisation and advocacy in the translation zone
Blackledge A & Creese A (2021) Recontextualisation and advocacy in the translation zone. Text and Talk, 41 (1), pp. 1-21.
Book Chapter
Universities as Catalysts of Post-Covid Recovery and Renewal in Communities
Gardner J (2021) Universities as Catalysts of Post-Covid Recovery and Renewal in Communities. In: Bergan S, Gallagher T, Harkavy I, Munck R & Van't Land H (eds.) Building a More Sustainable and Democratic Future: Higher Education's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Council of Europe Higher Education Series, 25. Brussels: Council of Europe Publications.
Edited Book
Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts.
Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) (2021) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts.. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
Book Chapter
Curriculum Making: A conceptual framing
Priestley M, Philippou S, Alvunger D & Soini T (2021) Curriculum Making: A conceptual framing. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 1-27.;
Book Chapter
Curriculum reform in Scottish Education: Discourse, Narrative and Enactment
Humes W & Priestley M (2021) Curriculum reform in Scottish Education: Discourse, Narrative and Enactment. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 175-198.
Book Chapter
Conclusions: Patterns and trends in curriculum making in Europe
Alvunger D, Soini T, Philippou S & Priestley M (2021) Conclusions: Patterns and trends in curriculum making in Europe. In: Priestley M, Alvunger D, Philippou S & Soini T (eds.) Curriculum making in Europe: policy and practice within and across diverse contexts. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd, pp. 273-293.