Book Chapter
Smith J (2024) History in the Curriculum. In: Rata E (ed.) Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. Elgar, pp. 354-367.
Book Chapter
Smith J (2024) History in the Curriculum. In: Rata E (ed.) Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. Elgar, pp. 354-367.
Project Report
Engaging with Research: Briefing for Teachers
Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, Černáková A, Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) Engaging with Research: Briefing for Teachers. Thompson T (Work Package Leader) ESRC. Sheffield Hallam University.
Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, Čermáková A, Ben Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) Research Mobilities in Primary Literacy Education: Interrogating How Teachers Encounter Research in An Age of Evidence-Based Teaching. Routledge.;
Madrid Miranda R, Aravena F, Cristina Prado de Oliveira A & Pineda-Báez C (2024) Reimagining professional development for school leaders in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia: an examination of current approaches and future directions. Professional Development in Education.
Dunlop L, Rushton EAC, Agar H, Chubb K, Cirelli M, Dafe C, Forbes L, Lyell M, Rosca N, Hurst OY, Yuan X, Turkenburg-Van Diepen M, Stubbs J & Clayton S (2024) Reflections on enabling intergenerational dialogue about climate interventions through deliberative methods. Children's Geographies.
Project Report
Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children: Phase 2 Middle Childhood
Whincup H, Cusworth L, Grant M, Jacobs P, Hooper J, Critchley A, Hennessy A & Matthews B (2024) Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children: Phase 2 Middle Childhood. Nuffield Foundation. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Take your AI for coffee: Meeting our AI co-workers
Thompson T (2024) Take your AI for coffee: Meeting our AI co-workers. Scottish Professional Learning Institute, Scotland / online, 15.05.2024.
Modernism, modernity and contemporality: conceptualizing the modern in Scotland’s modern studies
Smith J (2024) Modernism, modernity and contemporality: conceptualizing the modern in Scotland’s modern studies. Journal of Curriculum Studies, pp. 1-17.
[Birdsong]: Pedagogies of Attunement and Surrender with More-than-Human Teachers
Sidebottom K & Mycroft L (2024) [Birdsong]: Pedagogies of Attunement and Surrender with More-than-Human Teachers. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 40 (2), pp. 143-156.
The Humanism of the Other in Sociolinguistic Ethnography
Creese A (2024) The Humanism of the Other in Sociolinguistic Ethnography. Applied Linguistics Review.
Project Report
Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, Čermáková A, Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) How does research about literacy education move to, among and around teachers? Briefing for Policy Makers. Thompson TL (Work Package Leader). Sheffield Hallam University.
Project Report
Making connections between research and practice: Briefing for School/Trust Leaders
Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, Čermaková A, Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) Making connections between research and practice: Briefing for School/Trust Leaders. Thompson T (Work Package Leader) ESRC. Sheffield Hallam University.
Project Report
Investigating research mobilities: A methods resource
Ĉermákóva A, Adams G, Burnett C, Gillen J, Thompson T, Shannon D, Shetty P & Vackova P (2024) Investigating research mobilities: A methods resource. ESRC. Sheffield Hallam University.
Project Report
Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, Čermáková A, Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) How does research about literacy education move to, among and around teachers? Briefing for Teacher Educators. Thompson T (Work Package Leader). Sheffield Hallam University.
Project Report
Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, Čermáková A, Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) How does research about literacy education move to, among and around teachers? Briefing for Independent Consultants. Thompson TL (Work Package Leader). Sheffield Hallam University.
Project Report
How does research move to, among and around teachers? Briefing for Researchers
Burnett C, Adams G, Gillen J, Thompson TL, Čermáková A, Shannon D & Shetty P (2024) How does research move to, among and around teachers? Briefing for Researchers. Thompson T (Work Package Leader). Sheffield Hallam University.
Rushton E (2024) Responding to the moral complexities of climate change education through intergenerational dialogue in teacher education. Journal of Moral Education.
Tomaz SA, Taylor L, Ryde GC, Bradwell HL, Cooper L, Coffee P, Mannion G, Hennessy C, Haynes R, Whittaker AC & GOALD Project (2024) Generations Active Together: An Example of Using Physical Activity Promotion and Digital Technology to Bring Together Adolescents and Older People in Stirling, Scotland. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.
Fostering teacher agency in school-based climate change education in England, UK
Rushton E, Dunlop L & Atkinson L (2024) Fostering teacher agency in school-based climate change education in England, UK. Curriculum Journal.
Smith JB, Klumbytė G, Sidebottom K, Dillard‐Wright J, Willis E, Brown BB & Hopkins‐Walsh J (2024) We all care, ALL the time. Nursing Inquiry, 31 (1), Art. No.: e12572.
What role can 'public switching' play in researching public perceptions of controversial issues?
Dunlop L, Rushton EAC, Clayton S, Essex J, Stubbs J & Turkenburg-Van Diepen M (2024) What role can 'public switching' play in researching public perceptions of controversial issues?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.
Early career teacher mentoring in England: a case study of compliance and mediation
Murtagh L, Dawes L, Rushton EAC & Ball-Smith C (2024) Early career teacher mentoring in England: a case study of compliance and mediation. Professional Development in Education.
Book Chapter
Diversifying the history curriculum in England: a slow (r)evolution
Burn K, Harris R & Smith J (2024) Diversifying the history curriculum in England: a slow (r)evolution. In: Moncrieffe M, Rost AO, Kustatscher M & Fakunle O (eds.) The BERA Guide to Decolonising the Curriculum.
Gandolfi HE, Rushton EAC, Fernandes Silva L & Sarti da Silva Carvalho MB (2024) Teacher educators and environmental justice: conversations about education for environmental justice between science and geography teacher educators based in England and Brazil. Cultural Studies of Science Education.
Gandolfi H, Glowach T, Walker L, Walker S & Rushton E (2024) Exploring decolonial and anti‐racist perspectives in teacher education and curriculum through dialogue. Curriculum Journal.
Fyssa A, Tsakiri M & Mouroutsou S (2023) Pursuing early childhood inclusion through reinforcing partnerships with parents of disabled children: beliefs of Greek pre-service early childhood educators. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 31 (1), pp. 34-50.
An exploration of context and learning in endurance sports coaching
Kirkland A & Cowley J (2023) An exploration of context and learning in endurance sports coaching. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5, Art. No.: 1147475.
Book Chapter
Chapman A & Smith J (2023) Narration and Equivocation: Locating State, Nation and Empire in the Pre-university History Examination Syllabi of England and Scotland. In: History Education at the Edge of the Nation: Political Autonomy, Educational Reforms, and Memory-shaping in European Periphery. Global Histories of Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 245-272.
Research Report
Enhancing climate change education in Iraq. A report for the British Council
Rushton E & Greer K (2023) Enhancing climate change education in Iraq. A report for the British Council. British Council. London.
Edited Book
Becoming a Teacher 6th Edition
Gibbons S, Glackin M, Rushton E, Towers E & Brock R (eds.) (2023) Becoming a Teacher 6th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill.
Book Chapter
Teacher identity: developing a positive professional identity in your teaching career.
Rushton E & Towers E (2023) Teacher identity: developing a positive professional identity in your teaching career.. In: Gibbons S, Glackin M, Rushton E, Towers E & Brock R (eds.) Becoming a Teacher. 6 ed. New York: McGraw Hill.
Book Chapter
The pastoral role of a teacher
Jones J & Rushton E (2023) The pastoral role of a teacher. In: Gibbons S, Glackin M, Rushton E, Towers E & Brock R (eds.) New York: McGraw Hill.
Wheels Up: Spiral progression pedagogy towards creative movers using wheels
Murray AM & Howells K (2023) Wheels Up: Spiral progression pedagogy towards creative movers using wheels. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 12 (1), pp. 54-78, Art. No.: 3.
Ncube S, Wilson A, Petersen L, Black G, Abrams A, Carden K, Dick L, Dickie J, Gibson L, Hamilton-Smith N, Ireland A, Lamb G, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Piper L & Swanson D (2023) Understanding resilience capitals, agency and habitus in household experiences of water scarcity, floods and fire in marginalized settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8 (1), Art. No.: 100710.
Living the life of floods: place-based learning in an Anthropocene harmscape
Dickie J, Wilson A, Dick L, Ncube S, Abrams A, Black G, Blair N, Carden K, Hamilton-Smith N, Lamb G, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Petersen L & Robertson G (2023) Living the life of floods: place-based learning in an Anthropocene harmscape. Geoforum, 147, Art. No.: 103914.
Outcomes of immigrant children in Scotland under Curriculum for Excellence
Shapira M, Priestley M, Barnett C & Peace-Hughes T (2023) Outcomes of immigrant children in Scotland under Curriculum for Excellence. Research Intelligence, (157), pp. 20-21. BERA Research Intelligence.
Physical-Literacy-Enriched Physical Education: A Capabilities Perspective
Durden-Myers E & Bartle G (2023) Physical-Literacy-Enriched Physical Education: A Capabilities Perspective. Children, 10 (9), Art. No.: 1503.
Returning the data gaze in higher education
Thompson TL & Prinsloo P (2023) Returning the data gaze in higher education. Learning, Media and Technology, 48 (1), pp. 153-165.
Book Chapter
Researching with, on, in and through the postdigital: Accounting for more-than-humanness
Thompson T (2023) Researching with, on, in and through the postdigital: Accounting for more-than-humanness. In: Jandric P, MacKenzie A & Knox J (eds.) Postdigital research: Genealogies, challenges, and future perspectives. 1 ed. Postdigital Science and Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 231-247.
Consultancy Report
Global priorities for enhancing school-based climate change and sustainability education
Rushton E, Sharp S & Walshe N (2023) Global priorities for enhancing school-based climate change and sustainability education. British Council.;
Exploring Curriculum Making in Scottish Secondary Schools: Trends and Effects
Shapira M, Priestley M, Peace-Hughes T, Barnett C & Ritchie M (2023) Exploring Curriculum Making in Scottish Secondary Schools: Trends and Effects. Scottish Affairs, 32 (4), pp. 397-424.
Liebhaber N, Ramjan C, Frick M, Mannion G & Keller L (2023) Transformative climate change education and the school caretaker: a more-than-human analysis with young people. Environmental Education Research.
Shapira M & Priestley M (2023) Choices, Attainment and Positive destinations: Exploring the impact of curriculum policy change on young people [Evidence For The Sottish Parliament Education And Young People Committee, 8 November 2023]. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament.
Researching education for environmental sustainability through intergenerational dialogue
Rushton E, Dunlop L, Atkinson L, Stubbs J, Diepen MT & Wood L (2023) Researching education for environmental sustainability through intergenerational dialogue. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education.
Learning Sanskrit as a sacred language in the West: A narrative study
Bassetti B & Reinboldt R (2023) Learning Sanskrit as a sacred language in the West: A narrative study. International Journal of Bilingualism.
Website Content
Understanding teacher identity in teachers’ professional lives.
Rushton E, Towers E, Rawlings Smith E & Steadman S (2023) Understanding teacher identity in teachers’ professional lives.. BERA Blog [ Blog post] 12.09.2023.
Space as a lens for teacher agency: A case study of three beginning teachers in England, UK
Rushton EAC & Bird A (2023) Space as a lens for teacher agency: A case study of three beginning teachers in England, UK. Curriculum Journal.
Website Content
Dicey Dialogue: engaging scientists with public understanding.
Dunlop L & Rushton E (2023) Dicey Dialogue: engaging scientists with public understanding.. National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement [Blog post] 08.09.2023.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Finding the root cause in aviation maintenance logbooks: A corpus linguistic approach
Wiegand V & Zhou H (2023) Finding the root cause in aviation maintenance logbooks: A corpus linguistic approach. 13th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) 2023, Glasgow, 04.09.2023-06.09.2023.
Book Chapter
Accessible resistance movement experiences for elementary students and educators
Murray A, Murray P & Howells K (2023) Accessible resistance movement experiences for elementary students and educators [I Can Resist]. In: Resistance Training. 1st ed. Online: Intechopen.
Research Report
What do climate change and sustainability have to do with me?’ A survey of teachers in England.
Greer K, Sheldrake R, Rushton E, Kitson A, Hargreaves E & Walshe N (2023) What do climate change and sustainability have to do with me?’ A survey of teachers in England.. University College London. London.
Rawlings Smith E & Rushton EAC (2023) Geography teacher educators’ identity, roles and professional learning in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 32 (3), pp. 252-267.
Rushton E, Rawlings Smith E, Steadman S & Towers E (2023) Understanding teacher identity in teachers professional lives: a systematic review of the literature.. Review of Education, Art. No.: e3417.
A corpus approach to discourses of learning in online communities
Wiegand V (2023) A corpus approach to discourses of learning in online communities. Twelfth International Corpus Linguistics Conference 2023 (CL2023), Lancaster, 03.07.2023-06.07.2023.
Thompson T (2023) Using more-than-human concepts and approaches to study the politics of AI: Automating decision making in education. Education & the Digital Transformation of Social Research: Methods, Challenges, Perspective, Zurich, 20.06.2023.
Smith J, Doherty R & Mercieca D (2023) Editorial. Scottish Educational Review, 54 (2), pp. 147-148.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Heydon R, Poczobut S, Cooper E, McKee L, McKenzie P & Ott M (2023) Crucial openings for critical reading praxes in teacher education: The reading pedagogies of equity project pilot findings. UKLA International Conference, Exeter, England, United Kingdom, 23.06.2023-25.06.2023.
When was Britain? Answers from Scotland and England
Smith J & Chapman A (2023) When was Britain? Answers from Scotland and England. Public History Weekly, 11, Art. No.: 5.
Policy Document
Clark H, De Barra D, Murray A, Norman A, Schoenaker D, Winterbottom J, Sher J, Kumaran K, Woods-Townsend K, Trevillion K, Murray P, Keynejad R, Bhavsar V, Bayou E & Cassinelli EH (2023) A Preconception Care Strategy. Children's Alliance. Eye View. England.
Policy Document
The Family and Community Report
Clark H, Beswick T, Royal P, Wright P, Raven A, Sutcliffe B, Bradshaw B, Williams C, Graham C, Wilson D, Murray A, Norman A, Heilmann A, Mckay E & Charman H (2023) The Family and Community Report [ Family and Community. The fourth in a sequence of reports charting a new start for children and young people.]. Children's Alliance. England.
Consultancy Report
Towards a typology of curriculum policy approaches
Priestley M, Angier C, Schuler B & Smith J (2023) Towards a typology of curriculum policy approaches. UNESCO. Geneva.
Murtagh L & Rushton EA (2023) The role of teacher educator virtual communities of practice (VCoPs) in mobilising policy engagement: A case study of the initial teacher training market review from England. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 1-19.
Website Content
Rushton E, Dunlop L & Atkinson L (2023) Weaving a ‘green thread’ of climate change education: Primary and secondary school teachers’ current practice. BERA Blog [Blog post] 17.04.2023.
Rushton EAC, Sharp S, Kitson A & Walshe N (2023) Reflecting on Climate Change Education Priorities in Secondary Schools in England: Moving beyond Learning about Climate Change to the Emotions of Living with Climate Change. Sustainability, 15 (8), p. 6497.
Gandolfi H & Rushton EAC (2023) Decolonial and anti‐racist perspectives in teacher training and education curricula in England and Wales. The Curriculum Journal, 34 (1), pp. 1-7.
Rushton EA, Gibbons S, Brock R, Cao Y, Finesilver C, Jones J, Manning A, Marshall B, Richardson C, Steadman S, Suh S & Towers E (2023) Collaborative identity development during a global pandemic: exploring teacher identity through the experiences of pre-service high school teachers in England. European Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 1-24.
Towers E, Rushton EA, Gibbons S, Steadman S, Brock R, Cao Y, Finesilver C, Jones J, Manning A, Marshall B & Richardson C (2023) The "problem" of teacher quality: exploring challenges and opportunities in developing teacher quality during the Covid-19 global pandemic in England. Educational Review.
Website Content
Gandolfi H & Rushton E (2023) Decolonial and anti-racist pedagogies and curricular in teacher education: The importance of partnerships between practice and scholarship. BERA Blog [Blog post] 23.03.2023.
An investigation of how physical literacy is enacted in primary physical education
Bartle G (2023) An investigation of how physical literacy is enacted in primary physical education. Qualitative Research Journal.
Murray A & Howells K (2023) Dancing the day away! Creating and dancing: collaborative knowledge exchange the future of professional learning. Physical Education Matters, (Spring), pp. 76-77.
Wiegand V (2023) Feeding insights from corpora into English and/or EAP classrooms. Contribution to the panel “Research-informed English Language Teaching in Scotland: An International Perspective” by the Scottish Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (SATEFL). St. Andrews EAP Conference 2023, St Andrews, 04.03.2023.
Project Report
Shapira M, Priestley M, Barnett C, Peace-Hughes T & Richie M (2023) Choice, Attainment and Positive Destinations: Exploring the impact of curriculum policy change on young people. The Nuffield foundation. London.
Policy Document
The Health And Wellbeing Of Children In The Early Years
Clark H, Revel E, Royal P, Wright P, Teakle A, McIlwrath B, Bradshaw B, Purvey C, McLeod C, Williams C, Norman A, Murray A, Fitzgerald D, Mackay E & Musgrave J (2023) The Health And Wellbeing Of Children In The Early Years. Children's Alliance. 1. England.
Physical literacy in Europe: The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy
Carl J, Bryant AS, Edwards LC, Bartle G, Birch JE, Christodoulides E, Emeljanovas A, Fröberg A, Gandrieau J, Gilic B, van Hilvoorde I, Holler P, Iconomescu TM, Jaunig J & Laudanska-Krzeminska I (2023) Physical literacy in Europe: The current state of implementation in research, practice, and policy. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 21 (1), pp. 165-176.
Heydon R, Akiwenzie E, Cooper E, Ghannoum H, Havord-Wier D, Johns B, MacAlpine K, McKee L, Nagle J, Neeganagwedgin E, Pawlick-Potts D, Poczobut S, Ruthes Coelho C, Stooke R, Tran A & Zhang Z (2023) Guidelines for virtual early childhood and family learning: An equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization-informed systematic review of the literature. Journal of Early Childhood Research.
Presentation / Talk
The Case for a Cabinet Minister for Children and Young People
Murray A, Brewer T & Wright P (2023) The Case for a Cabinet Minister for Children and Young People. APPG on a Fit and Healthy Childhood, Houses of Parliament, Westminster, 10.01.2023-10.01.2023.
Rushton EA, Dunlop L, Atkinson L, Price L, Stubbs JE, Turkenburg-van Diepen M & Wood L (2023) The challenges and affordances of online participatory workshops in the context of young people's everyday climate crisis activism: insights from facilitators. Children's Geographies, 21 (1), pp. 137-146.
An introduction to the co-creation of policy briefs with youth and academic teams
Dunlop L, Rushton EAC, Atkinson L, Blake C, Calvert S, Cornelissen E, Dècle CCM, DeSchrijver J, Dhassi KK, Edwards RPR, Malaj G, Mirjanić J, Saunders WE, Sinkovec Y & Stadnyk T (2023) An introduction to the co-creation of policy briefs with youth and academic teams. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 47 (1), pp. 149-159.
Mannion G, Sowerby M & I’Anson J (2022) Four arenas of school-based participation: towards a heuristic for children's rights-informed educational practice. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 43 (1), pp. 30-47.
Book Chapter
Formalised Peer-Support for Early Career Researchers: potential for resistance and genuine exchanges
Thériault V, Beck A, Mouroutsou S & Billmayer J (2022) Formalised Peer-Support for Early Career Researchers: potential for resistance and genuine exchanges. In: Addison M, Breeze M & Taylor Y (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Imposter Syndrome in Higher Education. London: Palgrave, pp. 241-257.
The 'Iron Cage' of Educational Bureaucracy
Humes W (2022) The 'Iron Cage' of Educational Bureaucracy. British Journal of Educational Studies, 70 (2), pp. 235-253.
Contextualising Further Education Governance In Northern Ireland: History, Policy And Practice
Husband G & Ireland A (2022) Contextualising Further Education Governance In Northern Ireland: History, Policy And Practice. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 27 (3), pp. 351-372.
How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK?
Ireland A, Pennacchia J, Watson C & Bathmaker A (2022) How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK?. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (4), pp. 561-573.
Smith J (2022) 'Talk about the questions of the day, shun them not': three late Victorian voices on the place of history in English schools. History of Education, 51 (2), pp. 167-183.
Research Report
Telling Data Stories: developing an online tool for participatory speculative fiction
Wilson A, Ross J, McKie J, Collier A & Lockley P (2022) Telling Data Stories: developing an online tool for participatory speculative fiction. SAGE. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. London: SAGE Publications.