Research in aquaculture

Researchers at the Institute are seeking solutions for some of the biggest challenges of our times: the impact of a growing population worldwide; and how to develop sustainable, healthy and secure ways of living. 

We are recognised as one of the foremost centres of excellence in aquaculture research and education, transforming the global aquaculture sector.

Find out more about our research in Aquaculture.

Research areas

Research facilities

Our research facilities providing the range of environmental conditions relevant to the aquaculture industry.

Postgraduate research

Our MSc degrees offer opportunities to lead in research of aquatic animal farming and food production systems.

Future strategy

Our new National Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Hub will support our ambitious research strategy.

PhD opportunities in aquaculture

We offer a vibrant, supportive environment for postgraduate researchers in Aquaculture. Take a closer look at the subject areas we offer PhD supervision in and find out how to apply.


Read more about how to apply and see entry requirements What's the difference between a PhD and an MPhil?

Research Spotlights

aquaculture farm
Research Spotlight

Aquaculture research

Our Institute of Aquaculture's priorities reflect a global interest in understanding how aquaculture can support the rapidly increasing human population without depleting wild-fish stocks.


Study could lead to improved mussel production

Study could lead to improved mussel production

Innovative new research by the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture could lead to increased mussel production.

Tool developed to identify girls at risk of nutritional deficiency

Tool developed to identify girls at risk of nutritional deficiency

Professor Dave Little of the University’s world-renowned Institute of Aquaculture used the resource to discover that adolescent girls in Bangladesh are particularly vulnerable.