Landscape Encounters
Landscape Encounters: Exploring Environmental and Heritage Histories of Scotland and Beyond is a series of free public evening lectures delivered roughly every two years and hosted by the Smith Museum and Art Gallery. The lecture series are designed to provide a wider audience access to the past and current research projects undertaken by Centre staff, promote greater understanding particularly of environmental history and, above all, strengthen our relationship with the local community. The lectures have proved popular, attracting public audiences of between 40-50.
Landscape Encounters II
October – December 2016
- Richard Oram
Glen almond: Landscape Palimpest. - Richard Tipping
Bannockburn 1314: What did the Place Look Like? - Alasdair Ross
Medieval Climate Change in Scotland:1250-1350. - Clare Wilson
An Illicit Whisky chaser: Redisvovering the hidden History of Whisky Production in 18th and 19th Century Scotland. - Sally Foster
Picts, Gaels and Scots: What’s New?
Landscape Encounters I
February – March 2012
- Catherine Mills
The Lead Legacy: Mining, Pollution and Health, Tyndrum, 1730-1930. - Richard Oram
In Solitary Places: Scottish Mountains, Land Use and the Wilderness Myth, 1775 to Present. - Jim Smyth and Douglas Robertson
Planned Communities—New Stirling Housing of the Interwar Period. - Phia Steyn
The Environmental Impact of War: The South African Defence Force and the Southern African Environment, 1975-1989. - Ian Simpson
Landscapes of Settlement in the North Norse Atlantic. - Alasdair Ross
Medieval Landscapes and Resource Utilisation.