Book Chapter
Using Book History in Graduate Book Publishing Programs
Squires C & Noorda R (2023) Using Book History in Graduate Book Publishing Programs. In: Pangallo M & Todd EB (eds.) Teaching the History of the Book. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, pp. 300-307.
Authored Book
The Frankfurt Kabuff Critical Edition
Squiscoll B, Wilkins K, Howsam L, Gadd I, Rak J, Fowler B, Banks M, Brouillette S, Norrick-Ruhl C, Eikhof DR, Das A, Ezra E, Gonsalves R, Fuller D & Horne A (2023) The Frankfurt Kabuff Critical Edition. Driscoll B (Editor) & Squires C (Editor). Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Breakfast with AlgoBooks: Meet the Future of Reader Recommendation
Squires C & Driscoll B (2023) Breakfast with AlgoBooks: Meet the Future of Reader Recommendation. Post45, (Reading with Algorithms).
Website Content
Tante Fran’s May 68 Book Club: Choose Your Own Revolution
Squires C & Driscoll B (2023) Tante Fran’s May 68 Book Club: Choose Your Own Revolution. 09.11.2023.
Newspaper / Magazine
Frankfurt book fair: cancelled prize ceremony for Palestinian author is part of a long history of political zigzagging
Squires C & Driscoll B (2023) Frankfurt book fair: cancelled prize ceremony for Palestinian author is part of a long history of political zigzagging. The Conversation. 18.10.2023.
Newspaper / Magazine
The Frankfurt Book Fair and its Cupboards
Squires C & Driscoll B (2023) The Frankfurt Book Fair and its Cupboards. Public Books. 12.10.2023.
BIG BOOKS (small snacks)
Squires C, Driscoll B & The Pretzel Girlz (2023) BIG BOOKS (small snacks). Ullapoolism [Webpage and YouTube video] 16.05.2023.
Book Chapter
Patchy and Negligible
Squires C (2022) Patchy and Negligible. In: Small M (ed.) Bella Caledonia: An Anthology of Writing from 2007-2021. Edinburgh: Leamington Books, pp. 217-220.
Website Content
The COP26 Kabuff: A Beatrice Deft Short
Squiscoll B (2022) The COP26 Kabuff: A Beatrice Deft Short. [Website] 03.01.2022.
Highland Flings and CAN CANs: Dances with Recommendation Culture
Squires C (2021) Highland Flings and CAN CANs: Dances with Recommendation Culture. Scottish Literary Review, 13 (2), pp. 91-115.
Website Content
The Ullapoolism Manifesto
Driscoll B & Squires C (2021) The Ullapoolism Manifesto. ASAP/J [Blog Post] 01.11.2021.
Newspaper / Magazine
Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers
Squires C (2021) Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers. The Conversation. 14.10.2021.
Newspaper / Magazine
Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers
Squires C (2021) Book sales have soared since the pandemic - but the industry must adapt to engage with new readers. The Converation. 14.10.2021.
An Ecosystem Model of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Publisher 'Tiers': Publisher Size, Sustainability and Cultural Policy
Squires C & Markou H (2021) An Ecosystem Model of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Publisher 'Tiers': Publisher Size, Sustainability and Cultural Policy. Publishing Research Quarterly, 37 (3), pp. 420-438.
The Luster of Studying Contemporary Publishing
Squires C (2021) The Luster of Studying Contemporary Publishing. Commentary on: Leilani, Raven. Luster. 2020. Picador, 2021. American Literary History, 33 (2), pp. 439-453.
Book Chapter
The Passion and Pragmatism of the Small Publisher
Squires C (2020) The Passion and Pragmatism of the Small Publisher. In: Colby G, Marczewska K & Wilson L (eds.) The Contemporary Small Press: Making Publishing Visible. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 199-218.
The Epistemology of Ullapoolism Making Mischief from within Contemporary Book Cultures
Squires C & Driscoll B (2020) The Epistemology of Ullapoolism Making Mischief from within Contemporary Book Cultures. Angelaki, 25 (5), pp. 137-155.
Book Chapter
The Review and the Reviewer
Squires C (2020) The Review and the Reviewer. In: Baverstock A & Bradford R (eds.) Contemporary Publishing and the Culture of Books. Abingdon: Routledge.
Book Chapter
The Global Market 1970-2015: Consumers
Squires C (2020) The Global Market 1970-2015: Consumers. In: Eliot S & Rose J (eds.) A Companion to the History of the Book. 2nd ed. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 102. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 601-614.
Book Commerce Book Carnival: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Driscoll B & Squires C (2020) Book Commerce Book Carnival: An Introduction to the Special Issue. Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, 11 (2), pp. 1-17.
Experiments with Book Festival People (Real and Imaginary)
Driscoll B & Squires C (2020) Experiments with Book Festival People (Real and Imaginary). Mémoires du livre, 11 (2).
Book Chapter
Sensing the Novel/Seeing the Book/Selling the Goods
Squires C (2020) Sensing the Novel/Seeing the Book/Selling the Goods. In: Lazendorfer T & Norrick-Ruhl C (eds.) The Novel as Network: Forms, Ideas, Commodities. New Directions in Book History. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 251-270.
Website Content
Essential? Different? Exceptional? The Book Trade and Covid-19
Squires C (2020) Essential? Different? Exceptional? The Book Trade and Covid-19. C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-Century Writings: News [Blog post] 10.12.2020.
The Frankfurt Book Fair and Bestseller Business
Squires C & Driscoll B (2020) The Frankfurt Book Fair and Bestseller Business. Elements in Publishing and Book Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Book Commerce Book Carnival
Driscoll B (Editor) & Squires C (Editor) (2020) Book Commerce Book Carnival [Commerce du livre, carnival du livre]. Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture, 11 (2).
Megativity and Miniaturization at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Driscoll B & Squires C (2020) Megativity and Miniaturization at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Post45, Contemporaries.
Website Content
The Corona Kabuff
Squiscoll B (2020) The Corona Kabuff [A Beatrice Deft Short]. [Website] 12.03.2020.
The First Rule of Judging Club…: Inside the Saltire Society Literary Awards
Squires C & Marsden S (2019) The First Rule of Judging Club…: Inside the Saltire Society Literary Awards. Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, 4 (2), Art. No.: 10.
Book Chapter
Genre in the Markplace
Squires C (2019) Genre in the Markplace. In: Davis C (ed.) Print Cultures: A Reader in Theory and Practice. London: Red Globe Press, pp. 256-259.
Newspaper / Magazine
Inside the Saltire Society Literary Awards
Marsden S & Squires C (2019) Inside the Saltire Society Literary Awards. Bella Caledonia. 17.12.2019.
Book Chapter
Genre in the Marketplace
Squires C (2019) Genre in the Marketplace. In: Davis C (ed.) Print Cultures: A Reader in Theory and Practice. London: Red Globe Press, pp. 256-259.
The Frankfurt Kabuff Party 2 (Literaturhaus)
Squiscoll B (2019) The Frankfurt Kabuff Party 2 (Literaturhaus). Spotify [Spotify playlist] 31.07.2019.
The Frankfurt Kabuff Party 1 (extremely legendary)
Squiscoll B (2019) The Frankfurt Kabuff Party 1 (extremely legendary). Spotify [Spotify playlist] 23.07.2019.
Authored Book
The Frankfurt Kabuff
Squiscoll B (2019) The Frankfurt Kabuff. Glasgow/Melbourne: Kabuff Books.
Website Content
It’s time for a new Scottish review of books – with a better attitude
Squires C (2019) It’s time for a new Scottish review of books – with a better attitude. The Bookseller [Blog post] 05.06.2019.
Newspaper / Magazine
Patchy and Neglible
Squires C (2019) Patchy and Neglible. Bella Calendonia. 04.06.2019.
Book Chapter
Squires C, Nash A & Willison I (2019) Introduction. In: Nash A, Squires C & Willison IR (eds.) Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Volume 7: The Twentieth Century and Beyond. Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-38.
Book Chapter
Squires C & Nash A (2019) Authorship. In: Nash A, Squires C & Willison IR (eds.) The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Volume 7: The Twentieth Century and Beyond. Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 99-145.
Book Chapter
Reading and Ownership
Squires C, Nash A & Towheed S (2019) Reading and Ownership. In: Nash A, Squires C & Willison IR (eds.) The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Volume 7: The Twentieth Century and Beyond. Cambridge History of the Book in History, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 231-276.
Book Chapter
Book Events, Book Environments
Squires C & Finkelstein D (2019) Book Events, Book Environments. In: Nash A, Squires C & Willison IR (eds.) The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Volume 7: The Twentieth Century and Beyond. Cambridge History of the Book in History, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 668-678.
Edited Book
The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Volume 7: The Twentieth Century and Beyond
Nash A, Squires C & Willison I (eds.) (2019) The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain Volume 7: The Twentieth Century and Beyond. The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, 7. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Newspaper / Magazine
Publishing courses have managed positive change in the trade
Squires C (2019) Publishing courses have managed positive change in the trade. The Bookseller. 22.02.2019.
Newspaper / Magazine
Dan Mallory's unreliable narrative: how to get ahead in publishing
Squires C (2019) Dan Mallory's unreliable narrative: how to get ahead in publishing. The Conversation. 08.02.2019.
'Oh Look, a Ferry'; Or The Smell of Paper Books
Driscoll B & Squires C (2018) 'Oh Look, a Ferry'; Or The Smell of Paper Books. TXT, (5), pp. 64-70.
Janelle Monáe or Gerald Murnane?
Driscoll B & Squires C (2018) Janelle Monáe or Gerald Murnane?. [Quiz] 2018.
Authored Book
The Frankfurt Kabuff
Squiscoll B (2018) The Frankfurt Kabuff. Toronto: Wattpad.
Website Content
'Oh Look, a Ferry'; or the Smell of Paper Books
Driscoll B & Squires C (2018) 'Oh Look, a Ferry'; or the Smell of Paper Books. [The Lifted Brow] 24.10.2018.
DIY Peer Review and Monograph Publishing in the Arts and Humanities
Butchard D, Rowberry S & Squires C (2018) DIY Peer Review and Monograph Publishing in the Arts and Humanities. Convergence, 24 (5), pp. 477-493.
Serious Fun: Gaming the Book Festival
Driscoll B & Squires C (2018) Serious Fun: Gaming the Book Festival. Memoires du Livre/Studies in Book Culture, 9 (2).
Newspaper / Magazine
The Sleaze-O-Meter: Sexual Harassment in the Publishing Industry
Squires C & Driscoll B (2018) The Sleaze-O-Meter: Sexual Harassment in the Publishing Industry. Interscript. 08.03.2018.
Book Chapter
Peer Review in Practice
Butchard D, Rowberry S, Squires C & Tasker G (2017) Peer Review in Practice. In: Rayner S & Lyons R (eds.) Academic Book of the Future: BOOC. London: UCL Press.;
Book Chapter
Haud Oan to Europe
Squires C (2017) Haud Oan to Europe. In: Stedman G & van Lente S (eds.) It's not just the Economy, Stupid! Brexit and the Cultural Sector. Berlin: Literary Field Kaleidoscope and the Centre for British Studies Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 17-18.
Taste and/or big data?: post-digital editorial selection
Squires C (2017) Taste and/or big data?: post-digital editorial selection. Critical Quarterly, 59 (3), pp. 24-38.
Newspaper / Magazine
Should authors’ unfinished works be completed?
Squires C (2017) Should authors’ unfinished works be completed?. The Conversation. 05.09.2017.
Publishing's Diversity Deficit
Squires C (2017) Publishing's Diversity Deficit. CAMEo Cuts, 2, pp. 1-12.
Newspaper / Magazine
On Philip Pullman’s fantastic politics and The Book of Dust
Squires C (2017) On Philip Pullman’s fantastic politics and The Book of Dust. The Conversation. 17.02.2017.
Research Report
Peer Review in Practice
Butchard D, Rowberry S, Squires C & Tasker G (2016) Peer Review in Practice. University of Stirling.
Newspaper / Magazine
Martyn Goff: The man who sculpted scandal to build the Booker Prize
Squires C (2015) Martyn Goff: The man who sculpted scandal to build the Booker Prize. The Conversation. 27.03.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
Penguin celebrates its 80th birthday – and cashes in on its past
Squires C & Spencer A (2015) Penguin celebrates its 80th birthday – and cashes in on its past. The Conversation. 25.02.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
Penguin celebrates its 80th birthday - and cashes in on its past
Squires C & Spencer A (2015) Penguin celebrates its 80th birthday - and cashes in on its past. The Conversation. 25.02.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
How suspicious should we be about the 'new' Harper Lee novel?
Squires C (2015) How suspicious should we be about the 'new' Harper Lee novel?. The Conversation. 06.02.2015.
Scotland and Slovenia
Kovac M & Squires C (2014) Scotland and Slovenia. Logos, 25 (4), pp. 7-19.
Research Report
Digital R&D Fund for the Arts in Scotland: Final Report
Squires C & Eikhof DR (2014) Digital R&D Fund for the Arts in Scotland: Final Report. NESTA. Nesta.
Research Report
Frasan - Research Report: Tiree's Mobile Heritage App
Squires C (2014) Frasan - Research Report: Tiree's Mobile Heritage App. NESTA. NESTA.
Research Report
National Piping Centre E-Learning Portal and Livestreaming - Research Report: Increasing Access to and Revenue Streams From Traditional Music Events and Teaching
Squires C (2014) National Piping Centre E-Learning Portal and Livestreaming - Research Report: Increasing Access to and Revenue Streams From Traditional Music Events and Teaching. NESTA. NESTA.
Research Report
Bookspotting - Research Report: Mobilising Scottish Books
Squires C (2014) Bookspotting - Research Report: Mobilising Scottish Books. NESTA. Nesta.
Book Chapter
Literary Prizes and Awards
Squires C (2013) Literary Prizes and Awards. In: Harper G (ed.) A Companion to Creative Writing. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 291-304.
Book Chapter
Britain from 1914
Squires C (2013) Britain from 1914. In: Suarez M, Woudhuysen H & Woudhuysen S (eds.) The Book: A Global History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 311-319.
The Digital Publishing Communications Circuit
Squires C & Ray Murray P (2013) The Digital Publishing Communications Circuit. Book 2.0, 3 (1), pp. 3-24.
Book Chapter
Happy Birthday! Publishers' Anniversaries, Celebration, Commemoration, and Commodification
Squires C (2013) Happy Birthday! Publishers' Anniversaries, Celebration, Commemoration, and Commodification. In: Wootten W, Donaldson & G (eds.) Reading Penguin: A Critical Anthology. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 171-188.
Book Chapter
Too Much Rushdie, not enough Romance?: The UK Publishing Industry and BME (Black Minority Ethnic) Readership
Squires C (2012) Too Much Rushdie, not enough Romance?: The UK Publishing Industry and BME (Black Minority Ethnic) Readership. In: Procter J, Benwell B & Robinson G (eds.) Postcolonial Audiences: Readers, Viewers, Reception. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 99-111.
Book Chapter
Le marketing de la litterature en Grande Bretange: une etude de cas, Trainspotting
Squires C (2012) Le marketing de la litterature en Grande Bretange: une etude de cas, Trainspotting. In: Guellec L & Hache-Bissette F (eds.) Litterature et publicite: de Balzac a Beigbeder. Marseille: Editions Gaussen, pp. 377-388.
Website Content
Book Cultures, Book Events
Squires C, Finkelstein D & McNaughton D (2012) Book Cultures, Book Events. 2012.
Website Content
CReATeS - Consortium for Research into Arts and Technology in Scotland
Squires C, Eikhof DR, Fenwick T, Ray Murray P, Grindle M, Millar F, Mackenzie N, Michael MK, Berridge S, Beech N, Greig G & Carter S (2012) CReATeS - Consortium for Research into Arts and Technology in Scotland. 2012.
Website Content
The Book Unbound: Disruption and Disintermediation in the Digital Age
Squires C, Ray Murray P, Morris P, Lewis-McPhee H, Preston L, Taylor A & Russell S (2012) The Book Unbound: Disruption and Disintermediation in the Digital Age. 2012.
Forward Thinking
Squires C & Ray Murray P (2012) Forward Thinking. Bookseller, (5556), p. 22.
Research Report
Independent Publishing: Making and Preserving Culture in a Global Literary Marketplace
Donnell A, Low G, Ray Murray P, Squires C, Folorunso F, Nash A & Poynting J (2012) Independent Publishing: Making and Preserving Culture in a Global Literary Marketplace. The Carnegie Trust. Scottish Universities Insight Institute.
Book Chapter
Marionettes and Puppeteers? The Relationship between Book Club Readers and Publishers
Fuller D, Rehberg Sedo D & Squires C (2011) Marionettes and Puppeteers? The Relationship between Book Club Readers and Publishers. In: Rehberg SD (ed.) Reading Communities from Salons to Cyperspace. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-199.
Books without Borders? Readers, Writers and Publishers in the Global Marketplace
Squires C (2010) Books without Borders? Readers, Writers and Publishers in the Global Marketplace. De Gulden Passer, 88 (2), pp. 133-152.
Book Chapter
Squires C (2010) Crossovers. In: Weedon A (ed.) The History of the Book in the West: 1914-2000 Volume 5. The History of the Book in the West: A Library of Critical Essays. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 431-464.
Book Chapter
Marketing Literature: The Making of Contemporary Writing in Britain
Squires C (2010) Marketing Literature: The Making of Contemporary Writing in Britain. In: Eagleton M (ed.) Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader. 3rd ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 115-118.,descCd-tableOfContents.html
Book Chapter
The Publishing Industry: The Rise of the Paperback
Squires C (2010) The Publishing Industry: The Rise of the Paperback. In: Shaffer B (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction, Volume 1: Twentieth-Century British and Irish Fiction. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 316-319.
Book Chapter
The History of the Book in Britain: From 1914
Squires C (2010) The History of the Book in Britain: From 1914. In: Suarez S, Suarez M & Woudhuysen H (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 188-193.
Authored Book
Trzenje literature: Ustvarjanje Sodobne Knijizevnosti V Velki Britaniji
Squires C (2010) Trzenje literature: Ustvarjanje Sodobne Knijizevnosti V Velki Britaniji [Marketing Literature: The Making of Contemporary Writing in Britain]. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Zalozba.
Edited Book
Oxford Companion to the Book: 20th-Century Britain
Squires C, Woudhuysen HR & Suarez MF (eds.) (2010) Oxford Companion to the Book: 20th-Century Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Research Report
Feasibility Study on a Literary Translation Prize: Final Report
Wischenbart R, Genova Y, Inkei P, Kovac M, Squires C & Torner C (2010) Feasibility Study on a Literary Translation Prize: Final Report. European Commission. Dr Rudiger Wischenbart Content and Consulting.
Book Chapter
Marketing at the Millennium
Squires C (2009) Marketing at the Millennium. In: Maybin J & Watson N (eds.) Children's Literature: Approaches and Territories. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183-198.
Book Chapter
Squires C (2009) Intertextuality. In: Montgomery H & Watson N (eds.) Children's Literature: Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 276-285.
Book Review
Miha Kovac. Never Mind the Web, Here Comes the Book
Squires C (2009) Miha Kovac. Never Mind the Web, Here Comes the Book. Review of: Never Mind the Web: Here comes the book, by Miha Kovac, Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2008, 204pp, ISBN 978-1843344056. Sharp News, 18 (2), p. 13.
Book Review
The Professional Literary Agent in Britain, 1880-1920
Squires C & Squires C (2009) The Professional Literary Agent in Britain, 1880-1920. Review of: Mary Ann Gillies. The Professional Literary Agent in Britain, 1880–1920, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. xiv, 250pp. ISBN 9780802091475. University of Toronto Quarterly, 78 (1), pp. 303-304.
Newspaper / Magazine
Living Happily Ever After
Squires C (2008) Living Happily Ever After. Publishers Weekly. 2008.
Book Chapter
Marketing fiction
Squires C (2008) Marketing fiction. In: Clark G & Phillips A (eds.) Inside Book Publishing. 4th ed. Abingdon: Routledge, p. 185.
Book Chapter
Squires C (2008) Ghostwriting. In: Clark G & Phillips A (eds.) Inside Book Publishing. 4th ed. Abingdon: Routledge, p. 89.
Newspaper / Magazine
How to Judge a Book by its Cover: Swallows and Amazons
Squires C (2008) How to Judge a Book by its Cover: Swallows and Amazons. Financial Times. 15.11.2008, p. 18.
Authored Book
Marketing Literature: The Making of Contemporary Writing in Britain
Squires C (2007) Marketing Literature: The Making of Contemporary Writing in Britain. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapter
Literary Prizes
Squires C (2007) Literary Prizes. In: Finkelstein D & McCleery A (eds.) The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland Volume 4: Professionalism and Diversity 1880-2000. Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, 4. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 264-266.
Book Chapter
The Global Market 1970-2000: Consumers
Squires C (2007) The Global Market 1970-2000: Consumers. In: Eliot S & Rose J (eds.) A Companion to the History of the Book. Hardback ed. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 48. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 406-418.
Book Chapter
Literary Prizes, Literary Categories and Children's Literature in the 1990s-2000s
Squires C (2007) Literary Prizes, Literary Categories and Children's Literature in the 1990s-2000s. In: Guignery V & Gallix F (eds.) Pre- and Post-Publication Itineraries of the Contemporary Novel in English. Paris: Editions Publibook Universite, pp. 277-290.
Book Chapter
Book Marketing and the Booker Prize
Squires C (2007) Book Marketing and the Booker Prize. In: Matthews N & Moody N (eds.) Judging a Book by its Cover: Fans, Publishers, Designers, and the Marketing of Fiction. Ashgate: London, pp. 71-82.
Book Review
Aaron Jaffe. Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity
Squires C (2007) Aaron Jaffe. Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity. Review of: Aaron Jaffc. Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xii, 248p. ill. ISBN 978-0-521-84301-0.. Sharp News, 16 (2), p. 7.