All Projects

Showing 601 to 700 of 2072

White Cart Lamprey Relocation
PI: Dr Colin Bull
Funded by: Applied Ecology Ltd

Best Worst Scaling Methods
PI: Professor Seda Erdem
Funded by: University of Aberdeen

The impact of multi-level policymaking on the UK energy system
PI: Professor Paul Cairney
Funded by: UK Energy Research Centre

Learning Disability & Dementia training delivery (Hansel)
PI: Professor Karen Watchman
Funded by: Hansel

ITT For the Provision of an Evaluation of Whole System Patient Flow
Funded by: Scottish Government

Elucidating the role of colour in shape processing in human vision
PI: Dr Elena Gheorghiu
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

Reducing Disaster Risk to Life and Livelihoods by Evaluating the Seismic Safety of Kathmandu's Historic Urban Infrastructure
PI: Professor Ian Simpson
Funded by: The British Academy

Funded by: Scottish Government

Identify the presence of potential insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa in Scotland
PI: Professor Kirsty Park
Funded by: Plant Health Centre

Synthesis of survey data on electronic cigarette use
Funded by: Scottish Government

Malformation assessment in rainbow trout
Funded by: Dawnfresh Seafoods Ltd

British Council Croatia - Consultancy Services
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: The British Council

The development of a virtual cohort of children born to opioid dependent mothers in Scotland
PI: Professor Anne Whittaker
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Vale of Leven Inspiring Care Scholarship Programme, Within the Clinical Academic Research Careers
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: Scottish Government

SAS New Clinical Response Model
PI: Dr Kathleen Stoddart
Funded by: Scottish Ambulance Service

SNH – Lamprey Site Condition monitoring survey of Spey SAC
PI: Dr Colin Bull
Funded by: NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

Lamprey site condition monitoring Tweed
PI: Dr Colin Bull
Funded by: NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

The provision of a radiological habits survey around Dounreay, Caithness
PI: Professor Andrew Tyler
Funded by: Scottish Environment Protection Agency

Community experiences of serious organised crime in Scotland
PI: Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith

Improving Flu Vaccination Uptake by Healthcare Workers: a Study of Implementation and Attitudes
Funded by: Department of Health

PI: Professor David Copplestone
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Biomar Ltd and Mowi (Scotland)

ScoPIC - The Scottish Person Centeredness Intervention Collaboration
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: Scottish Government

Centre for Population Change
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Developing theory based interventions to minimise drop-out in randomised trials
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

A Qualitative investigation of the Epistemic Socialisation of Scottish History Teachers
PI: Dr Joseph Smith
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

The AIR Network - Action for Interdisciplinary air pollution research
PI: Dr Heather Price
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Employee Ownership Database Development
PI: Professor Ronald McQuaid
Funded by: Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Government - Child Trafficking
PI: Dr Paul Rigby
Funded by: Scottish Government

The Geo-Political Economy of Turkey’s Rise and its Contemporary Crisis
PI: Dr Clemens Hoffmann
Funded by: The British Academy

International practice on the use of Curriculum Learning Outcomes
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment

Exploring Food Marketing Through Digital Media
PI: Dr Nathan Critchlow
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Multicentre randomised trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of basic versus biofeedback-medicated intensive pelvic floor muscle training for female stress or mixed urinary incontinence
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Popular Occulture in Britain, 1875-1947
PI: Professor Christine Ferguson
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Development of a full season production protocol for rainbow trout
PI: Professor Simon MacKenzie
Funded by: Norwegian Research Council

New Urban Agenda and Housing
PI: Professor Isobel Anderson
Funded by: The British Academy

Synthesizing evidence of forest-to-bog restoration impacts on carbon emissions
PI: Professor Jens-Arne Subke
Funded by: Scottish Government

Atlantic salmon serum testing by ELISA
Funded by: VESO Vikan

Perceptions of legitimacy, attitudes and buy-in among athlete groups: a cross-national qualitative investigation providing practical solutions
PI: Dr Paul Dimeo
Funded by: World Anti-Doping Agency

Non-Accredited Mentorship Module
Funded by: Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

The Effect of Gambling Marketing and Advertising on Children, Young People and Vulnerable People
Funded by: Responsible Gambling Trust

SAICHatch Request for additional Resources
PI: Dr Stefano Carboni
Funded by: Scottish Funding Council

Ben Lomond environmental study
PI: Dr Eileen Tisdall
Funded by: The National Trust for Scotland

Data research into sales trends and income from selected Scottish book publishers
PI: Professor Claire Squires
Funded by: Publishing Scotland

Developing interventions to encourage smoke-fee homes in Malaysia
PI: Professor Sean Semple
Funded by: The British Council

BlueEdu - Fostering growth in the Blue Economy by developing an action plan for Innovative European Aquaculture VET and harmonized qualifications
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Longitudinal trends in national smoking prevalence and e-cigarette use in the European Union
PI: Dr Catherine Best
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Millbank fish monitoring
PI: Dr Colin Bull
Funded by: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

WFD111 (2A) Coarse Resolution Rapid-Assessment Methdology
PI: Dr Colin Bull
Funded by: Scottish Environment Protection Agency

Talking Technology Enabled Care
PI: Professor Vikki McCall
Funded by: Innovate UK

Zero Waste students - Desktop Review and Behavioural Insights
PI: Dr Craig Graham Anderson
Funded by: Zero Waste Scotland

Housing through social enterprise- implications for tenants, housing providers and wider society (Commonhealth Project 7)
PI: Professor Isobel Anderson
Funded by: Medical Research Council

The transmissive critical zone: understanding the karst hydrology - biogeochemical interface for sustainable management
PI: Professor David Oliver
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Permanently progressing: Outcomes for children in Scotland accommodated before age 5
Funded by: British Association for Adoption & Fostering and Confidential Donor

Optimsation and implementation of sterile triploid salmon in Scotland
PI: Professor Herve Migaud
Funded by: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Support of Standard Life Customer Operations Extended Leadership Team
Funded by: Standard Life Assurance Ltd

Identifying and critiquing diffferent approaches to developing complex interventions
PI: Professor Pat Hoddinott
Funded by: Medical Research Council

The sedimentary iron cycle: A novel way to iron mineral characterization and separation
PI: Dr Christian Schroeder
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

The Major Minor Cinema: the Highlands and Islands Film Guild (1946-71)
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

The Vale of Leven Inspiring Care Scholarship programme
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: Scottish Government

Gordon Aikman MND Scholarship
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: Scottish Government and MND Scotland

British Academy Writing Workshop
Funded by: The British Academy

Zero Waste Scotland: Interventions for Public Sector Estates Project
PI: Dr Craig Graham Anderson
Funded by: Zero Waste Scotland

Safeguarder Post-assessment Training
PI: Dr Duncan Helm
Funded by: Children 1st

Technical considerations of closed containment sea pen production for some life stages of salmonids
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum

Developing a Distress Brief Intervention
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Key Competencies of Low-Skilled People for Future Jobs (REPLAY-VET)
PI: Professor Ronald McQuaid
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Neurotransmitter regulation of larval settlement and metamorphosis in commercial oyster species
PI: Dr Stefano Carboni
Funded by: Scottish Funding Council

Rapid review of evidence: The effectiveness of population level interventions to address alcohol use and promote cancer prevention
Funded by: World Health Organisation

Efficacy testing novel AGD vaccines
Funded by: Ridgeway Biologicals Ltd

Dementia Design Masterclass
Funded by: Delegates - Conferences

Taking Action on Child Poverty
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Delegates - Conferences

Improving early detection of melanoma by increasing young people's awareness of symptoms, skin self-examination and communication: a quasi-experimental trial with embedded process evaluation
Funded by: Melanoma Focus

Centre for Administrative Data Research and Evaluation (CADRE) - An ESRC Administrative Data Research Centre
PI: Professor Judith Phillips
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Understanding the needs of homecare workers supporting people with dementia and cancer.
PI: Dr Nicola Cunningham
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Creativity without Clusters: Overcoming Fragmentation in the Scottish Creative Economy
PI: Professor Claire Squires
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

SAIChatch - Research in support of the development of a commercial Mussel hatchery
PI: Dr Stefano Carboni
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre

Quality of Life in Later Years Research Project - Voices of Older People in Scotland
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Consensus methodology to determine the structure of a complex intervention for the management ...
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Representation and Stereotype of Down syndrome: a social media investigation
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Retail Audit to Evaluate Standardised Packaging and its Impact in the UK
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Adult Tobacco Policy Survey
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK

Administrative Data Research Centre - Scotland
PI: Professor Alasdair Rutherford
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Alternative livelihood opportunities for Marine Protected Areas fisherwomen
Funded by: Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs

Global Observatory of Lake responses to Environmental change (Globolakes)
PI: Professor Andrew Tyler
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

A Brief School-Based Intervention To Reduce Sunburn In Adolescence: A Feasibility Study
PI: Professor Ronan O'Carroll
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Continued geochemical investigation of Noachian crust at Endeavour Crater with Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity
PI: Dr Christian Schroeder
Funded by: Science & Technology Facilities Council

Visualising Pathogen & Environmental Risk: transition to a user-ready toolkit (ViPER II)
PI: Professor David Oliver
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Understanding the direct and indirect impact of lowering Scotland’s drink-drive limit
PI: Professor Niamh Fitzgerald
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

360 Selfie: Capturing social, physical and environmental triggers relating to smoking cessation
PI: Dr Richard Purves
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Review of curricular coherence: Welsh Curriculum
PI: Professor Mark Priestley
Funded by: Welsh Government

Impact of non-price promotions on discretionary food sales: Systematic review of marketing evidence and recommendations paper
Funded by: Scottish Government

Determining the Impact of Smoking Point of sale Legislation Among Youth (DISPLAY) study
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

James Hogg: Contributions to International Periodicals
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

The development and initial validation of a screening scale for antenatal anxiety
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

On the acquisition of counterfactual reasoning and ensuing abilities
PI: Dr Eva Rafetseder
Funded by: German Research Foundation

Smoking Prevention in Action: The Smokefree Partnership Coalition
Funded by: Smoke Free Partnership

Exploring the impact of removing less healthy food from retail checkouts
Funded by: Department of Health

Preventing Re-Starting Smoking Postpartum
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Workshop: Applied Ethics of Nudging
PI: Professor Philip Ebert
Funded by: Scots Philosophical Association