Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The promotion of equality of opportunity has been a fundamental value of the University of Stirling since its establishment in 1967. Our charter states that “the University shall be committed to the fair and equal treatment of every person and shall not discriminate on unjustified, irrelevant or unlawful grounds.”

The University of Stirling is committed to creating and sustaining a positive, stimulating and supportive working environment for our staff, and an excellent teaching, learning and research experience which encourages our students to thrive academically and personally.

As an employer and a provider of education, we strongly value the diversity of our staff and students. We aim to create an environment and culture where staff and students are equally valued and respected, where diversity is celebrated, and where our staff and students are able to achieve their full potential, to contribute fully, and to derive maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in the life of the University.

We recognise that equality, diversity and inclusion is fundamental to good governance and management practices, and that these principles will support the University to achieve its strategic priorities and outcomes.

We see the promotion and mainstreaming of equality and diversity as integral to all that we do. Our goal is to create and nurture a University culture and environment based on fairness, equality, cultural diversity, inclusion and respect.

Institutional vision statement for equality, diversity and inclusion

The University will develop, champion and nurture a welcoming and inclusive culture and environment that:

  • Actively prevents and tackles discrimination, harassment and abuse;
  • Respects and celebrates diversity and inter-culturalism;
  • Enables our staff and students to thrive and achieve their potential, regardless of their background or identification with a protected characteristic(s); and
  • Identifies and eradicates systemic barriers to equality.


In the pursuit of this vision, we will behave and act in accordance with the following principles. Regardless of the changing context, environment or relative priority of actions, these principles are sustainable and fundamental to the successful delivery of our equality outcomes.

A holistic, whole institution approach: Creating a culture of collective responsibility for equality and the eradication of systemic inequalities, based on strong partnerships and collaborative action  .

Leadership: Demonstrating inspirational and impactful senior leadership towards achieving the institutional equality outcomes; encouraging, role modelling and rewarding positive leadership behaviours at all levels of the organisation.

Proactivity: Taking proactive action to identify systemic inequalities and barriers to equality, and targeted action to address these.

Evidence-based interventions: Seeking and using evidence to understand the issues facing our students and staff, design our interventions and demonstrate their impact; ensuring we listen to and pay due regard to the lived experiences of our community.

Continuous improvement: Continually evaluating the impact of our strategy and adapting our approach to build a culture and community of innovative practice and continuous improvement.

Intersectionality: Recognising the impact of and responding to the presence of intersectionality between equality characteristics.

Allyship: Recognising that the eradication of systemic and societal inequalities is not the responsibility of those who have faced discrimination or harassment; demonstrating active allyship towards those experiencing inequalities or abuse by committing to reparative action.