Understanding farmed salmon imports and e-commerce consumer satisfaction in China: A text mining approach
Budhathoki M, Lincen L, Xu H, Zhang W, Li S, Newton R, Campbell D & Little D (2024) Understanding farmed salmon imports and e-commerce consumer satisfaction in China: A text mining approach. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 18, Art. No.: 101342.
Political discourse translation in contemporary Chinese and western contents
Valdeón RA & Li S (2024) Political discourse translation in contemporary Chinese and western contents. The Translator, 30 (4), pp. 1-14.
Building towards One Health: A Transdisciplinary Autoethnographic Approach to Understanding Perceptions of Sustainable Aquatic Foods in Vietnam
Li S, Ang SY, Hunter AM, Erdem S, Bostock J, Da CT, Nguyen NT, Moss A, Hope W, Howie C, Newton R, Casteleiro MA & Little D (2024) Building towards One Health: A Transdisciplinary Autoethnographic Approach to Understanding Perceptions of Sustainable Aquatic Foods in Vietnam. Sustainability, 16 (24), pp. 1-23, Art. No.: 10865.;
Societal perceptions of aquaculture: Combining scoping review and media analysis
Budhathoki M, Tunca S, Martinez RL, Zhang W, Li S, Le Gallic B, Brunsø K, Sharma P, Eljasik P, Gyalog G, Panicz R & Little D (2024) Societal perceptions of aquaculture: Combining scoping review and media analysis. Reviews in Aquaculture, 16 (4), pp. 1879-1900.
Introduction to the Special Issue: Translation in Political Discourse and Global Narratives
Li S & Wang B (2023) Introduction to the Special Issue: Translation in Political Discourse and Global Narratives. International Journal of Chinese and English Translation & Interpreting, (3), pp. 1-16. Translation in Political Discourse and Global Narratives.
Conference Paper (published)
MetaMap versus BERT models with explainable active learning: ontology-based experiments with prior knowledge for COVID-19
Arguello-Casteleiro M, Henson C, Maroto N, Li S, Des-Diz J, Fernandez-Prieto MJ, Peters S, Furmston T, Sevillano Torrado C, Maseda Fernandez D, Kulshrestha M, Keane J, Stevens R & Wroe C (2022) MetaMap versus BERT models with explainable active learning: ontology-based experiments with prior knowledge for COVID-19. In: SWAT4HCLS 2022: Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3127. 13th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences, Leiden, Netherlands, 10.01.2022-14.01.2022. Leiden: CEUR-WS, pp. 108-117.
Factors Influencing Consumption Behaviour towards Aquatic Food among Asian Consumers: A Systematic Scoping Review
Budhathoki M, Campbell D, Belton B, Newton R, Li S, Zhang W & Little D (2022) Factors Influencing Consumption Behaviour towards Aquatic Food among Asian Consumers: A Systematic Scoping Review. Foods, 11 (24), Art. No.: 4043.
Studying Interpreters' Stress in Crisis Communication Evidence from Multimodal Technology of Eye-tracking, Heart Rate and Galvanic Skin Response
Li S, Wang Y & Rasmussen YZ (2022) Studying Interpreters' Stress in Crisis Communication Evidence from Multimodal Technology of Eye-tracking, Heart Rate and Galvanic Skin Response. The Translator.
Translating (and rewriting) Jane Austen’s food across time and space
Li S, Li Q & Hope W (2022) Translating (and rewriting) Jane Austen’s food across time and space. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies.
Edited Book
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics
Shei C & Li S (eds.) (2022) The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics. London: Routledge.
Edited Book
Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice
Li S & Hope W (eds.) (2021) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Introduction: A historical overview of terminology management and scholarship
Li S & Hope W (2021) Introduction: A historical overview of terminology management and scholarship. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 121-129.
Book Chapter
Introduction: The role of terminology translation in China’s contemporary identities and cultures
Li S & Hope W (2021) Introduction: The role of terminology translation in China’s contemporary identities and cultures. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 1-18.
Book Chapter
Translating food terminology as cultural and communicative processes
Li S (2021) Translating food terminology as cultural and communicative processes. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 81-97.
Global Seafood Trade: Insights in Sustainability Messaging and Claims of the Major Producing and Consuming Regions
Malcorps W, Newton RW, Maiolo S, Eltholth M, Zhu C, Zhang W, Li S, Tlusty M & Little DC (2021) Global Seafood Trade: Insights in Sustainability Messaging and Claims of the Major Producing and Consuming Regions. Sustainability, 13 (21), Art. No.: 11720.
Book Chapter
Bi/Multilingual Education, Translation, and Social Mobility in Xinjiang, China
Li S (2019) Bi/Multilingual Education, Translation, and Social Mobility in Xinjiang, China. In: Shei C, McLellan Zikpi ME & Chao D (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Chinese Language Teaching. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 593-612.
A Corpus-Based Multimodal Approach to the Translation of Restaurant Menus
Li S (2019) A Corpus-Based Multimodal Approach to the Translation of Restaurant Menus. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 27 (1), pp. 1-19.
A Corpus-based Social Cognitive Approach to the Study of Terminology "Equivalents" in International Economic Law Between Chinese and English
Li S & Chen B (2017) A Corpus-based Social Cognitive Approach to the Study of Terminology "Equivalents" in International Economic Law Between Chinese and English. Journal of Foreign Languages, 3 (1), pp. 53-82.
The Application of Advanced Learning Technology in Assisting the Teaching of Business and Consecutive Interpreting
Li S (2015) The Application of Advanced Learning Technology in Assisting the Teaching of Business and Consecutive Interpreting. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 11 (1/2), pp. 3-12.
New trends of Chinese political translation in the age of globalisation
Li J & Li S (2015) New trends of Chinese political translation in the age of globalisation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 23 (3), pp. 424-439.
Conference Paper (published)
A Parallel Approach to the Study of Political Translation in China
Li J & Li S (2014) A Parallel Approach to the Study of Political Translation in China. In: Lindsay J, Sun L, Qunying P, Zhang J, Hale L & Khan A (eds.) Proceedings of International Symposium on Globalization: Challenges for Translators and Interpreters. International Symposium on 'Globalization: Challenges for Translators and Interpreters', Zhuhai, China, 06.12.2013-08.12.2013. Marietta, GA, USA: The American Scholars Press, Inc. pp. 442-448.
Laziness and Lexicography: A Contrastive Study
Li S (2014) Laziness and Lexicography: A Contrastive Study. China Education Guide, 4.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Norms of Translating Culture: A Case Study of Food Labels between Chinese and English
Li S (2013) Norms of Translating Culture: A Case Study of Food Labels between Chinese and English.
Authored Book
To Define and Inform: An Analysis of Information Provided in Dictionaries Used by Learners of English in China and Denmark
Li S (2011) To Define and Inform: An Analysis of Information Provided in Dictionaries Used by Learners of English in China and Denmark. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Conference Paper (published)
Semiotics and lexicography
Li S (2009) Semiotics and lexicography [A survey of cognitive approaches to pedagogical lexicography]. In: Tarasti E (ed.) Communication: Understanding/Misunderstanding. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the IASS/AIS, Helsinki-Imatra 2007. Acta Semiotica Fennica. 9th Congress of the IASS/AIS, Helsinki, 11.06.2007-17.06.2007. Helsinki, Finland: International Semiotics Institute, pp. 915-922.
Book Chapter
A survey of pragmatic information in bilingual English-Chinese learners' dictionaries
Li S (2009) A survey of pragmatic information in bilingual English-Chinese learners' dictionaries. In: Ooi V, Pakir A, Talib I & Tan P (eds.) Perspectives in Lexicography: Asia and beyond. Papers on Lexicography and Dictionaries, 1. Tel Aviv, Isreal: K Dictionaries Ltd, pp. 25-38.
Semantic and Pragmatic Information in Dictionaries Used by Chinese and Danish Learners of English
Li S (2009) Semantic and Pragmatic Information in Dictionaries Used by Chinese and Danish Learners of English. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Edited Book
Dictionnaire Assimil Kernerman: Chinese-French & French-Chinese Dictionary
Li S & Wang Y (eds.) (2009) Dictionnaire Assimil Kernerman: Chinese-French & French-Chinese Dictionary. ASSIMIL, France: ASSIMIL S.A.S, France.
Edited Book
TOFEL Vocabulary (Dictionary)
Li S (ed.) (2004) TOFEL Vocabulary (Dictionary). Dalian, China: Dalian Technology University Publishing.
Advantages of Corpora in Lexicography - Review of OALD (6th edition)
Yang X & Li S (2003) Advantages of Corpora in Lexicography - Review of OALD (6th edition) [语料库在词典编撰中的优势——兼评《牛津高阶英语学习词典》(第6版)]. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, 4, pp. 45-51.
Deconstruction of the British National Corpus
Li S (2002) Deconstruction of the British National Corpus. Foreign Language Teaching and Research/ Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu, (04), pp. 308-312.
Linguistic Study on the Different Usage of Maritime English: Port and Harbor
Li S (2001) Linguistic Study on the Different Usage of Maritime English: Port and Harbor. Higher Education Studies/ Gaojiao yanjiu yu tansuo, (5) p. 6.
Ambiguity in Chinese Language
Li S (2000) Ambiguity in Chinese Language. College English Studies p. 12, Art. No.: Special edition.
Edited Book
Listening Comprehension Fascicle: Graduate English Test
Li S (ed.) (1998) Listening Comprehension Fascicle: Graduate English Test. Dalian, China: Dalian Maritime University Publishing.
Edited Book
Error Identification Fascicle: Graduate English Test
Li S (ed.) (1998) Error Identification Fascicle: Graduate English Test. Dalian, China: Dalian Maritime University Publishing.
Edited Book
Vocabulary Fascicle: Graduate English Test
Li S (ed.) (1998) Vocabulary Fascicle: Graduate English Test. Dalian, China: Dalian Maritime University Publishing.
Edited Book
Reading Comprehension Fascicle: Graduate English Test
Li S (ed.) (1998) Reading Comprehension Fascicle: Graduate English Test. Dalian, China: Dalian Maritime University Publishing.
Edited Book
Cloze Test Fascicle: Graduate English Test
Li S (ed.) (1998) Cloze Test Fascicle: Graduate English Test. Dalian, China: Dalian Maritime University Publishing.
Edited Book
CET4 Guide
Li S (ed.) (1998) CET4 Guide [四级阅读简答翻译]. Dalian, Liaoning Province, China: Dalian Technology University Publishing.
Edited Book
Guide to the English Proficiency Test & the Business Foreign Language Test
Li S (ed.) (1997) Guide to the English Proficiency Test & the Business Foreign Language Test. Dalian, China: Dalian Maritime University Publishing.