"The People Make the Brand": Reducing Social Skills Gaps Through Person-Brand fit and Human Resource Management Practices
Hurrell S & Scholarios D (2014) "The People Make the Brand": Reducing Social Skills Gaps Through Person-Brand fit and Human Resource Management Practices. Journal of Service Research, 17 (1), pp. 54-67.
Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial to measure the clinical and cost effectiveness of peer support in increasing hope and quality of life in mental health patients discharged from hospital in the UK
Simpson A, Flood C, Rowe J, Quigley J, Henry S, Hall C, Evans R, Sherman P & Bowers L (2014) Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial to measure the clinical and cost effectiveness of peer support in increasing hope and quality of life in mental health patients discharged from hospital in the UK. BMC Psychiatry, 14 (1), Art. No.: 30.
Evaluating the selection, training, and support of peer support workers in the united kingdom
Simpson A, Quigley J, Henry S & Hall C (2014) Evaluating the selection, training, and support of peer support workers in the united kingdom. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 52 (1), pp. 31-40.
Informality and Employment Relationships in Small Firms: Humour, Ambiguity and Straight-talking: Informality and Employment Relationships in Small Firms
Mallett O & Wapshott R (2014) Informality and Employment Relationships in Small Firms: Humour, Ambiguity and Straight-talking: Informality and Employment Relationships in Small Firms. British Journal of Management, 25 (1), pp. 118-132.
Working Paper
Increasing 'The Vital 6 Percent': Designing Effective Public Policy to Support High Growth Firms
Brown R, Mason C & Mawson S (2014) Increasing 'The Vital 6 Percent': Designing Effective Public Policy to Support High Growth Firms. Nesta working paper series, 14/01.
The Dilemmas of Internationalization: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Multinational Corporation: The Dilemmas of Internationalization
Bondy K & Starkey K (2014) The Dilemmas of Internationalization: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Multinational Corporation: The Dilemmas of Internationalization. British Journal of Management, 25 (1), pp. 4-22.
The promised land? Why social inequalities are systemic in the creative industries
Eikhof DR & Warhurst C (2013) The promised land? Why social inequalities are systemic in the creative industries. Employee Relations, 35 (5), pp. 495-508.
Book Chapter
Work spillover
Eikhof DR (2013) Work spillover. In: Smith V & Golson J (eds.) Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia. London: SAGE, pp. 2:996-997.
Book Chapter
Making a living from creativity: Careers, employment and work in the creative industries
Eikhof DR (2013) Making a living from creativity: Careers, employment and work in the creative industries. In: Thomas K & Chan J (eds.) Handbook of Research on Creativity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 380-392.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Moderating Effects of Environmental Hostility and Political Behavior on the Relationship between International Entrepreneurial Orientation and Foreign Performance
Thanos IC, Dimitratos P & Sapouna P (2013) The Moderating Effects of Environmental Hostility and Political Behavior on the Relationship between International Entrepreneurial Orientation and Foreign Performance. 39th European International Business Academy, Bremen, Germany, 12.12.2013-14.12.2014.
Conference Proceeding
A 'Boundary-Friendly' Approach to Understanding the Drivers of Graduate Employability
Okay-Somerville B & Scholarios D (2013) A 'Boundary-Friendly' Approach to Understanding the Drivers of Graduate Employability. In: Academy of Management 2013 Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, USA: Academy of Management, p. 321.
Book Chapter
Introduction: Ethical Change Leadership
By RT & Burnes B (2013) Introduction: Ethical Change Leadership. In: By R & Burnes B (eds.) Organizational change, leadership and ethics: leading organizations towards sustainability. Routledge Studies in Organizational Change & Development. London: Routledge, pp. 1-6.
Book Chapter
A Critical Review of Organization Development
Burnes B (2013) A Critical Review of Organization Development. In: Leonard H, Lewis R, Freedman A & Passmore J (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Leadership, Change and Organizational Development. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 381-404.
The internet and value co-creation: The case of the popular music industry
Choi H & Burnes B (2013) The internet and value co-creation: The case of the popular music industry. Prometheus, 31 (1), pp. 35-53.
Creating a Leading Journal and Maintaining Academic Freedom
By RT, Burnes B & Oswick C (2013) Creating a Leading Journal and Maintaining Academic Freedom. Journal of Change Management, 13 (1), pp. 1-8.
A model of organisational dysfunction in the NHS
Pope R & Burnes B (2013) A model of organisational dysfunction in the NHS. Journal of Health Organisation and Management, 27 (6), pp. 676-697.
Learning on the front line: Can personal development during problem-based learning facilitate professional development in Trainee Clinical Psychologists?
Keville S, Siddaway A, Rhodes L, Horley N, Brown R, Dove L & White L (2013) Learning on the front line: Can personal development during problem-based learning facilitate professional development in Trainee Clinical Psychologists?. Reflective Practice, 14 (6), pp. 717-728.
Money, Well-Being, and Loss Aversion: Does an Income Loss Have a Greater Effect on Well-Being Than an Equivalent Income Gain?
Boyce CJ, Wood AM, Banks J, Clark AE & Brown GDA (2013) Money, Well-Being, and Loss Aversion: Does an Income Loss Have a Greater Effect on Well-Being Than an Equivalent Income Gain?. Psychological Science, 24 (12), pp. 2557-2562.
Working Paper
The Work Programme: a new public governance policy or a continuation of new public management?
Fuertes V & McQuaid R (2013) The Work Programme: a new public governance policy or a continuation of new public management?. EVeP, 20.
The limitations of dispositional resistance in relation to organizational change
Michel A, By RT & Burnes B (2013) The limitations of dispositional resistance in relation to organizational change. Management Decision, 51 (4), pp. 761-780.
The Tavistock's 1945 invention of Organization Development: early British business and management applications of social psychiatry
Burnes B & Cooke B (2013) The Tavistock's 1945 invention of Organization Development: early British business and management applications of social psychiatry. Business History, 55 (5), pp. 768-789.
Extending working lives: Age management in SMEs
Fuertes V, Egdell V & McQuaid R (2013) Extending working lives: Age management in SMEs. Employee Relations, 35 (3), pp. 272-293.
"Women doing their own thing": Media representations of female entrepreneurship
Eikhof DR, Summers J & Carter S (2013) "Women doing their own thing": Media representations of female entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 19 (5), pp. 547-564.
Trigger points and high-growth firms: A conceptualisation and review of public policy implications
Brown R & Mawson S (2013) Trigger points and high-growth firms: A conceptualisation and review of public policy implications. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20 (2), pp. 279-295.
Failure or precursor? 'Organisation and Methods' and the British practitioner tradition of management knowledge
Guerriero Wilson R (2013) Failure or precursor? 'Organisation and Methods' and the British practitioner tradition of management knowledge. Management and Organizational History, 8 (3), pp. 277-289.;
Book Chapter
"Of the highest Imperial importance": British strategic priorities and the politics of colonial bauxite, c.1916-c.1958
Perchard A (2013) "Of the highest Imperial importance": British strategic priorities and the politics of colonial bauxite, c.1916-c.1958. In: Gendron R, Ingulstad M, Storli & E (eds.) Aluminum Ore: The Political Economy of the Global Bauxite Industry. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, pp. 53-79.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Effect of Legislation on the Development of Coal Mining Industry
Oraee K, Oraee-Mirzamani N & Goodarzi A (2013) The Effect of Legislation on the Development of Coal Mining Industry. SME Annual Meeting 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA, 24.02.2013-27.02.2013.
Book Chapter
Multilayered Meanings in Health Decision Making: A Terror Management Health Model Analysis
McCabe S, Vail III KE, Arndt J & Goldenberg J (2013) Multilayered Meanings in Health Decision Making: A Terror Management Health Model Analysis. In: Hicks J & Routledge C (eds.) The Experience of Meaning in Life: Classical Perspectives, Emerging Themes, and Controversies. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 349-362.;
Understanding the effects of service redesign on patient-time in an Emergency Department
Bowers J & Mould G (2013) Understanding the effects of service redesign on patient-time in an Emergency Department. International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 19 (4/5/6), pp. 254-266.
Conference Proceeding
Analysis of Availability and Utilization of Dragline for Enhancement of Productivity in Surface Mines – A Case Study
Mohammadi M, Rai P, Oraee K & Kumar M (2013) Analysis of Availability and Utilization of Dragline for Enhancement of Productivity in Surface Mines – A Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal. 23rd World Mining Congress 2013, Montreal, Canada, 11.08.2013-15.08.2013. Katowice, Poland: World Mining Congress.
A comparison of process modelling methods for healthcare redesign
Mould G & Bowers J (2013) A comparison of process modelling methods for healthcare redesign. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 8 (2/3), pp. 168-176.
The moral economy of work and employment in banks
Laaser K (2013) The moral economy of work and employment in banks. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Strathclyde.
Research Report
The opportunities and challenges of the changing public services landscape for the third sector in Scotland: a longitudinal study (2009 – 2013) year four and final report
Dutton M, Egdell V, McQuaid R & Osborne SP (2013) The opportunities and challenges of the changing public services landscape for the third sector in Scotland: a longitudinal study (2009 – 2013) year four and final report. Scottish Government - Governance & Communities - Local Government & Third Sector. Social Research series. Scottish Government.
Executive functioning affects health behaviour in older people too
McMinn D, Allan JL & Daly M (2013) Executive functioning affects health behaviour in older people too. Commentary on: Marteau, T.M., Hall, P.A. (2013). Breadlines, brains, and behaviour. BMJ, 347:f6750.. BMJ, 347, Art. No.: f7440.
The unspoken side of mutual adjustment: Understanding intersubjective negotiation in small professional service firms
Wapshott R & Mallett O (2013) The unspoken side of mutual adjustment: Understanding intersubjective negotiation in small professional service firms. International Small Business Journal, 31 (8), pp. 978-996.
Working Paper
Human capital, creative class and regional economic performance: A dynamic panel analysis
Alehegn E, Sacchetti S & Tortia E (2013) Human capital, creative class and regional economic performance: A dynamic panel analysis Van Hove J (Editor) Economics and Econometrics Research Institute Research Papers, 2013/11.
Research Report
Template setting out classification of experts’ competences
Webster CWR & Leleux C (2013) Template setting out classification of experts’ competences. ASSERT Deliverable, D2.2. ASSERT.
Research Report
Mobilising and organising for large scale change in healthcare: 'The Right Prescription: A Call to Action on the use of antipsychotic drugs for people with dementia'
Boyd A, Burnes B, Clark E & Nelson A (2013) Mobilising and organising for large scale change in healthcare: 'The Right Prescription: A Call to Action on the use of antipsychotic drugs for people with dementia'. NHS. NHS Improving Quality.
Sentencing, severity, and social norms: A rank-based model of contextual influence on judgments of crimes and punishments
Aldrovandi S, Wood AM & Brown GDA (2013) Sentencing, severity, and social norms: A rank-based model of contextual influence on judgments of crimes and punishments. Acta Psychologica, 144 (3), pp. 538-547.
Kurt Lewin's field theory: A review and re-evaluation
Burnes B & Cooke B (2013) Kurt Lewin's field theory: A review and re-evaluation. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15 (4), pp. 408-425.
Daimon and Psyche: Ethical Reflections on a Numinous Marriage
Rozuel C (2013) Daimon and Psyche: Ethical Reflections on a Numinous Marriage. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 5 (3), pp. 211-225.
Racism, gun ownership and gun control: Biased attitudes in US whites may influence policy decisions
O'Brien K, Forrest W, Lynott D & Daly M (2013) Racism, gun ownership and gun control: Biased attitudes in US whites may influence policy decisions. PLoS ONE, 8 (10), Art. No.: e77552.
"Broken men" and "Thatcher's children": Memory and legacy in Scotland's coalfields
Perchard A (2013) "Broken men" and "Thatcher's children": Memory and legacy in Scotland's coalfields. International Labor and Working Class History, 84 (1), pp. 78-98.
Why are social scientists still reluctant to embrace email as data? An ethnographic examination of interactions within virtual teams
Marks A & Au YW( (2013) Why are social scientists still reluctant to embrace email as data? An ethnographic examination of interactions within virtual teams. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (5), pp. 880-890.
Balancing operating theatre and bed capacity in a cardiothoracic centre
Bowers J (2013) Balancing operating theatre and bed capacity in a cardiothoracic centre. Health Care Management Science, 16 (3), pp. 236-244.
Putting the Good Back in Good Corporate Governance: The Presence and Problems of Double-Layered Agency Theory: Putting the Good Back in Good Corporate Governance
Raelin JD & Bondy K (2013) Putting the Good Back in Good Corporate Governance: The Presence and Problems of Double-Layered Agency Theory: Putting the Good Back in Good Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 21 (5), pp. 420-435.
Book Chapter
Exemplarity as Commitment to the Self: Insights from Spiritual Healers
Rozuel C (2013) Exemplarity as Commitment to the Self: Insights from Spiritual Healers. In: Schwartz M & Harris H (eds.) Moral Saints and Moral Exemplars. Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, 10. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 117-151.
Research Report
Strategy for Identifying Relevant Experts in the Field
Leleux C & Webster CWR (2013) Strategy for Identifying Relevant Experts in the Field. ASSERT Deliverable, D2.1. ASSERT.
Conference Proceeding
Final Wall Stability in Metal Open Pit Mines Using Presplit Blasting
Oraee K, Mozafari A, Goodarzi A & Oraee-Mirzamani N (2013) Final Wall Stability in Metal Open Pit Mines Using Presplit Blasting. In: 23rd World Mining Congress 2013 Proceedings. 23rd World Mining Congress - Mapping the Future: Advances in Mining Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 11.08.2013-15.08.2013. Montreal: X-CD Technologies Inc.
Conference Proceeding
A Comparison of Numerical Methods and Analytical Methods in Determination of Tunnel Walls Displacement – A Case Study
Oraee B, Zandi S & Oraee K (2013) A Comparison of Numerical Methods and Analytical Methods in Determination of Tunnel Walls Displacement – A Case Study. In: 32nd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 32nd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WV, USA, 30.07.2013-01.08.2013. Morgantown, WV: ICGCM.
Work, employment and society through the lens of moral economy
Bolton SC & Laaser K (2013) Work, employment and society through the lens of moral economy. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (3), pp. 508-525.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Labouring under the supply chain: work and employment in the UK supermarket supply chain
Newsome K, Commander J & Thompson P (2013) Labouring under the supply chain: work and employment in the UK supermarket supply chain. British Universities Industrial Relations Association 63rd Annual Conference, Glasgow, 27.06.2013-29.06.2013.
Book Chapter
Bolton SC (2013) Goffman. In: Smith & V (eds.) Sage Sociology of Work Encyclopaedia. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Book Chapter
Dignity at Work
Bolton SC (2013) Dignity at Work. In: Smith & V (eds.) Sage Sociology of Work Encyclopaedia. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Book Chapter
Bolton SC (2013) Emotion. In: Smith & V (eds.) Sage Sociology of Work Encyclopaedia. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Insights on disruptions as opportunities for transport policy change
Marsden G & Docherty I (2013) Insights on disruptions as opportunities for transport policy change. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 51, pp. 46-55.
Studying the Stress Redistribution around the Longwall Mining Panel Using Passive Seismic Velocity Tomography and Geostatistical Estimation
Hosseini N, Oraee K, Shahriar K & Goshtasbi K (2013) Studying the Stress Redistribution around the Longwall Mining Panel Using Passive Seismic Velocity Tomography and Geostatistical Estimation. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6 (5), pp. 1407-1416.
Recommendations for conducting mindfulness based cognitive therapy trials
Siddaway A & Wood AM (2013) Recommendations for conducting mindfulness based cognitive therapy trials. Psychiatry Research, 207 (3), pp. 229-231.
'The salvation of this district and far beyond': Aluminium Production and the Politics of Highland Development
Perchard A (2013) 'The salvation of this district and far beyond': Aluminium Production and the Politics of Highland Development. Northern Scotland, 4 (1), pp. 43-65.
'Too much on the Highlands?' Recasting the Economic History of the Highlands and Islands
Perchard A & Mackenzie N (2013) 'Too much on the Highlands?' Recasting the Economic History of the Highlands and Islands. Northern Scotland, 4 (1), pp. 3-22.
Conference Proceeding
The Evolution of Values: Introducing an IT/IS Strategic Perspective on Cultural Factors
Mackinnon A, Kittler M & Seitz J (2013) The Evolution of Values: Introducing an IT/IS Strategic Perspective on Cultural Factors. In: WHICEB 2013 Proceedings. WHICEB 2013 Proceedings. WHICEB 2013: The Twelfth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, China, 25.05.2013-26.05.2013. Association for Information Systems.
Following a trauma, which children are most likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder?
Siddaway A & Trickey D (2013) Following a trauma, which children are most likely to develop posttraumatic stress disorder?. Clinical Psychology Forum, (245), pp. 39-43.
Research Report
Strengthening the Contribution of Non-Executive Directors and Trustees to Scottish Boards in the Private, Public and Third Sectors
McQuaid R & Pocher E (2013) Strengthening the Contribution of Non-Executive Directors and Trustees to Scottish Boards in the Private, Public and Third Sectors. Employment Research Institute.
Shades of grey: Understanding job quality in emerging graduate occupations
Okay-Somerville B & Scholarios D (2013) Shades of grey: Understanding job quality in emerging graduate occupations. Human Relations, 66 (4), pp. 555-585.
'Good when they want to be': Migrant workers in the supermarket supply chain
Thompson P, Newsome K & Commander J (2013) 'Good when they want to be': Migrant workers in the supermarket supply chain. Human Resource Management Journal, 23 (2), pp. 129-143.
Positioning theory and practice question(s) within the field of management learning
Perriton L & Hodgson V (2013) Positioning theory and practice question(s) within the field of management learning. Management Learning, 44 (2), pp. 144-160.
Financialization and the workplace: Extending and applying the disconnected capitalism thesis
Thompson P (2013) Financialization and the workplace: Extending and applying the disconnected capitalism thesis. Work, Employment and Society, 27 (3), pp. 472-488.
'You monitor performance at every hour': Labour and the management of performance in the supermarket supply chain
Newsome K, Thompson P & Commander J (2013) 'You monitor performance at every hour': Labour and the management of performance in the supermarket supply chain. New Technology, Work and Employment, 28 (1), pp. 1-15.
Book Chapter
Scotland's Companies of Scale Programme
Brown R & Mawson S (2013) Scotland's Companies of Scale Programme [An International Benchmarking Analysis of Public Programmes for High-Growth Firms]. In: An International Benchmarking Analysis of Public Programmes for High-Growth Firms, prepared by OECD. Paris, France: OECD, pp. 64-84.
Book Chapter
Motivational resilience in the university system
Sacchetti S (2013) Motivational resilience in the university system. In: Sugden R, Valania M & Wilson J (eds.) Leadership and Cooperation in Academia: Reflecting on the Roles and Responsibilities of University Faculty and Management. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 107-127.;
Assessing the impact of systems modeling in the redesign of an Emergency Department
Mould G, Bowers J, Dewar C & McGugan E (2013) Assessing the impact of systems modeling in the redesign of an Emergency Department. Health Systems, 2 (1), pp. 3-10.
Research Report
The Growth of Employee Owned Businesses in Scotland
McQuaid R, Canduela J, Egdell V, Dutton M & Raeside R (2013) The Growth of Employee Owned Businesses in Scotland. Scottish Enterprise. Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University.
More than a 'humpty dumpty' term: Strengthening the conceptualization of soft skills
Hurrell S, Scholarios D & Thompson P (2013) More than a 'humpty dumpty' term: Strengthening the conceptualization of soft skills. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 34 (1), pp. 161-182.
Assessing Prediction Models of Advance Rate in Tunnel Boring Machines — A Case Study in Iran
Oraee K & Salehi B (2013) Assessing Prediction Models of Advance Rate in Tunnel Boring Machines — A Case Study in Iran. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6 (2), pp. 481-489.
Research Report
An expert paper on the type, extent and delivery of childcare provision necessary to maximise the economic participation of women within Northern Ireland, report for Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
McQuaid R, Graham H & Shapira M (2013) An expert paper on the type, extent and delivery of childcare provision necessary to maximise the economic participation of women within Northern Ireland, report for Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.
Research Report
Economic Inactivity Research Project (those with family commitments and the long-term sick and disabled) - Literature Review
McQuaid R, Graham H, Shapira M & Raeside R (2013) Economic Inactivity Research Project (those with family commitments and the long-term sick and disabled) - Literature Review. Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland. Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University.
Research Report
Child Care: Maximising the Economic Participation of Women
McQuaid R, Graham H & Shapira M (2013) Child Care: Maximising the Economic Participation of Women. Equality Commission Northern Ireland. Employment Research Institute.
Research Report
Child Care: Maximising the Economic Participation of Women
McQuaid R, Graham H & Shapira M (2013) Child Care: Maximising the Economic Participation of Women. Equality Commission Northern Ireland. Employment Research Institute.
Working Paper
Deliverable D2.4: The Theoretical Framework
Webster CWR, Leleux C, Wright D, Raab CD, Jones R, De Hert P & Galetta A (2013) Deliverable D2.4: The Theoretical Framework. IRISS Work Package 2, 2.4.
Research Report
Deliverable D2.2: The Political Perspective
Raab CD, Jones R, Fischer D, Bonss W, Lastic E, Szekely I, Vissy B, Galdon Clavell G, Webster CWR, Leleux C, De Hert P & Galetta A (2013) Deliverable D2.2: The Political Perspective. IRISS Work Package 2, 2.2. IRISS - Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies.
Research Report
Deliverable D2.1: The Social Perspective
Webster CWR, Leleux C, Sterbik-Lamina J, Cas J, Peissl W, Fischer D, Bonss W, De Hert P, Galdon Clavell G, Galetta A, Fonio C, Jones R, Szekely I & Vissy B (2013) Deliverable D2.1: The Social Perspective. IRISS Work Package 2, 2.1. IRISS - Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies.
Depression and Anxiety Following Psychosis: Associations with Mindfulness and Psychological Flexibility
White RG, Gumley AI, McTaggart J, Rattrie L, McConville D, Cleare S & Mitchell G (2013) Depression and Anxiety Following Psychosis: Associations with Mindfulness and Psychological Flexibility. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 41 (1), pp. 34-51.
Developing ideas and concepts in teamwork research: Where do we go from here?
Marks A & Richards J (2012) Developing ideas and concepts in teamwork research: Where do we go from here?. Employee Relations, 34 (3), pp. 228-234.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Exploring the management of third sector service diversification
McGuire D, Laaser K & Mackay D (2012) Exploring the management of third sector service diversification. EURAM - European Academy of Management Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 06.06.2012-08.06.2012.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Global Staffing Practices for Knowledge Professionals: Key Drivers for the Selection of International Assignees
Manolopoulos D, Sapouna P, Dimitratos P & Sofikitis E (2012) Global Staffing Practices for Knowledge Professionals: Key Drivers for the Selection of International Assignees. 38th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 06.12.2012-09.12.2012.
Book Chapter
Regional Monitoring and Individual Demand for Skills Development for Low Skilled Employees
McQuaid R (2012) Regional Monitoring and Individual Demand for Skills Development for Low Skilled Employees. In: Larsen C, Hasberg R, Schmid A, Atin E & Brzozowski J (eds.) Skills Monitoring in European Regions and Localities: State of the Art and Perspectives. Munich: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp. 220-233.
Research Report
Deliverable D1.1: Surveillance, fighting crime and violence
Wright D, Cas J, Szekely I, Vissy B, Friedewald M, Goos K, Leleux C, Rodrigues R, Galdon Clavell G, Kreissl R, Norris C, Krlic M, Groves L, Amicelle A & Strauss S (2012) Deliverable D1.1: Surveillance, fighting crime and violence. IRISS Work Package 1, 1.1. IRISS - Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies.
Book Chapter
Field theory of learning
Burnes B (2012) Field theory of learning. In: Seel N (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. New York: Springer, pp. 1299-1301.
Change Management: Leadership, Values and Ethics
By RT, Burnes B & Oswick C (2012) Change Management: Leadership, Values and Ethics. Journal of Change Management, 12 (1), pp. 1-5.