Management, Work and Organisation

Outputs related to Management, Work and Organisation

Showing 701 to 800 of 1506

Book Chapter

Kristensen I, McQuaid R & Scherrer W (2015) Regional Innovation Policy and Public-Private Partnerships. In: Hilpert U (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Politics and Technology. London: Routledge, pp. 249-261.

Conference Paper (published)

Oraee K, Oraee-Mirzamani N, Goodarzi A & Khajehpour P (2015) The Effect of Discontinuities Characteristics on Coal Mine Stability and Sustainability: A Rock Fall Prediction Approach. In: 34th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. 34th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WV, USA, 28.07.2015-30.07.2015. Morgantown, WV: ICGCM.

Book Chapter

McQuaid R & Bergmann A (2015) Sustainable Employment, Integration and Sustainable Energy Development. In: Ahmed A (ed.) Green Behavior: Re-thinking Policy for Sustainability. World Sustainable Development, Outlook 2015. Brighton, Sussex: World Association for Sustainable Development, pp. 117-125.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Mawson S, Brown R & Peterson L (2015) Birds of a Feather Flock Together: Transnational Entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley’s Alluring Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Global Growth Agendas: Regions, Institutions and Sustainability, Regional Studies Association, Piacenza, Italy, 24.05.2015-27.05.2015.

Book Chapter

Thompson P, Parker R & Cox S (2015) Labour and Assymetric Power Relations in Global Value Chains: The digital entertainment industries and beyond. In: Newsome K, Taylor P, Bair J & Rainnie A (eds.) Putting Labour in its Place: Labour Process Analysis and Global Value Chains. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 45-63.


McCabe S, Arndt J, Goldenberg J, Vess ML, Vail III KE, Gibbons FX & Rogers R (2015) The Effect of Visualizing Healthy Eaters and Mortality Reminders on Nutritious Grocery Purchases: An Integrative Terror Management and Prototype Willingness Analysis. Health Psychology, 34 (3), pp. 279-282.

Conference Paper (published)

Blanes R, Paton R & Docherty I (2015) Public Value of Intelligent Transportation System. In: IEEE 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai, HI, USA, 05.01.2015-08.01.2015. Piscataway, USA: IEEE, pp. 1389-1399.

Book Chapter

Eikhof DR (2014) Transorganisational work and production in the creative industries. In: Bilton C & Cummings S (eds.) Handbook of Management and Creativity. Elgar Original Reference. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 275-297.

Book Chapter

Campbell C & Sacchetti S (2014) Social enterprise networks and social capital: A case study in Scotland/UK. In: Christoforou A & Davis J (eds.) Social Capital and Economics: Social Values, Power, and Social Identity. Routledge Advances in Social Economics. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

McQuaid R & Fuertes V (2014) Sustainable integration of the long term unemployed: From Work First to Career First. In: Larsen C, Rand S, Schmid A & Keil R (eds.) Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Employment: Approaches to Measuring Sustainability in Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring. Munich: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp. 359-373.

Authored Book

Burnes B (2014) Managing Change. 6th ed. Harlow: Pearson.

Book Chapter

Perriton L & Reynolds M (2014) 'Here be dragons': Approaching difficult group issues in networked learning. In: Hodgson V, McConnell M, de Laat M & Ryberg T (eds.) The Design, Experience and Practice of Network Learning. Research in Networked Learning. New York: Springer, pp. 109-126.

Book Chapter

Wapshott R, Mallett O & Spicer D (2014) Exploring Change in Small Firms' HRM Practices. In: Machado C & Davim J (eds.) Work Organization and Human Resource Management. Management and Industrial Engineering. Management and Industrial Engineering. London: Springer International Publishing, pp. 73-92.

Edited Book

Ingulstad M, Perchard A & Storli E (eds.) (2014) Tin and global capitalism: A history of the devil's metal 1850-2000. Routledge International Studies in Business History, 25. New York: Routledge.;

Book Chapter

Perchard A (2014) Aluminium production and the politics of regional development in the Scottish Highlands. In: Barjot, D, Bertilorenzi & M (eds.) Aluminium: Du métal de luxe au métal de masse (XIXe – XXIe siècle). Paris: Presses de l'Universite Paris-Sorbonne, pp. 267-288.

Book Chapter

Sinclair S, McHugh N, Huckfield L, Roy M & Donaldson C (2014) Social impact bonds: Shifting the boundaries of citizenship. In: Farnsworth K, Irving Z & Fenger M (eds.) Social Policy Review 26: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2014. Social Policy Review, 26. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 119-136.

Website Content

McQuaid R (2014) Who are lone parents? Challenging the media perception. Informing and supporting action to improve health and tackle inequality [Blog post] 08.12.2014.

Research Report

McQuaid R, Brown R, Summers J & Mawson S (2014) Employee Owned Businesses – Access to Funding. Scottish Enterprise. Scottish Enterprise.

Research Report

Neumann A, Berglez R, Kreissl R, Zurawski N, Fischer D, Fonio C, Leleux C, Webster CWR, Peissl W, Lastic E, Kovanic M & Spiller K (2014) IRISS (Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies) FP7 European Research Project, Deliverable 4.2: Doing privacy in everyday encounters with surveillance.. European Commission. European Commission, FP7, IRISS: Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies Deliverable, 4.2. IRISS.


Gumley AI, Schwannauer M, Macbeth A, Fisher R, Clark S, Rattrie L, Fraser G, McCabe R, Blair A, Davidson K & Birchwood M (2014) Insight, duration of untreated psychosis and attachment in first-episode psychosis: prospective study of psychiatric recovery over 12-month follow-up. British Journal of Psychiatry, 205 (1), pp. 60-67.

Website Content

McQuaid R (2014) Youth unemployment produces multiple scarring effects. Economy and Society Blog [Blog post] 28.07.2014.

Presentation / Talk

McQuaid R, Raeside R, Egdell V & Graham H (2014) Multiple scarring effects of youth unemployment in UK. Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) conference 2014, Chicago, 10.07.2014-12.07.2014.

Book Review

Pierides D (2014) Political economies of security for some time to come. Review of: Luis Lobo-Guerrero, Insuring Security, Routledge, New York, 2011, 178pp., ISBN 978- 0-415-52285-4. Insuring War, Routledge, New York, 2012, 176pp., 978-0-415-61772-7. Journal of Cultural Economy, 7 (3), pp. 371-377.

Research Report

Leleux C (2014) IRISS (Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies) FP7 European Research Project, Deliverable D6.1: Civil Protection in a European Context, in A report on resilience in "democratic" surveillance societies. Civil protection in a European context, in A report on resilience in "democratic" surveillance societies. Wright D (Editor) & Rodrigues R (Editor) European Commission, FP7, IRISS: Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies Deliverable, 6.1, part 2.1.7. Glasgow: IRISS.