Book Chapter
Measuring The Digital Transformation In An Organisation
Fenton A, Ahmed W & Hides M (2020) Measuring The Digital Transformation In An Organisation. In: Fenton A, Fletcher G & Griffiths M (eds.) Strategic Digital Transformation A Results-Driven Approach. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Against the Tide: Transnational Solidarity in Brexit Britain
Baglioni S, Biosca O & Montgomery T (2020) Against the Tide: Transnational Solidarity in Brexit Britain. In: Lahusen C, Zschache U & Kousis M (eds.) Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises: Citizen Organisations and Collective Learning in Europe. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-207.
Book Chapter
Political Activism and Agency under Austerity and Brexit
Montgomery T & Grasso M (2020) Political Activism and Agency under Austerity and Brexit. In: Guderjan M, Mackay H & Stedman G (eds.) Contested Britain: Brexit, Austerity and Agency. Bristol: Bristol University Press, pp. 45-58.
Book Chapter
The welfare dimension: understanding trans (national) solidarity in Europe
Baglioni S & Montgomery T (2020) The welfare dimension: understanding trans (national) solidarity in Europe. In: Lahusen C (ed.) Citizens’ Solidarity in Europe: Civic Engagement and Public Discourse in Times of Crises. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 85-100.
Social innovation and the autoimmunity of employability
Montgomery T (2020) Social innovation and the autoimmunity of employability. Social Policy & Administration, 54 (7), pp. 1067-1080.
Project Report
Mapping the Impact of Social Enterprise on Disadvantaged Individuals and Communities in Australia’s Regional Cities
Farmer J, De Cotta T, Kilpatrick S, Barraket J, Brennan-Horley C, McKinnon K, Adler V, Kamstra P, Emery S, Kennedy M, Munoz S & Roy M (2020) Mapping the Impact of Social Enterprise on Disadvantaged Individuals and Communities in Australia’s Regional Cities. Swinburne University of Technology. Melbourne: La Trobe.
Book Chapter
The Use of Crowdfunding by Environmental Entrepreneurs: Is it all about cash?
Mawson S & Ball C (2020) The Use of Crowdfunding by Environmental Entrepreneurs: Is it all about cash?. In: Fillis I & Telford N (eds.) Edward Elgar Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Marketing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 99-111.
Newspaper / Magazine
Don't say goodbye to Zoom yet: most people want to get back to the office, but not for the full week
Marks A, Skountridaki L & Mallett O (2020) Don't say goodbye to Zoom yet: most people want to get back to the office, but not for the full week. The Conversation. 03.12.2020.
Newspaper / Magazine
Organisational support for the work-life balance of home-based workers
Skountridaki L, Zschomler D, Marks A & Mallett O (2020) Organisational support for the work-life balance of home-based workers. The Work-Life Balance Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 2. 01.12.2020, pp. 16-22.
A Social Network Analysis of Tweets Related to Masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ahmed W, Vidal-Alaball J, Lopez Segui F & Moreno-Sánchez PA (2020) A Social Network Analysis of Tweets Related to Masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (21), Art. No.: 8235.
Statistics and probability have always been value-laden: An historical ontology of quantitative research methods
Zyphur M & Pierides D (2020) Statistics and probability have always been value-laden: An historical ontology of quantitative research methods. Journal of Business Ethics, 167 (1), pp. 1-18.
Making quantitative research work: From positivist dogma to actual social scientific inquiry
Zyphur M & Pierides D (2020) Making quantitative research work: From positivist dogma to actual social scientific inquiry. Journal of Business Ethics, 167 (1), pp. 49-62.
COVID-19 and the "Film Your Hospital" Conspiracy Theory: Social Network Analysis of Twitter Data
Ahmed W, López Seguí F, Vidal-Alaball J & Katz MS (2020) COVID-19 and the "Film Your Hospital" Conspiracy Theory: Social Network Analysis of Twitter Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (10), Art. No.: e22374.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
University Responses to Digitalization at the Start of Covid-19 -Cases in Scotland
Webb A, McQuaid R & Webster W (2020) University Responses to Digitalization at the Start of Covid-19 -Cases in Scotland. World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) Conference on ‘Online Learning – the New Normal Post Covid-19', Online, 28.10.2020-29.10.2020.
Research and development spending and technical efficiency: evidence from biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector
Grant K, Matousek R, Meyer M & Tzeremes NG (2020) Research and development spending and technical efficiency: evidence from biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Production Research, 58 (20), pp. 6170-6184.
From Data to Causes I: Building A General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM)
Zyphur MJ, Allison PD, Tay L, Voelkle MC, Preacher KJ, Zhang Z, Hamaker EL, Shamsollahi A, Pierides DC, Koval P & Diener E (2020) From Data to Causes I: Building A General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM). Organizational Research Methods, 23 (4), pp. 651-687.
From Data to Causes II: Comparing Approaches to Panel Data Analysis
Zyphur M, Voelkle M, Tay L, Allison P, Preacher K, Zhang Z, Hamaker E, Shamsollahi A, Pierides D, Koval P & Diener E (2020) From Data to Causes II: Comparing Approaches to Panel Data Analysis. Organizational Research Methods, 23 (4), pp. 688-716.
'To be understood as to understand': A readability analysis of public library acceptable use policies
Robinson E & McMenemy D (2020) 'To be understood as to understand': A readability analysis of public library acceptable use policies. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52 (3), pp. 713-725.
Public Disclosure on Social Media of Identifiable Patient Information by Health Professionals: Content Analysis of Twitter Data
Ahmed W, Jagsi R, Gutheil TG & Katz MS (2020) Public Disclosure on Social Media of Identifiable Patient Information by Health Professionals: Content Analysis of Twitter Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (9), Art. No.: e19746.
For all intents and purposes: Depositor behaviour and strategy in a London savings bank
Perriton L & Henderson S (2020) For all intents and purposes: Depositor behaviour and strategy in a London savings bank. Enterprise and Society.
Website Content
The COVID-19 pandemic and the role of SMEs as innovators of sustainable inclusive employment
McQuaid R & Webb A (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic and the role of SMEs as innovators of sustainable inclusive employment. Business Improvement and Growth for SMEs [Blog post] 09.09.2020.
Where does work belong anymore? The implications of intensive homebased working
Mallett O, Marks A & Skountridaki L (2020) Where does work belong anymore? The implications of intensive homebased working. Gender in Management: An International Journal.
Research Report
State of the Art Review (WP2): Higher education institutions/Universities Responses to Digitalization
Webb A (2020) State of the Art Review (WP2): Higher education institutions/Universities Responses to Digitalization. European Commission. on-line.
Technical Report
State of the Art Review (WP2) Higher Education Institutions/Universities Responses to Digitalization (IO1)
Webb A State of the Art Review (WP2) Higher Education Institutions/Universities Responses to Digitalization (IO1). European Commission.
Studying disruptive events: innovations in behaviour, opportunities for lower carbon transport policy?
Marsden G, Anable J, Chatterton T, Docherty I, Faulconbridge J, Murray L, Roby H & Shires J (2020) Studying disruptive events: innovations in behaviour, opportunities for lower carbon transport policy?. Transport Policy, 94, pp. 89-101.
Mitigating Stakeholder Marginalisation through the Relational Self
Bondy K & Charles A (2020) Mitigating Stakeholder Marginalisation through the Relational Self. Journal of Business Ethics, 165 (1), pp. 67-82.
Dismembering organisation: The coordination of algorithmic work in healthcare
Bailey S, Pierides D, Brisley A, Weisshaar C & Blakeman T (2020) Dismembering organisation: The coordination of algorithmic work in healthcare. Current Sociology, 68 (4), pp. 546-571.
Newspaper / Magazine
People are missing their daily commute in lockdown - here's why
Marks A, Skountridaki L & Mallett O (2020) People are missing their daily commute in lockdown - here's why. The Conversation. 20.07.2020.
The value of Big Data in government: The case of 'smart cities'
Löfgren K & Webster CWR (2020) The value of Big Data in government: The case of 'smart cities'. Big Data and Society, 7 (1).
Capitalism, Technology and Work: Interrogating the Tipping Point Thesis
Thompson P (2020) Capitalism, Technology and Work: Interrogating the Tipping Point Thesis. Political Quarterly, 91 (2), pp. 299-309.
Development and Validation of the Positive Parenting Schema Inventory (PPSI) to Complement the Young Parenting Inventory (YPI) for Schema Therapy (ST)
Louis JP, Wood AM & Lockwood G (2020) Development and Validation of the Positive Parenting Schema Inventory (PPSI) to Complement the Young Parenting Inventory (YPI) for Schema Therapy (ST). Assessment, 27 (4), pp. 766-786.
Ill-being or well-being? Energising international business travellers
Rattrie L & Kittler M (2020) Ill-being or well-being? Energising international business travellers. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 7 (2), pp. 117-137.
Reconstruction in Strategy and Organization: For a Pragmatic Stance
Casler C (2020) Reconstruction in Strategy and Organization: For a Pragmatic Stance. Doctor of Philosophy. Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School [Phd]. Ph.d. Serie, No. 14.2020.
Website Content
A New Green Shovel? Options for the transport stimulus package
Docherty I, Anable J & Marsden G (2020) A New Green Shovel? Options for the transport stimulus package. University of Stirling Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 09.06.2020.
COVID-19 and the 5G Conspiracy Theory: Social Network Analysis of Twitter Data
Ahmed W, Vidal-Alaball J, Downing J & López Seguí F (2020) COVID-19 and the 5G Conspiracy Theory: Social Network Analysis of Twitter Data. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (5), Art. No.: e19458.
Methodology for gender analysis in transport: Factors with influence in women's inclusion as professionals and users of transport infrastructures
García-Jiménez E, Poveda-Reyes S, Molero GD, Santarremigia FE, Gorrini A, Hail Y, Ababio-Donkor A, Leva MC & Mauriello F (2020) Methodology for gender analysis in transport: Factors with influence in women's inclusion as professionals and users of transport infrastructures. Sustainability, 12 (9), Art. No.: 3656.
Workplace change and institutional experimentation: a case study of service-sector work in Europe
Pulignano V, Thompson P & Doerflinger N (2020) Workplace change and institutional experimentation: a case study of service-sector work in Europe. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 26 (2), pp. 175-187.
Employee dissent on social media and organizational discipline
Thompson P, McDonald P & O’Connor P (2020) Employee dissent on social media and organizational discipline. Human Relations, 73 (5), pp. 631-652.
Rigidities of imagination in scenario planning: Strategic foresight through 'Unlearning'
Burt G & Nair AK (2020) Rigidities of imagination in scenario planning: Strategic foresight through 'Unlearning'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 153, Art. No.: 119927.
Contextualising the 2019 E-Cigarette Health Scare: Insights from Twitter
Ahmed W, Marin-Gomez X & Vidal-Alaball J (2020) Contextualising the 2019 E-Cigarette Health Scare: Insights from Twitter. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (7), Art. No.: 2236.
Conference Paper (published)
Recruitment and workforce development challenges in low-status sectors with high labour demand – childcare work
Webb A & McQuaid R (2020) Recruitment and workforce development challenges in low-status sectors with high labour demand – childcare work. In: CIPD Applied Research Conference 2020, Dublin City University Business School, 22.01.2020-23.01.2020. Wimbledon: CIPD.
Newspaper / Magazine
Seeing a daily coronavirus death toll might actually make us take more risks
Comerford D & McCabe S (2020) Seeing a daily coronavirus death toll might actually make us take more risks. The Conversation. 08.04.2020.
The Origins of Lewin's Three-Step Model of Change
Burnes B (2020) The Origins of Lewin's Three-Step Model of Change. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56 (1), pp. 32-59.
Police reform in Scotland: What can we learn from the experiences of front-line officers?
Hail Y (2020) Police reform in Scotland: What can we learn from the experiences of front-line officers?. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 22 (1), pp. 62-72.
Using micro-geography to understand the realisation of wellbeing: A qualitative GIS study of three social enterprises
Farmer J, Kamstra P, Brennan-Horley C, De Cotta T, Roy M, Barraket J, Munoz S & Kilpatrick S (2020) Using micro-geography to understand the realisation of wellbeing: A qualitative GIS study of three social enterprises. Health & Place, 62, Art. No.: 102293.
Consultancy Report
Using simulation to support implementation and monitoring of midwifery continuity of care in Scotland
Bowers J & Cheyne H (2020) Using simulation to support implementation and monitoring of midwifery continuity of care in Scotland. NHS Scotland.
Recognizing events 4.0: the digital maturity of events
Ryan WG, Fenton A, Ahmed W & Scarf P (2020) Recognizing events 4.0: the digital maturity of events. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 11 (1), pp. 47-68.
Promoting student enterprise: Reflections on a university start-up programme
Mason C, Anderson M, Kessl T & Hruskova M (2020) Promoting student enterprise: Reflections on a university start-up programme. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit, 35 (1), pp. 68-79.
The Moral Economy of Solidarity: A Longitudinal Study of Special Needs Teachers
Bolton SC & Laaser K (2020) The Moral Economy of Solidarity: A Longitudinal Study of Special Needs Teachers. Work, Employment and Society, 34 (1), pp. 55-72.
Parking futures: Curbside management in the era of 'new mobility' services in British and Australian cities
Marsden G, Docherty I & Dowling R (2020) Parking futures: Curbside management in the era of 'new mobility' services in British and Australian cities. Land Use Policy, 91, Art. No.: 104012.
Culture, Burnout, and Engagement: A Meta-Analysis on National Cultural Values as Moderators in JD-R Theory
Rattrie LTB, Kittler MG & Paul KI (2020) Culture, Burnout, and Engagement: A Meta-Analysis on National Cultural Values as Moderators in JD-R Theory. Applied Psychology, 69 (1), pp. 176-220.
Development networks and urban growth in small cities
Varna G, Adams D & Docherty I (2020) Development networks and urban growth in small cities. European Urban and Regional Studies, 27 (1), pp. 70-85.
“Skills Development: From Learner to Practitioner”
Quinn L & Collins K (2020) “Skills Development: From Learner to Practitioner”. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Applied Research Conference, Dublin, 22.01.2020-23.01.2020.
Research Report
Understanding the Needs of Women Entrepreneurs in Scotland: A Case for a Scottish Women's Business Centre
Arshed N & Knox S (2020) Understanding the Needs of Women Entrepreneurs in Scotland: A Case for a Scottish Women's Business Centre. Scottish Government.
Research Report
The Lens: A Qualitative Programme Review 2015-19
Knox S & Marin-Cadavid C (2020) The Lens: A Qualitative Programme Review 2015-19. The Lens.
Physical activity and long-term survival in older men and women: A 21 year longitudinal study
Ahmed W, Fayoyin O & Bath PA (2019) Physical activity and long-term survival in older men and women: A 21 year longitudinal study. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 43 (4), pp. 294-314.
The Role of Alfred J. Marrow and the Harwood Manufacturing Corporation in the Advancement of OD
Burnes B (2019) The Role of Alfred J. Marrow and the Harwood Manufacturing Corporation in the Advancement of OD. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 55 (4), pp. 397-427.
From silos to inter-professional collaboration: A mixed methods case study utilising participating action research to foster multidisciplinary teams in a day care surgery department
Bjaalid G, By RT, Burnes B, Mikkelsen A & Øygaarden O (2019) From silos to inter-professional collaboration: A mixed methods case study utilising participating action research to foster multidisciplinary teams in a day care surgery department [De los silos a la colaboración interprofesional: un estudio de caso de métodos mixtos que utiliza investigación-acción participativa para fomentar equipos multidisciplinarios en un departamento de cirugía de un centro de día]. International Journal of Action Research, 15 (3), pp. 217-236.
Book Chapter
Stopped in its tracks? Transport's contribution to Glasgow's development
Docherty I (2019) Stopped in its tracks? Transport's contribution to Glasgow's development. In: Kintrea K & Madgin R (eds.) Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 81-97.
Governing Smart Cities: Why Do Academics Need to Study Trendy Concepts?
Meijer A & Webster W (2019) Governing Smart Cities: Why Do Academics Need to Study Trendy Concepts?. Information Polity, 24 (3), pp. 227-228.
The crucial link between academic conferences and journals
Meijer A & Webster W (2019) The crucial link between academic conferences and journals. Information Polity, 24 (2), pp. 115-116.
Meijer A & Webster W (2019) Editorial. Information Polity, 24 (1), p. 1.
How to negotiate with dominant suppliers? A game-theory perspective from the industry
Mediavilla M, Mendibil K & Rivera O (2019) How to negotiate with dominant suppliers? A game-theory perspective from the industry. Direccion Y Organizacion, 67, pp. 37-45.
Exploring the entrepreneurial intentions of Syrian refugees in the UK
Mawson S & Kasem L (2019) Exploring the entrepreneurial intentions of Syrian refugees in the UK. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 25 (5), pp. 1128-1146.
Social Networks, Accessed and Mobilised Social Capital and the Employment Status of Older Workers: A Case Study
Gayen K, Raeside R & McQuaid R (2019) Social Networks, Accessed and Mobilised Social Capital and the Employment Status of Older Workers: A Case Study. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 39 (5), pp. 356-375.
Collaboration in entrepreneurship education: challenges, opportunities and innovations
Mallett O (2019) Collaboration in entrepreneurship education: challenges, opportunities and innovations. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 31 (3), pp. 177-182.
Organisational leadership and/for sustainability: future directions from John Dewey and social movements
Howieson WB, Burnes B & Summers JC (2019) Organisational leadership and/for sustainability: future directions from John Dewey and social movements. European Management Journal, 37 (6), pp. 687-693.
The enduring influence of death on health: insights from the terror management health model
Goldenberg J, Arndt J & McCabe S (2019) The enduring influence of death on health: insights from the terror management health model. Self and Identity, 18 (4), pp. 378-404.
A neglected pool of labour? Frontline service work and hotel recruitment in Glasgow
Bolton SC, Laaser K & McGuire D (2019) A neglected pool of labour? Frontline service work and hotel recruitment in Glasgow. European Management Review, 16 (3), pp. 567-578.
Book Chapter
Business support as regulatory context: exploring the enterprise industry
Mallett O (2019) Business support as regulatory context: exploring the enterprise industry. In: Higgins D, Jones P & McGowan P (eds.) Creating Entrepreneurial Space: Talking through multi voices, reflections on emerging debates Vol: 9, Part B. Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, 9B. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 95-114.
This Thing Called GOODWILL: The Reynolds Metals Company and Political Networking in Wartime America
Perchard A (2019) This Thing Called GOODWILL: The Reynolds Metals Company and Political Networking in Wartime America. Enterprise and Society, 20 (4), pp. 1044-1083.
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Public Policy in Action: A Critique of the Latest Industrial Policy Blockbuster
Brown R & Mawson S (2019) Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Public Policy in Action: A Critique of the Latest Industrial Policy Blockbuster. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 12 (3), pp. 347-368.
The Patient-Doctor Relationship in the Transnational Healthcare Context
Skountridaki K (2019) The Patient-Doctor Relationship in the Transnational Healthcare Context. Sociology of Health and Illness, 41 (8), pp. 1685-1705.
Mortality salience leads to greater consumption of an ostensibly alcoholic beverage on Friday versus other weekdays
McCabe S & Bartholow BD (2019) Mortality salience leads to greater consumption of an ostensibly alcoholic beverage on Friday versus other weekdays. British Journal of Health Psychology, 24 (4), pp. 847-858.
'Customers were not objects to suck blood from': Social relations in UK retail banks under changing performance management systems
Laaser K (2019) 'Customers were not objects to suck blood from': Social relations in UK retail banks under changing performance management systems. Industrial Relations Journal, 50 (5-6), pp. 532-547.
"I've found it extremely draining" Emotional labour and the lived experience of line managing neurodiversity
Richards J, Sang K, Marks A & Gill S (2019) "I've found it extremely draining" Emotional labour and the lived experience of line managing neurodiversity. Personnel Review, 48 (7), pp. 1903-1923.
Counter-rhetoric and sources of enduring conflict in contested organizational fields: A case study of mental health professionals
Fincham R & Forbes T (2019) Counter-rhetoric and sources of enduring conflict in contested organizational fields: A case study of mental health professionals. Journal of Professions and Organization, 6 (3), pp. 342-356.
The influence of managerial attention on the deployment of dynamic capability: a case study of Internet platform firms in China
Zeng J & Mackay D (2019) The influence of managerial attention on the deployment of dynamic capability: a case study of Internet platform firms in China. Industrial and Corporate Change, 28 (5), pp. 1173-1192.
Book Chapter
The moral economy: flexible employment and layers of disconnection
Bolton SC & Laaser K (2019) The moral economy: flexible employment and layers of disconnection. In: Gall G (ed.) Handbook of the Politics of Labour, Work and Employment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 201-213.
Factors and "illusions" influencing the choice of PFI-type public private partnerships
McQuaid R (2019) Factors and "illusions" influencing the choice of PFI-type public private partnerships. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 15 (3), pp. 222-238.
Edited Book
Transport Matters
(2019) Transport Matters. Bristol: Policy Press imprint of Bristol University Press.
Book Chapter
What, Who, Why and Ways out of the Informal Economy: A Brief Review of Key Definitions and Approaches
Webb A, McQuaid R & Rand S (2019) What, Who, Why and Ways out of the Informal Economy: A Brief Review of Key Definitions and Approaches. In: Larsen C, Rand S, Schmid A, Bobkov V & Lokosov V (eds.) Assessing Informal Employment and Skills Needs: Approaches and Insights from Regional and Local Labour Market Monitoring. Munich: Rainer Hampp Verlag, pp. 23-40.
The Impact of Job Retention on Continuous Growth of Engineering and Informational Technology SMEs in South Korea
Park C, McQuaid R, Lee J, Kim S & Lee I (2019) The Impact of Job Retention on Continuous Growth of Engineering and Informational Technology SMEs in South Korea. Sustainability, 11 (18), Art. No.: 5005.
#MacronLeaks as a "warning shot" for European democracies: challenges to election blackouts presented by social media and election meddling during the 2017 French presidential election
Downing J & Ahmed W (2019) #MacronLeaks as a "warning shot" for European democracies: challenges to election blackouts presented by social media and election meddling during the 2017 French presidential election. French Politics, 17 (3), pp. 257-278.
Book Review
Book Review: A New History of Management
Lord G & Pierides D (2019) Book Review: A New History of Management. Review of: A New History of Management. By Stephen Cummings, Todd Bridgman, John Hassard and Michael Rowlinson. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 380 pages, ISBN 9781316481202. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 18 (3), pp. 521-525.
The intra-day dynamics of affect, self-esteem, tiredness, and suicidality in Major Depression
Crowe E, Daly M, Delaney L, Carroll S & Malone KM (2019) The intra-day dynamics of affect, self-esteem, tiredness, and suicidality in Major Depression. Psychiatry Research, 279, pp. 98-108.
Sustainable integration into the labour market - from 'work first' to 'career first'
McQuaid R (2019) Sustainable integration into the labour market - from 'work first' to 'career first'. ,Precarious and (yet) Healthy Work?, Fulda, Germany, 17.09.2019-17.09.2019.
Entrepreneurship and (re)constructions of 'identity': Exploring entrepreneurial activity among Syrian refugees in the UK
Mawson S & Kasem L (2019) Entrepreneurship and (re)constructions of 'identity': Exploring entrepreneurial activity among Syrian refugees in the UK. Narratives of Forced Migration in the 20th and 21st Centuries, University of Stirling, 16.09.2019-17.09.2019.
Searching for the Real Sustainable Smart City?
Webster CWR & Leleux C (2019) Searching for the Real Sustainable Smart City?. Information Polity, 24 (3), pp. 229-244.