Book Review
EU Climate Policy: The Journey Thus Far
Savaresi A (2014) EU Climate Policy: The Journey Thus Far. Review of: EU Climate Policy. Industry, Policy Interaction and External Environment, by Elin Lerum Boasson and Jørgen Wettestad, Farnham: Ashgate, 2013. 223pp. ISBN 9781409403555Climate Law in EU Member States. Towards National Legislation for Climate Protection, edited by Marjan Peeters, Mark Stallworthy and Javier de Cendra de Larragán, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, 377pp ISBN 978 1 78100 277 3. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 8 (4), pp. 298-302.
Preprint / Working Paper
The Emergence of Benefit-sharing Under the Climate Regime. A Preliminary Exploration and Research Agenda
Savaresi A (2014) The Emergence of Benefit-sharing Under the Climate Regime. A Preliminary Exploration and Research Agenda. Edinburgh School of Law Research Paper Series, 2014/43.;
Book Chapter
EU and US Non-State Actors and Climate Governance
Savaresi A (2014) EU and US Non-State Actors and Climate Governance. In: Bakker C & Francioni F (eds.) The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance. London: Routledge, pp. 211-224.
Book Chapter
Gender, Human Rights and Cybercrime: Are Virtual Worlds really that Different?
Barker K & Jurasz O (2014) Gender, Human Rights and Cybercrime: Are Virtual Worlds really that Different?. In: Asimov M, Brown K & Papke D (eds.) Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 79-100.
Book Chapter
Introduction: The Shift in Focus
Cismas I (2014) Introduction: The Shift in Focus. In: Religious Actors and International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-14.
Book Chapter
The Intersection of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and Civil and Political Rights
Cismas I (2014) The Intersection of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and Civil and Political Rights. In: Riedel E, Giacca G & Golay G (eds.) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Contemporary Issues and Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 448-472.
Introductory Note to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Concluding Observations on the Second Periodic Report of the Holy See
Cismas I (2014) Introductory Note to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Concluding Observations on the Second Periodic Report of the Holy See. International Legal Materials, 53 (3), pp. 580-596.
Nota di richiamo a Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea; sezione IV; sentenza 27 marzo 2014, causa C-314/12
Dore G (2014) Nota di richiamo a Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea; sezione IV; sentenza 27 marzo 2014, causa C-314/12. Il Foro Italiano, IV, Art. No.: 363.
I doveri di informazione nella rete degli scambi commerciali telematici
Dore G (2014) I doveri di informazione nella rete degli scambi commerciali telematici. Giurisprudenza di Merito, 12, pp. 2569-2583.
Book Chapter
Reconciling regional autonomy with national sovereignty: what does China mean to Hong Kong?
Marsden S (2014) Reconciling regional autonomy with national sovereignty: what does China mean to Hong Kong?. In: Jenkins F, Nolan M & Rubenstein K (eds.) Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised World. Connecting International Law with Public Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 77-93.;
The World Heritage Convention in the Arctic and Indigenous People: Time to Reform?
Marsden S (2014) The World Heritage Convention in the Arctic and Indigenous People: Time to Reform?. Yearbook of Polar Law Online, 6 (1), pp. 226-249.
The Law of the Dead: A Critical Review of Burial Law, with a View to its Development
Muinzer T (2014) The Law of the Dead: A Critical Review of Burial Law, with a View to its Development. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 34 (4), pp. 791-818.
Connecting the Dots: A Systemic Approach to Evaluating Potential Constraints to Renewable technology Deployment in the United Kingdom to 2020 and Beyond
Wood G (2014) Connecting the Dots: A Systemic Approach to Evaluating Potential Constraints to Renewable technology Deployment in the United Kingdom to 2020 and Beyond. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Dundee.
Website Content
What lessons can be learned from onshore wind deployment for a developing UK shale gas sector? Feature contribution to good-fit practice activities in the international oil, gas and mining industries
Wood G (2014) What lessons can be learned from onshore wind deployment for a developing UK shale gas sector? Feature contribution to good-fit practice activities in the international oil, gas and mining industries. Good-Fit Practice Activities in the International Oil, Gas and Mining Industries, 2014.
Listening to the Child’s Voice in the Family Setting: From Aspiration to Reality
Sutherland EE (2014) Listening to the Child’s Voice in the Family Setting: From Aspiration to Reality. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 26 (2), pp. 152-172.
Book Review
EU Law and the Development of a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Policy
Heffron RJ (2014) EU Law and the Development of a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Policy. Review of: EU Law and the Development of a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Policy: Opportunities and Shortcomings, by Bram Delvaux, Cambridge, Intersentia Publishing Ltd, 457 + xiipp., ISBN: 978-1-78068-064-4.. International Energy Law Review, 2014 (1), pp. 43-44.
Challenges to the Aarhus Convention: Public Participation in the Energy Planning Process in the United Kingdom
Heffron RJ (2014) Challenges to the Aarhus Convention: Public Participation in the Energy Planning Process in the United Kingdom. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 10 (2).
Book Review
Risk and Energy Infrastructure: Cross Border Dimensions
Heffron RJ (2014) Risk and Energy Infrastructure: Cross Border Dimensions. Review of:
Thomas J Dimitroff, London: Globe Law and Business, 2011, 300pp. ISBN: 9781905783489. Construction Law Journal, 30 (1), pp. 67-69.
Book Review
De las dualidades a las ecologías by Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2012)
Olmos Giupponi MB (2014) De las dualidades a las ecologías by Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2012). Review of: De las dualidades a las ecologías (From the dualities to the ecologies), Boaventura de Sousa Santos, La Paz: Red Boliviana de Mujeres Transformando la Economía (REMTE), 2012, 159. Critical Reviews on Latin American Research, 3 (2), pp. 29-31.
Authored Book
Religious Actors and International Law
Cismas I (2014) Religious Actors and International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Website Content
On Porn Censorship and Liberal Ethics in the UK
Noto La Diega G (2014) On Porn Censorship and Liberal Ethics in the UK. Brief Notes of the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations [Blog Post] 2014.
Human Rights and Transnational Companies: Responsibility without Accountability
Carolei D Human Rights and Transnational Companies: Responsibility without Accountability. Bocconi Legal Papers, (4), pp. 185-195.
Il cloud computing. Alla ricerca del diritto perduto nel web 3.0
Noto La Diega G (2014) Il cloud computing. Alla ricerca del diritto perduto nel web 3.0 [Cloud Computing: In Search of Lost Law in the Web 3.0]. Europa e Diritto Privato, XVII (II), pp. 577-658.
Il paradigma proprietario e l'appropriazione dell'immateriale
Noto La Diega G (2014) Il paradigma proprietario e l'appropriazione dell'immateriale. PhD in Private Law. International Doctoral School in Law and Economics.
Internet of Things Law. Of Privacy, Data Protection and Some Other Stuff
Noto La Diega G (2014) Internet of Things Law. Of Privacy, Data Protection and Some Other Stuff.
Presentation / Talk
Equilibrio fra poteri e libertà "dai" trattati in diritto dell'Unione europea e diritto internazionale
Noto La Diega G (2014) Equilibrio fra poteri e libertà "dai" trattati in diritto dell'Unione europea e diritto internazionale. Cambiare l'Europa è possibile, Catania, 17.05.2014-17.05.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Cloud Computing e protezione dei dati nel web 3.0
Noto La Diega G (2014) Cloud Computing e protezione dei dati nel web 3.0. Giustizia 2014.
The revived Judgments Project in The Hague
Beaumont P (2014) The revived Judgments Project in The Hague. Netherlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR), 2014 (4), pp. 532-539.
Article 20 of the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention
Trimmings K & Beaumont P (2014) Article 20 of the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention. Journal of Comparative Law, 9 (1), pp. 66-88.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2014) Series Editors' Preface. In: Dickinson A, Keyes M & John T (eds.) Australian Private International Law for the 21st Century Facing Outwards. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 16. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. ix-x.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2014) Series Editors' Preface. In: Interregional Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments Lesson for China from US and EU Law by Jie Huang. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 14. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Edited Book
Turkish and EU Private International Law - A Comparison
Yuksel B & Beaumont P (eds.) (2014) Turkish and EU Private International Law - A Comparison, First ed. Istanbul: on iki levha yayincilika AS.
Website Content
Unpacking the Debate on Climate Justice and Equity (Part I)
Savaresi A (2014) Unpacking the Debate on Climate Justice and Equity (Part I). BENELEX Project Blog, 11.12.2014.
A Glimmer of Hope
Savaresi A (2014) A Glimmer of Hope. Environmental Policy and Law, 44 (5), pp. 416-417.
The Right to Food Beyond De-Mythification: Time to Shed the Inferiority Complex of Socio-Economic Rights
Cismas I (2014) The Right to Food Beyond De-Mythification: Time to Shed the Inferiority Complex of Socio-Economic Rights. Global Policy, 5 (4), pp. 474-476.
Authored Book
Family Law Basics
Sutherland EE (2014) Family Law Basics. 3 ed. LawBasics. Edinburgh, Scotland: W. Green.
Energy Justice, a Whole Systems Approach
Jenkins K, McCauley DA, Heffron RJ & Stephan H (2014) Energy Justice, a Whole Systems Approach. Queen’s Political Review, II (2), pp. 74-87.
UNFCCC - The Subsidiary Bodies' Constant Quest for Momentum
Savaresi A (2014) UNFCCC - The Subsidiary Bodies' Constant Quest for Momentum. Environmental Policy and Law, 44 (4), pp. 359-361.
Website Content
UN Climate Summit: A New Approach for Agriculture and Forests?
Savaresi A (2014) UN Climate Summit: A New Approach for Agriculture and Forests?. BENELEX Project blog, 06.10.2014.
Authored Book
Dispute Resolution in Sport: Athletes, Law and Arbitration
McArdle D (2014) Dispute Resolution in Sport: Athletes, Law and Arbitration. Ethics and Sport. London: Taylor and Francis.
La Privatizzazione Dell'Università. Il Modello Delle Fondazioni: Un caso di perniciosa penetrazione del diritto privato nel diritto pubblico
Noto La Diega G (2014) La Privatizzazione Dell'Università. Il Modello Delle Fondazioni: Un caso di perniciosa penetrazione del diritto privato nel diritto pubblico. Edizioni Accademiche Italiane.
Website Content
Geoffrey Wood: The Independence Debate and Scottish Renewable Energy Policy and Practice: Is the Referendum That Important?
Wood G (2014) Geoffrey Wood: The Independence Debate and Scottish Renewable Energy Policy and Practice: Is the Referendum That Important?. Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum (SCFF) Blog, 08.09.2014.
Research Report
An Independent Scotland: The Road to Membership of the European Union
Tierney S & Boyle K (2014) An Independent Scotland: The Road to Membership of the European Union. Economic and Social Research Council. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.
Website Content
Human Rights in Transition: The Proposed Interim Constitution for Scotland
Tierney S & Boyle K (2014) Human Rights in Transition: The Proposed Interim Constitution for Scotland. [Blog Post] 04.08.2014.
Research Report
Study on risk assessment and management and prevention of conflicts of interest in the prevention and fight against betting-related match fixing in the EU 28 - Final Report
Anderson J, Duval A, Van Rompuy B, van der Harst M & McArdle D (2014) Study on risk assessment and management and prevention of conflicts of interest in the prevention and fight against betting-related match fixing in the EU 28 - Final Report [The Asser Report]. European Commission. EAC/16/2013. Publications Office of the European Union.
Durban Platform: Inching Towards a Negotiation Text
Savaresi A (2014) Durban Platform: Inching Towards a Negotiation Text. Environmental Policy and Law, 44 (3), pp. 288-289.
Book Chapter
Editors' Preface
Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (2014) Editors' Preface. In: Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 15. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. xi-xii.
Edited Book
The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide
Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) (2014) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide, First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Technical Report
Evidence to the Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament: PE1513
Sutherland EE (2014) Evidence to the Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament: PE1513. Scottish Parliament.
Website Content
The Operationalization of Benefit-Sharing in REDD+
Savaresi A (2014) The Operationalization of Benefit-Sharing in REDD+. BENELEX Project Blog, 04.07.2014.
Trapped in the lobby: Europe’s revolving doors and the Other as Xenos
Acosta Arcarazo D & Martire J (2014) Trapped in the lobby: Europe’s revolving doors and the Other as Xenos. European Law Review, 39 (3), pp. 362-379.
Choice of nuclear technology and legislative certainty for nuclear safety and liability in Turkey
Heffron RJ & Hatinoglu B (2014) Choice of nuclear technology and legislative certainty for nuclear safety and liability in Turkey. Journal of World Energy Law and Business, 7 (3), pp. 274-281.
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Ireland: Models of Constitutionalisation
Boyle K (2014) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Ireland: Models of Constitutionalisation. Irish Community Development Law Journal, 3 (1), pp. 33-48.
Website Content
Scotland in Transition: the Scottish Government's Proposed Interim Constitution and the Scottish Independence Bill
Boyle K (2014) Scotland in Transition: the Scottish Government's Proposed Interim Constitution and the Scottish Independence Bill. [Blog Post] 21.06.2014.
"It is a wise father..."
Sutherland EE (2014) "It is a wise father...". Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 59.
Achieving sustainable supply chains through energy justice
Heffron RJ & McCauley DA (2014) Achieving sustainable supply chains through energy justice. Applied Energy, 123, pp. 435-437.
The Supreme Court and the Welfare Ground for Dispensing with Parental Consent to Adoption: ANS and Another v ML (Scotland)
Donnelly M (2014) The Supreme Court and the Welfare Ground for Dispensing with Parental Consent to Adoption: ANS and Another v ML (Scotland). International Family Law, 2014 (June), pp. 110-112.
Preprint / Working Paper
Scotland, Nuclear Energy Policy and Independence
Heffron RJ & Nuttall WJ (2014) Scotland, Nuclear Energy Policy and Independence. EPRG Working Paper, 1407.
Book Chapter
Unmarried cohabitation
Sutherland EE (2014) Unmarried cohabitation. In: Eekelaar J & George R (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy. Routledge Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 61-70.
Australian World Heritage in Danger
Marsden S (2014) Australian World Heritage in Danger. Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 31 (Part 3), pp. 192-209.
Free Trade and Labour and Environmental Standards in MERCOSUR
Olmos Giupponi MB (2014) Free Trade and Labour and Environmental Standards in MERCOSUR. Colombia Internacional, (81), pp. 67-97.
Inequality and Access to water in Latin America: Implementing the Right to Water in Argentina
Olmos Giupponi MB (2014) Inequality and Access to water in Latin America: Implementing the Right to Water in Argentina. Rethinking Development and Inequality, 3, pp. 87-109.
Book Review
Matthew Collinson. Procurement of Utilities: Law and Practice
Heffron RJ (2014) Matthew Collinson. Procurement of Utilities: Law and Practice. Review of: Procurement of Utilities: Law and Practice, by Matthew Collinson, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, 384 pp, ISBN 978-0-19-969596-6. Cambridge Law Journal, 73 (1), pp. 191-193.;
National law, domestic governance and global policy: a case study of anti-doping policy in Slovenia
Kustec Lipicer S & McArdle D (2014) National law, domestic governance and global policy: a case study of anti-doping policy in Slovenia. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 6 (1), pp. 71-87.
Research Report
Study on Sports Organisers' Rights in the European Union: Final Report
Van Rompuy B, Margoni T, Hugenholtz PB, van Eijk N, McArdle D, Becker T, Jasserand-Breeman C & van der Harst M (2014) Study on Sports Organisers' Rights in the European Union: Final Report. European Commission. EAC 18/2012. European Union.
Website Content
Climate Change and Forests: Benefit-Sharing Perspectives
Savaresi A (2014) Climate Change and Forests: Benefit-Sharing Perspectives. BENELEX Project Blog, 27.02.2014.
Website Content
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Ireland – Why the Constitution?
Boyle K (2014) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Ireland – Why the Constitution?. [Blog Post] 19.02.2014.
The corroboration requirement in Scottish criminal trials: should it be retained for some forms of problematic evidence?
Davidson FP & Ferguson PR (2014) The corroboration requirement in Scottish criminal trials: should it be retained for some forms of problematic evidence?. International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 18 (1), pp. 1-27.
I Programmi Per Elaboratore EI Confini Del Diritto D'Autore: La Corte Di Giustizia Nega La Tutela a Funzionalità, Linguaggio Di Programmazione E Formato Dei File Di Dati (Computer Programs and the Boundaries of Copyright: The Court of Justice Denies Protection to Functionalities, Programming Language and Formats of Data Files)
Noto La Diega G (2013) I Programmi Per Elaboratore EI Confini Del Diritto D'Autore: La Corte Di Giustizia Nega La Tutela a Funzionalità, Linguaggio Di Programmazione E Formato Dei File Di Dati (Computer Programs and the Boundaries of Copyright: The Court of Justice Denies Protection to Functionalities, Programming Language and Formats of Data Files). Rivista di Diritto dell'Economia, dei Trasporti e dell'Ambiente, X, pp. 69-96.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Proprietà e proprietà intellettuale nella Carta di Nizza
Noto La Diega G (2013) Proprietà e proprietà intellettuale nella Carta di Nizza [Property and Intellectual Property in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union]. XXI Incontro del Coordinamento dei Dottorati di ricerca in diritto privato, Messina, Italy, 30.05.2013-01.06.2013.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Fenomenologia illecita del contratto di parcheggio. Tassonomia e rimedi
Noto La Diega G (2013) Fenomenologia illecita del contratto di parcheggio. Tassonomia e rimedi. Quanto ci costa un caffè?, Palermo, 09.08.2013-09.08.2013.
Energy Subsidies and the Flawed Dominance of Economics in the UK Energy Sector
Heffron RJ (2013) Energy Subsidies and the Flawed Dominance of Economics in the UK Energy Sector. Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange Communications, Winter.
Le idee e il muro del suono. I programmi per elaboratore nella più recente giurisprudenza europea
Noto La Diega G (2013) Le idee e il muro del suono. I programmi per elaboratore nella più recente giurisprudenza europea. Europa e Diritto Privato, 2013 (2), pp. 543-596.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2013) Series Editors' Preface. In: The Hague Child Abduction Convention A Critical Analysis by Rhona Schuz. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 13. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-ix.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2013) Series Editors' Preface. In: Child Abduction within the European Union. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 11. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
"Etica della virtù": una rilettura della riforma del copyright canadese, translation of Lametti D, 'How Virtue Ethics Might Help Erase C-32’s Conceptual Incoherence' in M. Geist (ed.), From “Radical Extremism” to “Balanced Copyright”: Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda, Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010, 309
Lametti D, Moscon V & Dore G (2013) "Etica della virtù": una rilettura della riforma del copyright canadese, translation of Lametti D, 'How Virtue Ethics Might Help Erase C-32’s Conceptual Incoherence' in M. Geist (ed.), From “Radical Extremism” to “Balanced Copyright”: Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda, Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010, 309. Il Diritto dell informazione e dell informatica, 29 (4/5), pp. 657-679.
Book Chapter
Child Law: Respecting the Rights of Children
Sutherland EE (2013) Child Law: Respecting the Rights of Children. In: Visser D & Reid E (eds.) Private Law and Human Rights: Bringing Rights Home in Scotland and South Africa. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 81-105.
Book Chapter
Scotland: Can Family Law Be Rendered More Accessible?
Sutherland EE (2013) Scotland: Can Family Law Be Rendered More Accessible?. In: Aitken B (ed.) International Survey of Family Law 2013. The International Survey of Family Law Series, 20. Bristol: Jordans/Family Law, pp. 333-342.
1. Nuclear Energy: B. Nuclear Waste Management
Heffron RJ (2013) 1. Nuclear Energy: B. Nuclear Waste Management. Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 23 (1), pp. 269-273.
Advancing Energy Justice: The Triumvirate of Tenets
McCauley DA, Heffron RJ, Stephan H & Jenkins K (2013) Advancing Energy Justice: The Triumvirate of Tenets. International Energy Law Review, 32 (3), pp. 107-110.
Book Review
EU Energy Law
Heffron RJ (2013) EU Energy Law. Review of:
Angus Johnston and Guy Block, Oxford: OUP, 2012, 425pp. ISBN: 978 0 19 966524 2. International Energy Law Review, 32 (2), pp. 75-77.
Written Arbitration Agreements – What Written Arbitration Agreements?
Yu H (2013) Written Arbitration Agreements – What Written Arbitration Agreements?. Civil Justice Quarterly, 32 (1), pp. 68-93.
UNFCCC COP18: Marginal Progress and Challenges Ahead
Savaresi A (2013) UNFCCC COP18: Marginal Progress and Challenges Ahead. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (1), pp. 18-21.
Book Chapter
The Protection of Biodiversity and Ecological Connectivity in the International Arena
Savaresi A (2013) The Protection of Biodiversity and Ecological Connectivity in the International Arena. In: Alberton M (ed.) Toward the Protection of Biodiversity and Ecological Connectivity in Multi-Layered Systems. Schriftenreihe der Europäischen Akademie Bozen, Bereich "Minderheiten und Autonomien". Nomos.
ECE/INC Forests 4 Negotiations Resume
Savaresi A (2013) ECE/INC Forests 4 Negotiations Resume. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (4-5), pp. 212-215.
Book Review
National Courts and EU Environmental Law
Savaresi A (2013) National Courts and EU Environmental Law. Environmental Liability, 21 (4).
INC Forests 3 Negotiations
Savaresi A (2013) INC Forests 3 Negotiations. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (2), pp. 102-104.
Durban Platform - First Steps
Savaresi A (2013) Durban Platform - First Steps. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (3), pp. 127-129.
Book Review
Climate Change Justice
Savaresi A (2013) Climate Change Justice. Review of: 1.
by Posner Eric A. & Weisbach David, Princeton University Press, 2010, 240 pp, ISBN 9780691137759 2. Human Rights and Climate Change, edited by Humphreys Stephen, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 368 pp, ISBN 9780521762762. Transnational Environmental Law, 2 (1), pp. 198-201.;
INC Forests 3 Negotiations Continue
Savaresi A (2013) INC Forests 3 Negotiations Continue. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (2), pp. 102-104.
UNFCCC COP 19: Just Another Climate Conference
Savaresi A (2013) UNFCCC COP 19: Just Another Climate Conference. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (6), pp. 284-287.
INC Forests Resumed Session Meets Institutional Impasse
Savaresi A (2013) INC Forests Resumed Session Meets Institutional Impasse. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (6), pp. 323-324.
Book Chapter
The Role of REDD in Harmonisation of Overlapping International Obligations
Savaresi A (2013) The Role of REDD in Harmonisation of Overlapping International Obligations. In: Hollo E, Kulovesi K & Mehling M (eds.) Climate Change and the Law. A Global Perspective. Ius Gentium : Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 21. Netherlands: Springer, pp. 391-418.;
Book Chapter
The International Human Rights Law Implications of the Nagoya Protocol
Savaresi A (2013) The International Human Rights Law Implications of the Nagoya Protocol. In: Morgera E, Buck M & Tsioumani E (eds.) The 2010 Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing in Perspective. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 53-82.;
Book Chapter
Reducing emissions in the forest sector under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : A new opportunity for biodiversity conservation?
Savaresi A (2013) Reducing emissions in the forest sector under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : A new opportunity for biodiversity conservation?. In: Maes F, Cliquet A, du Plessis W & McLeod-Kilmurray H (eds.) Biodiversity and Climate Change: Linkages at International, National and Local Levels. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 237-267.
REDD+ and Human Rights: Addressing Synergies between International Regimes
Savaresi A (2013) REDD+ and Human Rights: Addressing Synergies between International Regimes. Ecology and Society, 18 (3), Art. No.: 5.
INC Forests 4 Negotiations Resume
Savaresi A (2013) INC Forests 4 Negotiations Resume. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (4-5), pp. 212-215.
Europe / INC-Forests 3 - Framework Negotiations Continue
Savaresi A (2013) Europe / INC-Forests 3 - Framework Negotiations Continue. Environmental Policy and Law, 43 (2), pp. 102-104.