Edited Book
Christian Perspectives on the Limits of the Law
Beaumont P (ed.) (2002) Christian Perspectives on the Limits of the Law, First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press. www.paternoster-publishing.com.
Edited Book
Christian Perspectives on the Limits of the Law
Beaumont P (ed.) (2002) Christian Perspectives on the Limits of the Law, First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press. www.paternoster-publishing.com.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (2002) Introduction. In: Beaumont P (ed.) Christian Perspectives on the Limits of the Law. First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, pp. 1-10.
Book Review
Res Judicata, Estoppel and Foreign Judgments
Beaumont P (2002) Res Judicata, Estoppel and Foreign Judgments. Law Quarterly Review, 118 (April), pp. 324-326.
Edited Book
Convergence and Divergence in European Public Law
(2002) Convergence and Divergence in European Public Law, 1st ed. Oxford: Hart.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P, Lyons C & Walker N (2002) Preface. In: Convergence and Divergence in European Public Law. First ed. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-ix. https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/convergence-and-divergence-in-european-public-law-9781841132112/
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (2002) Human Rights: Some Recent Developments and their Impact on Convergence and Divergence of Law in Europe. In: Covergence & Divergence in European Public Law. 1st ed. Oxford: Hart, pp. 151-175.
The impact of national law elements on international commercial arbitration
Yu H & Molife P (2001) The impact of national law elements on international commercial arbitration. International Arbitration Law Review, 4 (2), pp. 23-28.
Title to Sue for Non-Patrimonial Loss (Scot Law Com No 116, 2001) - Response
Sutherland EE (2001) Title to Sue for Non-Patrimonial Loss (Scot Law Com No 116, 2001) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Law Commission. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=title%20to%20sue%20for%20non-patrimonial%20loss%20(scot%20law%20com%20no%20116%2C%202001)%20sutherland&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDMQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scotlawcom.gov.uk%2Fdownload_file%2Fview%2F381%2F&ei=A0oiUZCA
Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scot Law Com No 115, 2001) - Response
Sutherland EE (2001) Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scot Law Com No 115, 2001) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Law Commission.
Book Chapter
The Child in Conflict with the Law
Sutherland EE (2001) The Child in Conflict with the Law. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children's Rights in Scotland. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 279-307.
Book Chapter
Care of the Child within the Family
Sutherland EE (2001) Care of the Child within the Family. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children's Rights in Scotland. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 91-114.
Book Chapter
Scots Law and International Conventions
Sutherland EE & Grant J (2001) Scots Law and International Conventions. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children's Rights in Scotland. 2nd ed. W. Green, pp. 29-50.
Book Chapter
How Real are Children's Rights in Scotland?
Sutherland EE & Cleland A (2001) How Real are Children's Rights in Scotland?. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children's Rights in Scotland. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 1-10.
Book Chapter
How Children Are Faring In The 'New Scotland'
Sutherland EE (2001) How Children Are Faring In The 'New Scotland'. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law: 2001 Edition. Bristol: Family Law, pp. 363-382.
Book Chapter
Sutherland EE (2001) Parentage and Parenting. In: Scoular J (ed.) Family Dynamics: Contemporary Issues in Family Law. London: Butterworths, pp. 49-70.
Choice of laws for arbitrators: two steps or three?
Yu H (2001) Choice of laws for arbitrators: two steps or three?. International Arbitration Law Review, 4 (5), pp. 152-163.
Edited Book
Cleland A & Sutherland EE (eds.) (2001) Children's Rights in Scotland, 2nd ed. Edinburgh: W Green.
The Future of Family Law Reform
Sutherland EE (2001) The Future of Family Law Reform. Greens Family Law Bulletin, (50), pp. 2-3.
BSE and the Regulation of Risk
Little G (2001) BSE and the Regulation of Risk. Modern Law Review, 64 (5), pp. 730-756. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2230.00348
Book Chapter
Christianity and Law Reform: A Living Tradition
Beaumont P (2001) Christianity and Law Reform: A Living Tradition. In: The Law and Christian Ethics. First ed. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, pp. 88-104.
Book Chapter
Christian Perspectives on the Law: What makes them Distinctive?
Beaumont P (2001) Christian Perspectives on the Law: What makes them Distinctive?. In: O'Dair R & Lewis A (eds.) Law and Religion. First ed. Current Legal Issues, Volume 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 529-546.
Can International Conventions Drive Domestic Law Reform? The Case of Physical Punishment of Children
Sutherland EE (2001) Can International Conventions Drive Domestic Law Reform? The Case of Physical Punishment of Children. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 6 (1), pp. 22-34.
Beaumont P (2001) Article 3 of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction: the role of courts in granting themselves custody rights. Kansai University Review of Law and Politics, 22, pp. 47-70.
Physical Punishment of Children (Scottish Executive, 2000) - Response
Sutherland EE (2000) Physical Punishment of Children (Scottish Executive, 2000) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
Parents and Children: Improving Scottish Family Law (Scottish Executive, 2000) - Response
Sutherland EE (2000) Parents and Children: Improving Scottish Family Law (Scottish Executive, 2000) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.
Scottish devolution and environmental law
Little G (2000) Scottish devolution and environmental law. Journal of Environmental Law, 12 (2), pp. 155-174. https://doi.org/10.1093/jel/12.2.155
Goodall K (2000) Judicial Independence. Juridical Review, 2000 (6), pp. 383-390.
Amiable composition – A learning curve
Yu H (2000) Amiable composition – A learning curve. Journal of International Arbitration, 17 (1), pp. 79-98. http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/abstract.php?area=Journals&id=267911
From arbitrator’s immunity to the fifth theory of international commercial arbitration
Yu H & Sauzier E (2000) From arbitrator’s immunity to the fifth theory of international commercial arbitration. International Arbitration Law Review, 3 (3), pp. 114-121.
Book Chapter
Scotland: Consolidation and Anticipation
Sutherland EE (2000) Scotland: Consolidation and Anticipation. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law: 2000 Edition. The International Survey of Family Law Series, 7. Bristol: Family Law, pp. 329-340.
What defines the Roles of a Judge? First Steps towards the Construction of a Comparative Method
Goodall K (2000) What defines the Roles of a Judge? First Steps towards the Construction of a Comparative Method. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 51 (4), pp. 535-559. http://www.sls.qub.ac.uk/index_html
Comparative Statutory Interpretation in the British Isles
Goodall K (2000) Comparative Statutory Interpretation in the British Isles. Ratio Juris, 13 (4), pp. 364-378. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9337.00162
Edited Book
Christian Perspectives on Law and Relationism
Wotherspoon K & Beaumont P (eds.) (2000) Christian Perspectives on Law and Relationism, First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press. www.paternoster-publishing.com.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (2000) Introduction. In: Christian Perspectives on Law and Relationism. First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, pp. xiii-xxi. www.paternoster-publishing.com.
Book Chapter
Interplay of Private International Law and European Community Law
Beaumont P (2000) Interplay of Private International Law and European Community Law. In: Kilpatrick C, Novitz T & Skidmore P (eds.) The Future of Remedies in Europe. First ed. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 167-190. https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/the-future-of-remedies-in-europe-9781841130828/
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Sutherland EE (2000) Conventional or Domestic Wisdom in Scotland: Can international conventions result in law reform when pressure at home fails?. 10th International Conference of the International Society of Family Law, Brisbane, Australia, 09.07.2000-13.07.2000.
Improving Scottish Family Law (Scottish Office, 1999) - Response
Sutherland EE (1999) Improving Scottish Family Law (Scottish Office, 1999) - Response. Edinburgh: Scottish Office. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0039/00396139.pdf
From arbitrability to a-national principles – The U.S. experience
Yu H (1999) From arbitrability to a-national principles – The U.S. experience. International Arbitration Law Review, 2 (1), pp. 1-8.
Section 46(1)(b) of the English Arbitration Act 1996: Its past and future
Yu H (1999) Section 46(1)(b) of the English Arbitration Act 1996: Its past and future. International Arbitration Law Review, 2 (2), pp. 43-46.
Defective awards must be challenged in the courts of the seat of the arbitration
Yu H (1999) Defective awards must be challenged in the courts of the seat of the arbitration. Arbitration, 65 (3), pp. 195-202.
Minmetals Germany GmbH v. Ferco Steel Ltd. – A step further than localisation
Yu H (1999) Minmetals Germany GmbH v. Ferco Steel Ltd. – A step further than localisation. International Arbitration Law Review, 2 (3), pp. 83-89.
Time to Recognise Diversity in Adult Relationships
Sutherland EE (1999) Time to Recognise Diversity in Adult Relationships. Greens Family Law Bulletin, (38), pp. 2-3.
Authored Book
Sutherland EE (1999) Family. Green's Law Basics. Edinburgh: W Green.
Authored Book
Sutherland EE (1999) Child and Family Law. Edinburgh: T & T Clark.
The delocalisation theory – An arbitration paradise?
Yu H (1999) The delocalisation theory – An arbitration paradise?. Journal of Commercial Arbitration, 54, pp. 58-79.
Edited Book
Legal Framework of the Single European Currency
(1999) Legal Framework of the Single European Currency, First ed. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P & Walker N (1999) Introduction. In: Legal Framework of the Single European Currency. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 1-3.
Tidying up Scottish Family Law
Sutherland EE (1999) Tidying up Scottish Family Law. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 44 (8), pp. 24-26. http://www.journalonline.co.uk/Magazine/44-8/1001085.aspx
Book Chapter
The Euro and European Legal Order
Beaumont P & Walker N (1999) The Euro and European Legal Order. In: Legal Framework of the Single European Currency. 1st ed. Oxford: Hart, pp. 169-194.
Authored Book
EU Law: The Essential Guide to the Legal Workings of the European Union
Beaumont P & Weatherill S (1999) EU Law: The Essential Guide to the Legal Workings of the European Union. 3rd ed. London: Penguin books.
Authored Book
The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction
Beaumont P & McEleavy P (1999) The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction. 1st ed. Oxford Monographs in Private International Law. Oxford: OUP.
Beaumont P (1999) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 48 (1), pp. 223-229. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020589300062989
A United Kingdom Perspective on the Proposed Hague Judgements Convention
Beaumont P (1998) A United Kingdom Perspective on the Proposed Hague Judgements Convention. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 24 (1), pp. 75-109. https://brooklynworks.brooklaw.edu/bjil/vol24/iss1/5
Total separation of international commercial arbitration from national legal regime
Yu H (1998) Total separation of international commercial arbitration from national legal regime. Journal of International Arbitration, 15 (2), pp. 145-166.
Some thoughts on the legal status of a-national principles in China
Yu H (1998) Some thoughts on the legal status of a-national principles in China. International Arbitration Law Review, 1 (6), pp. 185-187.
A-national principles in Taiwan
Yu H (1998) A-national principles in Taiwan. International Arbitration Law Review, 1 (7), pp. 217-219.
The Taiwanese Arbitration Act 1998
Yu H (1998) The Taiwanese Arbitration Act 1998. Journal of International Arbitration, 15 (4), pp. 107-125. http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/abstract.php?area=Journals&id=JOIA1998033
French court’s attitude towards the choice of the proper law
Yu H (1998) French court’s attitude towards the choice of the proper law. Journal of Commercial Arbitration, 51, pp. 76-89.
Research Report
Goodall K & McKay H (1998) Police Classification and Responses to Domestic Violence Incidents: A pilot project in Lothian and Borders in 1995. Scottish Executive. Scottish Executive Central Research Unit.
Vick D, Murray A, Little G & Campbell K (1998) The Perceptions of Academic Lawyers Concerning the Effects of the United Kingdom's Research Assessment Exercise. Journal of Law and Society, 25 (4), pp. 536-561. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-6478.00102
Book Chapter
Sutherland EE (1998) Scotland: From Birth to Death. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law: 1996. The International Survey of Family Law Series, 3. The Hague, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 383-400.
Book Chapter
Jurisdiction: Subject Matter, Remedies, Exclusion
Beaumont P (1998) Jurisdiction: Subject Matter, Remedies, Exclusion. In: Macphail I, Nicholson C & Stewart A (eds.) Sheriff Court Practice Volume 1. Second ed. Scottish Universities Law Institute (SULI). Edinburgh: W. Green, pp. 25-127.
Book Chapter
Jurisdiction over Persons and Estate
Beaumont P (1998) Jurisdiction over Persons and Estate. In: Macphail I, Nicholson C & Stewart A (eds.) Sheriff Court Practise Volume 1. Scottish Universities Law Institute (SULI). Edinburgh: W. Green.
The Hazardous and Noxious Substance Convention: a new horizon in the regulation of marine pollution
Little G (1998) The Hazardous and Noxious Substance Convention: a new horizon in the regulation of marine pollution. Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 1998 (4), pp. 554-567.
Edited Book
Christian Perspectives on Human Rights and Legal Philosophy
Beaumont P (ed.) (1998) Christian Perspectives on Human Rights and Legal Philosophy, First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press. www.paternoster-publishing.com.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P & Wotherspoon K (1998) Introduction. In: Beaumont P (ed.) Christian Perspectives on Human Rights and Legal Philosophy. First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, pp. 1-5. www.paternoster-publishing.com.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (1998) Introduction. In: Christian Perspectives on Law Reform. First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, pp. 1-5.
Edited Book
Christian Perspectives on Law Reform
Beaumont P (ed.) (1998) Christian Perspectives on Law Reform Mackay of Clashfern L( (Other). Carlisle: Paternoster Press.
Challenging sports bodies' determinations
Little G & Morris P (1998) Challenging sports bodies' determinations. Civil Justice Quarterly, 17 (April), pp. 128-148.
Parental Responsibilities and Rights Agreements: Better half a loaf than none at all?
Sutherland EE (1998) Parental Responsibilities and Rights Agreements: Better half a loaf than none at all?. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 3 (1), pp. 265-277.
"It is a wise father that knows his own child": Sanderson v McManus (Case and Comment)
Sutherland EE (1997) "It is a wise father that knows his own child": Sanderson v McManus (Case and Comment). Juridical Review, 42 (3), pp. 195-199.
Scotland’s Children: The Evolution of the Children’s Hearings System over the last 25 years
Sutherland EE, Breustedt R, Kearney B & Stevens A (1997) Scotland’s Children: The Evolution of the Children’s Hearings System over the last 25 years. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, 8, pp. 73-89.
Another unfounded assumption laid to rest? T., Petitioner (Case and Comment)
Sutherland EE (1997) Another unfounded assumption laid to rest? T., Petitioner (Case and Comment). Juridical Review, 42 (6), pp. 373-376.
Book Chapter
Scotland: Child Law Reform - at last!
Sutherland EE (1997) Scotland: Child Law Reform - at last!. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law 1995. The International Survey of Family Law Series, 2. The Hague, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 435-455.
Sutherland EE (1997) Sanderson v McManus. Greens Family Law Bulletin, (26), pp. 2-4.
Compensation for catastrophic oil spills: a transatlantic comparison
Little G & Hamilton J (1997) Compensation for catastrophic oil spills: a transatlantic comparison. Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, 1997 (3), pp. 321-405.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Changing Family Structures in Scotland: The Legal System's Response
Sutherland EE (1997) Changing Family Structures in Scotland: The Legal System's Response. International Society of Family Law 9th World Conference, Durban, South Africa, 12.07.1997-14.07.1997.
The Unequal Struggle - Fathers and Children in Scots Law Brixey v Lynas and Sanderson v McManus
Sutherland EE (1997) The Unequal Struggle - Fathers and Children in Scots Law Brixey v Lynas and Sanderson v McManus. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 9 (2), pp. 191-202. http://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/chilflq9&div=21&g_sent=1&collection=journals
Banks, the Ombudsman and the courts
Little G & Morris P (1997) Banks, the Ombudsman and the courts. Journal of Business Law, 1997, pp. 82-88.
Beaumont P (1997) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 46 (1), pp. 205-212. https://doi.org/10.1017/S002058930006019X
The European Community Cannot Accede to the European Convention on Human Rights
Beaumont P (1997) The European Community Cannot Accede to the European Convention on Human Rights. Edinburgh Law Review, 1 (2), pp. 235-249. https://doi.org/10.3366/elr.1997.1.2.235
Hamilton J & Little G (1996) Liability for oil spills: the Sea Empress and recent developments under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. International Journal of Insurance Law, pp. 287-296.
The Maternal Preference: Neither a Presumption, nor a Principle? (Case and Comment)
Sutherland EE (1996) The Maternal Preference: Neither a Presumption, nor a Principle? (Case and Comment). Juridical Review, 41 (6), pp. 414-416.
Parental Rights and Adoption: D v Grampian Regional Council
Sutherland EE (1996) Parental Rights and Adoption: D v Grampian Regional Council. Scottish Law and Practice Quarterly, (1), pp. 159-165.
Book Chapter
Sutherland EE & Cleland A (1996) The Way Forward. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children’s Rights in Scotland. 1st ed. Edinburgh: W Green, pp. 255-261.
Book Chapter
Care of Children within the Family
Sutherland EE (1996) Care of Children within the Family. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children’s Rights in Scotland. 1st ed. Edinburgh: W Green, pp. 69-93.
Book Chapter
The Convention Comes to Scotland
Sutherland EE (1996) The Convention Comes to Scotland. In: Cleland A & Sutherland E (eds.) Children’s Rights in Scotland. 1st ed. Edinburgh: W Green, pp. 21-33.
Edited Book
Cleland A & Sutherland EE (eds.) (1996) Children's Rights in Scotland, 1 ed. Edinburgh: W Green.
A Voice for the Child: The Children (Scotland) Act 1995, Part I
Sutherland EE (1996) A Voice for the Child: The Children (Scotland) Act 1995, Part I. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 41 (10), pp. 391-393.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
A Brave Heart? Defining Parenthood in Scots Law
Sutherland EE (1996) A Brave Heart? Defining Parenthood in Scots Law. Law and Society Association, International Conference, Glasgow, 10.07.1996-13.07.1996.
Policy Document
Beaumont P (1996) Forum Non Conveniens. Beaton P (Project Leader) UK Government. The Hague. https://assets.hcch.net/docs/279c82d2-673b-464c-afdc-2dbac6947834.pdf
Book Chapter
Historical Introduction to Electoral Law
McLeod Little G (1996) Historical Introduction to Electoral Law. In: The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia Volume 15. [Obligations, Parliamentary and other elections].. LexisNexis/Law Society of Scotland, pp. 618-640.
Scotland: Children to the Fore
Sutherland EE (1995) Scotland: Children to the Fore. University of Louisville Journal of Family Law, 33 (2), pp. 477-484.
The Children (Scotland) Bill: What is in and what is not (Case and Comment)
Sutherland EE (1995) The Children (Scotland) Bill: What is in and what is not (Case and Comment). Juridical Review, 40 (3), pp. 306-310.
Book Chapter
Sutherland EE (1995) Family Law in Scotland. In: Yates C & Standley K (eds.) Family Law in Europe. London: Butterworth and Co, pp. 399-438.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (1995) Great Britain. In: Fawcett J (ed.) Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law. First ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 207-233.
Beaumont P & Moir G (1995) Brussels Convention II: A New Private International Law Instrument in Family Matters for the European Union or the European Community?. European Law Review, 20 (3), pp. 268-288.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Scotland's Children: The Evolution of the Children's Hearings System over the last 25 years
Sutherland EE (1995) Scotland's Children: The Evolution of the Children's Hearings System over the last 25 years. DCI International Conference on Juvenile Justice, Israel, 03.03.1995-05.03.1995.
Authored Book
Anton & Beaumont's Civil Jurisdiction in Scotland: Brussels and Lugano Conventions
Beaumont P (1995) Anton & Beaumont's Civil Jurisdiction in Scotland: Brussels and Lugano Conventions. Anton A (Other) Second ed. Edinburgh: W. Green.
Beaumont P (1995) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 44 (1), pp. 218-221. https://doi.org/10.1093/iclqaj/44.1.218