Jurisdictional conflicts and individual liberty – the encroaching burden of technicality in Nigeria
Okoli PN & Umeche CI (2018) Jurisdictional conflicts and individual liberty – the encroaching burden of technicality in Nigeria. The International Journal of Human Rights, 22 (4), pp. 473-487.
Human Rights and the Paris Agreement's Implementation Guidelines: Opportunities to Develop a Rights-based Approach
Duyck S, Lennon E, Obergassel W & Savaresi A (2018) Human Rights and the Paris Agreement's Implementation Guidelines: Opportunities to Develop a Rights-based Approach. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 12 (3), pp. 191-202.
Book Chapter
Data as Digital Assets. The Case of Targeted Advertising
La Diega GN (2018) Data as Digital Assets. The Case of Targeted Advertising. In: Bakhoum M, Conde Gallego B, Mackenrodt M & Surblyte-Namaviciene G (eds.) Personal Data in Competition, Consumer Protection and Intellectual Property Law: Towards a Holistic Approach?. MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Berlin: Springer, pp. 445-499.
Book Chapter
Grinding privacy in the Internet of Bodies. An empirical qualitative research on dating mobile applications for men who have sex with men
Noto La Diega G (2018) Grinding privacy in the Internet of Bodies. An empirical qualitative research on dating mobile applications for men who have sex with men. In: Leenes R, van Brakel R, Gutwirth S & De Hert P (eds.) Data Protection and Privacy: The Internet of Bodies. Computers, Privacy and Data Protection. February 15, 2018: Hart Publishing, pp. 21-69.
Book Chapter
Artificial Intelligence and databases in the age of big machine data
Noto La Diega G (2018) Artificial Intelligence and databases in the age of big machine data. In: Ubertazzi LC (ed.) Aida. Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo, XXVIII. Giuffre.
Book Chapter
R v Nimmo and Sorley (2014)
Barker K (2018) R v Nimmo and Sorley (2014). In: Rackley E & Auchmuty R (eds.) Women's Legal Landmarks: Celebrating 100 Years of Women and the Law in the UK and Ireland. Oxford: Hart, pp. 605-610.
Book Chapter
Image Rights and Sports In India
McArdle D (2018) Image Rights and Sports In India. In: Dasgupta L & Sen S (eds.) Sports Law in India: Policy, Regulation and Commercialisation. SAGE Law. New Delhi: SAGE, pp. 177-191.
Technical Report
Response to Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2004: A Consultation
Sutherland EE (2018) Response to Review of the Gender Recognition Act 2004: A Consultation. Scottish Government. Scottish Government.
Book Chapter
Climate change and human rights: fragmentation, interplay and institutional linkages
Savaresi A (2018) Climate change and human rights: fragmentation, interplay and institutional linkages. In: Duyck S S, Jodoin S & Johl A (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Human Rights and Climate Governance. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 31-42.
Book Chapter
Policy Risk, Politics and Low Carbon Energy
Wood G (2018) Policy Risk, Politics and Low Carbon Energy. In: Considine J & Paik K (eds.) Handbook of Energy Politics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 405-434.
Book Chapter
Policing illicit financial flows: multi-agency co‑operation and legal developments
Egan M (2018) Policing illicit financial flows: multi-agency co‑operation and legal developments. In: den Boer M (ed.) Comparative Policing from a Legal Perspective. Research Handbooks in Comparative Law series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 210-230.
Website Content
Shining the spotlight on human rights at COP24 and beyond
Savaresi A, Setzer J & Byrnes R (2018) Shining the spotlight on human rights at COP24 and beyond. [London School of Economics Blog] 05.12.2018.
Policy Document
Models of Incorporation and Justiciability for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Boyle K (2018) Models of Incorporation and Justiciability for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Scottish Human Rights Commission. Edinburgh.
Newspaper / Magazine
Electricity bills could rise if Brexit threatens Northern Ireland’s unique energy agreement with Ireland
Muinzer TL (2018) Electricity bills could rise if Brexit threatens Northern Ireland’s unique energy agreement with Ireland. The Conversation. 28.11.2018.
Book Chapter
Equity and justice in climate change law and policy: a role for benefit-sharing
Savaresi A & Bouwer K (2018) Equity and justice in climate change law and policy: a role for benefit-sharing. In: Jafry T (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Climate Justice. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 128-138.
Policy Document
First Minister's Advisory Group for Human Rights Leadership, "Recommendations for a new human rights framework to improve people’s lives"
Boyle K (2018) First Minister's Advisory Group for Human Rights Leadership, "Recommendations for a new human rights framework to improve people’s lives". Miller A (Editor) First Minister, Scottish Government. Edinburgh.
Presentation / Talk
The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Rights: Some Early Reflections on the Carbon Majors Inquiry,
Savaresi A (2018) The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Rights: Some Early Reflections on the Carbon Majors Inquiry,. Human Rights and Climate Change, London School of Economics (LSE), 08.11.2018-08.11.2018.
Preprint / Working Paper
The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Rights:
Some Early Reflections on the Carbon Majors Inquiry
Savaresi A, Hartmann J & Cismas I (2018) The Impacts of Climate Change and Human Rights:
Some Early Reflections on the Carbon Majors Inquiry. Social Science Research Network.
Is civil society self-regulation effective?
Carolei D (2018) Is civil society self-regulation effective?. [YouTube video] 02.11.2018.
Online Misogyny, Hate Speech & Scotland: Two Steps Forward and 1 Step Back?
Barker K (2018) Online Misogyny, Hate Speech & Scotland: Two Steps Forward and 1 Step Back?. Gender Studies and Policy Review (GSPR), 11, pp. 25-37.
Website Content
The Carbon Majors inquiry comes to London
Savaresi A & Setzer J (2018) The Carbon Majors inquiry comes to London. [London School of Economics Blog] 30.10.2018.
Presentation / Talk
Climate Change Litigation and Human Rights after the Adoption of the Paris Agreement
Savaresi A (2018) Climate Change Litigation and Human Rights after the Adoption of the Paris Agreement. The impact of climate change on international and EU law, 29.10.2018-30.10.2018.
'Revenge Porn' and the Actio Iniuriarum: Using 'Old Law' to Solve 'New Problems'
Brown J (2018) 'Revenge Porn' and the Actio Iniuriarum: Using 'Old Law' to Solve 'New Problems'. Legsl Studies, 38 (3), pp. 396-410.
Res Religiosae and the Roman Roots of the Crime of Violation of Sepulchres
Brown J (2018) Res Religiosae and the Roman Roots of the Crime of Violation of Sepulchres. Edinburgh Law Review, 22 (3), pp. 347-367.
Technical Report
Response to Scottish Government, Consultation on Progressing Children’s Rights in Scotland: An Action Plan 2018-2021
Sutherland EE (2018) Response to Scottish Government, Consultation on Progressing Children’s Rights in Scotland: An Action Plan 2018-2021. Scottish Government. Edinburgh.
English Worldwide Freezing Orders in Europe
Okoli PN (2018) English Worldwide Freezing Orders in Europe. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 5 (3), pp. 250-274.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Holding Corporations Accountable for the Impacts of Climate Change: The Role of Human Rights Law
Savaresi A & Hartmann J (2018) Holding Corporations Accountable for the Impacts of Climate Change: The Role of Human Rights Law. 6th European Environmental Law Forum, 12.09.2018-14.09.2018.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Human Rights Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change: Where Are We?
Savaresi A & Hartmann J (2018) Human Rights Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change: Where Are We?. Association of Human Rights Institutes Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 07.09.2018-08.09.2018.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Justice, Equity and Community Energy: Lessons for the Energy Transition
Savaresi A (2018) Justice, Equity and Community Energy: Lessons for the Energy Transition. Fourth Energy and Society Conference: Energy transitions in a divided world, 03.09.2018-05.09.2018.
Across the universe of shale resources-a comparative assessment of the emerging legal foundations for unconventional energy
Cameron P, Castro JFN, Lanardonne T & Wood G (2018) Across the universe of shale resources-a comparative assessment of the emerging legal foundations for unconventional energy. Journal of World Energy Law and Business, 11 (4), pp. 283-321.
Newspaper / Magazine
Should Grindr users worry about what China will do with their data?
Noto La Diega G (2018) Should Grindr users worry about what China will do with their data?. The Conversation. 31.08.2018.
Three may not be a crowd - who is in the driver's seat under Section 9 of the Contract (Third Party Rights) Act 2017
Yu H (2018) Three may not be a crowd - who is in the driver's seat under Section 9 of the Contract (Third Party Rights) Act 2017. Journal of Business Law, 2018 (7), pp. 539-558.
Transparency Issue in the Amendment of ICSID Arbitration Rules - Public Right to Information vs Public Confidence?
Yu H (2018) Transparency Issue in the Amendment of ICSID Arbitration Rules - Public Right to Information vs Public Confidence?. International Arbitration Law Review, 21 (4), pp. 94-105.
Presentation / Talk
Human Rights and Climate Change (Lecture)
Savaresi A (2018) Human Rights and Climate Change (Lecture). UEF - UN Environment Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements, 24.08.2018-24.08.2018.
Presentation / Talk
Implementing the Right to a Clean Environment: Impacts on Litigation
Savaresi A (2018) Implementing the Right to a Clean Environment: Impacts on Litigation. First Minister’s Advisory Group on Human Rights Leadership, Glasgow, 01.08.2018-01.08.2018.
Book Review
Climate Change Law - review
Savaresi A (2018) Climate Change Law - review. Review of: Climate Change Law, Daniel A. Farber and Marjan Peeters (eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016. Carbon and Climate Law Review, 12 (2), p. 165.
Technical Report
Response to Review of Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy: A Consultation
Sutherland EE (2018) Response to Review of Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy: A Consultation. Scottish Government. Edinburgh.
Presentation / Talk
Community Energy: A Means to Sustainable Materialism?
Savaresi A (2018) Community Energy: A Means to Sustainable Materialism?. Workshop on Sustainable Materialism
, University of Edinburgh, 12.07.2018-12.07.2018.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Benefit-sharing and Renewable Energy Generation: A Means to a Just Transition?
Savaresi A (2018) Benefit-sharing and Renewable Energy Generation: A Means to a Just Transition?. IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, University of Strathclyde, 04.07.2018-06.07.2018.
Survival International v World Wide Fund for Nature: Using the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as a Means of Ensuring NGO Accountability
Carolei D (2018) Survival International v World Wide Fund for Nature: Using the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as a Means of Ensuring NGO Accountability. Human Rights Law Review, 18 (2), pp. 371-384.
African States: Themes Emerging from the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review
Etone D (2018) African States: Themes Emerging from the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review. Journal of African Law, 62 (2), pp. 201-223.
Who is in? Who is out? How the Uncitral Transparency Rules Can Influence the Upcoming Amendments of the ICSID Arbitration Rules
Yu H (2018) Who is in? Who is out? How the Uncitral Transparency Rules Can Influence the Upcoming Amendments of the ICSID Arbitration Rules. Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, 11 (1), pp. 45-72.
Technical Report
Response to Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill - Call for Evidence
Sutherland EE (2018) Response to Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill - Call for Evidence. Scottish Parliament. Equalities and Human Rights Committee, EHRiC/S5/18/ACR/31. Edinburgh.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Attributing Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change:
The Role of Human Rights Law
Savaresi A (2018) Attributing Responsibility for the Impacts of Climate Change:
The Role of Human Rights Law. University of Singapore, 06.06.2018-06.06.2018.
Against the Dehumanisation of Decision-Making-Algorithmic Decisions at the Crossroads of Intellectual Property, Data Protection, and Freedom of Information
Noto La Diega G (2018) Against the Dehumanisation of Decision-Making-Algorithmic Decisions at the Crossroads of Intellectual Property, Data Protection, and Freedom of Information. JIPITEC - Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law, 9 (1).
Book Chapter
A Bit(coin) of A Problem for the EU AML Framework
Egan M (2018) A Bit(coin) of A Problem for the EU AML Framework. In: King C, Walker C & Gurulé J (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Criminal and Terrorism Financing Law. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183-208.
Policy Document
“The internet: to regulate or not to regulate?” Submission to House of Lords Select Committee on Communications' inquiry
Noto La Diega G, Bessant C, Thanaraj A, Giles C, Kreitem H & Allsopp R (2018) “The internet: to regulate or not to regulate?” Submission to House of Lords Select Committee on Communications' inquiry. House of Lords.
Technical Report
Written evidence from Dr Annalisa Savaresi and Professor Gavin MacLeod Little to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee of the Scottish Parliament hearing of 1 May 2018
Savaresi A & Little GM (2018) Written evidence from Dr Annalisa Savaresi and Professor Gavin MacLeod Little to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee of the Scottish Parliament hearing of 1 May 2018. Scottish Parliament. Edinburgh.
Wilderness Protection in the Canadian Arctic: Connecting Traditional Ecological Knowledge with Ramsar Wise Use
Marsden S (2018) Wilderness Protection in the Canadian Arctic: Connecting Traditional Ecological Knowledge with Ramsar Wise Use. Journal of Environmental Law and Practice, 31 (2), pp. 157-183.
Protecting Wild Land from Wind Farms in a Post-EU Scotland
Marsden S (2018) Protecting Wild Land from Wind Farms in a Post-EU Scotland. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 18 (2), pp. 295-314.
Policy Document
Brexit and the Environment: Challenges Lying Ahead
Savaresi A (2018) Brexit and the Environment: Challenges Lying Ahead. Scottish Centre on European Relations. Edinburgh.
Traditional knowledge and climate change: a new legal frontier?
Savaresi A (2018) Traditional knowledge and climate change: a new legal frontier?. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 9 (1), pp. 32-50.
Book Chapter
The United Nations Security Council's Legislative and Enforcement Powers and Climate Change
Boyle A, Hartmann J & Savaresi A (2018) The United Nations Security Council's Legislative and Enforcement Powers and Climate Change. In: Scott S & Ku C (eds.) Climate Change and the UN Security Council. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 101-130.
Technical Report
Joint Summary of the Amicus Curiae Briefs to the Philippines Commission on Human Rights
Lennon E, Muffett C, Duyck S, Feit S, Hamilton L, Marjanac S, Doherty K, Gleason J, Perry K, Brown E, Noonan D, Crosland T, Burger M, Wentz J, Savaresi A, Cismas I, Hansen JE, Galpern D & Trenberth KE (2018) Joint Summary of the Amicus Curiae Briefs to the Philippines Commission on Human Rights. Philippines Human Rights Commission. Quezon City, Philippines.
Newspaper / Magazine
The Philippines holds world's biggest corporations to account on climate change
Savaresi A, Cismas I & Hartmann J (2018) The Philippines holds world's biggest corporations to account on climate change. The Independent. 08.03.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
How is Oxfam being held accountable over the Haiti scandal? - British Politics and Policy Blog [London School of Economics]
Carolei D (2018) How is Oxfam being held accountable over the Haiti scandal? - British Politics and Policy Blog [London School of Economics]. 07.03.2018.
Website Content
Brexit and Environmental Protection in Scotland: The Road Ahead
Savaresi A (2018) Brexit and Environmental Protection in Scotland: The Road Ahead. European Futures, 07.03.2018.
Preprint / Working Paper
Against Algorithmic Decision-Making
Noto La Diega G (2018) Against Algorithmic Decision-Making. SSRN.
Written Submission of Evidence to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into sexual harassment of women and girls in public spaces
Barker K & Jurasz O Written Submission of Evidence to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into sexual harassment of women and girls in public spaces. UK Parliament Committee on Sexual Harassment of Women and Girls in Public Spaces.
Research Report
The Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Network in the Arts and Humanities Connecting with a low-carbon Scotland: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary reports, recommendations and research questions
Little G, Macdonald G & Stephan H (2018) The Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Network in the Arts and Humanities Connecting with a low-carbon Scotland: Disciplinary and interdisciplinary reports, recommendations and research questions. University of Stirling.
Newspaper / Magazine
Why the world is looking to the Philippines for climate justice
Savaresi A, Cismas I & Hartmann J (2018) Why the world is looking to the Philippines for climate justice. The Conversation. 22.02.2018.
The Impact of Brexit on Environmental Protection in Scotland: Some Early Reflections
Savaresi A (2018) The Impact of Brexit on Environmental Protection in Scotland: Some Early Reflections. Edinburgh Law Review, 22 (1), pp. 115-120.
Brexit and Energy in Scotland
Little GM (2018) Brexit and Energy in Scotland. Edinburgh Law Review, 22 (1), pp. 144-149.
The Welfare Test: Determining the Indeterminate
Sutherland EE (2018) The Welfare Test: Determining the Indeterminate. Edinburgh Law Review, 22 (1), pp. 94-100.
Technical Report
Written evidence from Prof Little to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee of the Scottish Parliament hearing of 23 January 2018
Little G (2018) Written evidence from Prof Little to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee of the Scottish Parliament hearing of 23 January 2018. Scottish Parliament.
Website Content
Scents and trade marks-The EU reform of olfactory marks and advances in odour recognition techniques
Rosati E & Noto La Diega G (2018) Scents and trade marks-The EU reform of olfactory marks and advances in odour recognition techniques. The IPKat [Blog Post] 15.01.2018.
Website Content
Non-conventional marks: the EU reform of trade marks, Brexit, and the Internet of Things
Noto La Diega G (2018) Non-conventional marks: the EU reform of trade marks, Brexit, and the Internet of Things. Diritto Mercato Tecnologia [Blog Post] 15.01.2018.
Book Chapter
La montée en puissance des NUDGES: l’histoire d’une normalisation (The rise and rise of nudges: a tale of normalisation)
Martire J (2018) La montée en puissance des NUDGES: l’histoire d’une normalisation (The rise and rise of nudges: a tale of normalisation). In: Brunon-Ernst A & Bozzo-Rey M (eds.) Nudges et normativités (Critical perspectives on nudging). Paris: Hermann Editeurs.
Connecting Environmental Humanities: Developing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Method
Little GM (2017) Connecting Environmental Humanities: Developing Interdisciplinary Collaborative Method. Humanities, 6 (4), Art. No.: 91.
The Contract (Third party Rights)(Scotland) Bill: Resetting the Law
Little T (2017) The Contract (Third party Rights)(Scotland) Bill: Resetting the Law. Juridical Review, 2017 (Part 3), pp. 187-194.
Environmental Impact Assessment after the International Court of Justice decision in Costa Rica-Nicaragua and Nicaragua-Costa Rica: Looking backward, looking forward (Introduction)
Savaresi A (2017) Environmental Impact Assessment after the International Court of Justice decision in Costa Rica-Nicaragua and Nicaragua-Costa Rica: Looking backward, looking forward (Introduction). Questions of International Law (QIL-QDI), (42), pp. 1-3.
Technical Report
Response to the Consultation on the proposed Equal Protection from Assault (Scotland) Bill
Sutherland EE (2017) Response to the Consultation on the proposed Equal Protection from Assault (Scotland) Bill. Equal Protection Consultation, 0287. John Finnie.
Can third party funding deliver justice in international commercial arbitration?
Yu H (2017) Can third party funding deliver justice in international commercial arbitration?. International Arbitration Law Review, 20 (1), pp. 20-34.
Inclusion as Ethics, Equity and/or Human Rights? Spotlighting School Mathematics Practices in Scotland and Globally
Swanson DM, Yu H & Mouroutsou S (2017) Inclusion as Ethics, Equity and/or Human Rights? Spotlighting School Mathematics Practices in Scotland and Globally. Social Inclusion, 5 (3), pp. 172-182.
Biodiversity Conservation of the Third Pole: Potential Lessons from the Mekong River Basin
Marsden S (2017) Biodiversity Conservation of the Third Pole: Potential Lessons from the Mekong River Basin. Chinese Journal of Environmental Law, 1 (2), pp. 229-256.
Edited Book
A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy
Wood G & Baker K (eds.) (2017) A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy. Energy, Climate and the Environment. London: Palgrave Macmillan.;
Book Review
Sharing the Costs and Benefits of Energy and Resource Activity: Legal Change and Impact on Communities
Savaresi A (2017) Sharing the Costs and Benefits of Energy and Resource Activity: Legal Change and Impact on Communities. Review of:
ed. by Lila Barrera-Hernández, Barry Barton, Lee Godden, Alastair Lucas, and Anita Rønne, London: Oxford University Press, 2016, 480 pp. ISBN: 9780198767954. International Energy Law Review, (5), pp. 198-200.
Book Chapter
Trouble on the Horizon? Further Devolution and Renewable Electricity Policy in Scotland
Wood G (2017) Trouble on the Horizon? Further Devolution and Renewable Electricity Policy in Scotland. In: Wood G & Baker K (eds.) A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy. Energy, Climate and the Environment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179-197.;
Book Chapter
Large-Scale Renewables: Policy and Practice Under Devolution
Wood G (2017) Large-Scale Renewables: Policy and Practice Under Devolution. In: Wood G & Baker K (eds.) A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy. Energy, Climate and the Environment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 13-34.;
Book Chapter
Epilogue: Scotland Moving Forward
Baker K & Wood G (2017) Epilogue: Scotland Moving Forward. In: Wood G & Baker K (eds.) A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy. Energy, Climate and the Environment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 211-214.;
Book Chapter
Introduction: Aye. Naw. Mibbe
Wood G & Baker K (2017) Introduction: Aye. Naw. Mibbe. In: Wood G & Baker K (eds.) A Critical Review of Scottish Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy. Energy, Climate and the Environment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-11.;
Book Chapter
Reflections on the Presence and Absence of Religious Actors in Transitional Justice Processes: On Legitimacy and Accountability
Cismas I (2017) Reflections on the Presence and Absence of Religious Actors in Transitional Justice Processes: On Legitimacy and Accountability. In: Duthie R R & Seils P (eds.) Justice Mosaics: How Context Shapes Transitional Justice in Fractured Societies. New York: ICTJ, pp. 302-343.
Some Considerations on Intelligent Online Behavioural Advertising
Noto La Diega G (2017) Some Considerations on Intelligent Online Behavioural Advertising. Revue du droit des technologies de l'information, 2017 (1), pp. 53-90.
Software Patents and the Internet of Things in Europe, the United States and India
Noto La Diega G (2017) Software Patents and the Internet of Things in Europe, the United States and India. European Intellectual Property Review, 39 (3), pp. 173-184.
The Internet of Citizens: A Lawyer's View on Some Technological Developments in the United Kingdom and India
Noto La Diega G (2017) The Internet of Citizens: A Lawyer's View on Some Technological Developments in the United Kingdom and India. Indian Journal of Law and Technology, 12 (1), pp. 53-104.
Book Chapter
La trascrizione del matrimonio omosessuale celebrato all’estero
Noto La Diega G & Winkler MM (2017) La trascrizione del matrimonio omosessuale celebrato all’estero [The effects of foreign same-sex marriages in private international law]. In: Cagnazzo A & Preite F (eds.) Il riconoscimento degli status familiari acquisiti all’estero. Teoria e pratica del diritto. Civile e processo. Milan: Giuffrè, pp. 377-407.
Internet of Things and Patents: Towards the IoT Patent Wars?
La Diega GN (2017) Internet of Things and Patents: Towards the IoT Patent Wars?. Ticaret ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Dergisi, 3 (2), pp. 47-66.
The European strategy on robotics and artificial intelligence: too much ethics, too little security
Noto La Diega G (2017) The European strategy on robotics and artificial intelligence: too much ethics, too little security. European Cybersecurity Journal, 3 (2), pp. 6-10.
Book Review
Cremation in Modern Scotland: History, Architecture and the Law (Publication Review)
Brown J (2017) Cremation in Modern Scotland: History, Architecture and the Law (Publication Review). Juridical Review, 4, pp. 287-289.
Scholarly Edition
Jus feudale tribus libris comprehensum, Book 1
(2017) Jus feudale tribus libris comprehensum, Book 1 [Jus feudale], L Dodd. Publications of the Stair Society, 64. Edinburgh: Stair Society.
Authored Book
Environmental Regimes in Asian Subregions China and the Third Pole
Marsden S (2017) Environmental Regimes in Asian Subregions China and the Third Pole. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Authored Book
The Normative Foundations of Competition Law: Assessing the Goals of Antitrust through the Lens of Legal Philosophy
Andriychuk O (2017) The Normative Foundations of Competition Law: Assessing the Goals of Antitrust through the Lens of Legal Philosophy. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Exclusive choice of court agreements: some issues on the Hague Convention on choice of court agreements and its relationship with the Brussels I recast especially anti-suit injunctions, concurrent proceedings and the implications of BREXIT
Ahmed M & Beaumont P (2017) Exclusive choice of court agreements: some issues on the Hague Convention on choice of court agreements and its relationship with the Brussels I recast especially anti-suit injunctions, concurrent proceedings and the implications of BREXIT. Journal of Private International Law, 13 (2), pp. 386-410.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2017) Series Editor's Preface. In: Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yüksel B (eds.) Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2017) Series Editor's Preface. In: The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 19. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Website Content
The Philippines Human Rights Commission and the 'Carbon Majors' Petition
Savaresi A, Cismas I & Hartmann J (2017) The Philippines Human Rights Commission and the 'Carbon Majors' Petition. EJIL: Talk!, 22.12.2017.
Newspaper / Magazine
Corte d’appello di Genova: riconoscimento automatico di adozione omogenitoriale nazionale straniera [Court of Appeals of Genoa: automatic recognition of foreign same-sex adoptions]
Noto La Diega G (2017) Corte d’appello di Genova: riconoscimento automatico di adozione omogenitoriale nazionale straniera [Court of Appeals of Genoa: automatic recognition of foreign same-sex adoptions]. Articolo 29. 04.12.2017.
Research Report
Submission of Evidence to Scottish Government Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation on Online & Gender Based Hate
Barker K & Jurasz O (2017) Submission of Evidence to Scottish Government Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation on Online & Gender Based Hate [Bracadale Review Evidence on Online and Gender Based Hate]. University of Stirling.
Research Report
Submission of Evidence on Online Violence Against Women to the UN Special Rapporteur
Barker K & Jurasz O (2017) Submission of Evidence on Online Violence Against Women to the UN Special Rapporteur. University of Stirling.
Subnational Governance for the Low Carbon Energy Transition: Mapping the UK's "Energy Constitution"
Muinzer T & Ellis G (2017) Subnational Governance for the Low Carbon Energy Transition: Mapping the UK's "Energy Constitution". Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 35 (7), pp. 1176-1197.