The impact of co-occurring chronic pain and mental health symptoms on adolescent functioning, a cross-sectional survey.
Bateman S, Jordan A, Noel M, Loades M & Caes L (2024) The impact of co-occurring chronic pain and mental health symptoms on adolescent functioning, a cross-sectional survey.. BMC Psychology, 12, Art. No.: 629.
Beyond high-level recommendations and rule books: doing the ‘hard work’ of global health research – lessons and recommendations from an interdisciplinary global partnership
Uny I, Kambalame L, Price H, Caes L, Kalumbi LR, Semple S, Lucas S, Orina F, Chasima T, Chamba MVM & Meme H (2024) Beyond high-level recommendations and rule books: doing the ‘hard work’ of global health research – lessons and recommendations from an interdisciplinary global partnership. BMJ Global Health, 9, Art. No.: e015169.
Caregiver executive functions are associated with infant visual working memory.
Amaireh G, Caes L, Theyer A, Davidson C & Wijeakumar S (2024) Caregiver executive functions are associated with infant visual working memory.. Infant and Child Development, Art. No.: e2543.
Born4Life: Creating and Supporting Meaningful, Authentic Intergenerational Experiences
Heslop K & Caes L (2024) Born4Life: Creating and Supporting Meaningful, Authentic Intergenerational Experiences. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.
Interactive and Passive Mixed Reality Distraction: Effects on Cold Pressor Pain in Adults
Murray J & Caes L (2024) Interactive and Passive Mixed Reality Distraction: Effects on Cold Pressor Pain in Adults. Frontiers in Pain Research, 5.
Anxiety, history of childhood adversity, and experiencing chronic pain in adulthood: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Dalechek DE, Caes L, Mcintosh G & Whittaker AC (2024) Anxiety, history of childhood adversity, and experiencing chronic pain in adulthood: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Pain.
The Fuel to Pot Project: An interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi
Uny I, Chamba M, Chasima T, Caes L, Kalumbi L, Orina F, Kambalame L, Semple S, Price H, Lucas S & Meme H (2023) The Fuel to Pot Project: An interdisciplinary partnership to address the role of solid fuel use in food preparation in the household in Kenya and Malawi., Edinburgh, 13.11.2023.
Presentation / Talk
How children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain: a meta-ethnography
France E, Caes L, Uny I, Forbat L, Silveira Bianchim M, Noyes J, Jordan A, Turley R & Thomson K (2023) How children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain: a meta-ethnography. Lothian Health and Care Professions Research Conference 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, 07.11.2023.
An analysis on history of childhood adversity, anxiety, and chronic pain in adulthood and the influence of inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein
Dalechek DE, Caes L, Mcintosh G & Whittaker AC (2023) An analysis on history of childhood adversity, anxiety, and chronic pain in adulthood and the influence of inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein. Scientific Reports, 13, Art. No.: 18000.
A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments
France E, Uny I, Turley R, Thomson K, Noyes J, Jordan A, Forbat L, Caes L & Silveira Bianchim M (2023) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Group (Editor) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023 (10), Art. No.: CD014873.
Home Enrichment Is Associated with Visual Working Memory Function in Preschoolers
Davidson C, Caes L, Shing YL, McKay C, Rafetseder E & Wijeakumar S (2023) Home Enrichment Is Associated with Visual Working Memory Function in Preschoolers. Mind, Brain, and Education.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Co-producing with children and young people for a meta-ethnography on experiences of chronic pain, treatments and services.
Silveira Bianchim M, Jordan A, Uny I, Noyes J, Forbat L, Line C, Ruth T & France E (2023) Co-producing with children and young people for a meta-ethnography on experiences of chronic pain, treatments and services.. Abstracts of the 27th Cochrane Colloquium. Cochrane Colloquium, London, UK, 04.09.2023-06.09.2023.
OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution
Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S & Semple S (2023) OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts, 06.09.2023.
"A whirlwind of everything": The Lived Experience of Adolescents with Co- Occurring Chronic Pain and Mental Health Symptoms
Corser J, Caes L, Bateman S, Noel M & Jordan A (2023) “A whirlwind of everything”: The Lived Experience of Adolescents with Co- Occurring Chronic Pain and Mental Health Symptoms. European Journal of Pain.
Co-occurring Chronic Pain And Primary Psychological Disorder - a Scoping Review
Bateman S, Caes L, Eccleston C, Noel M & Jordan A (2023) Co-occurring Chronic Pain And Primary Psychological Disorder - a Scoping Review. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain.
Distress and resilience narratives within pain memories of adolescents and young adults with complex regional pain syndrome : A multi-method study
Nimbley E, Caes L, Noel M & Jordan A (2023) Distress and resilience narratives within pain memories of adolescents and young adults with complex regional pain syndrome : A multi-method study. Journal of Pain.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Preliminary findings from a photovoice study of community members’ choice, experiences and perceptions around fuel use and cooking practices in Mukuru (Kenya) and Ndirande (Malawi)
Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S, Semple S & Orina F (2023) Preliminary findings from a photovoice study of community members’ choice, experiences and perceptions around fuel use and cooking practices in Mukuru (Kenya) and Ndirande (Malawi). The KASH Conference, Nairobi, kenya, 13.02.2023-16.02.2023.
Adherence in young people living with juvenile arthritis: A systematic review
Nelson C, Noel D, Caes L & Duncan C (2023) Adherence in young people living with juvenile arthritis: A systematic review. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.
The Role of Executive Functioning in Understanding Chronic Pain Experiences in Adolescence: A Pilot Multi-Method Study
Caes L, Wallace E, Duncan C & Dick B (2022) The Role of Executive Functioning in Understanding Chronic Pain Experiences in Adolescence: A Pilot Multi-Method Study. Medical Research Archives, 10 (12).
Editorial: Coping With the Pediatric Coping Literature: Innovative Approaches to Move the Field Forward
Caes L, McMurtry CM & Duncan CL (2022) Editorial: Coping With the Pediatric Coping Literature: Innovative Approaches to Move the Field Forward. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Art. No.: 885679.
A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments
France E, Noyes J, Forbat L, Uny DI, Jordan A, Caes L & Turley R (2022) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022 (7), Art. No.: CD014873.
Presentation / Talk
How children and young people with chronic pain and their families live with pain and perceive pain treatments and services - a meta-ethnography
France E, Noyes J, Jordan A, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Turley R & Silveira Bianchim M (2022) How children and young people with chronic pain and their families live with pain and perceive pain treatments and services - a meta-ethnography. RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2022, Cardiff, Wales, 05.09.2022-06.09.2022.
Presentation / Talk
How children and young people with chronic pain and their families live with pain and perceive pain treatments and services - a meta-ethnography
France E, Silveira Bianchim M, Uny I, Forbat L & Caes L (2022) How children and young people with chronic pain and their families live with pain and perceive pain treatments and services - a meta-ethnography [Abstract number: 0284]. RCN International Nursing Research Conference 2022, Cardiff, UK, 04.09.2022-06.09.2022.
Conference Abstract
522 A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain
France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Bianchim MS (2022) 522 A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Liverpool. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 107 (Supplement 2), pp. A514-A515.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain
France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Bianchim MS (2022) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic pain and their families experience and perceive pain services and treatments and living with pain. RCPCH Conference, Liverpool, 28.06.2022-30.06.2022.
A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments
France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Silveira Bianchim M (2022) A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2022, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 07.04.2022-09.04.2022.
The views of young people with neurological conditions and their families on chronic pain, services and treatments – a descriptive synthesis
Silveira Bianchim M, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & France EF (2022) The views of young people with neurological conditions and their families on chronic pain, services and treatments – a descriptive synthesis. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2022, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 07.04.2022-09.04.2022.
A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments
France E, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan A, Noyes J & Silveria Bianchim M (2022) A synthesis investigating how young people with chronic pain from sickle cell disease and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services and treatments. 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Auckland New Zealand & online, 24.03.2022-27.03.2022.
The views of young people with neurological conditions and their families on chronic pain, services and treatments – a descriptive synthesis
Silveria Bianchim M, Turley R, Uny I, Forbat L, Caes L, Jordan b, Noyes J & France E (2022) The views of young people with neurological conditions and their families on chronic pain, services and treatments – a descriptive synthesis. 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Auckland, New Zealand & online, 24.03.2022-27.03.2022.
The developmental & social complexity of paediatric pain
Caes L (2022) The developmental & social complexity of paediatric pain. 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain (ISPP2022), Online, 24.03.2022-27.03.2022.
The sands of time: Adolescents’ temporal perceptions of peer relationships and autonomy in the context of living with chronic pain
Jones A, Caes L, Eccleston C, Noel M, Gauntlett-Gilbert J & Jordan A (2022) The sands of time: Adolescents’ temporal perceptions of peer relationships and autonomy in the context of living with chronic pain. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain.
Where do children learn about pain? The role of caregiver responses to preschoolers' pain experience within natural settings
O'Sullivan G, McGuire BE, Roche M & Caes L (2021) Where do children learn about pain? The role of caregiver responses to preschoolers' pain experience within natural settings. PAIN, 162 (5), pp. 1289-1294.
Parental catastrophizing and goal pursuit in the context of child chronic pain: a daily diary study
Caes L, van Gampelaere C, Van Hoecke E, Van Winckel M, Kamoen K & Goubert L (2021) Parental catastrophizing and goal pursuit in the context of child chronic pain: a daily diary study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Art. No.: 680546.
Challenging issues of integrity and identity of participants in non-synchronous online qualitative methods
Jones A, Caes L, Rugg T, Noel M, Bateman S & Jordan A (2021) Challenging issues of integrity and identity of participants in non-synchronous online qualitative methods. Methods in Psychology, 5, Art. No.: 100072.
Exploring women's perceptions of pain when breastfeeding using online forums
Caes L, Abbott K & Currie S (2021) Exploring women's perceptions of pain when breastfeeding using online forums. International Breastfeeding Journal, 16, Art. No.: 84.
Exploring Parental Responses to Pre-Schoolers' "Everyday" Pain Experiences through Electronic Diary and Ecological Momentary Assessment Methodologies
O'Sullivan G, McGuire BE, Roche M & Caes L (2021) Exploring Parental Responses to Pre-Schoolers' "Everyday" Pain Experiences through Electronic Diary and Ecological Momentary Assessment Methodologies. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Art. No.: 741963.
Book Chapter
Pain: A Biopsychosocial Phenomenon
Caes L, Forgeron P & Goubert L (2021) Pain: A Biopsychosocial Phenomenon. In: Managing Pain in Children: A Clinical Guide. 3rd ed. London: Wiley.
Presentation / Talk
Social context of paediatric pain, everyday pain, and implications for management
Caes L (2021) Social context of paediatric pain, everyday pain, and implications for management (Presentation) EFIC Virtual Pain Education Summit, Online, 04.11.2021.
Presentation / Talk
The role of executive functioning skills in understanding chronic pain experiences in adolescents: a pilot study.
Caes L (2021) The role of executive functioning skills in understanding chronic pain experiences in adolescents: a pilot study. (Presentation) Scottish Pain Research Community 11th Annual Meeting (SPaRC ASM), Online, 10.09.2021.
Supporting primary school children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A qualitative investigation of teaching staff experiences
Jordan A, Vasileiou K, Brown C & Caes L (2021) Supporting primary school children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A qualitative investigation of teaching staff experiences. Children, 8 (7), Art. No.: 555.
The cyclical relation between chronic pain, executive functioning, emotional regulation, and self-management
Caes L, Dick B, Duncan C & Allan J (2021) The cyclical relation between chronic pain, executive functioning, emotional regulation, and self-management. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46 (3), pp. 286-292.
A linguistic analysis of future narratives in adolescents with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and their pain-free peers
Nimbley E, Caes L, Jones A, Fisher E, Noel M & Jordan A (2021) A linguistic analysis of future narratives in adolescents with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and their pain-free peers. European Journal of Pain, 25 (3), pp. 693-703.
The Impact of Parental Pain-attending and Non-pain-attending Responses on Child Pain Behavior in the Context of Cancer-related Painful Procedures: The Moderating Role of Parental Self-oriented Distress
Rheel E, Ickmans K, Caes L & Vervoort T (2021) The Impact of Parental Pain-attending and Non-pain-attending Responses on Child Pain Behavior in the Context of Cancer-related Painful Procedures: The Moderating Role of Parental Self-oriented Distress. Clinical Journal of Pain, 37 (3), pp. 177-185.
Sociodevelopmental challenges faced by young people with chronic pain: A scoping review
Jones A, Caes L, McMurtry M, Eccleston C & Jordan A (2021) Sociodevelopmental challenges faced by young people with chronic pain: A scoping review. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46 (2), pp. 219-230.
Which passengers are on your bus? A taxonomy of the barriers adolescents with chronic pain face in achieving functional recovery
Jacobs K, Smith A, Heathcote LC & Caes L (2021) Which passengers are on your bus? A taxonomy of the barriers adolescents with chronic pain face in achieving functional recovery. European Journal of Pain, 25 (2), pp. 348-358.
Loss-adjusting: Young People's Constructions of a Future Living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Jones A, Caes L, Eccleston C, Noel M, Rugg T & Jordan A (2020) Loss-adjusting: Young People's Constructions of a Future Living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Clinical Journal of Pain, 36 (12), pp. 932-939.
Young people taking responsibility for self-management: when is the ideal time?
Caes L (2020) Young people taking responsibility for self-management: when is the ideal time?. Evidence Based Nursing, 23 (2), pp. 43-45.
Am I being watched? The role of researcher presence on toddlers' behaviour during 'everyday' pain experiences: A pilot study
Caes L, O'Sullivan G, McGuire B & Roche M (2020) Am I being watched? The role of researcher presence on toddlers' behaviour during 'everyday' pain experiences: A pilot study. Psychology and Health, 35 (9), pp. 1115-1133.
Solid fuel users' perceptions of household solid fuel use in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review
McCarron A, Uny I, Caes L, Lucas S, Semple S, Ardrey J & Price H (2020) Solid fuel users' perceptions of household solid fuel use in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review. Environment International, 143, Art. No.: 105991.
Maternal presence or absence alters nociceptive responding and cortical anandamide levels in juvenile female rats
O’Sullivan G, Humphrey RM, Thornton AM, Kerr DM, McGuire BE, Caes L & Roche M (2020) Maternal presence or absence alters nociceptive responding and cortical anandamide levels in juvenile female rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 392, Art. No.: 112712.
Adverse early life experiences are associated with changes in pressure and cold pain sensitivity in young adults
Caes L & Roche M (2020) Adverse early life experiences are associated with changes in pressure and cold pain sensitivity in young adults. Commentary on: Waller R, Smith AJ, OʼSullivan PB, et al. The association of early life stressors with pain sensitivity and pain experience at 22 years. Pain 2020;161:220-9.. Annals of Palliative Medicine, 9 (4), pp. 1366-1369.
Perspective-taking influences attentional deployment towards facial expressions of pain: An eye-tracking study
Pilch M, O'Hara D, Jennings C, Caes L, McGuire BE, Kainz V & Vervoort T (2020) Perspective-taking influences attentional deployment towards facial expressions of pain: An eye-tracking study. PAIN, 161 (6), pp. 1286-1296.
Implementation Effectiveness of a Parent-Directed YouTube Video ("It Doesn't Have To Hurt") on Evidence-Based Strategies to Manage Needle Pain: Descriptive Survey Study
Chambers CT, Dol J, Parker JA, Caes L, Birnie KA, Taddio A, Campbell-Yeo M, Halperin SA & Langille J (2020) Implementation Effectiveness of a Parent-Directed YouTube Video ("It Doesn't Have To Hurt") on Evidence-Based Strategies to Manage Needle Pain: Descriptive Survey Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 3 (1), Art. No.: e13552.
Presentation / Talk
Which passengers are on your bus? A qualitative analysis of the hurdles adolescents with chronic pain need to overcome to make progress
Caes L (2020) Which passengers are on your bus? A qualitative analysis of the hurdles adolescents with chronic pain need to overcome to make progress (Presentation) vSPPAC2020, Online, 20.03.2020.
Chronic pain: A poorly understood experience in young people.
Caes L & Jordan A (2020) Chronic pain: A poorly understood experience in young people.. Frontiers for Young Minds, 8, Art. No.: 24.
Book Chapter
The impact of chronic pain on school functioning in young people.
Caes L & Logan D (2019) The impact of chronic pain on school functioning in young people.. In: Wainwright E & Eccleston C (eds.) Work and pain: A lifespan development approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 51-64.
Lending an Ear: iPeer2Peer plus Teens Taking Charge online self-management to empower adolescents with arthritis in Ireland: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial
O'Higgins S, Stinson J, Ahola Kohut S, Caes L, Heary C & McGuire BE (2019) Lending an Ear: iPeer2Peer plus Teens Taking Charge online self-management to empower adolescents with arthritis in Ireland: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9 (12), Art. No.: e027952.
Child and family adaptation to Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - a systematic review of the role of resilience resources and mechanisms
Hynes L, Saetes S, McGuire B & Caes L (2019) Child and family adaptation to Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - a systematic review of the role of resilience resources and mechanisms. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Art. No.: 2445.
"Nothing about us without us": The route to developing useful participatory activities for adolescents with chronic pain
Caes L & Fales J (2019) "Nothing about us without us": The route to developing useful participatory activities for adolescents with chronic pain. Pediatric Pain Letter, 21 (3), pp. 28-33.
Effectiveness of interdisciplinary interventions in paediatric chronic pain management: a systematic review and subset meta-analysis
Liossi C, Johnstone L, Lilley S, Caes L, Williams G & Schoth DE (2019) Effectiveness of interdisciplinary interventions in paediatric chronic pain management: a systematic review and subset meta-analysis. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 123 (2), pp. e359-e371.
Commentary: Parent-child interactions during painful medical procedures: recommendations by Blount and colleagues (1991) have not fallen on deaf ears!
Caes L (2019) Commentary: Parent-child interactions during painful medical procedures: recommendations by Blount and colleagues (1991) have not fallen on deaf ears!. Commentary on: Blount, R. L., Landolf-Fritsche, B., Powers, S. W., & Sturges, J. W. (1991). Differences between high and low coping children and between parent and staff behaviors during painful medical procedures. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 16(6), 795-809.. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44 (7), pp. 794-797.
Support for my video is support for me: A YouTube scoping review of videos including adolescents with chronic pain
Forgeron P, McKenzie E, O'Reilly J, Rudnicki E & Caes L (2019) Support for my video is support for me: A YouTube scoping review of videos including adolescents with chronic pain. Clinical Journal of Pain, 35 (5), pp. 443-450.
Pain and quality of life in youth with inflammatory bowel disease: The role of parent and youth perspectives on family functioning
Caes L, Chambers C, Otley A & Stinson J (2019) Pain and quality of life in youth with inflammatory bowel disease: The role of parent and youth perspectives on family functioning. PAIN Reports, 4 (2), Art. No.: e715.
Book Chapter
Listen to us! The voices of young children with pain!
Caes L & O'Higgins S (2018) Listen to us! The voices of young children with pain!. In: Carrol C & Twomey M (eds.) Seen and Heard: Exploring Participation, Engagement and Voice for Children with Disabilities. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Book Chapter
An ecological and lifespan approach of social influences on childhood pain experiences
Caes L, Goubert L & Simons L (2018) An ecological and lifespan approach of social influences on childhood pain experiences. In: Vervoort T, Karos K, Trost Z & Prkachin K (eds.) Social and Interpersonal Dynamics in Pain - We Do Not Suffer Alone. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 395-413.
The relationship of parental pain catastrophizing with parents reports of children’s anxiety, depression, and headache severity
Akbarzadeh G, Daniali H, Javadzadeh M, Caes L, Ranjbar S & Habibi M (2018) The relationship of parental pain catastrophizing with parents reports of children’s anxiety, depression, and headache severity. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, 12 (1), pp. 55-66.
Self-management needs of Irish adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): how can a Canadian web-based programme meet these needs?
O'Sullivan G, O'Higgins S, Caes L, Saetes S, McGuire BE & Stinson J (2018) Self-management needs of Irish adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): how can a Canadian web-based programme meet these needs?. Pediatric Rheumatology Online Journal, 16 (1), Art. No.: 68.
Supporting Children with Chronic Pain in School: Understanding Teachers’ Experiences of Pain in the Classroom
Tarpey S, Caes L & Heary C (2018) Supporting Children with Chronic Pain in School: Understanding Teachers’ Experiences of Pain in the Classroom. European Health Psychologist, 20 (1), pp. 419-424.
Interactive versus Passive Distraction and Parent Psychoeducation as pain management techniques during pediatric venepuncture: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Newell A, Keane J, McGuire B, Heary C, McDarby V, Dudley B, Moran J, Francis K & Caes L (2018) Interactive versus Passive Distraction and Parent Psychoeducation as pain management techniques during pediatric venepuncture: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Journal of Pain, 34 (11), pp. 1008-1016.
Evaluation of an Intensive Interdisciplinary Pain Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Adolescents With Chronic Pain and Their Parents: A Nonrandomized Clinical Trial
Kemani M, Kanstrup M, Jordan A, Caes L & Gauntlett-Gilbert J (2018) Evaluation of an Intensive Interdisciplinary Pain Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Adolescents With Chronic Pain and Their Parents: A Nonrandomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 43 (9), pp. 981-994.
Current evidence-based interdisciplinary treatment options for pediatric musculoskeletal pain
Caes L, Fisher E, Clinch J & Eccleston C (2018) Current evidence-based interdisciplinary treatment options for pediatric musculoskeletal pain. Current Treatment Options in Rheumatology, 4 (3), p. 223–234.
A developmental arrest? Interruption and identity in adolescent chronic pain
Jordan A, Noel M, Caes L, Connell H & Gauntlett-Gilbert J (2018) A developmental arrest? Interruption and identity in adolescent chronic pain. PAIN Reports, 3, Art. No.: e678.
Engaging use of social media as a research tool to capture the daily life experiences of young people with chronic pain
Caes L, Jones A & Jordan A (2018) Engaging use of social media as a research tool to capture the daily life experiences of young people with chronic pain. Evidence-Based Nursing, 21 (4), p. 116.
Connecting the Mind-Body split: Understanding the relationship between symptoms and emotional well-being in Chronic Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Caes L, Orchard A & Christie D (2017) Connecting the Mind-Body split: Understanding the relationship between symptoms and emotional well-being in Chronic Pain and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. Healthcare, 5 (4), Art. No.: 93.
Family resilience and adaptive coping in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: protocol for a systematic review
Saetes S, Hynes L, McGuire B & Caes L (2017) Family resilience and adaptive coping in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 6, Art. No.: 221.
Little Scientists – Big Impact
Caes L, Caldwell CA, Rafetseder E, Grainger C, Renner E, Atkinson M, Shing YL & Kuipers JR (2017) Little Scientists – Big Impact [The Developmental Research Team at the University of Stirling explain why they love their psychology kindergarten]. The Psychologist, 30, pp. 30-33.
Couple Functioning after Pediatric Cancer Diagnosis: A Systematic Review
Van Schoors M, Caes L, Alderfer MA, Goubert L & Verhofstadt LL (2017) Couple Functioning after Pediatric Cancer Diagnosis: A Systematic Review. Psycho-Oncology, 26 (5), pp. 608-616.
State versus Trait: Validating State Assessment of Child and Parental Catastrophic Thinking about Child Pain
Durand H, Birnie KA, Noel M, Vervoort T, Goubert L, Boerner KE, Chambers CT & Caes L (2017) State versus Trait: Validating State Assessment of Child and Parental Catastrophic Thinking about Child Pain. Journal of Pain, 18 (4), pp. 385-395.
Personal distress and sympathy differentially influence health care professional and parents’ estimation of child procedure-related pain
Caes L, Goubert L, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Vervoort T (2017) Personal distress and sympathy differentially influence health care professional and parents’ estimation of child procedure-related pain. Pain Medicine, 18 (2), pp. 275-282.
The pain of youth
Caes L & Jordan A (2017) The pain of youth. Psychologist, 30, pp. 24-27.
Systematic Review: Associations Between Family Functioning and Child Adjustment After Pediatric Cancer Diagnosis: A Meta-Analysis
Van Schoors M, Caes L, Knoble NB, Goubert L, Verhofstadt LL & Alderfer MA (2017) Systematic Review: Associations Between Family Functioning and Child Adjustment After Pediatric Cancer Diagnosis: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 42 (1), pp. 6-18.
A Comparison of Maternal versus Paternal Nonverbal Behavior During Child Pain
Schinkel M, Chambers CT, Caes L & Moon EC (2017) A Comparison of Maternal versus Paternal Nonverbal Behavior During Child Pain. Pain Practice, 17 (1), pp. 41-51.
Prevalence, impact and cost of multimorbidity in a cohort of people with chronic pain in Ireland: a study protocol
Slattery BW, O'Connor L, Haugh S, Dwyer CP, O'Higgins S, Caes L, Egan J & McGuire B (2017) Prevalence, impact and cost of multimorbidity in a cohort of people with chronic pain in Ireland: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 7 (1), Art. No.: e012131.
Website Content
Experiences from an international member of Div. 54 How well is Div. 54 known outside North America?
Caes L (2016) Experiences from an international member of Div. 54 How well is Div. 54 known outside North America?. Society of Pediatric Psychology, 2016.
Website Content
Giving parents a voice in child pain management
Caes L (2016) Giving parents a voice in child pain management. NUIG Health Psychology Blog, 2016.
Anxiety at 13 and its effect on pain, pain-related anxiety, and pain-related disability at 17: An ALSPAC cohort longitudinal analysis
Fisher E, Caes L, Clinch J, Tobias JH & Eccleston C (2016) Anxiety at 13 and its effect on pain, pain-related anxiety, and pain-related disability at 17: An ALSPAC cohort longitudinal analysis. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 21 (1), pp. 1-9.
Newspaper / Magazine
We shouldn’t worry so much about our kids’ anxiety – it’s a normal part of growing up
Caes L (2016) We shouldn’t worry so much about our kids’ anxiety – it’s a normal part of growing up. The Conversation. 01.11.2016.
Commentary: Impact of an interdisciplinary and international research training initiative: the Pain in Child Health program
Caes L, Chambers CT, von Baeyer CL & Stevens B (2016) Commentary: Impact of an interdisciplinary and international research training initiative: the Pain in Child Health program. Pediatric Pain Letter, 18 (3), pp. 31-34.
Impact of Threat Level, Task Instruction, and Individual Characteristics on Cold Pressor Pain and Fear among Children and Their Parents
Boerner KE, Noel M, Birnie KA, Caes L, Petter M & Chambers CT (2016) Impact of Threat Level, Task Instruction, and Individual Characteristics on Cold Pressor Pain and Fear among Children and Their Parents. Pain Practice, 16 (6), pp. 657-668.
The development of worry throughout childhood: Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children data
Caes L, Fisher E, Clinch J, Tobias JH & Eccleston C (2016) The development of worry throughout childhood: Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children data. British Journal of Health Psychology, 21 (2), pp. 389-406.
Short report: What about the parents? The importance of the family context within paediatric psychology
Caes L (2016) Short report: What about the parents? The importance of the family context within paediatric psychology. Irish Psychologist, 42 (5), pp. 140-142.
A comprehensive categorical and bibliometric analysis of published research articles on pediatric pain from 1975 to 2010
Caes L, Boerner KE, Chambers CT, Campbell-Yeo M, Stinson J, Birnie KA, Parker JA, Huguet A, Jordan A, McLaren Chorney J, Schinkel M & Dol J (2016) A comprehensive categorical and bibliometric analysis of published research articles on pediatric pain from 1975 to 2010. Pain, 157 (2), pp. 302-313.
Website Content
The journey of a young researcher in the 21st century
Caes L (2015) The journey of a young researcher in the 21st century. NUIG Health Psychology Blog, 2015.
Offspring of parents with chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain, health, psychological, and family outcomes
Higgins KS, Birnie KA, Chambers CT, Wilson AC, Caes L, Clark AJ, Lynch M, Stinson J & Campbell-Yeo M (2015) Offspring of parents with chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain, health, psychological, and family outcomes. Pain, 156 (11), pp. 2256-2266.
Newspaper / Magazine
Implementation matters: Parental presence during repeated painful procedures: a complicated matter
Caes L, Vervoort T & Goubert L (2015) Implementation matters: Parental presence during repeated painful procedures: a complicated matter. IASP SIG on Pain in Childhood Newsletter. 11.2015.
Systematic review: Family resilience after pediatric cancer diagnosis
Van Schoors M, Caes L, Verhofstadt LL, Goubert L & Alderfer MA (2015) Systematic review: Family resilience after pediatric cancer diagnosis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40 (9), pp. 856-868.
The role of pain-related anxiety in adolescents' disability and social impairment: ALSPAC data
Caes L, Fisher E, Clinch J, Tobias JH & Eccleston C (2015) The role of pain-related anxiety in adolescents' disability and social impairment: ALSPAC data. European Journal of Pain, 19 (6), pp. 842-851.
Acceptance: What's in a name? A content analysis of acceptance instruments in individuals with chronic pain
Lauwerier E, Caes L, Van Damme S, Goubert L, Rossell Y & Crombez G (2015) Acceptance: What's in a name? A content analysis of acceptance instruments in individuals with chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 16 (4), pp. 306-317.
Acceptability by parents and children of deception in pediatric research
Noel M, Boerner KE, Birnie KA, Caes L, Parker JA, Chambers CT, Fernandez CV & Lee K (2015) Acceptability by parents and children of deception in pediatric research. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 36 (2), pp. 75-85.
Parental distress and catastrophic thoughts about child pain: Implications for parental protective behavior in the context of child leukemia-related medical procedures
Caes L, Vervoort T, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Goubert L (2014) Parental distress and catastrophic thoughts about child pain: Implications for parental protective behavior in the context of child leukemia-related medical procedures. Clinical Journal of Pain, 30 (9), pp. 787-799.
The relationship between parental catastrophizing about child pain and distress in response to medical procedures in the context of childhood cancer treatment: A longitudinal analysis
Caes L, Goubert L, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Vervoort T (2014) The relationship between parental catastrophizing about child pain and distress in response to medical procedures in the context of childhood cancer treatment: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39 (7), pp. 677-686.
Emotion regulatory function of parent attention to child pain and associated implications for parental pain control behaviour
Vervoort T, Trost Z, Sutterlin S, Caes L & Moors A (2014) Emotion regulatory function of parent attention to child pain and associated implications for parental pain control behaviour. Pain, 155 (8), pp. 1453-1463.
Sex differences in experimental pain among healthy children: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Boerner KE, Birnie KA, Caes L, Schinkel M & Chambers CT (2014) Sex differences in experimental pain among healthy children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pain, 155 (5), pp. 983-993.
A practical guide and perspectives on the use of experimental pain modalities with children and adolescents
Birnie KA, Caes L, Wilson AC, Williams SE & Chambers CT (2014) A practical guide and perspectives on the use of experimental pain modalities with children and adolescents. Pain Management, 4 (2), pp. 97-111.
Website Content
Naturalistic Parental Pain Management During Immunizations During the First Year of Life: Observational Norms From the OUCH Cohort
Gorodzinsky A & Caes L (2013) Naturalistic Parental Pain Management During Immunizations During the First Year of Life: Observational Norms From the OUCH Cohort [Ethical considerations of naturalistic research- related observations in a clinical pain context (author title)]. Pain Research Forum, 18.12.2013.
Catastrophic thinking about pain: A critical appraisal highlighting the importance of the social context and balance
Caes L, Goubert L, Sullivan MJL & Chambers CT (2013) Catastrophic thinking about pain: A critical appraisal highlighting the importance of the social context and balance. Journal of Symptoms and Signs, 2 (5), pp. 298-308.
Parental attention to their child's pain is modulated by threat-value of pain
Vervoort T, Trost Z, Caes L, Notebaert L & Goubert L (2012) Parental attention to their child's pain is modulated by threat-value of pain. Health Psychology, 31 (5), pp. 623-631.
Website Content
Predicting Adult Outcomes from Childhood Pain Profiles
Birnie KA & Caes L (2012) Predicting Adult Outcomes from Childhood Pain Profiles. Pain Research Forum, 09.11.2012.
Parents who catastrophize about their child's pain prioritize attempts to control pain
Caes L, Vervoort T, Eccleston C & Goubert L (2012) Parents who catastrophize about their child's pain prioritize attempts to control pain. Pain, 153 (8), pp. 1695-1701.
Negative emotional responses elicited by the anticipation of pain in others: Psychophysiological evidence
Caes L, Uzieblo K, Crombez G, De Ruddere L, Vervoort T & Goubert L (2012) Negative emotional responses elicited by the anticipation of pain in others: Psychophysiological evidence. Journal of Pain, 13 (5), pp. 467-476.
Impact of parental catastrophizing and contextual threat on parents' emotional and behavioral responses to their child's pain
Caes L, Vervoort T, Trost Z & Goubert L (2012) Impact of parental catastrophizing and contextual threat on parents' emotional and behavioral responses to their child's pain. Pain, 153 (3), pp. 687-695.
Parental catastrophizing about children's pain and selective attention to varying levels of facial expression of pain in children: A dot-probe study
Vervoort T, Caes L, Crombez G, Koster E, Van Damme S, Dewitte M & Goubert L (2011) Parental catastrophizing about children's pain and selective attention to varying levels of facial expression of pain in children: A dot-probe study. Pain, 152 (8), pp. 1751-1757.
Social modulation of facial pain display in high-catastrophizing children: An observational study in schoolchildren and their parents
Vervoort T, Caes L, Trost Z, Sullivan MJL, Vangronsveld K & Goubert L (2011) Social modulation of facial pain display in high-catastrophizing children: An observational study in schoolchildren and their parents. Pain, 152 (7), pp. 1591-1599.
Parental catastrophizing about child's pain and its relationship with activity restriction: The mediating role of parental distress
Caes L, Vervoort T, Eccleston C, Vandenhende M & Goubert L (2011) Parental catastrophizing about child's pain and its relationship with activity restriction: The mediating role of parental distress. Pain, 152 (1), pp. 212-222.
Website Content
Highlightsof the 8th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, 2010
Caes L, Racine N & Klein VC (2010) Highlights of the 8th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, 2010. IASP Newsletter [Blog Post] 2010.