Learning about design for dementia: lessons from a Japan–UK network
Bowes A, Dawson A, Copland F, Gibson G, Hotta S, Ishikawa S, Ito M, Kiuchi D, Koreki A, Lovatt M, McCall V, Palmer L, Quirke M, Phillips J & Rutherford A (2024) Learning about design for dementia: lessons from a Japan–UK network. Cogent Gerontology, 3 (1).
Negotiating pace, focus and identities: Patient/public involvement/engagement in a palliative care study
Forbat L, Macgregor A, Brown T, McCormack B, Spilsbury K, Rutherford A, Hanratty B, Hockley J, McKenzie M, Soulsby I & Ogden M (2024) Negotiating pace, focus and identities: Patient/public involvement/engagement in a palliative care study. Sociology of Health & Illness, 46 (7), pp. 1327-1344.
Project Report
Using Palliative Care Needs Rounds in the UK for care home staff and residents: an implementation science study
Forbat E, Magregor A, Spilsbury K, McCormack B, Rutherford A, Hanratty B, Hockley J, Davison L, Ogden M, Soulsby I & McKenzie M (2024) Using Palliative Care Needs Rounds in the UK for care home staff and residents: an implementation science study. National Institute of Health Research. Southampton.
Othering Older People’s Housing: Gaming Ageing to Support Future-Planning
McCall V, Rutherford AC, Bowes A, Jagannath S, Njoki M, Quirke M, Pemble CM, Lovatt M, Maginn K, Davison L, Scrutton P, Pengelly R & Gibson J (2024) Othering Older People’s Housing: Gaming Ageing to Support Future-Planning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (3), Art. No.: 304.
Supporting care home residents in the last year of life through ‘Needs Rounds’: Development of a pre-implementation programme theory through a rapid collaborative online approach
Macgregor A, McCormack B, Spilsbury K, Hockley J, Rutherford A, Ogden M, Soulsby I, McKenzie M, Hanratty B & Forbat L (2023) Supporting care home residents in the last year of life through ‘Needs Rounds’: Development of a pre-implementation programme theory through a rapid collaborative online approach. Frontiers in Health Services, 2, Art. No.: 1019602.
The Promise and Perils of Comparing Nonprofit Data Across Borders
Searing EAM, Grasse NJ & Rutherford A (2023) The Promise and Perils of Comparing Nonprofit Data Across Borders. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52 (1 supplement), pp. 130S-159S.
Book Chapter
The impact of COVID-19 on the formation and dissolution of charitable organisations
Rutherford A, McDonnell D & Mohan J (2022) The impact of COVID-19 on the formation and dissolution of charitable organisations. In: COVID-19 and the Voluntary and Community Sector in the UK: Responses, Impacts and Adaptation. COVID-19 and the Voluntary and Community Sector in the UK Responses, Impacts and Adaptation. Bristol: Policy Press.
Book Chapter
Researching risk in the voluntary sector: The challenges and opportunities of regulatory data
McDonnell D & Rutherford A (2022) Researching risk in the voluntary sector: The challenges and opportunities of regulatory data. In: Dean J & Hogg E (eds.) Researching Voluntary Action: Innovations and Challenges. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 122-134.
Members Only? Exclusivity and Fractionalisation in the Malaysian Third Sector
Perai NAA & Rutherford AC (2022) Members Only? Exclusivity and Fractionalisation in the Malaysian Third Sector. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
Conference Paper (published)
Comparing a Game v. Non-Game approach for plant provenance public education
Docherty C, Rutherford A, Jones G & Maharaj S (2021) Comparing a Game v. Non-Game approach for plant provenance public education. In: Gabron S (ed.) GSGS '21 - International Conference on Gamification and Serious Game Proceeding. Gamification & Serious Game Symposium. GSGS '21 - International Conference on Gamification and Serious Game, Lausanne, Switzerland, 28.06.2021-09.07.2021. Dublin: Digital Kingdom.
Biases in low-information environments: Understanding for-profit and non-profit salary differentials in Haiti
DeMattee AJ & Rutherford AC (2021) Biases in low-information environments: Understanding for-profit and non-profit salary differentials in Haiti. Journal of International Development, 33 (7), pp. 1141-1165.
Is 'dementia-friendly design' cost effective? The results of a preliminary literature review
Koreki A, Sado M, Katayama N, Rutherford A & Bowes A (2021) Is 'dementia-friendly design' cost effective? The results of a preliminary literature review. Psychogeriatrics, 21 (4), pp. 691-692.
The Big Bird Gets the Worm? How Size Influences Social Networking by Charitable Organizations
Wallace T & Rutherford AC (2021) The Big Bird Gets the Worm? How Size Influences Social Networking by Charitable Organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50 (3), pp. 626-646.
Incentivizing Regulatory Participation: Effectiveness of a Fundraising Levy
Rutherford A, McDonnell D & Hogg E (2021) Incentivizing Regulatory Participation: Effectiveness of a Fundraising Levy. Public Administration Review, 81 (3), pp. 532-542.
Cognitive impairment negatively impacts allied health service uptake: Investigating the association between health and service use
MacLeod CA, Bu F, Rutherford AC, Phillips J & Woods R (2021) Cognitive impairment negatively impacts allied health service uptake: Investigating the association between health and service use. SSM - Population Health, 13, Art. No.: 100720.
Palliative and end-of-life care in care homes: protocol for codesigning and implementing an appropriate scalable model of Needs Rounds in the UK
Macgregor A, Rutherford A, McCormack B, Hockley J, Ogden M, Soulsby I, McKenzie M, Spilsbury K, Hanratty B & Forbat L (2021) Palliative and end-of-life care in care homes: protocol for codesigning and implementing an appropriate scalable model of Needs Rounds in the UK. BMJ Open, 11 (2), Art. No.: e049486.
Housing and Ageing: Let's Get Serious-"How Do You Plan for the Future while Addressing Immediate Chaos?"
McCall V, Ziegler F, Robertson J, Lovatt M, Phillips J, Porteus J, Mcintyre Z, Rutherford A, Sixsmith J, Woolrych R, Eadie J, Wallman J, Epinosa M, Harrison E & Wallace T (2020) Housing and Ageing: Let's Get Serious-"How Do You Plan for the Future while Addressing Immediate Chaos?". Social Inclusion, 8 (3), pp. 28-42.
Occupational inequalities in volunteering participation: Using detailed data on jobs to explore the influence of habits and circumstances
Lambert P & Rutherford A (2020) Occupational inequalities in volunteering participation: Using detailed data on jobs to explore the influence of habits and circumstances. British Journal of Sociology, 71 (4), pp. 625-643.
Blurring and Bridging: The Role of Volunteers in Dementia Care within Homes and Communities
McCall V, McCabe L, Rutherford A, Bu F, Wilson M & Woolvin M (2020) Blurring and Bridging: The Role of Volunteers in Dementia Care within Homes and Communities. Journal of Social Policy, 49 (3), pp. 622-642.
Promoting charity accountability: Understanding disclosure of serious incidents
McDonnell D & Rutherford AC (2019) Promoting charity accountability: Understanding disclosure of serious incidents. Accounting Forum, 43 (1), pp. 42-61.
Research Report
Housing and Ageing: Linking future strategy to future delivery for Scotland, Wales and England 2030
McCall V, Phillips J, Lovatt M, Robertson J, Rutherford A, Woolrytch R, Sixsmith J, Macintyre Z, Porteus J, Ziegler F & Eadie J (2019) Housing and Ageing: Linking future strategy to future delivery for Scotland, Wales and England 2030. Scottish Universities Insight Institute and Social Policy Association.
Dementia, home care and institutionalisation from hospitals in older people
Bu F & Rutherford A (2019) Dementia, home care and institutionalisation from hospitals in older people. European Journal of Ageing, 16 (3), pp. 283-291.
Research Report
Volunteering for All: national framework - literature review
Rutherford A, Bu F, Dawson A & McCall V (2019) Volunteering for All: national framework - literature review. Scottish Government. Social Research: People, Communities and Places.
Measuring growth of the nonprofit sector: The choice of indicator matters
Pennerstorfer A & Rutherford A (2019) Measuring growth of the nonprofit sector: The choice of indicator matters. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48 (2), pp. 440-456.
Issues with the Measurement of Informal Care in Social Surveys: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Rutherford AC & Bu F (2018) Issues with the Measurement of Informal Care in Social Surveys: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Ageing and Society, 38 (12), pp. 2541-2559.
Mortality in people with dementia, delirium, and unspecified cognitive impairment in the general hospital: prospective cohort study of 6,724 patients with 2 years follow-up
Hapca S, Guthrie B, Cvoro V, Bu F, Rutherford A, Reynish E & Donnan PT (2018) Mortality in people with dementia, delirium, and unspecified cognitive impairment in the general hospital: prospective cohort study of 6,724 patients with 2 years follow-up. Clinical Epidemiology, 10, pp. 1743-1753.
The Determinants of Charity Misconduct
McDonnell D & Rutherford AC (2018) The Determinants of Charity Misconduct. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47 (1), pp. 107-125.
Pilot study protocol to inform a future longitudinal study of ageing using linked administrative data: Healthy AGeing in Scotland (HAGIS)
Douglas E, Rutherford AC & Bell D (2018) Pilot study protocol to inform a future longitudinal study of ageing using linked administrative data: Healthy AGeing in Scotland (HAGIS). BMJ Open, 8 (1), Art. No.: e018802.
Research Report
The Role of Volunteering in Dementia Care
McCall V, McCabe L, Rutherford AC, Bu F, Wilson M & Woolvin M (2017) The Role of Volunteering in Dementia Care.
Career Concerns versus Shared Values: An Empirical Investigation
McKenzie T & Rutherford AC (2017) Career Concerns versus Shared Values: An Empirical Investigation. German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 31 (2), pp. 162-184.
Spotlight on Scotland: Assets and opportunities for aging research in a shifting sociopolitical landscape
Robertson J, Bowes A, Gibson G, McCabe L, Reynish E, Rutherford AC & Wilinska M (2016) Spotlight on Scotland: Assets and opportunities for aging research in a shifting sociopolitical landscape. Gerontologist, 56 (6), pp. 979-989.
Divergent geographies of policy and practice? Voluntarism and devolution in England, Scotland and Wales
Woolvin M, Mills S, Hardill I & Rutherford AC (2015) Divergent geographies of policy and practice? Voluntarism and devolution in England, Scotland and Wales. Geographical Journal, 181 (1), pp. 38-46.
Rising Wages in the Expanding U.K. Nonprofit Sector From 1997 to 2007
Rutherford AC (2015) Rising Wages in the Expanding U.K. Nonprofit Sector From 1997 to 2007. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44 (1), pp. 123-145.
Research Report
Community Impact of Public Processions
Hamilton-Smith N, Malloch M, Ashe S, Rutherford AC & Bradford B (2015) Community Impact of Public Processions. Scottish Government. Social Research series: Crime and Justice. Scottish Government Social Research.
Networks of Informal Caring: a Mixed-Methods Approach
Rutherford AC & Bowes A (2014) Networks of Informal Caring: a Mixed-Methods Approach. Canadian Journal on Aging, 33 (4), pp. 473-487.
Individual and Geographic Factors in the Formation of Care Networks in the UK
Bell D & Rutherford AC (2013) Individual and Geographic Factors in the Formation of Care Networks in the UK. Population, Space and Place, 19 (6), pp. 727-737.
Older Workers and Working Time
Bell D & Rutherford AC (2013) Older Workers and Working Time. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 1-2, pp. 28-34.
Free Personal Care for Older People: A Wider Perspective on Its Costs
Bell D, Rutherford AC & Wright RE (2013) Free Personal Care for Older People: A Wider Perspective on Its Costs. Fraser of Allander Institute Economic Commentary, 36 (3), pp. 69-76.,_No_3.pdf
Book Chapter
Get By With a Little Help From My Friends: A Recent History of Charitable Organisations in Economic Theory
Rutherford AC (2012) Get By With a Little Help From My Friends: A Recent History of Charitable Organisations in Economic Theory. In: Faccarello G & Sturn R (eds.) Studies in the History of Public Economics. London: Routledge.
Long-Term Care and the Housing Market
Bell D & Rutherford AC (2012) Long-Term Care and the Housing Market. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 59 (5), pp. 543 - 563.
The 'Ins' and 'Outs' of Working in the UK Voluntary Sector
Rutherford AC (2012) The 'Ins' and 'Outs' of Working in the UK Voluntary Sector. Voluntary Sector Review, 3 (3), pp. 365-377.
Preprint / Working Paper
Long-Term Care and the Housing Market
Bell D & Rutherford AC (2012) Long-Term Care and the Housing Market. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2012-13.
Research Report
Measuring the Social Economy in Scotland
Rutherford AC (2010) Measuring the Social Economy in Scotland. Scottish Government.
Get by with a little help from my friends: A recent history of charitable organisations in economic theory
Rutherford AC (2010) Get by with a little help from my friends: A recent history of charitable organisations in economic theory. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 17 (4), pp. 1031-1046.
Preprint / Working Paper
On the Up: Voluntary Sector Wages in the UK 1998 - 2007
Rutherford AC (2010) On the Up: Voluntary Sector Wages in the UK 1998 - 2007. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2010-06.
Research Report
Engaging the Scottish Diaspora: Rationale, Benefits and Challenges
Rutherford AC (2009) Engaging the Scottish Diaspora: Rationale, Benefits and Challenges. Scottish Government. Scottish Government Social Research. Scottish Government.
Preprint / Working Paper
Where is the Warm Glow? Donated Labour and Nonprofit Wage Differentials in the Health and Social Work Industries
Rutherford AC (2009) Where is the Warm Glow? Donated Labour and Nonprofit Wage Differentials in the Health and Social Work Industries. Stirling Economics Discussion Paper, 2009-20.