Institute for Social Marketing

Outputs related to Institute for Social Marketing

Showing 501 to 600 of 1631


Taylor C, Bhavnani V, Zasada M, Ussher M & Bick D (2020) Barriers and facilitators to uptake and retention of inner-city ethnically diverse women in a postnatal weight management intervention: a mixed-methods process evaluation within a feasibility trial in England. BMJ Open, 10 (7), Art. No.: e034747.


Critchlow N, Moodie C, Stead M, Morgan A, Newall PW & Dobbie F (2020) Visibility of age restriction warnings, harm reduction messages and terms and conditions: A content analysis of paid-for gambling advertising in the United Kingdom [Consumer protection information in gambling advertising]. Public Health, 184, pp. 79-88.


Dobson R, O'Donnell R, Tigova O, Fu M, Enríquez M, Fernandez E, Carreras G, Gorini G, Verdi S, Borgini A, Tittarelli A, Veronese C, Ruprecht A, Vyzikidou V, Tzortzi A, Vardavas C & Semple S (2020) Measuring for change: A multi-centre pre-post trial of an air quality feedback intervention to promote smoke-free homes. Environment International, 140, Art. No.: 105738.

Research Report

Stead M, Critchlow N, Eadie D, Fitzgerald N, Angus K, Purves R, McKell J, Marie MacKintosh A, Mitchell H, Sumpter C & Angus C (2020) Evaluating the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing in Scotland: Observational study of small retailers. NHS Health Scotland/Public Health Scotland. Stirling.


AG Kuipers M, Best C, Wilson M, Currie D, Ozakinci G, Marie Mackintosh A, Stead M, Eadie D, MacGregor A, Pearce J, Amos A & Haw S (2020) Adolescents' perceptions of tobacco accessibility and smoking norms and attitudes in response to the tobacco point-of-sale display ban in Scotland: Results from the DISPLAY study. Tobacco Control, 29 (3), pp. 348-356.


Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Moodie C, Kuipers M, Hastings G & Bauld L (2020) Impact of a ban on the open display of tobacco products in retail outlets on never smoking youth in the UK: findings from a repeat cross-sectional survey before, during and after implementation. Tobacco Control, 29 (3), pp. 282-288.


Bick D, Taylor C, Bhavnani V, Healey A, Seed P, Roberts S, Zasada M, Avery A, Craig V, Khazaezadah N, McMullen S, O’Connor S, Oki B, Oteng Ntim E, Poston L & Ussher M (2020) Lifestyle information and commercial weight management groups to support maternal postnatal weight management and positive lifestyle behaviour: the SWAN feasibility randomised controlled trial. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 127 (5), pp. 636-645.


Donnachie C, Kelly P, Mutrie N, Hunt K & Gill J (2020) Responsiveness of device-based and self-report measures of physical activity to detect behavior change in men taking part in the Football Fans in Training (FFIT) program. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 3 (1), pp. 67-77.


Tzortzi A, Teloniatis S, Matiampa G, Bakelas G, Tzavara C, Vyzikidou VK, Vardavas C, Behrakis P, Fernandez E, Semple S, O'Donnell R & Dobson R (2020) Passive exposure of non-smokers to E-Cigarette aerosols: Sensory irritation, timing and association with volatile organic compounds. Environmental Research, 182, Art. No.: 108963.


Critchlow N, Newberry Le Vay J, MacKintosh AM, Hooper L, Thomas C & Vohra J (2020) Adolescents' reactions to adverts for fast-food and confectionery brands that are high in fat, salt, and/or sugar (HFSS), and possible implications for future research and regulation: Findings from a cross-sectional survey of 11-19 year olds in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (5), Art. No.: 1689.


Meiksin R, Crichton J, Dodd M, Morgan GS, Williams P, Willmott M, Allen E, Tilouche N, Sturgess J, Morris S, Barter C, Young H, Melendez-Torres G, Taylor B & Hunt K (2020) A school intervention for 13- to 15-year-olds to prevent dating and relationship violence: the Project Respect pilot cluster RCT. Public Health Research, 8 (5), pp. 1-338.


Hallingberg B, Maynard O, Bauld L, Brown R, Gray L, Lowthian E, MacKintosh AM, Moore L, Munafò M & Moore G (2020) Have e-cigarettes renormalised or displaced youth smoking? Results of a segmented regression analysis of repeated cross sectional survey data in England, Scotland and Wales. Tobacco Control, 29 (2), pp. 207-216.


Pearce J, Cherrie M, Best C, Eadie D, Stead M, Amos A, Currie D, Ozakinci G, MacGregor A & Haw S (2020) How has the introduction of point-of-sale legislation affected the presence and visibility of tobacco retailing in Scotland? A longitudinal study. Tobacco Control, 29 (2), pp. 168-174.


Sinclair L, McFadden M, Tilbrook H, Mitchell A, Keding A, Watson J, Bauld L, Kee F, Torgerson D, McKell J, Hoddinott P, Harris FM, Uny I, Ussher M & Tappin D (2020) The Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy Incentives Trial (CPIT): study protocol for a phase III randomised controlled trial. Trials, 21 (1), Art. No.: 183.


Hunt K, Wyke S, Bunn C, Donnachie C, Reid N & Gray CM (2020) Scale-up and scale-out of a gender-sensitized weight management and healthy living program delivered to overweight men via professional sports clubs: the wider implementation of Football Fans in Training (FFIT). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (2), Art. No.: 584.


Fernández E, López MJ, Gallus S, Semple S, Clancy L, Behrakis P, Ruprecht A, Gorini G, López-Nicolás Á, Radu-Loghin C, Soriano JB, Castellano Y, Fu M, O'Donnell R & Dobson R (2020) Tackling second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke and aerosols of electronic cigarettes: the TackSHS project protocol [Abordando la exposición a las emisiones del tabaco y de los cigarrillos electrónicos: protocolo del proyecto TackSHS]. Gaceta Sanitaria, 34 (1), pp. 77-82.

Policy Document

Haw S, Currie D, Eadie D, Pearce J, MacGregor A, Stead M, Amos A, Best C, Wilson M, Cherrie M, Purves R, Ozakinci G & Marie MacKintosh A (2020) Tobacco point-of-sale displays, brand awareness, and smoking and vaping among young people in Scotland Insights for policymakers from the DISPLAY project In. University of Stirling. Stirling.


Thomson P, Howie K, Leslie SJ, Angus NJ, Andreis F, Thomson R, Mohan ARM, Mondoa C & Chung ML (2020) Evaluating emotional distress and health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure and their family caregivers: Testing dyadic dynamics using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. PLOS ONE, 15 (1), Art. No.: e0227129.


Scott S, Muir C, Stead M, Fitzgerald N, Kaner E, Bradley J, Wrieden W, Power C & Adamson A (2020) Exploring the links between unhealthy eating behaviour and heavy alcohol use in the social, emotional and cultural lives of young adults (aged 18-25): A qualitative research study. Appetite, 144, Art. No.: 104449.


Maddison R, Hargreaves EA, Wyke S, Gray CM, Hunt K, Heke IJ, Kara S, Ni Mhurchu C, Jull A, Jiang Y, Sundborn G & Marsh S (2019) Rugby Fans in Training New Zealand (RUFIT-NZ): a pilot randomized controlled trial of a healthy lifestyle program for overweight men delivered through professional rugby clubs in New Zealand. BMC Public Health, 19, Art. No.: 166.


Critchlow N, MacKintosh AM, Thomas C, Hooper L & Vohra J (2019) Participation with alcohol marketing and user-created promotion on social media, and the association with higher-risk alcohol consumption and brand identification among adolescents in the UK [Social media, higher-risk consumption, and brand identification]. Addiction Research and Theory, 27 (6), pp. 515-526.


Nafees AA, De Matteis S, Kadir MM, Burney P, Coggon D, Semple S & Cullinan P (2019) MultiTex RCT - a multifaceted intervention package for protection against cotton dust exposure among textile workers - a cluster randomized controlled trial in Pakistan: study protocol. Trials, 20, Art. No.: 722.


Bick D, Taylor C, Avery A, Bhavnani V, Craig V, Healey A, Khazaezadeh N, McMullen S, Oki B, Oteng-Ntim E, O'Connor S, Poston L, Seed P, Roberts S & Ussher M (2019) Protocol for a two-arm feasibility RCT to support postnatal maternal weight management and positive lifestyle behaviour in women from an ethnically diverse inner city population: The SWAN feasibility trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5 (1), Art. No.: 117.


Limb ES, Ahmad S, Cook DG, Kerry SM, Ekelund U, Whincup PH, Victor CR, Iliffe S, Ussher M, Fox-Rushby J, Furness C, Ibison J, Dewilde S & Harris T (2019) Measuring change in trials of physical activity interventions: A comparison of self-report questionnaire and accelerometry within the PACE-UP trial 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health Services. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 16 (1), Art. No.: 10.

Conference Proceeding

Fernandez E, Dobson R, O’Donnell R, Semple S, Fu M & Investigators TP (2019) A novel air quality feedback intervention trial using mHealth techniques across four European countries: the TackSHS Project Measuring for Change Study. In: 4th ENSP-SRP International Conference on Tobacco Control 2019 Abstract Book. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 5. 4th ENSP-SRP International Conference on Tobacco Control 2019, Bucharest, Romania, 27.03.2019-29.03.2019. Crete: European Publishing, p. 34.


Radley A, Robinson E, Aspinall EJ, Angus K, Tan L & Dillon JF (2019) A systematic review and meta-analysis of community and primary-care-based hepatitis C testing and treatment services that employ direct acting antiviral drug treatments. BMC Health Services Research, 19, Art. No.: 765.


Maani Hessari N, Bertscher A, Critchlow N, Fitzgerarld N, Knai C, Stead M & Petticrew M (2019) Recruiting the "Heavy-Using Loyalists of Tomorrow": An Analysis of the Aims, Effects and Mechanisms of Alcohol Advertising, Based on Advertising Industry Evaluations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (21), Art. No.: 4092.

Conference Proceeding

Newberry Le Vay J, Critchlow N & Vohra J (2019) "It's got adverts… Always, always there": Change over time in the impact of junk food marketing on children and young people's dietary behaviours [YOPS Poster]. In: UK Congress on Obesity 2019. Obesity Abstracts, Volume 1. UK Congress on Obesity 2019, Leeds, 12.09.2019-13.09.2019. Bristol: BioScientifica, p. P50.

Meeting Abstract

Hunt K, Brown A, Semple S, Eadie D, Sweeting H, Demou E, Leyland A, Craig P, Dobson R & Bauld L (2019) OP88 Evaluating the move to, and implementation in 2018 of, smoke-free prison policy in scotland: the tobacco in prisons study (TIPS). Society for Social Medicine and Population Health and International Epidemiology Association European Congress Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, Hosted by the Society for Social Medicine & Population Health and International Epidemiology Association (IEA), School of Public Health, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 4–6 September 2019, University College Cork. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73 (Suppl 1), Art. No.: A44.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Bauld L & Hastings G (2019) Youth response to e-cigarette marketing in the UK from 2014 to 2016. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Europe 19th Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway, 12.09.2019-14.09.2019.


Mitchell D, Moodie C, Critchlow N & Bauld L (2019) Adolescents' perceptions of standardised cigarette packaging design and brand variant name post-implementation: A focus group study in Scotland [Adolescents' reactions to standardized packaging]. BMC Public Health, 19, Art. No.: 1227.