Institute for Social Marketing

Outputs related to Institute for Social Marketing

Showing 101 to 200 of 1631


Notley C, Brown TJ, Bauld L, Clark AB, Duneclift S, Gilroy V, Harris T, Hardeman W, Holland R, Howard G, Man M, Naughton F, Smith D, Turner D & Ussher M (2023) BabyBreathe trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to prevent postpartum return to smoking. BMJ Open, 13 (9), Art. No.: e076458.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Silveira Bianchim M, Jordan A, Uny I, Noyes J, Forbat L, Line C, Ruth T & France E (2023) Co-producing with children and young people for a meta-ethnography on experiences of chronic pain, treatments and services.. Abstracts of the 27th Cochrane Colloquium. Cochrane Colloquium, London, UK, 04.09.2023-06.09.2023.


Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S & Semple S (2023) OP13 Undertaking photovoice in informal settlements in Kenya and Malawi: methodological learning from a qualitative study exploring solid fuel use, cooking and air pollution. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts, 06.09.2023.


Przulj D, Pesola F, Myers Smith K, McRobbie H, Coleman T, Lewis S, Griffith C, Walton R, Whitemore R, Clark M, Ussher M, Sinclair L, Seager E, Cooper S & Bauld L (2023) Helping pregnant smokers quit: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial of electronic cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy. Health Technology Assessment, 27 (13), pp. 1-53.


Moore G, Hallingberg B, Brown R, McKell J, Van Godwin J, Bauld L, Gray L, Maynard O, Mackintosh A, Munafò M, Blackwell A, Lowthian E & Page N (2023) Impacts of EU Tobacco Products Directive regulations on use of e-cigarettes in adolescents in Great Britain: a natural experiment evaluation. Public Health Research, 11 (5), pp. 1-102.


White S, Bhattacharya R, Bremner S, Faulkner A, Foster R, Gibson S, Goldsmith L, Harnett D, Lucock M, Patel A, Priebe S, Repper J, Rinaldi M, Salla A & Ussher M (2023) Predictors of engagement with peer support: analysis of data from a randomised controlled trial of one-to-one peer support for discharge from inpatient psychiatric care. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 69 (4), pp. 994-1003.


Taylor AH, Thompson TP, Streeter A, Chynoweth J, Snowsill T, Ingram W, Ussher M, Aveyard P, Murray RL, Harris T, Callaghan L, Green C, Greaves CJ, Price L & Creanor S (2023) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of behavioural support for prolonged abstinence for smokers wishing to reduce but not quit: Randomised controlled trial of physical activity assisted reduction of smoking (TARS). Addiction, 118 (6), pp. 1140-1152.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Uny I, Sanchez Z, Piazza M, Valerio I, Burela P, Petticrew M, Angus C & Fitzgerald N (2023) A comparison of Alcohol Policy subsystems in Peru and Brazil: findings from a qualitative study. 48th Annual Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol, Johannesburg, 05.06.2023-09.06.2023.

Conference Proceeding

Mitchell G, O'Donnell R, Cook M, Uny I, Maxwell K, Emslie C & Fitzgerald N Later opening hours for alcohol licensed premises in Scotland amidst economic and social instability: local stakeholder experiences based on semi-structured interviews. In: , Johannesburg, South Africa, 05.06.2023-08.06.2023. 48th Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the Kettil Bruun Society.


Maclean A, Hunt K, Brown A, Evered JA, Dowrick A, Fokkens A, Grob R, Law S, Locock L, Marcinow M, Smith L, Urbanowicz A, Verheij N & Wild C (2023) Negotiation of collective and individual candidacy for long Covid healthcare in the early phases of the Covid-19 pandemic: Validated, diverted and rejected candidacy. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3, Art. No.: 100207.


Meme H, Amukoye E, Bowyer C, Chakaya J, Das D, Dobson R, Dragosits U, Fuld J, Gray C, Hahn M, Kiplimo R, Lesosky M, Loh MM, Price H & Semple S (2023) Asthma symptoms, spirometry and air pollution exposure in schoolchildren in an informal settlement and an affluent area of Nairobi, Kenya. Thorax.


Manca F, Zhang L, Fitzgerald N, Mackay D, McAuley A, Sharp C & Lewsey J (2023) The Effect of Minimum Unit Pricing for Alcohol on Prescriptions for Treatment of Alcohol Dependence: A Controlled Interrupted Time Series Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.


O'Donnell R, Mohan A, Purves R, Maani N, Angus C, Egan M & Fitzgerald N (2023) Mechanisms of impact of alcohol availability interventions from the perspective of 63 diverse alcohol licensing stakeholders: a qualitative interview study. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.


Vetrovsky T, Kral N, Pfeiferova M, Kuhnova J, Novak J, Wahlich C, Jaklova A, Jurkova K, Janek M, Omcirk D, Capek V, Maes I, Steffl M, Ussher M & Tufano JJ (2023) mHealth intervention delivered in general practice to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour of patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (ENERGISED): rationale and study protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 23, Art. No.: 613.


Fitzgerald N, Mohan A, Maani N, Purves R, De Vocht F, Angus C, Henney M, Nicholls J, Nichols T, Crompton G, Mahon L, Mcquire C, Shortt N, Bauld L & Egan M (2023) Measuring How Public Health Stakeholders Seek to Influence Alcohol Premises Licensing in England and Scotland: The Public Health Engagement In Alcohol Licensing (PHIAL) Measure. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84 (2), pp. 318-329.


Critchlow N & Purves R (2023) Alcohol branding during rugby union matches in Ireland after commencement of Sect. 15 from the Public Health (Alcohol) Act: a frequency analysis of highlights from the European Rugby Champions Cup and Six Nations Championship. Irish Journal of Medical Science.

Conference Paper

Mitchell G & McCambridge J (2023) Interactions Between the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Alcohol Industry: Evidence From Email Correspondence 2013–2020. US Alcohol Action Network, Online. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84 (1).

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Uny I, Chasima T, Kambalame L, Caes L, Meme H, Kalumbi L, Price H, Chamba M, Lucas S, Semple S & Orina F (2023) Preliminary findings from a photovoice study of community members’ choice, experiences and perceptions around fuel use and cooking practices in Mukuru (Kenya) and Ndirande (Malawi). The KASH Conference, Nairobi, kenya, 13.02.2023-16.02.2023.


Henderson E, Rodriguez Guerrero LA, Continente X, Fernández E, Tigova O, Cortés-Francisco N, Semple S, Dobson R, Tzortzi A, Vyzikidou VK, Gorini G, Geshanova G, Mons U, Przewozniak K & O'Donnell R (2023) Measurement of airborne nicotine, as a marker of secondhand smoke exposure, in homes with residents who smoke in 9 European countries. Environmental Research, 219, Art. No.: 115118.


McKell J, Harris FM, Sinclair L, Bauld L, Tappin D & Hoddinott P (2022) Usual care in a multi-centre randomised controlled trial of financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnancy: qualitative findings from a mixed-methods process evaluation. BMJ Open, 12 (12), Art. No.: e066494.


Tappin D, Sinclair L, Kee F, McFadden M, Robinson-Smith L, Mitchell A, Keding A, Watson J, Watson S, Dick A, Torgerson D, Hewitt C, McKell J, Hoddinott P, Harris FM, Boyd KA, McMeekin N, Ussher M & Bauld L (2022) Effect of financial voucher incentives provided with UK stop smoking services on the cessation of smoking in pregnant women (CPIT III): pragmatic, multicentre, single blinded, phase 3, randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 379, Art. No.: e071522.


Anderson AS, Chong HY, Craigie AM, Donnan PT, Gallant S, Hickman A, McAdam C, McKell J, McNamee P, Macaskill EJ, Mutrie N, O'Carroll RE, Rauchhaus P, Sattar N, Stead M & Treweek S (2022) Correction to: A novel approach to increasing community capacity for weight management a volunteer-delivered programme (ActWELL) initiated within breast screening clinics: a randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19, Art. No.: 4.


Tomaz SA, Ryde GC, Swales B, Neely KC, Andreis F, Coffee P, Connelly J, Kirkland A, McCabe L, Watchman K, Martin JG, Pina I & Whittaker AC (2022) ". . . Exercise opportunities became very important": Scottish older adults' changes in physical activity during Covid19'. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 19, Art. No.: 16.


France E, Noyes J, Forbat L, Uny DI, Jordan A, Caes L & Turley R (2022) A meta-ethnography of how children and young people with chronic non-cancer pain and their families experience and understand their condition, pain services, and treatments. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022 (7), Art. No.: CD014873.


Macaulay L, O’Dolan C, Avenell A, Carroll P, Cotton S, Dombrowski S, Elders A, Goulao B, Gray C, Harris FM, Hunt K, Skinner R, Torrens C, van der Pol M & Hoddinott P (2022) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of text messages with or without endowment incentives for weight management in men with obesity (Game of Stones): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 23 (1), Art. No.: 582.


Kwasnicka D, Donnachie C, Thøgersen-Ntoumani C, Hunt K, Gray CM, Ntoumanis N, McBride H, McDonald MD, Newton RU, Gucciardi DF, Olson JL, Wyke S, Morgan PJ, Kerr DA, Robinson S & Quested E (2022) The Aussie-FIT process evaluation: feasibility and acceptability of a weight loss intervention for men, delivered in Australian Football League settings. Psychology and Health, 37 (4), pp. 470-489.


Marks J, Sriskandarajah N, May Aurelio M, Gillard S, Rinaldi M, Foster R & Ussher M (2022) Experiences of peer workers and mental health service users with a peer support intervention: applying and critiquing a behaviour change techniques taxonomy. Advances in Mental Health, 20 (2), pp. 91-101.


Critchlow N, Moodie C, MacKintosh AM, Gallopel-Morvan K, Stead M & Fitzgerald N (2022) Have restrictions on alcohol advertising in Ireland affected awareness among adults? A comparative observational study using non-probability repeat cross-sectional surveys. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.