Piloting co-developed behaviour change interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve self-reported asthma-related health
McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Gillespie C, Braban C & Price HD (2024) Piloting co-developed behaviour change interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution and improve self-reported asthma-related health. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.
“I have to stay inside …”: Experiences of air pollution for people with asthma
McCarron A, Semple S, Swanson V, Braban CF, Gillespie C & Price HD (2024) “I have to stay inside …”: Experiences of air pollution for people with asthma. Health & Place, 85, Art. No.: 103150.
Personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and self-reported asthma-related health
McCarron A, Semple S, Braban CF, Gillespie C, Swanson V & Price HD (2023) Personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and self-reported asthma-related health. Social Science & Medicine, 337, Art. No.: 116293.
Preconception knowledge, beliefs and behaviours among people of reproductive age: A systematic review of qualitative studies
Welshman H, Dombrowski S, Grant A, Swanson V, Goudreau A & Currie S (2023) Preconception knowledge, beliefs and behaviours among people of reproductive age: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Preventive Medicine, 175, Art. No.: 107707.
Understanding a constellation of eight COVID-19 disease prevention behaviours using the COM-B model and the theoretical domains framework: a qualitative study using the behaviour change wheel
Chater AM, Brook-Rowland P, Tolani F, Christopher E, Hart J, Byrne-Davis LMT, Moffat A, Shorter GW, Epton T, Kamal A, O’Connor DB, Whittaker E, Lewis LJM, McBride E, Swanson V & Arden MA (2023) Understanding a constellation of eight COVID-19 disease prevention behaviours using the COM-B model and the theoretical domains framework: a qualitative study using the behaviour change wheel. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
A mixed-methods analysis of the role of online social support to promote psychological well-being in new mothers
Henton S & Swanson V (2023) A mixed-methods analysis of the role of online social support to promote psychological well-being in new mothers. Digital Health.
Parenting stress in the early years – a survey of the impact of breastfeeding and social support for women in Finland and the UK
Swanson V & Hannula L (2022) Parenting stress in the early years – a survey of the impact of breastfeeding and social support for women in Finland and the UK. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22 (1), Art. No.: 699.
Interventions to promote physical distancing behaviour during infectious disease pandemics or epidemics: A systematic review
Epton T, Ghio D, Ballard LM, Allen SF, Kassianos AP, Hewitt R, Swainston K, Fynn WI, Rowland V, Westbrook J, Jenkinson E, Morrow A, McGeechan GJ, Stanescu S & Swanson V (2022) Interventions to promote physical distancing behaviour during infectious disease pandemics or epidemics: A systematic review. Social Science and Medicine, 303, Art. No.: 114946.
Public engagement with air quality data: using health behaviour change theory to support exposure-minimising behaviours
McCarron A, Semple S, Braban CF, Swanson V, Gillespie C & Price HD (2022) Public engagement with air quality data: using health behaviour change theory to support exposure-minimising behaviours. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
Gender and diet management in type 2 diabetes
Dimova ED, Swanson V & Evans JMM (2021) Gender and diet management in type 2 diabetes. Chronic Illness, 17 (4), pp. 362-376.
Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE)
Chater AM, Shorter GW, Swanson V, Kamal A, Epton T, Arden MA, Hart J, Byrne-Davis LMT, Drury J, Whittaker E, Lewis LJM, McBride E, Chadwick P, O’Connor DB & Armitage CJ (2021) Template for Rapid Iterative Consensus of Experts (TRICE). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (19), Art. No.: 10255.
Enhancing Behavior Change Skills in Health Extension Workers in Ethiopia: Evaluation of an Intervention to Improve Maternal and Infant Nutrition
Swanson V, Hart J, Byrne-Davis L, Merritt R & Maltinsky W (2021) Enhancing Behavior Change Skills in Health Extension Workers in Ethiopia: Evaluation of an Intervention to Improve Maternal and Infant Nutrition. Nutrients, 13 (6), Art. No.: 1995.
A Rapid Systematic Review of Public Responses to Health Messages Encouraging Vaccination against Infectious Diseases in a Pandemic or Epidemic
Lawes-Wickwar S, Ghio D, Tang MY, Keyworth C, Stanescu S, Westbrook J, Jenkinson E, Kassianos AP, Scanlan D, Garnett N, Laidlaw L, Howlett N, Carr N, Stanulewicz N & Swanson V (2021) A Rapid Systematic Review of Public Responses to Health Messages Encouraging Vaccination against Infectious Diseases in a Pandemic or Epidemic. Vaccines, 9 (2), Art. No.: 72.
Behavior Change in Diabetes Practitioners: An intervention Using Motivation, Action Planning and Prompts
Maltinsky W & Swanson V (2020) Behavior Change in Diabetes Practitioners: An intervention Using Motivation, Action Planning and Prompts. Patient Education and Counseling, 103 (11), pp. 2312-2319.
Is diagnosis of type 2 diabetes a "teachable moment"? A qualitative study
Dimcheva Dimova E, Swanson V & Evans JMM (2020) Is diagnosis of type 2 diabetes a "teachable moment"? A qualitative study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 164, Art. No.: 108170.
Patients' illness perceptions of type 2 diabetes: A scoping review
Dimova E, Ward A, Swanson V & Evans J (2019) Patients' illness perceptions of type 2 diabetes: A scoping review. Current Diabetes Reviews, 15 (1), pp. 15-30.
Barriers and Facilitators of midwives' physical activity behaviour in hospital and community contexts in Scotland
Holly D & Swanson V (2019) Barriers and Facilitators of midwives' physical activity behaviour in hospital and community contexts in Scotland. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (10), pp. 2211-2222.
Motivational and behaviour change approaches for improving diabetes management
Swanson V & Maltinsky W (2019) Motivational and behaviour change approaches for improving diabetes management. Practical Diabetes, 36 (4), pp. 121-125.
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes: a 'teachable moment'
Okely J, Mason C, Collier A, Dunnachie N & Swanson V (2019) Diagnosis of gestational diabetes: a 'teachable moment'. Diabetic Medicine, 36 (2), pp. 184-194.
Design and feasibility testing of a novel group intervention for young women who binge drink in groups
Irvine L, Crombie IK, Swanson V, Dimova E, Melson A, Fraser TM, Barbour R, Rice PM & Allan S (2018) Design and feasibility testing of a novel group intervention for young women who binge drink in groups. PLoS ONE, 13 (3), Art. No.: e0193434.
Does body image influence the relationship between body weight and breastfeeding maintenance in new mothers?
Swanson V, Keely A & Denison FC (2017) Does body image influence the relationship between body weight and breastfeeding maintenance in new mothers?. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (3), pp. 557-576.
Interventions for prevention of type 2 diabetes in relatives: A systematic review
Dimova E, Mohan A, Swanson V & Evans J (2017) Interventions for prevention of type 2 diabetes in relatives: A systematic review. Primary Care Diabetes, 11 (4), pp. 313-326.
'Both parents should care for babies': A cross-sectional, cross-cultural comparison of adolescents' breastfeeding intentions, and the influence of shared-parenting beliefs
Swanson V, Hannula L, Eriksson L, Wallin MH & Strutton J (2017) 'Both parents should care for babies': A cross-sectional, cross-cultural comparison of adolescents' breastfeeding intentions, and the influence of shared-parenting beliefs. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17 (1), Art. No.: 204.
Development of a behaviour rating system for rural/remote pre-hospital settings
Holly D, Swanson V, Cacchia P, Beasant B & Laird C (2017) Development of a behaviour rating system for rural/remote pre-hospital settings. Applied Ergonomics, 58, pp. 405-413.
Peer mentoring during the transition to university: assessing the usage of a formal scheme within the UK
Collings R, Swanson V & Watkins R (2016) Peer mentoring during the transition to university: assessing the usage of a formal scheme within the UK. Studies in Higher Education, 41 (11), pp. 1995-2010.
The Infant Feeding Genogram: A tool for exploring family infant feeding history and identifying support needs
Darwent K, McInnes R & Swanson V (2016) The Infant Feeding Genogram: A tool for exploring family infant feeding history and identifying support needs. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16 (1), Art. No.: 315.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Significant Event Analysis: Exploring Personal Impact and Applying Systems Thinking in Primary Care
Bowie P, McNaughton E, Bruce D, Holly D, Forrest E, Macleod M, Kennedy S, Power A, Toppin D, Black I, Pooley J, Taylor A, Swanson V, Kelly M & Ferguson J (2016) Enhancing the Effectiveness of Significant Event Analysis: Exploring Personal Impact and Applying Systems Thinking in Primary Care. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 36 (3), pp. 195-205.
Indoor Annual Sunlight Opportunity in Domestic Dwellings May Predict Well-Being in Urban Residents in Scotland
Swanson V, Sharpe T, Porteous C, Hunter C & Shearer D (2016) Indoor Annual Sunlight Opportunity in Domestic Dwellings May Predict Well-Being in Urban Residents in Scotland. Ecopsychology, 8 (2), pp. 121-130.
Barriers to breastfeeding in obese women: a qualitative exploration
Keely A, Lawton J, Swanson V & Denison FC (2015) Barriers to breastfeeding in obese women: a qualitative exploration. Midwifery, 31 (5), pp. 532-539.
Childhood trauma and eating psychopathology: A mediating role for dissociation and emotion dysregulation?
Moulton SJ, Newman E, Power KG, Swanson V & Day K (2015) Childhood trauma and eating psychopathology: A mediating role for dissociation and emotion dysregulation?. Child Abuse and Neglect, 39, pp. 167-174.
The impact of peer mentoring on levels of student wellbeing, integration and retention: a controlled comparative evaluation of residential students in UK higher education
Collings R, Swanson V & Watkins R (2014) The impact of peer mentoring on levels of student wellbeing, integration and retention: a controlled comparative evaluation of residential students in UK higher education. Higher Education, 68 (6), pp. 927-942.
Illness Beliefs and Walking Behavior After Revascularization for Intermittent Claudication: A Qualitative Study
Cunningham M, Swanson V, Pappas E, O'Carroll R & Holdsworth R (2014) Illness Beliefs and Walking Behavior After Revascularization for Intermittent Claudication: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 34 (3), pp. 195-201.
Self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes: Patients' perceptions of 'high' readings
Evans J, Mackison D, Swanson V, Donnan PT, Emslie-Smith AM & Lawton J (2013) Self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes: Patients' perceptions of 'high' readings. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 102 (1), pp. e5-e7.
Self-monitoring among non-insulin treated patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Patients' behavioural responses to readings and associations with glycaemic control
Evans J, Mackison D, Swanson V, Donnan PT, Emslie-Smith AM & Lawton J (2013) Self-monitoring among non-insulin treated patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Patients' behavioural responses to readings and associations with glycaemic control. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 100 (2), pp. 235-242.
Late effects of a brief psychological intervention in patients with intermittent claudication in a randomized clinical trial
Cunningham M, Swanson V, Holdsworth R & O'Carroll R (2013) Late effects of a brief psychological intervention in patients with intermittent claudication in a randomized clinical trial. British Journal of Surgery, 100 (6), pp. 756-760.
Conference Abstract
A brief psychological intervention to increase walking in patients with intermittent claudication-1-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial
O'Carroll R, Cunningham M, Swanson V & Holdsworth R (2012) A brief psychological intervention to increase walking in patients with intermittent claudication-1-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. Psychology and Health, 27 (Supplement 1), pp. 99-99.
Developing Maternal Self-Efficacy for Feeding Preterm Babies in the Neonatal Unit
Swanson V, Nicol H, McInnes R, Cheyne H, Mactier H & Callander E (2012) Developing Maternal Self-Efficacy for Feeding Preterm Babies in the Neonatal Unit. Qualitative Health Research, 22 (10), pp. 1369-1382.
Stories of weight management: Factors associated with successful and unsuccessful weight maintenance
Chambers J & Swanson V (2012) Stories of weight management: Factors associated with successful and unsuccessful weight maintenance. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17 (2), pp. 223-243.
Conference Abstract
Durability of a brief psychological intervention to increase walking in patients with intermittent claudication-1-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial
Cunningham M, Swanson V, O'Carroll R & Holdsworth R (2012) Durability of a brief psychological intervention to increase walking in patients with intermittent claudication-1-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Edinburgh, 24/11/2011 - 26/11/2011. British Journal of Surgery, 99 (S3), pp. 7-7.
Development and testing of a theory-based behavioural change intervention: A pilot investigation in a nursery school in a deprived area of Scotland
Gilinsky A, Swanson V, Merrett M, Power KG & Marley L (2012) Development and testing of a theory-based behavioural change intervention: A pilot investigation in a nursery school in a deprived area of Scotland. Community Dental Health, 29 (1), pp. 62-67.
Randomized clinical trial of a brief psychological intervention to increase walking in patients with intermittent claudication
Cunningham M, Swanson V, O'Carroll R & Holdsworth R (2012) Randomized clinical trial of a brief psychological intervention to increase walking in patients with intermittent claudication. British Journal of Surgery, 99 (1), pp. 49-56.
Positieve emoties en lactatie in de context van een neonatale eenheid
Swanson V (2011) Positieve emoties en lactatie in de context van een neonatale eenheid. BVL - Tijdschrift voor Lactatiekundigen, 3 (2), pp. 25-32.
Maternal feeding behaviour and young children's dietary quality: A cross-sectional study of socially disadvantaged mothers of two-year old children using the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Swanson V, Power KG, Crombie IK, Irvine L, Kiezebrink K, Wrieden W & Slane PW (2011) Maternal feeding behaviour and young children's dietary quality: A cross-sectional study of socially disadvantaged mothers of two-year old children using the Theory of Planned Behaviour. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 8, Art. No.: 65.
Interventions delivered during antenatal care to reduce alcohol
consumption during pregnancy: A systematic review
Gilinsky A, Swanson V & Power KG (2011) Interventions delivered during antenatal care to reduce alcohol
consumption during pregnancy: A systematic review. Addiction Research and Theory, 19 (3), pp. 235-250.
Doing diabetes: an evaluation of communication skills and behaviour change training for health professionals
Swanson V, Gold A & Keen A (2011) Doing diabetes: an evaluation of communication skills and behaviour change training for health professionals. Practical Diabetes International, 28 (3), pp. 119-123a.
Conference Abstract
Modifying the illness and treatment beliefs of patients with intermittent claudication increases daily walking and reduces demand for vascular intervention - Results from a randomised controlled trial
Cunningham M, Swanson V, O'Carroll R & Holdsworth R (2011) Modifying the illness and treatment beliefs of patients with intermittent claudication increases daily walking and reduces demand for vascular intervention - Results from a randomised controlled trial. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Brighton, 24/11/2010 - 26/11/2010. British Journal of Surgery, 98 (Supplement 1), pp. 8-9.
Increasing walking in patients with intermittent claudication: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Cunningham M, Swanson V, O'Carroll R & Holdsworth R (2010) Increasing walking in patients with intermittent claudication: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 10, p. article 49.;
Considering adult living donor liver transplantation: a qualitative study of patients and their potential donors
McGregor LM, Swanson V, Hayes PC, Forsythe JR & O'Carroll R (2010) Considering adult living donor liver transplantation: a qualitative study of patients and their potential donors. Psychology and Health, 25 (6), pp. 751-766.
A health assessment tool for multiple risk factors for obesity: age and sex differences in the prediction of body mass index
Chambers J & Swanson V (2010) A health assessment tool for multiple risk factors for obesity: age and sex differences in the prediction of body mass index. British Journal of Nutrition, 104 (2), pp. 298-307.
What maternal factors influence the diet of 2-year-old children living in deprived areas? A cross-sectional survey
Crombie IK, Kiezebrink K, Irvine L, Wrieden WL, Swanson V, Power KG & Slane PW (2009) What maternal factors influence the diet of 2-year-old children living in deprived areas? A cross-sectional survey. Public Health Nutrition, 12 (8), pp. 1254-1260.
Strategies for achieving a high response rate in a home interview survey
Kiezebrink K, Crombie IK, Irvine L, Swanson V, Power KG, Wrieden WL & Slane PW (2009) Strategies for achieving a high response rate in a home interview survey. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 9 (1), p. 46.;
Book Review
Review of Anxiety, phobias, and panic
Swanson V (2008) Review of Anxiety, phobias, and panic. Review of: Review of Anxiety, phobias, and panic (no details found).. Psychology Teaching Review, 14 (1), pp. 101-103.
A health assessment tool for multiple risk factors for obesity: psychometric testing and age differences in UK adults
Chambers J & Swanson V (2008) A health assessment tool for multiple risk factors for obesity: psychometric testing and age differences in UK adults. Obesity Facts, 1 (5), pp. 227-236.
Conference Abstract
Health care workers' perceived barriers to providing psychosocial care for patients in isolation with MRSA
Cunningham M, Swanson V & Holdsworth R (2008) Health care workers' perceived barriers to providing psychosocial care for patients in isolation with MRSA. Psychology and Health, 23 (Supplement 1), pp. 96-96.
Conference Abstract
Functional and psychosocial outcome in living kidney donors and recipients
McGregor LM, Swanson V, Hayes PC, Lumsdaine JA & O'Carroll R (2008) Functional and psychosocial outcome in living kidney donors and recipients. European Health Psychology Society and British Psychological Society's Division of Health Psychology conference 2008, Bath, 09/09/2008 - 12/09/2008. Psychology and Health, 23 (Supplement 1), p. S182.
Attitudes towards the living donor liver transplant programme in Scotland
McGregor L, O'Carroll R, Swanson V & Hayes P (2007) Attitudes towards the living donor liver transplant programme in Scotland. Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2007, University of Nottingham, 12.09.2007-14.09.2007.
Getting health psychologists into the NHS: The route to funding for stage 2 trainees in Scotland
Swanson V (2007) Getting health psychologists into the NHS: The route to funding for stage 2 trainees in Scotland. Health Psychology Update, 16 (4), p. 307.
Predicting treatment outcome on three measures for post-traumatic stress disorder
Karatzias T, Power KG, McGoldrick T, Brown K, Buchanan R, Sharp D & Swanson V (2007) Predicting treatment outcome on three measures for post-traumatic stress disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 257 (1), pp. 40-46.
Book Review
Behavioural Change: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Social and Public Health
Swanson V (2007) Behavioural Change: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Social and Public Health. Review of: Behavioural Change: An Evidence-based Handbook for Social And Public Health, Colette J. Browning, Shane A. Thomas, London, Elsevier, 2005, 316pp. ISBN 0 443 07357 0. Public Health, 121 (2), pp. 159-159.;
Adherence to medication after liver transplantation in Scotland: A pilot study
O'Carroll R, McGregor LM, Swanson V, Masterton G & Hayes PC (2006) Adherence to medication after liver transplantation in Scotland: A pilot study. Liver Transplantation, 12 (12), pp. 1862-1868.
Earning and learning: Role congruence, state/trait factors and adjustment to university life
Swanson V, Broadbridge A & Karatzias A (2006) Earning and learning: Role congruence, state/trait factors and adjustment to university life. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76 (4), pp. 895-914.
Predicting general well-being from self-esteem and affectivity: An exploratory study with Scottish adolescents
Karatzias A, Chouliara Z, Power KG & Swanson V (2006) Predicting general well-being from self-esteem and affectivity: An exploratory study with Scottish adolescents. Quality of Life Research, 15 (7), pp. 1143-1151.
Book Chapter
Psychological Stress and Air Travel: An Overview of Psychological Stress Affecting Airline Passengers
Swanson V & McIntosh IB (2006) Psychological Stress and Air Travel: An Overview of Psychological Stress Affecting Airline Passengers. In: Bor R & Hubbard T (eds.) Aviation Mental Health: Psychological Implications for Air Transportation. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 13-26.
A health assessment tool for multiple risk factors for obesity: results from a pilot study with UK adults
Chambers J & Swanson V (2006) A health assessment tool for multiple risk factors for obesity: results from a pilot study with UK adults. Patient Education and Counseling, 62 (1), pp. 79-88.
A computerised guidance tree (decision aid) for hypertension, based on decision analysis: Development and preliminary evaluation
Thomson P, Dowding D, Swanson V, Bland R, Mair C, Morrison A, Taylor A, Beechey C & Niven C (2006) A computerised guidance tree (decision aid) for hypertension, based on decision analysis: Development and preliminary evaluation. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 5 (2), pp. 146-149.
The impact of knowledge and social influences on adolescents' breast-feeding beliefs and intentions
Swanson V, Power KG, Kaur B, Carter H & Shepherd K (2006) The impact of knowledge and social influences on adolescents' breast-feeding beliefs and intentions. Public Health Nutrition, 9 (3), pp. 297-305.
Managing two roles: a theoretical study of students' employment whilst at university
Broadbridge A & Swanson V (2006) Managing two roles: a theoretical study of students' employment whilst at university. Community Work and Family, 9 (2), pp. 159-179.
Research Report
Completing the Circle: Evidence into Practice. Breastfeeding initiation and duration –what works?
Alder EM, Armstrong J, Britten J, Gardiner C, Gilmour S, Groves J, Hoddinott P, Hood L, Liddell M, McFadyen U, Swanson V, Teiger L, Thomson M, Walker D, Warren J, Wolfson L, Wright P, Chambers J & McInnes R (2006) Completing the Circle: Evidence into Practice. Breastfeeding initiation and duration –what works?. NHS Health Scotland. NHS Health Scotland.
Earning and learning: how term‐time employment impacts on students' adjustment to university life
Broadbridge A & Swanson V (2005) Earning and learning: how term‐time employment impacts on students' adjustment to university life. Journal of Education and Work, 18 (2), pp. 235-249.;
Initiation and continuation of breastfeeding: theory of planned behaviour
Swanson V & Power KG (2005) Initiation and continuation of breastfeeding: theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50 (3), pp. 272-282.
Perceived threats to life and limb and the effects of anxiety provoking events on air travellers
Swanson V, McIntosh IB, Hirst M, Kilpatrick I, Gauld JH & Driver CR (2004) Perceived threats to life and limb and the effects of anxiety provoking events on air travellers. British Travel Health Association Journal, 5, pp. 48-52.
The development and preliminary evaluation of a decision aid based on decision analysis for two treatment conditions: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Hypertension
Dowding D, Swanson V, Bland R, Thomson P, Mair C, Morrison A, Taylor A, Beechey C, Simpson R & Niven C (2004) The development and preliminary evaluation of a decision aid based on decision analysis for two treatment conditions: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Hypertension. Patient Education and Counseling, 52 (2), pp. 209-215.
Research Report
Act and Care: Evaluation of the Revised SPS Suicide Risk Management Strategy
Power KG, Swanson V, Luke R, Jackson C & Biggam FH (2003) Act and Care: Evaluation of the Revised SPS Suicide Risk Management Strategy. Scottish Prison Service. Scottish Prison Service occasional paper, 1. Central Research Unit, Calton House, Edinburgh.
A pilot community study of subjective memory in over and under 65 years old
McIntosh IB, Grant J, Wilkinson H & Swanson V (2002) A pilot community study of subjective memory in over and under 65 years old [Estudio piloto comunitario. Las preocupaciones por la memoria subjetiva en personas mayores y menores de 65 años.]. Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 13 (49), pp. 177-181.
Factors associated with breast screening attendance: A controlled comparison between attenders and non-attenders in Scotland
Chouliara Z, Power KG, Swanson V & Johnstone F (2002) Factors associated with breast screening attendance: A controlled comparison between attenders and non-attenders in Scotland. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 40 (3), pp. 78-90.
The Role of Demographics, Personality Variables and School Stress on Predicting School Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction: Review of the literature and research findings
Karatzias A, Power KG, Flemming J, Lennan F & Swanson V (2002) The Role of Demographics, Personality Variables and School Stress on Predicting School Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction: Review of the literature and research findings. Educational Psychology, 22 (1), pp. 33-50.
Bullying and Victimisation in Scottish Secondary Schools: Same or Separate Entities?
Karatzias A, Power KG & Swanson V (2002) Bullying and Victimisation in Scottish Secondary Schools: Same or Separate Entities?. Aggressive Behavior, 28 (1), pp. 45-61.
A controlled comparison of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing versus exposure plus cognitive restructuring versus waiting list in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
Power KG, McGoldrick T, Brown K, Buchanan R, Sharp D, Swanson V & Karatzias A (2002) A controlled comparison of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing versus exposure plus cognitive restructuring versus waiting list in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 9 (5), pp. 299-318.
Quality of school life: Development and preliminary standardisation of an instrument based on performance indicators in Scottish secondary schools
Karatzias A, Power KG & Swanson V (2001) Quality of school life: Development and preliminary standardisation of an instrument based on performance indicators in Scottish secondary schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 12 (3), pp. 265-284.;
Employees' perceptions of organizational restructuring: The role of social support
Swanson V & Power KG (2001) Employees' perceptions of organizational restructuring: The role of social support. Work and Stress, 15 (2), pp. 161-178.
Predicting Use and Maintenance of Use of Substances in Scottish Adolescents
Karatzias A, Power KG & Swanson V (2001) Predicting Use and Maintenance of Use of Substances in Scottish Adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30 (4), pp. 465-484.
The interaction of perceived maternal and paternal parenting styles and their relation with the psychological distress and offending characteristics of incarcerated young offenders
Chambers J, Power KG, Loucks N & Swanson V (2001) The interaction of perceived maternal and paternal parenting styles and their relation with the psychological distress and offending characteristics of incarcerated young offenders. Journal of Adolescence, 24 (2), pp. 209-227.
Quality of school life. A cross-cultural study of Greek and Scottish secondary school pupils
Karatzias A, Papadioti-Athanasiou V, Power KG & Swanson V (2001) Quality of school life. A cross-cultural study of Greek and Scottish secondary school pupils. European Journal of Education, 36 (1), pp. 91-105.
Health professionals' attitudes toward acute diarrhea management
McIntosh IB, Swanson V & Howell K (2001) Health professionals' attitudes toward acute diarrhea management. Journal of Travel Medicine, 8 (2), pp. 60-65.
Book Review
Environmental Illness: Myth and Reality
Swanson V (2000) Environmental Illness: Myth and Reality. Review of: Environmental Illness : Myth and Reality, Herman Staudenmayer, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1999, 400pp. ISBN: 978-1566703055. Progress in Environmental Science, 2 (2), pp. 179-180.
Book Chapter
Medical Profession and Stress
Power KG & Swanson V (2000) Medical Profession and Stress. In: Fink G, McEwen B, de Kloet E, Rubin R, Chrousos G, Steptoe A, Rose N, Craig I & Feuerstein G (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Stress. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 708-712.
Book Chapter
A theoretically based, cross-cultural study of infant feeding in new mothers and their partners
Swanson V & Power KG (2000) A theoretically based, cross-cultural study of infant feeding in new mothers and their partners. In: Platt S & Watson J (eds.) Researching Health Promotion. London: Routledge, pp. 183-206.
Reducing therapist contact in cognitive behaviour therapy for panic disorder and agoraphobia in primary care: Global measures of outcome in a randomised controlled trial
Sharp DM, Power KG & Swanson V (2000) Reducing therapist contact in cognitive behaviour therapy for panic disorder and agoraphobia in primary care: Global measures of outcome in a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of General Practice, 50 (461), pp. 963-968.
Research Report
Young People in Custody in Scotland: The characteristics and perceptions of young people held in custody
Loucks N, Power KG & Swanson V (2000) Young People in Custody in Scotland: The characteristics and perceptions of young people held in custody. Scottish Prison Service. Scottish Prison Service occasional paper series, 3/2000. Central Research Unit , Calton House, Edinburgh.
The impact of a structured programme of asthma care in general practice
Swanson V, Wright S, Power KG, Duncan B, Morgan J, Turner E & Gordon D (2000) The impact of a structured programme of asthma care in general practice. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 54 (9), pp. 573-580.
Retail Change: Effects on Employees' Job Demands and Home Life
Broadbridge A, Swanson V & Taylor C (2000) Retail Change: Effects on Employees' Job Demands and Home Life. International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 10 (4), pp. 417-432.
Psychometric properties of the Parental Bonding Instrument and its association with psychological distress in a group of incarcerated young offenders in Scotland
Chambers J, Power KG, Loucks N & Swanson V (2000) Psychometric properties of the Parental Bonding Instrument and its association with psychological distress in a group of incarcerated young offenders in Scotland. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 35 (7), pp. 318-325.
The quality of perceived parenting and its association with peer relationships and psychological distress in a group of incarcerated young offenders
Chambers J, Power KG, Loucks N & Swanson V (2000) The quality of perceived parenting and its association with peer relationships and psychological distress in a group of incarcerated young offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 44 (3), pp. 350-368.
Therapist Contact in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia in Primary Care
Power KG, Sharp DM, Swanson V & Simpson R (2000) Therapist Contact in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia in Primary Care. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7 (1), pp. 37-46.
Travel phobic anxiety and it’s management
Swanson V, Karatzias A & McIntosh IB (1999) Travel phobic anxiety and it’s management. Scottish Medicine, 18 (2), pp. 6-7.
GP attitudes to diarrhoea management
Swanson V, McIntosh IB & Howell K (1999) GP attitudes to diarrhoea management. Scottish Medicine, 18 (1), pp. 6-7.
Stress, satisfaction and role conflict in dual-doctor partnerships
Swanson V & Power KG (1999) Stress, satisfaction and role conflict in dual-doctor partnerships. Community Work and Family, 2 (1), pp. 67-88.
Preprint / Working Paper
The Implications of Retail Changes on Employees' Job Demands, Satisfactions and the Work/Home Interface
Broadbridge A, Swanson V & Taylor C (1999) The Implications of Retail Changes on Employees' Job Demands, Satisfactions and the Work/Home Interface. Institute for Retail Studies Working Paper, 9903.
El estrés de los médicos generalistas y el manejo de la demencia
McIntosh IB, Swanson V & Power KG (1999) El estrés de los médicos generalistas y el manejo de la demencia. Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 10 (37), pp. 170-175.
Book Review
Job stress in a changing workforce
Swanson V (1999) Job stress in a changing workforce. Review of: Job stress in a changing workforce. Edited by G. P. Keita & J. J. Hurrell Jnr. Washington DC: American Psychological Association. 1994. Pp. xix + 345. ISBN 1-557-98271-6. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72, pp. 251-253.
General practitioners' and nurses' perceived roles, attitudes and stressors in the management of people with dementia
McIntosh IB, Swanson V, Power KG & Rae C (1999) General practitioners' and nurses' perceived roles, attitudes and stressors in the management of people with dementia. Health Bulletin, 57 (1), pp. 35-43.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Dementia management and perceived professional stress
McIntosh IB, Swanson V & Rae C (1998) Dementia management and perceived professional stress. 8th Annual Meeting of Alzheimer Europe 'Keeping in Touch', Lucerne, Switzerland, 07.05.1998-09.05.1998.
Anxiety and health problems related to air travel
McIntosh IB, Swanson V, Power KG, Raeside F & Dempster C (1998) Anxiety and health problems related to air travel. Journal of Travel Medicine, 5 (4), pp. 198-204.
Flight-related anxieties and health problems
Swanson V, McIntosh IB & Power KG (1998) Flight-related anxieties and health problems. Travel Medicine International, 16 (3), pp. 83-86.
Air travel anxieties in health professionals
Swanson V, McIntosh IB & Power KG (1998) Air travel anxieties in health professionals. Scottish Medicine, 17 (3), pp. 5-6.
Newspaper / Magazine
Time management
Swanson V (1998) Time management. Women in Surgical Training Newsletter. 1998.
Occupational stress and family life: A comparison of male and female doctors
Swanson V, Power KG & Simpson R (1998) Occupational stress and family life: A comparison of male and female doctors. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 71 (3), pp. 237-260.
El Tratamiento Psicológico y Farmacológico del Trastorno de Pánico y Agorafobia en Atención Primaria
Sharp DM, Power KG & Swanson V (1998) El Tratamiento Psicológico y Farmacológico del Trastorno de Pánico y Agorafobia en Atención Primaria. Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 9 (33), pp. 178-189.
Coping abilities and prisoners’ perception of suicidal risk management
Power KG, McElroy J & Swanson V (1997) Coping abilities and prisoners’ perception of suicidal risk management. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 36 (4), pp. 378-392.
Case-control study of GP attendance rates by suicide cases with or without a psychiatric history
Power KG, Davies C, Swanson V, Gordon D & Carter H (1997) Case-control study of GP attendance rates by suicide cases with or without a psychiatric history. British Journal of General Practice, 47 (417), pp. 211-215.
Global measures of outcome in a controlled comparison of pharmacological and psychological treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia in primary care
Sharp DM, Power KG, Simpson R, Swanson V & Anstee JA (1997) Global measures of outcome in a controlled comparison of pharmacological and psychological treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 47 (416), pp. 150-155.
Asthma clinics in general practice
Swanson V (1996) Asthma clinics in general practice. Scottish Medicine, 16 (2), pp. 4-5.
Fluvoxamine, placebo, and cognitive behaviour therapy used alone and in combination in the treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia
Sharp DM, Power KG, Simpson R, Swanson V, Moodie E, Anstee JA & Ashford JJ (1996) Fluvoxamine, placebo, and cognitive behaviour therapy used alone and in combination in the treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 10 (4), pp. 219-242.
The psychological effects of breast screening in terms of patients' perceived health anxieties
Swanson V, McIntosh IB, Power KG & Dobson H (1996) The psychological effects of breast screening in terms of patients' perceived health anxieties. British Journal of Clinical Practice, 50 (3), pp. 129-135.
A comparison of stress and job satisfaction in female and male GPs and consultants
Swanson V, Power KG & Simpson R (1996) A comparison of stress and job satisfaction in female and male GPs and consultants. Stress Medicine, 12 (1), pp. 17-26.
The stress of being a GP
Swanson V & Power KG (1995) The stress of being a GP. Psychiatry in Practice, 14, pp. 17-20.
Research Report
Team building in general practice: A Discussion
Swanson V (1995) Team building in general practice: A Discussion. Background paper (Internal Document). Forth Valley Health Board.
The delicate balancing act: work and home stress in women doctors
Swanson V (1993) The delicate balancing act: work and home stress in women doctors. Scottish Medicine, 13 (3), pp. 6-7.
Psychological ill-health and attitude to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal among long term benzodiazepine users
Power KG, Simpson R, Swanson V, Wallace LA, Sharp D & Simpson EC (1990) Psychological ill-health and attitude to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal among long term benzodiazepine users. Scottish Medicine, 10 (3), pp. 15-17.
A controlled comparison of cognitive-behaviour therapy, diazepam, and placebo, alone and in combination, for the treatment of generalised anxiety disorder
Power KG, Simpson R, Swanson V, Wallace LA, Feistner ATC & Sharp D (1990) A controlled comparison of cognitive-behaviour therapy, diazepam, and placebo, alone and in combination, for the treatment of generalised anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 4 (4), pp. 267-292.
Long-term use of benzodiazepines
Simpson R, Power KG & Swanson V (1990) Long-term use of benzodiazepines. British Journal of General Practice, 40 (338), pp. 390-391.
Controlled comparison of the characteristics of long-term benzodiazepine users in general practice
Simpson R, Power KG, Wallace LA, Butcher MH, Swanson V & Simpson EC (1990) Controlled comparison of the characteristics of long-term benzodiazepine users in general practice. British Journal of General Practice, 40 (330), pp. 22-26.
Benzodiazepines in clinical practice : time to review or be sued
Power KG, Simpson RJ & Swanson V (1989) Benzodiazepines in clinical practice : time to review or be sued. Scottish Medicine, 9 (1), pp. 13-15.
A controlled comparison of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, Diazepam and Placebo in the management of generalized anxiety
Power KG, Jerrom DWA, Simpson R, Mitchell MJ & Swanson V (1989) A controlled comparison of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, Diazepam and Placebo in the management of generalized anxiety. Behavioural Psychotherapy, 17 (1), pp. 1-14.
Research Report
Under Five in Scotland - A study of pre-school education and Care
Swanson V, Haystead J & Strachan A (1978) Under Five in Scotland - A study of pre-school education and Care. Scottish Council for Research in Education.