
Recently funded projects include Devolving Diasporas (AHRC), Struggles that Unite Us All: The Life and Work of Lamine Senghor (British Academy), Martin Carter and Pan-Caribbean Literary Culture (AHRC), Making histories: towards more complex genealogies of Francophone African literature and cinema (AHRC), Meghdoot: Using new technologies to tell age-old stories (AHRC).

We welcome visiting academics, writers and students. Working with the Centre for Scottish Studies and the Centre for Postcolonial Studies, Prof Carla Sassi (Verona) was a RSE Caledonian Fellow in 2008. Recent conferences and workshops held in Stirling on postcolonial topics include: ‘Caribbean-Scottish Passages’ (British Academy-funded and resulting in a special issue of the IJSL); ‘The French Slave Trade’ (Carnegie Trust); ‘Reading After Empire’ (AHRC), ‘Locating African Culture’ (3 workshops funded by Carnegie Trust); ‘The State of the Question: Latin American and Caribbean Studies in Scotland’; ‘Death and the Dead’; and the Postcolonial Studies Association’s Postgraduate Conference.