Professor Bernadette Pauly

Honorary Professor

Faculty of Social Sciences Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Bernadette Pauly

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About me

Dr Bernie Pauly is an Honorary Professor at the University of Stirling and an Associate Professor in the University of Victoria School of Nursing, a Scientist with the Canadian Centre for Substance Use Research, a member of the Renewal of Public Health Services Research Team, and a priority lead for the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness. She is recognized as a University of Victoria Community Engaged Scholar (2014-2019) and is the Island Health Scholar in Residence (2016-2019). The primary focus of her research is reducing health inequities associated with substance use, poverty, and homelessness. Her research interests and projects include: enhancing the application of a health equity lens in public health systems and services with a focuson programs that aim to prevent the harms of substance use; increasing access to primary care services for people who are homeless and using substances; effectiveness and implementation of harm reduction services within housing and shelters; inclusion of people who use drugs in policy making and research activities; and culturally safe primary care for people who use substances.

Research (1)

Grants awarded 2017-2018 Co-Investigator, Structural vulnerability, aging, and care at the end of life. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute Community Support ($20,000). Principal Investigator: Kelli Stajduhar. Co-Investigators: Naheed Dosani, Kristen Kvakic, Douglas McGregor, Grey Showler, Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham, & Bruce Wallace. 2017-2018 Co-Investigator, Closing the health equity gap: Implementing health equity in harm reduction responses to the opioid overdose crisis. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Population & Public Health’s Planning & Dissemination Grant ($20,000). Principal Investigator: Bruce Wallace. Co-Investigators: Annette Browne, & Colleen Varcoe. 2017-2018 Co-Principal Investigator, Reducing the stigma of substance use and building capacity in patient-oriented primary care research. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Strategies for Patient Orientated Research Grant ($50,000). Principal Investigators: Karen Urbanoski, & Bernie Pauly. Co-Investigators: Bruce Wallace, & Elizabeth Hartney, Principal Knowledge Users: Bill Bullock, Jill Cater, & Chris Hancock, Collaborators: Rebecca Barnes, Lynn Devin, Alisa Harrison, & Cindy Trytten. 2016-2018 Co-Investigator, Navigating the ethics of inpatient syringe exchange in a large acute care hospital. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Catalyst Grant: Ethics ($99,921). Principal Investigator: Elaine Hyshka. Co-Investigators: Judy Illes, Tania Bubela, Kathryn Dong, & Jessica Muller. 2016-2020 Co-Investigator, Police Discretion with High Risk Substance-Using Youth. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant ($173,557). Principal Investigator: Scott MacDonald. Principal Knowledge User: Dan Reist. Co-Investigators: Stephen Baron, Cecilia Benoit, Cindy Hardy, Mikael Jansson, Zina Lee, Eric Roth, Tim Stockwell, & Scot Wortley 2016-2019 Nominated Principal Investigator, Managed Alcohol Programs: Evaluation Effectiveness and Policy Implications. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI) Grant ($400,000), Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research ($80,000), the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health ($15,000), and the Centre for Addictions Research of BC ($15,000). Co-Principal Investigators: Tim Stockwell & Gerald Thomas. Co-Investigators: Alexis Crabtree, Joshua Evans, Norman Giesbrecht, Cameron Graham, Erin Gray, Elaine Hyshka, Katie Keating, Jamie Muckle, Wendy Muckle, Christopher Mushquash, Rebecca Schiff, Vicky Stergiopoulos, Christy Sutherland, & Jinhui Zhao. 2016-2017 Co-Principal Investigator, Sudbury Managed Alcohol Program Evaluation. Funded by the Canadian Mental Health Association ($44,934). Co-Principal Investigator: Tim Stockwell. 2016-2017 Co-Principal Investigator, Unintended Consequences: High Risk Population Study. Funded by the Victoria Foundation ($25,000). Co-Principal Investigator: Tim Stockwell. 2016-2017 Nominated Principal Investigator, AIDS Vancouver Island: An Evaluation of Harm Reduction Services. A community-based project funded by Island Health ($5,000). Co-Principal Investigators: Trudy Norman & Bruce Wallace. 2016-2017 Co-Investigator, Making It Work: Supporting Community Approaches to Integrated Service Models for People Living with HIV, HCV, Ill Mental Health, and/or Problematic Substance Use. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Catalyst Grant: HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research ($33,000). Principal Knowledge User: Jennifer Evin Jones. Principal Investigator: Melanie Rusch. Co-Investigators and Knowledge Users: Rosalind Baltzer Turje, Jackie Brown, Jill Cater, Gary Dalton, Janice Duddy, Kristen Kvakic, Darren lauscher, Sherri Pooyak, Deb Schmitz, Denise Thomas, Vanessa West, Mark Willson, & Catherine Worthington. 2016-2017 Co-Investigator, From Research to Practice: Addressing the Gaps in Entry-to-Practice HIV Nursing Competencies in Canada. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Meeting, Planning and Dissemination Grant ($14,000). Principal Investigators: Marilou Gagnon, Vera Franziska Caine, & Craig Phillips. Co-Investigators: Vicky Bungay, Anthony de Padua, M. McGinn, Patrick O’Byrne, Tracey Rickards, & Aniela dela Cruz. 2016-2017 Co-Investigator, Victoria Site- Canadian Research Initiative on Substance Misuse. Funded by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS ($5000), Centre for Addictions Research of BC ($5000), Provost’s Community Engaged Scholar Award ($2500), and YES2SCS ($6000). Principal Investigator: Bruce Wallace. Co-Investigator: Thomas Kerr. Collaborator: Sean Rourke. 2016 Nominated Principal Investigator, Substance Patterns Among Homeless Populations (Point in Time Count 2016). Funded by the Provost’s Community Engaged Scholar Award ($2000). Co-Investigators: Clifton Chow, Kate Vallance, Bruce Wallace, Tim Stockwell, Ashley Wettlaufer, & Katrina Barber. 2015-2016 Nominated Principal Investigator, Working Together: Evaluating an Integrated Model of Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Substance Use Problems. Funded by Island Health, Collaborative Research Grant ($15,000). Principal Knowledge User: Devin Lynne. Co-Investigators: Shana Alexandra Hall, Murray Anderson, Bruce Wallace, Katrina Jensen, & Heather Hobbs. Knowledge Users: Tracey Thompson, Shane Thomas, & Chris Goble. 2015-2016 Co-Investigator, Preventing and Reducing Harms of Substance Use in Homeless Shelter Programs. Funded by Vancouver Foundation, Develop Research Grant ($10,000). Principal Investigator: Bruce Wallace. Principal Knowledge User: Don McTavish. 2015-2016 Co-Investigator, An Indigenous Equity Lens for Public Health. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Planning and Dissemination Grant ($11,920). Principal Investigators: Charlotte Loppie & Jeannine Carriere. Co-Investigators: Alex Kent & Marjorie MacDonald 2014-2017 Co- Investigator, A Comparative Analysis of Provincial/Territorial Harm Reduction Policy: Implications for Expanding Access to Health Services for People Who Use Drugs. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant ($386,347). Principal Investigators: Cameron Wild, & Elaine Hyshka. Co-Investigators: Mark Asbridge, Lynne Belle-Isle, Connie Carter, Walter Cavalieri, Colleen Dell, Andrew Hathaway, Tanis Liebreich, Donald MacPherson, & Kenneth Tupper. 2014-2017 Co-Investigator, Access to End of Life Care for Vulnerable and Marginalized Populations. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant ($357,609). Principal Investigator: Kelli Stajduhar. Co-Investigators: Ryan McNeil, Bernie Pauly, Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham, & Bruce Wallace. Knowledge Users: Danica Gleave, Kristen Kvakic, Caite Meagher, & Grey Showler. 2014-2016 Co-Investigator, The Importance of Context: A Realist Evaluation of Knowledge Translation Interventions For the Use of Evidence in Health Equity Impact Assessment. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Knowledge to Action Operating Grant ($199,841). Principal Investigators: Ingrid Tyler & Erika Maria Martina Haney. 2014-2015 Co-Principal Investigator, Supporting Successful Implementation of Public Health Interventions: A Realist Synthesis. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Knowledge Synthesis Grant ($100,000). Co-Principal Investigators: Marjorie MacDonald & Arlene Paton. Co-Investigators: Chris Buchner, Trevor Hancock, Victoria Lee, Warren O’Briain, Simon Carroll, Beth Jackson, Heather Manson, Kara Schick-Makaroff, Karen Dickenson Smith, Anita Kothari, Cheryl Martin, & Ruta Valaitis. 2014-2015 Co-Investigator, Building Belonging in the South Similkameen: Towards Community-Wide Cross-Cultural Mental Health Promotion. Funded by the Rural Health Services Research Network, Collaborative Team Building Award ($5000). Principal Investigator: Susana Caxaj. Co-Investigators: Shirley Chau, Natalie Clark, Rita Kaur Dhamoon, Sonya Jakubec, Beverly Leipert, Marjorie MacDonald, & Joyce O’Mahony. 2014-2015 Co-Investigator, CASH: Evaluation of Centralized Access to Supported Housing. Funded by Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness ($12,675). Principal Investigator: Trudy Norman. 2014- 2015 Co-Investigator, A Scoping Review on the Measurement of Community Integration of Homeless Persons. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Knowledge Synthesis Grant ($50,000). Principal Investigator: Charles James Frankish. Co-Investigators: Suzanne Baker, Bryan Stirling, Stephen Gaetz, Reinhard Krausz, Trudy Norman, Michelle Patterson, Verena Strehlau, Sam Tsemberis, & Denise Zabkiewicz. 2013-2021 Co-Investigator, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness: Creating Policy Impact. Funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Partnership Grant ($2,502,976). Principal Investigator: Stephen Gaetz. Co-Investigators: Alina Tanasescu Turner, Catherine Charette, Céline Bellot, Cheryl Forchuk, Dianne McCormack, Janet Mosher, Jeannette Waegemakers, Jeff Karabanow, Jino Distasio, John Graham, Katharina Kovacs Burns, Margaret Eberle, Paula Goering, Peter Menzies, Roch Hurtubise, Stan Shapson, Stephanie Baker Collins, Stephen Hwang, Tim Aubry, Valerie Preston, Wilfreda Thurston, William O'Grady, Yale Belanger. Collaborators: Emily Paradis, Naomi Nichols. 2013-2016 Co-Principal Investigator, Managed Alcohol Programs: Implementation and Effectiveness. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI) Grant ($599,952), Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research HSPRSN Partnership Grant ($100,000), Vancouver Coastal Health ($15,000), and Athabasca University ($3,500). Co-Principal Investigators: Tim Stockwell & Denise De Pape. Co-Investigators: Josh Evans, Siavash Jafari, Jamie Muckle, Dyanne Semogas, Colin Van Zoost, Claire Hacksel, Ron Joe, Wendy Muckle, Karen Smith, Jinhui Zhao, Irene Haigh-Gidora, Danielle Layman-Pleet, Joe Power, Vicky Stergiopoulos, Patty Hajdu, Patti Melanson, Manik Saini, & Tomislav Svoboda. 2013-2014 Principal Investigator, Building Capacity Among People Who Use Drugs: Reducing Stigma and Fostering Inclusion of Experiential Knowledge in Harm Reduction Research, Policy Development, and Service Delivery. Funded by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research, HIV/AIDS Priority Announcement Planning Grant ($24,998). Co-Investigators: Lynne Belle-Isle, Mark Willson & Ashley Mollison, Jill Cater. Collaborators: SOLID, AAWEAR, DUAL, TDUU, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, Canadian Harm Reduction Network. 2013-2013 Co-Principal Investigator, An Evaluation of the Kwae Kii Win Centre Alcohol Management Program, Thunder Bay, Ontario. Funded by Shelter House, Thunder Bay ($37,540). Co-Principal Investigator: Tim Stockwell. 2012-2015 Co-Investigator, A Mixed Method Evaluation of the Impact of the Dr. Peter Centre on Health Care Access and Outcomes for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Who Use Illicit Drugs. Funded by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Partnership for Health System Improvement Grant ($343,911). Principal Investigators: Rolando Barrios & Robert Stephen Hogg. Co-Investigators: Rosalind Baltzer Turje, Silvia Alicia Guillemi, Susan Kirkland, Patrick McDougall, Ryan Mcneil, Michael-John Sheridan Milloy, Earl Frederick Nowgesic, Ciro Panessa, Surita Parashar, Hasina Samji, Stuart James Skinner, Carol Janice Strike, Catherine Anne Worthington. 2012-2015 Co-Investigator, The Cedar Project: Exploring Vulnerabilities to HIV, HCV, and STIs Among Young Aboriginal People Who Use Drugs in Urban and Rural Settings. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($982,922). Principal Investigators: Patricia Spittal, Wayne Christian & Martin Schechter. 2012-2014 Nominated Principal Investigator, The Role of Transitional Housing in Recovery from Homelessness and Substance Use. Funded by Vancouver Foundation, Community Based Health Research Grant ($62,000). Co-Investigators: Bruce Wallace, Mike Ranftt, Margo Matwychuk, Jody Yurkowsky & Aleck Ostry. 2012-2013 Co-Principal Investigator, Housing Research Cafes. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Café Scientifique Program ($3,000). Co-Principal Investigator: Margo Matwychuk. 2012-2013 Co-Principal Investigator, Development of a Report on Housing & Social Supports. Funded by the Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness ($10,000). Co-Principal Investigator: Andrew Wynn-Williams. 2012-2013 Supervisor, Engendering Dialogue and Meaningful Participation Among Constituencies Working Toward Ending Homelessness in Victoria, BC: Phase Two. Funded by MITACS ($15,000). Graduate Intern: Trudy Norman. 2011-2016 Nominated Principal Investigator, Reducing Health Inequities: The Contribution of Core Public Health Services in BC. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($2,000,000). Co-Principal Investigators: Marjorie MacDonald, Trevor Hancock & Warren O’Briain. Co-Investigators: Ted Bruce, Lydia Drasic, Beth Jackson, Victoria Lee, Michael Pennock, Lorna Storbakken, Roger Wheeler, Simon Carroll, Anne George, Michael Hayes, Lenora Marcellus, Aleck Ostry, Joan Wharf-Higgins, Wanda Martin, & Bruce Wallace. 2011-2016 Co-Investigator, Equity-Oriented Primary Health Care Interventions for Marginalized Populations: Addressing Structural Inequities and Structural Violence. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($1,974,691). Principal Investigators: Annette Browne, Colleen Varcoe & Marilyn Ford-Gilboe. Co-Investigators: Pat Campbell, Olive Godwin, Beth Jackson, Murry Krause, Doreen Littlejohn, Pavan Pahal, Leslie Varley, Bruce Wallace, Cheryl Ward, Elizabeth Whynot, Carol Herbert, Josee Lavoie, Marjorie MacDonald, Victoria Syme, David Tu, Nadine Wathen & Sabrina Wong. 2011-2013 Nominated Co-Principal Investigator, Fostering Cultural Safety in Nursing Practice with People Experiencing Problematic Substance Use. Funded by Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, BC Nursing Research Initiative ($169,951). Co-Principal Investigator: Jane McCall (UBC). Co-Investigator: Annette Browne (UBC). 2011-2013 Contract Holder, Intensive Case Management Guidelines. Funded by BC Mental Health Foundation, BC Ministry of Health ($73,116). 2011-2012 Supervisor, Engendering Dialogue and Meaningful Participation Among Constituencies Working Toward Ending Homelessness in Victoria, BC: Phase One. Funded by MITACS ($15,000). Graduate Intern: Trudy Norman. 2011 Co-Investigator, Evidence and Action in Public Health: Learning From Research and Practice. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, MPD Knowledge Translation Supplement ($99,000). Principal Investigators: Marjorie MacDonald & Trevor Hancock. 2010-2013 Co-Investigator, Enhancing HIV/AIDS Service Organizations’ Capacity to Engage in Community-Based Research to Address Social and Health Inequities. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($66,000). Principal Investigator: Lynne Belle-Isle. Co-Investigator: Cecilia Benoit. 2010-2011 Co-Investigator, Equity Oriented Primary Health Care Interventions for Marginalized Populations: Addressing Structural Inequities and Structural Violence. CIHR Programmatic Grants in Health and Health Equity ($14,996). Principal Investigator: Annette Browne. 2010-2011 Nominated Principal Investigator, Reducing Health Inequities: The Contribution of Core Public Health Programs in British Columbia. Funded by CIHR Programmatic Grants in Health and Health Equity ($15,000). Co-Principal Investigators: Trevor Hancock & Marjorie MacDonald. 2010-2011 Nominated Principal Investigator, Factors Affecting Community Acceptance of Programs Aimed at Preventing HIV/AIDSAssociated with Injection Drug Use. Funded by CIHR HIV Community Based Research Catalyst Grant ($32,041.42). Co-Investigators: Cecilia Benoit, Mikael Jansson, Dan Reist, Amy Salmon & Andrea Langlois. 2010-2011 Co-Investigator, Responding to H1N1 in the Context of the Homelessness Crisis in Canada. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($99,975). Principal Investigator: Stephen Gaetz (York University).

Outputs (67)



Masterton W, Carver H, Booth H, McCulloch P, Ball L, Mitchell L, Murdoch H, Pauly B & Parkes T (2024) A qualitative exploration of the relevance of training provision in planning for implementation of managed alcohol programs within a third sector setting. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, Price T, Schofield J & MacLennan G (2022) Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and accessibility of a peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of people who experience homelessness with problem substance use: the SHARPS study. Harm Reduction Journal, 19 (1), Art. No.: 10.


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I & MacLennan G (2022) A peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of homeless people with problem substance use: the SHARPS feasibility mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment, 26 (14), pp. 1-128.


Foster R, Carver H, Wallace J, Dunedin A, Burridge S, Foley P, Pauly B & Parkes T (2021) "PPI? That sounds like Payment Protection Insurance": Reflections and learning from a substance use and homelessness study Experts by Experience group. Research Involvement and Engagement, 7 (1), Art. No.: 82.


Parkes T, Carver H, Masterton W, Booth H, Ball L, Murdoch H, Falzon D, Pauly BM & Matheson C (2021) Exploring the Potential of Implementing Managed Alcohol Programmes to Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Transmission, and Wider Harms, for People Experiencing Alcohol Dependency and Homelessness in Scotland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (23), Art. No.: 12523.

Project Report

Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Staff [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Staff]. Chief Scientist Office. University of Stirling.

Project Report

Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Clients [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Clients]. Chief Scientist Office. University of Stirling.


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, MacLennan G & Foster R (2019) Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS): testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problem substance use who are homeless, to improve health outcomes, quality of life and social functioning and reduce harms: study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5 (1), Art. No.: 64.


Stockwell T, Pauly B, Chow C, Erickson RA, Krysowaty B, Roemer A, Vallance K, Wettlaufer A & Zhao J (2018) Does managing the consumption of people with severe alcohol dependence reduce harm? A comparison of participants in six Canadian managed alcohol programs with locally recruited controls. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S1), pp. S159-S166.


Wild TC, Pauly B, Belle-Isle L, Cavalieri W, Elliott R, Strike C, Tupper K, Hathaway A, Dell C, MacPherson D, Sinclair C, Karekezi K, Tan B & Hyshka E (2017) Canadian harm reduction policies: A comparative content analysis of provincial and territorial documents, 2000-2015. International Journal of Drug Policy, 45, pp. 9-17.


Hyshka E, Anderson-Baron J, Karekezi K, Belle-Isle L, Elliott R, Pauly B, Strike C, Asbridge M, Dell C, McBride K, Hathaway A & Wild TC (2017) Harm reduction in name, but not substance: A comparative analysis of current Canadian provincial and territorial policy frameworks. Harm Reduction Journal, 14, Art. No.: 50.


McNeil R, Kerr T, Pauly B, Wood E & Small W (2016) Advancing patient-centered care for structurally vulnerable drug-using populations: A qualitative study of the perspectives of people who use drugs regarding the potential integration of harm reduction interventions into hospitals. Addiction, 111 (4), pp. 685-694.

Book Chapter

Sotskova A, Benoit C, Casey L, Pauly B & Thege BK (2015) Building a theoretical bridge for transdisciplinary exchange. In: Greaves L, Poole N & Boyle E (eds.) Transforming Addiction: Gender, Trauma, Transdisciplinarity. London: Routledge, pp. 167-183.


Pauly B, Varcoe C & Storch JL (2013) Moralischer Distress im Gesundheitswesen [Moral distress in health care]. Pflegezeitschrift, 66 (10), pp. 611-611.


Goldstone IL & Pauly B (2011) Out of harm's way. Canadian Nurse, 107 (9), pp. 5-5.


Rodney P, Varcoe C, Storch JL, McPherson G, Mahoney K, Brown H, Pauly B, Hartrick G & Starzomski R (2009) Navigating towards a moral horizon: A multisite qualitative study of ethical practice in nursing [Vers un horizon déontologique: une étude qualitative multicontextuelle des pratiques déontologiques au sein de la profession infirmière]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 41 (1), pp. 292-319.


Storch JL, Rodney P, Varcoe C, Pauly B, Starzomski R, Stevenson L, Best L, Mass H, Fulton TR, Mildon B, Bees F, Chisholm A, MacDonald-Rencz S, McCutcheon AS, Shamian J, Thompson C, Makaroff KS & Newton LJ (2009) Leadership for ethical policy and practice (LEPP): participatory action project.. Nursing Leadership, 22 (3), pp. 68-80.


Lightfoot B, Panessa C, Hayden S, Thumath M, Goldstone IL & Pauly B (2009) Gaining insite: Harm reduction in nursing practice. Canadian Nurse, 105 (4), pp. 16-22.


Storch JL, Rodney P, Pauly B, Fulton TR, Stevenson L, Newton LJ & Makaroff KS (2009) Enhancing ethical climates in nursing work environments. Canadian Nurse, 105 (3), pp. 20-25.


Pauly B, Goldstone IL, McCall J, Gold F & Payne S (2007) The ethical, legal and social context of harm reduction. Canadian Nurse, 103 (8), pp. 19-23.


Varcoe C, Doane G, Pauly B, Rodney P, Storch JL, Mahoney K, McPherson G, Brown H & Starzomski R (2004) Ethical practice in nursing: Working the in-betweens. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45 (3), pp. 316-325.


Rodney P, Varcoe C, Storch JL, McPherson G, Mahoney K, Brown H, Pauly B, Hartrick G & Starzomski R (2002) Navigating Towards a Moral Horizon: A Multisite Qualitative Study of Ethical Practice in Nursing [Vers un horizon déontologique: une étude qualitative multicontextuelle des pratiques déontologiques au sein de la profession infirmière]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 34 (3), pp. 75-102.


Pauly B (1995) Operation Fascination. Journal of Post Anesthesia Nursing, 10 (2), pp. 89-93.