Professor Catriona Matheson

Professor in Substance Use

Faculty of Social Sciences R G Bomont Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Catriona Matheson

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About me

Professor Catriona Matheson is a Professor at the University of Stirling. Professor Matheson is also an independent research consultant and Specialist Consultant in Drug Death Reviews for Aberdeen City Alcohol and Drug Partnership. Professor Matheson was Chair of the Ministerial Drug Death Task Force for Scotland July 2019-December 2021. Her research interests are in the delivery of care to people who use drugs, innovative community pharmacy services, managing ageing and multi-morbidity in people who use drugs, dependence on benzodiazepines, management of polypharmacy and the use of technology to support those at risk of overdose.


Fellow of Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Made a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in recognition of contribution to Pharmacy Practice and drug research. This position is made on merit and decided by a panel on provision of evidence by three nominators.

Research (15)

Grants Awarded  1 Daneshvar H. Matheson C, McKenzie M, Dumbrell J. Overdose Detection and Responder Alert Technologies: Responder Application Pilot (RAP) study for the Brave app. Scottish Government £31k May 2022-April 2023.

2 Matheson C. Parkes T., Schofield J., Hill D., Stewart D., Ritchie C., Turner M., McLennan G., Kilonzo M. Development and Testing an Intervention for Dependence on Street Benzodiazepines. Chief Scientist Office, £330K May 2021-July 2023.

3 Parkes T., Matheson C. Digital Inclusion for the prevention of drug related deaths (evaluation). Scottish Government. £250k May 2021- April 2023. 4 Matheson C., Parkes T., Schofield J., Bancroft A., Dumbrell J Understanding the health impacts of social responses to Covid-19 on people who use drugs in Scotland. CSO. £28k May 2020-November 2020.

5 Matheson C., Parkes T, Schofield J. Baldacchino A., Overdose detection and responder alert technologies: transforming preventative care for those most at risk of drug-related death. Scottish Government TEC programme 90K

6 Matheson C., Schofield J., Exploring The Potential Of Long-Acting Buprenorphine In People Who Use Drugs And Are Homeless. Camurus. £36k October 2020-May 2021.

7 Matheson C., Parkes T., Hunter C., Munro A., Making Pharmacies Psychologically Informed Environments: a feasibility study to improve engagement with people with a drug problem. Pharmacy Research UK, £20,233. November 2019-October 2020. 8 Skivington K. Parkes T., Matheson C., Schofield J. McCann M, McDaid L. Crofton A., Baldacchino A., Barnsdale L. A systems approach to exploring syndemic health and social condition clustering among individuals who experience a drug-related death: developmental work for co-produced intervention(s). Chief Scientist Office £263,084 June 2020-June 2022.

9 Parkes T Carver H., Matheson C., Emslie C., Budd J. Smith I. Scoping the feasibility and acceptability of Managed Alcohol Programmes for people who are homeless in community-based, third sector services in Scotland. Chief Scientist Office, £33K July 2019-January 2020.

10 Parkes T Baldacchino A. Matheson C. McAuley A. Prescription Opiate Overdose Risk: Assessing prescription opioid overdose risk (POOR) via a quality improvement process and scoping the feasibility of a specific overdose prevention intervention delivered by Community Pharmacists in NHS Fife. NHS Fife Endowment Fund £35K. May 2019-December 2019.

11 Matheson C. A Scoping Review of Telehealthcare Devices to reduce Opiate Overdose/ Aberdeen City Alcohol and Drug Partnership. £6500. March – June 2019.

12 Parkes T Matheson C. Carver H et al Testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problem substance use who are homeless to improve health outcomes, quality of life and social functioning, and reduce harms. NIHR May 2018-May 2020. £375K. 13 Matheson C. National Education Evaluation of the Educational support for Pharmacists working in GP Practices in Scotland. NHS Education (Pharmacy) September 2016- September 2018 £9,000.

14 Liddell D, Matheson C. Hamilton E., Wallace J (2016) Assessing the Service and Support Needs of Older People with Drug Problems. Scottish Government award to Scottish Drugs Forum. £25,000. March 2016-October 2016.

15 Cooper R., Matheson C. Measuring the Prevalence of dependence to opioid analgesics in Primary Care in the UK. Indivior £150,000, £2016- October 2017.

16 Matheson C., Burton C., Elliott A., Iversen L. Murchie P., Porteous T. Professional Resilience: Developing a measure of resilience in primary healthcare practitioners. NHS Grampian Endowment Fund. £11,842. December 2014-April 2015.

17 Watson M., Johnstone M., De Bruin M., Matheson C., Bond C., Bero L., Nkansah N. Effect of outpatient pharmacists' non-dispensing roles on patient outcomes and healthcare professionals’ prescribing patterns. A Cochrane Review update and application of the Behaviour Change Technique Taxonomy. £143,606 Chief Scientist Office. August 2014- July 2015.

18 Matheson C. Bond CM. Community pharmacy services for drug misusers: measuring national delivery and the development of professional attitudes and practice over two decades. April 2014-November 2014. £52,813.CSO.

19 Matheson C. Bond C. Lee A. Developing Primary Care Drug Services in the United Arab Emirates. National Rehabilitation Centre, UAE, extension grant of £48,545.

20 Matheson C. Wilson P. General Practitioner Engagement in the National Naloxone Programme: A Needs Assessment Project. NHS Scotland/Scottish Drugs Policy Unit. £24,993 July-2012-January 2013.

21 Matheson C., Watson M.HIV Needs Assessment to inform new treatment pathways, NHS Grampian £21,000 April 2012-September 2012.

22 Matheson C. Bond C. Lee A. Developing Primary Care Drug Services in the United Arab Emirates. January 2012-January 2014. National Rehabilitation Centre, UAE, £111,000. 

23 Matheson C., Jaffray M., Bond CM., Liddell D. Attitudes, knowledge and perceptions of the general public towards drug misuse and drug treatment strategies. CSO. (2010)£49,000.

24 Matheson C., Anthony G., Bond CM. Re-assessing and Prioritising the needs and preferences of injecting drug users in Grampian: NHS Grampian (2010) £12,809.

25 Matheson C. Anthony GB. Blood borne virus transmission, consequences of injecting drug use and needle exchange service usage: A retrospective cohort study of Fraserburgh NES users using in depth interviews. NHS Grampian. (2009). £21,150.

26 Bond C.M., Hatrick W., Matheson C., Taylor S. Developing a Public Health Approach for Intravenous Drug Users (IDUs) to minimise the spread of hepatitis C in a remote island population based on IDUs reported ethics and behaviour. CSO (2010). £2,964.

27 Matheson C. Impact of Parental Substance Misuse. Aberdeen City Council Health and Social Care. (2009) £6304.

28 Matheson C., Holland R., Bond C. Robert K., McRae A., Pilot study of an RCT of brief supervised consumption vs twice weekly supervised consumption vs standard supervised consumption of methadone patients. CSO (2008) £50,000

29 Matheson C. A Quality Audit of patients in treatment for drug dependence in Aberdeen. NHS Grampian Substance Misuse Service (2007) £73,858.

30 Matheson C., Porteous T., Bond C., van Teijlingen E. Management of drug misuse in Primary Care: A seven year follow up survey of GPs. (2008) CSO £24,749.

31 Matheson C. Bond C.M., Lee A., Davidson B., Johnstone A., Skea L. A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Enhanced Pharmacy Services for Methadone Patients. CSO (2007) £218,314

32 Matheson C., Bond CM., Exploring Needs and Preferences of Injecting Drug Users for Needle Exchange Services. NHS Grampian (2006) £14,568.

33 Matheson C., Bond CM Community Pharmacy Services for Drug Misusers: Measuring National Service Delivery over a Decade. CSO (2006) £18,890.

34 Matheson C. Bond CM., Cameron I., Lee A., Baird B., Eagles L., Davidson B., Enhanced Community Pharmacies Services for Methadone maintained patients: a pilot study. CSO (2005) £18,818. Matheson C. Exploring Attitudes and Barriers to Needle Exchange Services in Grampian. NHS Grampian (2005) £9363.

35 Matheson C., Cameron I. Review of the Effectiveness of treatment for alcohol dependence. Commissioned Research Grampian Primary Healthcare Trust (2005) £3,554.

36 Matheson C., Bond C.M. Robinson A., Cameron I., McNamee P. A Feasibility Study of Supervised Administration of Buprenorphine versus Methadone in Community Pharmacies for Opiate Dependency. Chief Scientist Office (2003) £20,374.

37 Matheson C., Bond CM, Thomas T., Lawrie T. Alcohol Related Admissions to A&E in Aberdeen. Grampian NHS, (2003), £21,720. Matheson C., Bond CM., Rae K., van Teijlingen E., Cronkshaw G., Forrest J.

An Exploration of the Role of the Substance Misuse Nurses in Scotland, an under Researched Profession. (2004). £91,616.

Matheson C., Bond CM., Ludbrooke A. The Effectiveness of Treatment for Opiate Dependent Drug Users An International Systematic Review of the Evidence. EIU, (2001), £29,919.

Matheson C., Bond C.M. Roberts K. Pharmacy Customers’ Experiences and Views of Using Pharmacies which Provide Drug Misuse Services. Scottish Pharmaceutical General Council Research Trust. (2001), £28,726.

Matheson C., Thomas T. Illicit Drug Use Related Attendances at Accident and Emergency Services in Aberdeen: A Prospective Six Month Study. Grampian Health Board, (2001), £17,595.

Matheson C., Bond C.M., Rae K. An Evaluation of the Process and Outcomes of Grampian Patients Attending Residential Detoxification Programmes for Opiate Withdrawal. Grampian Health Board, (2001), £24,816.

Matheson C., Bond C.M. Scottish Community Pharmacy Services for Drug Misusers: a five year follow up survey of attitudes and practice. Chief Scientist Office, (2000), £18,236.

Matheson C., Bond C.M. General Practitioners Referral for Detoxification Programmes: An Exploration and Rating of the Factors Involved in Decision Making. Grampian Health Board, (2000), £25,000.

Matheson C., Bond C.M., Van Teijlingen E., Ryan A. An exploration of factors influencing Scottish General Practitioners’ treatment decisions, attitudes and involvement with illicit drug users using standard survey methods and conjoint analysis, Chief Scientist Office, (1999), £45,605.

Matheson C., Ritchie L.D., Health in the Offshore Fishing Industry: A Research Programme. Fishing Industry Safety and Health Ltd, a registered charity, (1999), £94,573.

Matheson C., Ritchie L.D., Health Issues Affecting the Offshore Fishing Industry: A Pilot Study. Scottish White Fish Producers Association, (1999), £5,015.

McKeganey N., Bond C.M. Matheson C. Illicit Drug Users: Views and Experiences of Community Pharmacy Services in Scotland. Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Office Home and Health Department. (1996), £65,337.


Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a peer-delivered, relational, harm reduction intervention to improve mental health, quality of life, and related outcomes, for people experiencing homelessness and substance use problems: The ‘SHARPS’ cluster randomised controlled trial.
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research and The Salvation Army

Overdose detection and responder alert technologies: transforming preventative care for those most at risk of drug-related death
PI: Professor Catriona Matheson
Funded by: Scottish Government

DoseCare: An Overdose Alarm and Response System enabled by Mobile App, Wearable and Self-Evolving AI Models
PI: Dr Hadi Daneshvar
Funded by: Scottish Government

Digital inclusion for the prevention of drug deaths proposal
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: Scottish Government

ODART : Responder Application Pilot study for the Brave app
PI: Dr Hadi Daneshvar
Funded by: Scottish Government

Benzo Prescriber Survey 2023
Funded by: Scottish Government

A System Approach to Exploring Syndemic Health and Social Condition Clustering Among Individuals Who Experience A Drug Related Death: Developmental Work For Co-Produced Interventions
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Exploring the utility and safety of benzodiazepine prescribing among people receiving Opiate Replacement Therapy in Scotland: a multicentre retrospective cohort study
Funded by: Scottish Government

Understanding the contextual factors that impact on the effective provision of opiate substitution therapy (OST) and needle and syringe programmes (NSP) in the UK: a multi-method study and realist evaluation of what works, for whom and under what circumstances
PI: Professor Catriona Matheson
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Assessing prescription opioid overdose risk (POOR) via a quality improvement process led by Fife Pharmacy and scoping the feasibility of a specific overdose prevention intervention (distribution of and training in administration of intrasnasal take home naloxone) delivered by Community Pharmacists in NHS Fife.
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: NHS Fife

Exploring The Potential Of Long-Acting Buprenorphine In People Who Use Drugs And Are Homeless
PI: Professor Catriona Matheson
Funded by: Camurus AB

Testing blood oxygen monitoring among people who use drugs to promote awareness of respiratory and cardiac health
PI: Professor Catriona Matheson
Funded by: CORRA Foundation

Understanding the health impacts of social responses to Covid-19 on people who use drugs in Scotland
PI: Professor Catriona Matheson
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Managed alcohol programmes: Implementation of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (Covid-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Scoping the feasibility and acceptability of Managed Alcohol Programmes for people who are homeless in community-based, third sector services in Scotland.
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Outputs (100)



Matheson C, Hunter C, Schofield J, O’Sullivan K, Hunter J, Munro A & Parkes T (2023) Making community pharmacies psychologically informed environments (PIE): a feasibility study to improve engagement with people using drug services in Scotland. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 24.

Project Report

Daneshvar H, Strachan G & Matheson C (2023) Evaluation of Here4U Scotland application. Scottish Government. Digital Lifelines Scotland.


Schofield J, Parkes T, Mercer F, Foster R, Hnízdilová K, Matheson C, Steele W, McAuley A, Raeburn F, Skea L & Baldacchino A (2023) Feasibility and acceptability of an overdose prevention intervention delivered by Community Pharmacists for patients prescribed opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. Pharmacy, 11 (3), Art. No.: 88.


Mercer F, Parkes T, Foster R, Steven D, McAuley A, Baldacchino A, Steele W, Schofield J & Matheson C (2023) Patient, family members and community pharmacists' views of a proposed overdose prevention intervention delivered in community pharmacies for patients prescribed high‐strength opioids for chronic non‐cancer pain: An explorative intervention development study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 42 (3), pp. 517-526.

Research Report

Matheson C, Daneshvar H, Carver H, Strachan G, Greenhalgh J & Schofield J (2023) Evaluation of the Digital Lifelines Scotland Programme. dy Scottish Government. Edinburgh.


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, Price T, Schofield J & MacLennan G (2022) Assessing the feasibility, acceptability and accessibility of a peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of people who experience homelessness with problem substance use: the SHARPS study. Harm Reduction Journal, 19 (1), Art. No.: 10.

Project Report

Daneshvar H, Matheson C, Perez A & Baldacchino A (2022) Overdose Detection Alert and Responder Technology (ODART) Project. Overdose detection and responder alert technologies: transforming preventative care for those most at risk of drug-related death.


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Foster R, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I & MacLennan G (2022) A peer-delivered intervention to reduce harm and improve the well-being of homeless people with problem substance use: the SHARPS feasibility mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment, 26 (14), pp. 1-128.

Research Report

Daneshvar H, Oteo A, Schofield J, Parkes T, Matheson C & Baldacchino A (2022) Mapping of Overdose Detection and Alert Technologies: A Summary. Digital Lifelines Scotland.

Research Report

Matheson C, Carver H, Parkes T, Daneshvar H, Schofield J, Dumbrell J, Connell C, Price T & Hnizdilova K (2022) Digital Inclusion to Prevent Drug Related Deaths: Scoping user needs. Scottish Government. Edinburgh.


Parkes T, Carver H, Masterton W, Booth H, Ball L, Murdoch H, Falzon D, Pauly BM & Matheson C (2021) Exploring the Potential of Implementing Managed Alcohol Programmes to Reduce Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Transmission, and Wider Harms, for People Experiencing Alcohol Dependency and Homelessness in Scotland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (23), Art. No.: 12523.

Project Report

Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Staff [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Staff]. Chief Scientist Office. University of Stirling.

Project Report

Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Clients [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Clients]. Chief Scientist Office. University of Stirling.

Website Content

Schofield J, Matheson C, Browne T, Dumbrell J, Parkes T, Bancroft A & Galip I (2020) The impacts of COVID-19 on people who use drugs. The impacts of COVID-19 on people who use drugs (1.0) [Website] 20.11.2020.


Scott C, de Barra M, Johnston M, de Bruin M, Scott N, Matheson C, Bond C & Watson MC (2020) Using the behaviour change technique taxonomy v1 (BCTTv1) to identify the active ingredients of pharmacist interventions to improve non-hospitalised patient health outcomes. BMJ Open, 10 (9), Art. No.: e036500.


Parkes T, Matheson C, Carver H, Budd J, Liddell D, Wallace J, Pauly B, Fotopoulou M, Burley A, Anderson I, MacLennan G & Foster R (2019) Supporting Harm Reduction through Peer Support (SHARPS): testing the feasibility and acceptability of a peer-delivered, relational intervention for people with problem substance use who are homeless, to improve health outcomes, quality of life and social functioning and reduce harms: study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5 (1), Art. No.: 64.


de Barra M, Scott C, Johnston M, De Bruin M, Scott N, Matheson C, Bond C & Watson M (2019) Do pharmacy intervention reports adequately describe their interventions? A template for intervention description and replication analysis of reports included in a systematic review. BMJ Open, 9 (12), Art. No.: e025511.


Matheson C, Pflanz-Sinclair C, Almarzouqi A, Bond CM, Lee AJ, Batieha A, Al-Ghaferi H & El Kashef A (2018) A controlled trial of screening, brief intervention and referral for treatment (SBIRT) implementation in primary care in the United Arab Emirates. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 19 (2), pp. 165-175.


Matheson C, Jaffray M, Ryan M, Bond CM, Fraser K, Kirk M & Liddell D (2014) Public opinion of drug treatment policy: Exploring the public's attitudes, knowledge, experience and willingness to pay for drug treatment strategies. International Journal of Drug Policy, 25 (3), pp. 407-415.


Jaffray M, Matheson C, Bond CM, Lee AJ, McLernon DJ, Johnstone A, Skea L & Davidson B (2014) Does training in motivational interviewing for community pharmacists improve outcomes for methadone patients? A cluster randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 22 (1), pp. 4-12.


Matheson C, Pflanz-Sinclair C, Aucott L, Wilson P, Watson R, Malloy S, Dickie E & McAuley A (2014) Reducing drug related deaths: A pre-implementation assessment of knowledge, barriers and enablers for naloxone distribution through general practice. BMC Family Practice, 15 (1), Art. No.: 12.


Holland R, Matheson C, Anthony G, Roberts K, Priyardarshi S, Macrae A, Whitelaw E, Appavoo S & Bond CM (2012) A pilot randomised controlled trial of brief versus twice weekly versus standard supervised consumption in patients on opiate maintenance treatment. Drug and Alcohol Review, 31 (4), pp. 483-491.

Meeting Abstract

Jaffray M, Matheson C, Bond CM, Lee AJ, Johnstone A, Davidson B & Skea L (2010) Enhanced pharmacy services for patients on methadone maintenance therapy attitudes and expectations of pharmacists. Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference 2010, Manchester, 12/04/2010 - 13/04/2010. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 18 (S1), pp. 43-44.;


Simoens S, Matheson C, Bond CM, Inkster K & Ludbrook A (2005) Methadone vs buprenorphine (multiple letters) [11] [Author's Response]. British Journal of General Practice, 55 (516), pp. 558-559.