Accounting and Finance

In Accounting and Finance our research pursues issues of public interest by exploring the interaction and discharge of accountability between organisations, individuals and society to improve individual financial well-being and market efficiency and to champion sustainable and responsible reporting and governance.

Our research

Financial Economics

Our research applies concepts from behavioural finance, psychology and economics to investor behaviour, incentives and risk perceptions and inter-firm relationships. This includes modelling and forecasting aspects of asset price behaviour and the relationship with both market risk and the wider macro-economy, and the implications for asset pricing and asset and R&D management. These relationships have implications for the stability of the financial system as well as acting as indicators for economic wellbeing.

Interdisciplinary Accounting

Research in this area focuses on the communication of social and environmental impact, intercultural and interlingual accounting and the accounting profession. Our interests are connected through a commitment to critical investigations of power and ethics in accounting and accounting regulation, and to contributing to a more positive role of accounting in society

PhD opportunities in Accounting and Finance

Our Accounting and Finance research is recognised as being academically excellent, policy relevant, and of benefit to society. The Accounting and Finance Division at Stirling offers a stimulating environment in which to study towards a PhD. Students come onto this pathway from a variety of backgrounds, including disciplines allied with accounting and finance such as economics. There is a national shortage of researchers in this area and the need to increase the number of PhD students to address this shortage has been highlighted in independent reports. As such, students who complete the PhD Accounting and Finance programme have excellent career prospects and will be in high demand in both academia and industry. Students graduating from this programme have found faculty positions in top universities across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, as well as in leading financial institutions. The PhD Accounting and Finance programme is accredited by the ESRC and affiliated by the Accounting and Finance pathway of the Scottish Graduate School, which is supported by the British Accounting Association (BAA) and its regional Scottish Accounting Group (SAG) (active for over 20 years) as well as the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). Whether your career aim involves a research or teaching lead academic career, or working in a leading financial institution, the PhD in Accounting and Finance can help you achieve your goals.

Read more about how to apply and see entry requirements What's the difference between a PhD and an MPhil?