Film Studies

We have a forty-year-long research tradition in the field of film research which we continue to foster and diversify through recruitment of international film research specialists.

Film research at Stirling has largely been focused on experimental themes at the margins of cinema or has been heavily influenced by feminist and queer theory. Innovative theoretical work is reflected in: the theoretical inter-sectionalities of film, philosophy and technology; experimental cinema research; interactive filmmaking; film and the environment; and feminist approaches to film linking back to the formation of the Gender Studies at Stirling in 2012, which has supported work on queer cinema which is now leading to interdisciplinary interventions on new queer horror film related to Stirling’s distinctive Centre for Gothic Studies.

A new Gender Film Club aims to foster further links across staff and students in the division and beyond. The cross-fertilisation of ideas across film, Scottish Studies, gender studies, environmental research, archives and film collections and digital futures ensures research in this theme continues to innovate and lead on fresh critical ideas in the field.

Related outputs

Elliott-Smith D & Browning JE (eds.) (2020) New Queer Horror Film and TV. Horror Studies. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press.

Neely S & Vélez-Serna M (2019) Introduction: From Silent to Sound: Cinema in Scotland in the 1930s. Visual Culture in Britain, 20 (3), pp. 195-201.

Brown W & Fleming D (2020) The Squid Cinema from Hell: Kinoteuthis Infernalis and the Emergence of Chthulhumedia [Kinoteuthis Infernalis: Chthulhumedia emerge]. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Singh G (2018) Beyond the Second Screen: Enantiodromia and the Running-Together of Connected Viewing. In: Hockley L (ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Jungian Film Studies. Routledge International Handbooks. Hove: Routledge.

Rolinson D (2019) British Cinema and Television. In: A Companion to British and Irish Cinema. First ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 332-346.