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The University of Stirling launches new homepage

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The University of Stirling has launched a new website homepage, providing a fresh and modern look for the University’s diverse range of activities. It makes best use of new website technologies, and provides an engaging and accessible homepage for external users.

Kirsty MacGregor, Director of Marketing and Communications, said: “Over the past few months the Development and External Affairs web team has been working on implementing design changes to the University homepage to ensure that our website meets the needs and changing aspirations of our external users. This redesign has been informed by University-wide consultation, external focus groups, current best practice across the higher education sector and external agency recommendations.”

The project was implemented by a team led by Graham Thomson, Web Manager, who said: “The diverse needs of visitors to the University’s website were a particular challenge which arose from the research. Our response was a dynamic, externally focused homepage design, providing targeted content for key audience groupings, with tailored features and news, as well as direct navigation through to other sections of the website. The new homepage design will also allow for increased use of multimedia, such as video and promotional features.

“Users will notice not only a new ‘look and feel’ on the homepage, but also that some terminology has changed on the site-wide navigation of the website. This is designed to address user feedback and to support search engine optimisation. This navigation will be rolled out to existing web pages, within the current University web design house style, and the design development work will support the introduction of a new content management system that will be rolled out across the site from the autumn.

“We would like to thank all those who contributed to the development and delivery of this project.”

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