Women's experiences and views of routine assessment for anxiety in pregnancy and after birth: A qualitative study
Yuill C, Sinesi A, Meades R, Williams LR, Delicate A, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Shakespeare J, Alderdice F, Leonard R, Ayers S & The MAP Study Team (2024) Women's experiences and views of routine assessment for anxiety in pregnancy and after birth: A qualitative study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 29 (4).
Socioeconomic deprivation and perinatal anxiety: an observational cohort study
Best C, Ayers S, Sinesi A, Meades R, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Mcnicol S, Williams LR, Alderdice F, Jomeen J, Shakespeare J & MAP Study Team (2024) Socioeconomic deprivation and perinatal anxiety: an observational cohort study. BMC Public Helath, 24, Art. No.: 3183.
Acceptability of identification and management of perinatal anxiety: a qualitative interview study with postnatal women
Meades R, Moran PM, Hutton U, Khan R, Maxwell M, Cheyne H, Delicate A, Shakespeare J, Hollins K, Pisavadia K, Doungsong P, Edwards RT, Sinesi A & Ayers S (2024) Acceptability of identification and management of perinatal anxiety: a qualitative interview study with postnatal women. Front. Public Health, 12.
Evaluation of perinatal anxiety assessment measures: a cognitive interview study
Meades R, Sinesi A, Williams LR, Delicate A, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Alderdice F, Jomeen J, Shakespeare J, Yuill C, Ayers S & Studt Team M (2024) Evaluation of perinatal anxiety assessment measures: a cognitive interview study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24, Art. No.: 507.
Childhood adversity and mental health admission patterns prior to young person suicide (CHASE): a case-control 36 year linked hospital data study, Scotland UK 1981–2017
Dougall N, Savinc J, Maxwell M, Karatzias T, O'connor RC, Williams B, John A, Cheyne H, Fyvie C, Bisson JI, Hibberd C, Abbott-Smith S, Nolan L & Murray J (2024) Childhood adversity and mental health admission patterns prior to young person suicide (CHASE): a case-control 36 year linked hospital data study, Scotland UK 1981–2017. BJPsych Open, 10 (e124), p. 1–11.;
When is the best time to screen for perinatal anxiety? A longitudinal cohort study
Ayers S, Sinesi A, Coates R, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Best C, McNicol S, Williams LR, Uddin N, Shakespeare J & Alderdice F (2024) When is the best time to screen for perinatal anxiety? A longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 103, Art. No.: 102841.
Policy Document
Scoping review: mapping clinical guidelines and policy documents that address the needs of women who are dependent on drugs during the perinatal period
Gilmore L, Honeybull L, Lewis S, Smith E, Cheyne H, Aladangady N, Featherstone B, Maxwell M, Neale J & Radcliffe P (2024) Scoping review: mapping clinical guidelines and policy documents that address the needs of women who are dependent on drugs during the perinatal period. National Institute for Health Research.
Assessment of perinatal anxiety: diagnostic accuracy of five measures
Ayers S, Coates R, Sinesi A, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Best C, McNicol S, Williams LR, Uddin N, Hutton U, Howard G, Shakespeare J, Walker JJ, Alderdice F & Jomeen J (2024) Assessment of perinatal anxiety: diagnostic accuracy of five measures. The British Journal of Psychiatry.
Clinicians' perspectives and experiences of providing cervical ripening at home or in-hospital in the United Kingdom
Yuill C, Harkness M, Wallace C, Cheyne H, Black M, Modi N, Pasupathy D, Sanders J, Stock SJ & McCourt C (2023) Clinicians' perspectives and experiences of providing cervical ripening at home or in-hospital in the United Kingdom. PLoS One, 18 (5), Art. No.: e0284818.
Should pregnant women know their individual risk of future pelvic floor dysfunction? A qualitative study
Bugge C, Strachan H, Pringle S, Hagen S, Cheyne H & Wilson D (2022) Should pregnant women know their individual risk of future pelvic floor dysfunction? A qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22, Art. No.: 161.
Inducing labour in the United Kingdom: A feminist critical discourse analysis of policy and guidance
Yuill C, Harkness M, Wallace C, McCourt C, Cheyne H & Litosseliti L (2022) Inducing labour in the United Kingdom: A feminist critical discourse analysis of policy and guidance. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, Art. No.: 100108.
Responding to the Ockenden Review: Safe care for all needs evidence-based system change - and strengthened midwifery
Renfrew MJ, Cheyne H, Burnett A, Crozier K, Downe S, Heazell A, Hundley V, Hunter B, King K, Marshall JE, McCourt C, McFadden A, Mondeh K, Nightingale P, Sandall J, Sinclair M, Way S, Page L & Gamble J (2022) Responding to the Ockenden Review: Safe care for all needs evidence-based system change - and strengthened midwifery. Midwifery.
The Stirling Antenatal Anxiety Scale (SAAS): development and initial psychometric validation
Sinesi A, Cheyne H, Maxwell M & O'Carroll R (2022) The Stirling Antenatal Anxiety Scale (SAAS): development and initial psychometric validation. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 8, Art. No.: 100333.
Exploring pain characteristics in nulliparous women; A precursor to developing support for women in the latent phase of labour
Clark CJ, Kalanaviciute G, Bartholomew V, Cheyne H & Hundley VA (2022) Exploring pain characteristics in nulliparous women; A precursor to developing support for women in the latent phase of labour. Midwifery, 104, Art. No.: 103174.
Promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy: A feasibility and pilot trial of a digital storytelling intervention delivered via text-messaging
King E, Cheyne H, Abhyankar P, Elders A, Grindle M, Hapca A, Jones C, O’Carroll R, Steele M & Williams B (2022) Promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy: A feasibility and pilot trial of a digital storytelling intervention delivered via text-messaging. Patient Education and Counseling.
The Malaysian Women's Experience of Care and Management of Postnatal Depression
Arifin SRBM, Cheyne H, Maxwell M & Yousuf A (2021) The Malaysian Women's Experience of Care and Management of Postnatal Depression. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health, 17, pp. 10-18.
Induction of labour during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national survey of impact on practice in the UK
Harkness M, Yuill C, Cheyne H, Stock SJ & McCourt C (2021) Induction of labour during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national survey of impact on practice in the UK. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21 (1), Art. No.: 310.
Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Perinatal Mental Health Care in Health and Social Care Settings: A Systematic Review
Webb R, Uddin N, Ford E, Easter A, Shakespeare J, Roberts N, Alderdice F, Coates R, Hogg S, Cheyne H, Ayers S & the MATRIx study team (2021) Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Perinatal Mental Health Care in Health and Social Care Settings: A Systematic Review. Lancet Psychiatry, 8 (6), pp. 521-534.
Cervical ripening at home or in-hospital-prospective cohort study and process evaluation (CHOICE) study: a protocol
Stock SJ, Bhide A, Richardson H, Black M, Yuill C, Harkness M, Reid M, Wee F, Cheyne H, McCourt C, Rana D, Boyd KA, Sanders J, Heera N & Huddleston J (2021) Cervical ripening at home or in-hospital-prospective cohort study and process evaluation (CHOICE) study: a protocol. BMJ Open, 11 (5), Art. No.: e050452.
Using the Purple Line to Assess Labour Progress
Shepherd A & Cheyne H (2021) Using the Purple Line to Assess Labour Progress. Practising Midwife, 24 (2), pp. 22-23.
Project Report
A rapid review exploring levels of midwifery practice roles beyond the point of registration, their clinical outcomes, benefits and disadvantages in countries with comparable midwifery qualifications at point of registration to the UK.
Strachan H, Cheyne H, Cameron D & Maxwell M (2021) A rapid review exploring levels of midwifery practice roles beyond the point of registration, their clinical outcomes, benefits and disadvantages in countries with comparable midwifery qualifications at point of registration to the UK.. Scottish Government Chief Nurse's Office.
Childhood adversity, mental health and suicide (CHASE): a methods protocol for a longitudinal case-control linked data study
Dougall N, Savinc J, Maxwell M, Karatzias T, O’Connor RC, Williams B, Grandison G, John A, Cheyne H, Fyvie C, Bisson JI, Hibberd C, Abbott-Smith S & Nolan L (2020) Childhood adversity, mental health and suicide (CHASE): a methods protocol for a longitudinal case-control linked data study. International Journal of Population Data Science, 5 (1), Art. No.: 19.
Women's experiences of decision-making and informed choice about pregnancy and birth care: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research
Yuill C, McCourt C, Cheyne H & Leister N (2020) Women's experiences of decision-making and informed choice about pregnancy and birth care: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20, Art. No.: 343.
Maternal postnatal health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Vigilance is needed
Bick D, Cheyne H, Chang Y & Fisher J (2020) Maternal postnatal health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Vigilance is needed. Midwifery, 88, Art. No.: 102781.
Sustaining quality midwifery care in a pandemic and beyond
Renfrew MJ, Cheyne H, Craig J, Duff E, Dykes F, Hunter B, Lavender T, Page L, Ross-Davie M, Spiby H & Downe S (2020) Sustaining quality midwifery care in a pandemic and beyond. Midwifery, 88, Art. No.: 102759.
Newspaper / Magazine
Pregnant during the coronavirus crisis? Don't panic
Cheyne H (2020) Pregnant during the coronavirus crisis? Don't panic. The Conversation. 31.03.2020.
Consultancy Report
Using simulation to support implementation and monitoring of midwifery continuity of care in Scotland
Bowers J & Cheyne H (2020) Using simulation to support implementation and monitoring of midwifery continuity of care in Scotland. NHS Scotland.
Cross-cultural experience of maternal postnatal depression
Arifin SRM, Cheyne H & Maxwell M (2020) Cross-cultural experience of maternal postnatal depression. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (3), pp. 147-156.
Myles Textbooks for Midwives 1953 and 2014, a feminist critical discourse analysis
Harkness M & Cheyne H (2019) Myles Textbooks for Midwives 1953 and 2014, a feminist critical discourse analysis. Midwifery, 76, pp. 1-7.
Framework analysis: A worked example from a midwifery research
Arifin SRM, Cheyne H, Maxwell M & Pien LS (2019) Framework analysis: A worked example from a midwifery research. Enfermería Clínica, 29 (Supplement 2), pp. 739-746.
Investigating midwives' barriers and facilitators to multiple health promotion practice behaviours: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework
McLellan JM, O’Carroll RE, Cheyne H & Dombrowski SU (2019) Investigating midwives' barriers and facilitators to multiple health promotion practice behaviours: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework. Implementation Science, 14 (1), Art. No.: 64.
Is maternity care in Scotland equitable? Results of a national maternity care survey
Cheyne H, Elders A, Hill D & Milburn E (2019) Is maternity care in Scotland equitable? Results of a national maternity care survey. BMJ Open, 9 (2), Art. No.: e023282.
Anxiety scales used in pregnancy: systematic review
Sinesi A, Maxwell M, O'Carroll R & Cheyne H (2019) Anxiety scales used in pregnancy: systematic review. BJPsych Open, 5 (1), Art. No.: e5.
A multicriteria resource allocation model for the redesign of services following birth
Bowers J, Cheyne H, Mould G, Miller M, Page M, Harris F & Bick D (2018) A multicriteria resource allocation model for the redesign of services following birth. BMC Health Services Research, 18 (1), Art. No.: 656.
The Context of Postnatal Depression in Malaysia: An Overview
Arifin SRM, Cheyne H & Maxwell M (2018) The Context of Postnatal Depression in Malaysia: An Overview. Malaysian Journal of Nursing, 10 (1), pp. 57-65.
Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing on adult behaviour change in health and social care settings: A systematic review of reviews
Frost H, Campbell P, Maxwell M, O'Carroll RE, Dombrowski SU, Williams B, Cheyne H, Coles E & Pollock A (2018) Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing on adult behaviour change in health and social care settings: A systematic review of reviews. PLoS One, 13 (10), Art. No.: e0204890.
Strength-based approaches: a realist evaluation of implementation in maternity services in Scotland
Cross B & Cheyne H (2018) Strength-based approaches: a realist evaluation of implementation in maternity services in Scotland. Journal of Public Health-Heidelberg, 26 (4), pp. 425-436.
Review of the prevalence of postnatal depression across cultures
Roshaidai Mohd Arifin S, Cheyne H & Maxwell M (2018) Review of the prevalence of postnatal depression across cultures. AIMS Public Health AIMS Public Health, 5 (3), pp. 260-295.
Experiences of early labour management from perspectives of women, labour companions and health professionals: A systematic review of qualitative evidence
Beake S, Chang Y, Cheyne H, Spiby H, Sandall J & Bick D (2018) Experiences of early labour management from perspectives of women, labour companions and health professionals: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Midwifery, 57, pp. 69-84.
Presentation / Talk
What works to improve child wellbeing? From policy to programme theory to practitioners: reflections on a realist journey
Coles E, Cheyne H, Fotopoulou M & Daniel B (2017) What works to improve child wellbeing? From policy to programme theory to practitioners: reflections on a realist journey. Realist 2017: From Promise to Practice - 2017 International Conference for Realist Research, Evaluation and Synthesis, Brisbane, Australia, 24.10.2017-26.10.2017.
Defining the latent phase of labour: is it important?
Hundley V, Way S, Cheyne H, Janssen P, Gross MM & Spiby H (2017) Defining the latent phase of labour: is it important?. Evidence Based Midwifery, 15 (3), pp. 89-94.
A systematic review of evidence relating to clinical supervision for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals
Pollock A, Campbell P, Deery R, Fleming M, Rankin J, Sloan G & Cheyne H (2017) A systematic review of evidence relating to clinical supervision for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 83 (8), pp. 1825-1837.
Working in partnership: the application of shared decision making to health visitor practice
Astbury R, Shepherd A & Cheyne H (2017) Working in partnership: the application of shared decision making to health visitor practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26 (1-2), pp. 215-224.
Midwifery-led antenatal care models: Mapping a systematic review to an evidence-based quality framework to identify key components and characteristics of care
Symon A, Pringle JEC, Cheyne H, Downe S, Hundley V, Lee E, Lynn F, McFadden A, McNeill J, Renfrew MJ, Ross-Davie M, van Teijlingen E, Whitford HM & Alderdice F (2016) Midwifery-led antenatal care models: Mapping a systematic review to an evidence-based quality framework to identify key components and characteristics of care. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16.
Presentation / Talk
Seamless services and children's wellbeing in Scotland
Coles E, Cheyne H & Fotopoulou M (2016) Seamless services and children's wellbeing in Scotland. BASPCAN Scottish Branch Conference 2016, Perth, 25.11.2016-25.11.2016.
Interventions for sustained healthcare professional behaviour change: A protocol for an overview of reviews
Dombrowski SU, Campbell P, Frost H, Pollock A, McLellan J, MacGillivray S, Gavine A, Maxwell M, O'Carroll R, Cheyne H, Presseau J & Williams B (2016) Interventions for sustained healthcare professional behaviour change: A protocol for an overview of reviews. Systematic Reviews, 5 (1), Art. No.: 173.
Getting It Right for Every Child: A National Policy Framework to Promote Children's Well-being in Scotland, United Kingdom
Coles E, Cheyne H, Rankin J & Daniel B (2016) Getting It Right for Every Child: A National Policy Framework to Promote Children's Well-being in Scotland, United Kingdom. Milbank Quarterly, 94 (2), pp. 334-365.
Newspaper / Magazine
How women can go the full nine months without knowing they're pregnant
Cheyne H (2016) How women can go the full nine months without knowing they're pregnant. The Conversation. 11.05.2016.
Is it realistic? The Portrayal of Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Media
Luce A, Cash M, Hundley V, Cheyne H, van Teijlingen E & Angell C (2016) Is it realistic? The Portrayal of Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Media. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16, Art. No.: 40.
Reducing the length of postnatal hospital stay: implications for cost and quality of care
Bowers J & Cheyne H (2016) Reducing the length of postnatal hospital stay: implications for cost and quality of care. BMC Health Services Research, 16 (1), Art. No.: 16.
Book Chapter
Cheyne H (2015) Scotland. In: Kennedy P & Kodate N (eds.) Maternity Services and Policy in an International Context: Risk, citizenship and welfare regimes. Routledge advances in health and social policy. London: Routledge, pp. 106-129.
A realist evaluation of an antenatal programme to change drinking behaviour of pregnant women
Doi L, Jepson R & Cheyne H (2015) A realist evaluation of an antenatal programme to change drinking behaviour of pregnant women. Midwifery, 31 (10), pp. 965-972.
Obesity and normal birth: A qualitative study of clinician’s management of obese pregnant women during labour
Kerrigan A, Kingdon C & Cheyne H (2015) Obesity and normal birth: A qualitative study of clinician’s management of obese pregnant women during labour. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15 (1), Art. No.: 256.
Nocebo and the potential harm of 'high risk' labelling: A scoping review
Symon A, Williams B, Adelasoye QA & Cheyne H (2015) Nocebo and the potential harm of 'high risk' labelling: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71 (7), pp. 1518-1529.
Continuity of care in community midwifery
Bowers J, Cheyne H, Mould G & Page M (2015) Continuity of care in community midwifery. Health Care Management Science, 18 (2), pp. 195-204.
Early years interventions to improve child health and wellbeing: what works, for whom and in what circumstances? Protocol for a realist review
Coles E, Cheyne H & Daniel B (2015) Early years interventions to improve child health and wellbeing: what works, for whom and in what circumstances? Protocol for a realist review. Systematic Reviews, 4, Art. No.: 79.
A reanalysis of cluster randomized trials showed interrupted time-series studies were valuable in health system evaluation
Fretheim A, Zhang F, Ross-Degnan D, Oxman AD, Cheyne H, Foy R, Goodacre S, Herrin J, Kerse N, McKinlay RJ, Wright A & Soumerai SB (2015) A reanalysis of cluster randomized trials showed interrupted time-series studies were valuable in health system evaluation. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 68 (3), pp. 324-333.
Progression from gestational diabetes to type 2 diabetes in one region of Scotland: an observational follow-up study
Eades C, Styles M, Leese G, Cheyne H & Evans J (2015) Progression from gestational diabetes to type 2 diabetes in one region of Scotland: an observational follow-up study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15, Art. No.: 11.
Alcohol brief interventions in Scottish antenatal care: A qualitative study of midwives' attitudes and practices
Doi L, Cheyne H & Jepson R (2014) Alcohol brief interventions in Scottish antenatal care: A qualitative study of midwives' attitudes and practices. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14 (1), Art. No.: 170.
Research Report
Having a baby in Scotland 2013: Women’s experiences of Maternity Care, Volume 1: National Results
Cheyne H, Skar S, Paterson A, David S & Hodgkiss F (2014) Having a baby in Scotland 2013: Women’s experiences of Maternity Care, Volume 1: National Results. Scottish Government. NHS Scotland.
A realist evaluation of a normal birth programme
Abhyankar P, Cheyne H, Maxwell M, Harris FM & McCourt C (2013) A realist evaluation of a normal birth programme. Evidence Based Midwifery, 11 (4), pp. 112-119.
The normal birth paradox
Cheyne H (2013) The normal birth paradox. The Practising Midwife, 16 (9), p. 5.
Empowering change: Realist evaluation of a Scottish Government programme to support normal birth
Cheyne H, Abhyankar P & McCourt C (2013) Empowering change: Realist evaluation of a Scottish Government programme to support normal birth. Midwifery, 29 (10), pp. 1110-1121.
Measuring the quality and quantity of professional intrapartum support: Testing a computerised systematic observation tool in the clinical setting
Ross-Davie M, Cheyne H & Niven C (2013) Measuring the quality and quantity of professional intrapartum support: Testing a computerised systematic observation tool in the clinical setting. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13, Art. No.: 163.
Mother knows best: Developing a consumer led, evidence informed, research agenda for maternity care
Cheyne H, McCourt C & Semple K (2013) Mother knows best: Developing a consumer led, evidence informed, research agenda for maternity care. Midwifery, 29 (6), pp. 705-712.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Making childbirth risky: an unintended consequence of the normal birth agenda?
Cheyne H (2013) Making childbirth risky: an unintended consequence of the normal birth agenda?. Zepherina Veitch Memorial Lecture at Royal College of Midwives annual event, 2013, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, 13.06.2013-13.06.2013.
The frequency and reasons for vaginal examinations in labour
Shepherd A & Cheyne H (2013) The frequency and reasons for vaginal examinations in labour. Women and Birth, 26 (1), p. 49–54.
Early labour series
Spiby H & Cheyne H (2013) Early labour series. Midwifery, 29 (1), pp. 1-2.
Risk assessment and decision making about in-labour transfer from rural maternity care: a social judgment and signal detection analysis
Cheyne H, Dalgleish L, Tucker J, Kane F, Shetty A, McLeod S & Niven C (2012) Risk assessment and decision making about in-labour transfer from rural maternity care: a social judgment and signal detection analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 12 (122).
Developing Maternal Self-Efficacy for Feeding Preterm Babies in the Neonatal Unit
Swanson V, Nicol H, McInnes R, Cheyne H, Mactier H & Callander E (2012) Developing Maternal Self-Efficacy for Feeding Preterm Babies in the Neonatal Unit. Qualitative Health Research, 22 (10), pp. 1369-1382.
Elective induction of labour: The problem of interpretation and communication of risks
Cheyne H, Abhyankar P & Williams B (2012) Elective induction of labour: The problem of interpretation and communication of risks. Midwifery, 28 (4), pp. 412-415.
United but divided? The need to consider the potential consequences of devolved UK government on midwifery education and practice
Cheyne H, McNeill J, Hunter B & Bick D (2011) United but divided? The need to consider the potential consequences of devolved UK government on midwifery education and practice. Midwifery, 27 (6), pp. 770-774.
Complex interventions in midwifery care: Reflections on the design and evaluation of an algorithm for the diagnosis of labour
Dowding D, Cheyne H & Hundley V (2011) Complex interventions in midwifery care: Reflections on the design and evaluation of an algorithm for the diagnosis of labour. Midwifery, 27 (5), pp. 654-659.
The development of research tools used in the STORK Study (the Scottish Trial of Refer or Keep) to explore midwives' intrapartum decision making
Styles M, Cheyne H, O'Carroll R, Greig F, Dagge-Bell F & Niven C (2011) The development of research tools used in the STORK Study (the Scottish Trial of Refer or Keep) to explore midwives' intrapartum decision making. Midwifery, 27 (5), pp. 576-581.
Midwifery early labour series-Call for papers
Spiby H & Cheyne H (2011) Midwifery early labour series-Call for papers. Midwifery, 27 (4), pp. 387-388.
Women's Preferences for Aspects of Labor Management: Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment
Scotland G, McNamee P, Cheyne H, Hundley V & Barnett CA (2011) Women's Preferences for Aspects of Labor Management: Results from a Discrete Choice Experiment. Birth, 38 (1), pp. 36-46.
The Scottish Trial of Refer or Keep (the STORK study): midwives' intrapartum decision making
Styles M, Cheyne H, O'Carroll R, Greig F & Niven C (2011) The Scottish Trial of Refer or Keep (the STORK study): midwives' intrapartum decision making. Midwifery, 27 (1), pp. 104-111.
Infant feeding in the neonatal unit
McInnes R, Shepherd A, Cheyne H & Niven C (2010) Infant feeding in the neonatal unit. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 6 (4), pp. 306-317.
The purple line as a measure of labour progress: a longitudinal study
Shepherd A, Cheyne H, Kennedy S, Mc Intosh C, Styles M & Niven C (2010) The purple line as a measure of labour progress: a longitudinal study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 10, Art. No.: 54.
So you want to conduct a cluster randomized controlled trial? Lessons from a national cluster trial of early labour
Hundley V, Cheyne H, Bland JM, Styles M & Barnett CA (2010) So you want to conduct a cluster randomized controlled trial? Lessons from a national cluster trial of early labour. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 16 (3), pp. 632-638.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The bottom line: A measure of labour progress?
Shepherd A, Cheyne H, Kennedy S, Mc Intosh C, Styles M & Niven C (2010) The bottom line: A measure of labour progress?. RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference 2010, Gateshead, UK, 11.05.2010-13.05.2010.
Roundtable Discussion: Early Labor: What's the Problem? (Contribution: "Has Labor Started? A Judgment Made in Uncertainty")
Janssen P, Nolan ML, Spiby H, Green J, Gross MM, Cheyne H, Hundley V, Rijnders M, de Jonge A & Buitendijk S (2009) Roundtable Discussion: Early Labor: What's the Problem? (Contribution: "Has Labor Started? A Judgment Made in Uncertainty"). Birth, 36 (4), pp. 332-339.
Identifying when active labour starts: can we improve the judgement?
Cheyne H & Hundley V (2009) Identifying when active labour starts: can we improve the judgement?. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 19 (4), pp. 518-522.
Effects of algorithm for diagnosis of active labour: cluster randomised trial
Cheyne H, Hundley V, Dowding D, Bland JM, McNamee P, Greer I, Styles M, Barnett CA, Scotland G & Niven C (2008) Effects of algorithm for diagnosis of active labour: cluster randomised trial. BMJ, 337, Art. No.: a2396.;
The null hypothesis: a reply
Paley J, Cheyne H, Dalgleish L, Duncan E & Niven C (2008) The null hypothesis: a reply. Commentary on: Rolfe G. (2008) In response to Paley J., Cheyne H., Dalgleish L., Duncan E. & Niven C. (2007) Nursing's ways of knowing and dual process theories of cognition. Journal of Advanced Nursing 62(2), 268-269. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 64 (2), pp. 209-210.;
The development and testing of an algorithm for diagnosis of active labour in primiparous women
Cheyne H, Dowding D, Hundley V, Aucott L, Styles M, Mollison J, Greer I & Niven C (2008) The development and testing of an algorithm for diagnosis of active labour in primiparous women. Midwifery, 24 (2), pp. 199-213.
'Not in labour': impact of sending women home in the latent phase
Barnett CA, Hundley V, Cheyne H & Kane F (2008) 'Not in labour': impact of sending women home in the latent phase. British Journal of Midwifery, 16 (3), pp. 144-153.
Nursing's ways of knowing and dual process theories of cognition
Paley J, Cheyne H, Dalgleish L, Duncan E & Niven C (2007) Nursing's ways of knowing and dual process theories of cognition. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60 (6), pp. 692-701.
'Should I come in now?': a study of women's early labour experiences
Cheyne H, Terry R, Niven C, Dowding D, Hundley V & McNamee P (2007) 'Should I come in now?': a study of women's early labour experiences. British Journal of Midwifery, 15 (10), pp. 604-609.
Book Review
The labor progress handbook, 2nd edition
Cheyne H (2007) The labor progress handbook, 2nd edition. Review of: The Labor Progress Handbook, 2nd edition by Penny Simkin and Ruth Ancheta. Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing,2005, 302 pp. ISBN 978 14051 2217 7.. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58 (4), pp. 404-405.
Making the diagnosis of labour: midwives' diagnostic judgement and management decisions
Cheyne H, Dowding D & Hundley V (2006) Making the diagnosis of labour: midwives' diagnostic judgement and management decisions. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53 (6), pp. 625-635.
First trimester maternal blood rheology and pregnancy induced hypertension
Robins JB, Woodward M, Lowe GD, McCaul P, Cheyne H & Walker JJ (2005) First trimester maternal blood rheology and pregnancy induced hypertension. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 25 (8), pp. 746-750.
Trialling and implementing a client-held records system
Holmes A, Cheyne H, Ginley M & Mathers A (2005) Trialling and implementing a client-held records system. British Journal of Midwifery, 13 (2), pp. 112-117.
The trials and tribulations of intrapartum studies
Hundley V & Cheyne H (2004) The trials and tribulations of intrapartum studies. Midwifery, 20 (1), pp. 27-36.