Professor Margaret Malloch


Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Margaret Malloch

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About me

My work includes research, writing and activism that aims to challenge processes of criminalisation and punitive responses to ‘crime’ . It questions and explores concepts of 'justice', what this means in practice - and how it is defined by and through collective action.

I am currently working on a Leverhulme Research Fellowship - Memorialising Injustice: Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland (2023-25). This project examines contemporary campaigns to memorialise the women and men accused of, and executed for, the 'crime' of witchcraft in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Considering how these campaigns influence the campaigners - and their communities - understanding of 'justice' and 'injustice', this project explores the parallels with contemporary injustices. How might we acknowledge and memorialise?

Ongoing work and research interests focus on: Transformative Justice and Abolitionism; Collective aid and community engagement; Gender and the criminal legal system; Confronting Criminalising Processes and Practices; Exploitation and Responses to 'Human Trafficking': constructing 'problems' and policy responses, Creating and sustaining 'communities of recovery'.

Interested in supervising students with a critical approach to theory and methods; expertise in qualitative research and analysis.    Community engagement; Trustee for Charity Remembering the Accused Witches of Scotland Co-convenor of Coalition Against Punishment Scotland

Research (15)

crime, critique and utopian rethinking criminalisation and justice in transition gender, punishment and social justice exploitation and human trafficking - examining state responses creating communities of recovery transformative justice - mutual aid and collective action


Developing the evidence base for social care responses to children / families affected by domestic abuse
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

'It's our anxiety that keeps them locked up'. Protection for whom? Responding to the needs of 'at risk' young women in Scotland.
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Improving survivor-informed support for trafficked children and young people - it's a long-term commitment
PI: Dr Maggie Grant
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Drugs Research Network Scotland (Host)
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: Scottish Funding Council

The experiences of victims in the criminal justice system: a qualitative research project
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Scottish Government - Child Trafficking
PI: Dr Paul Rigby
Funded by: Scottish Government

Community Impact of Marches and Parades
PI: Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith
Funded by: Scottish Government

Evaluation of Women's Mentoring Programme.
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: North Ayrshire Council

Prison Health Needs Assessment for Alcohol Problems
PI: Professor Tessa Parkes
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

All Change: An Examination of Community - based responses to crime
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Evaluation of Four Aberlour Projects
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: Aberlour Child Care Trust

A Proposal for An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Home Detention Curfew and the Open Prison Estate
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: Scottish Enterprise

Young Runaways in Grampian Pilot Evaluation
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: Scottish Government

Routes to Recovery
Funded by: Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness

NatCen Studentship: To Explore the Social Construction of Rape and the Criminal Justice Response in Scotland
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: National Centre for Social Research

Outputs (109)


Showing 100 of 109 — See all 109 outputs

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Armstrong LM (2024) Therapeutic or Therapunitive? Conceptualising Community Custody in Scotland. In: Chamberlen A & Bandyopadhyay M (eds.) Geographies of Gendered Punishment: Women’s Imprisonment in Global Context. 1 ed. Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Research Report

Grant M, Fotopoulou M, Hunter S, Malloch M, Rigby P & Taylor K (2023) Survivor-informed support for trafficked children in Scotland. AHRC- Modern Slavery Policy and Evidence Centre.

Book Chapter

Fotopoulou M & Malloch M (2022) Responding to Problem Substance Use: deconstructing structures and politicising the personal. In: Gelsthorpe L & Brown S (eds.) The Wiley Handbook on What Works with Girls and Women in Conflict with the Law: A Critical Review of Theory, Practice, and Policy. Wiley Series in Offender Rehabilitation, Wiley Series in Offender Rehabilitation. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Taylor K, Fotopoulou M, Grant M, Malloch M & Rigby P (2022) Recovery in the eyes of survivors of child trafficking in Scotland: implications for policy and practice. QUB Human Rights Centre Human Trafficking Research Network Online Conference Beyond Silos: Amplifying Marginal Voices and Underexplored Methods in Human Trafficking Research 16-17 June 2022, QUB Human Rights Centre Human Trafficking Research Network Online Conference, 16.06.2022-17.06.2022.

Website Content

Fotopoulou M, Grant M, Malloch M, Rigby P & Taylor K (2022) The Odyssey of the new policy: Reflections on the UK’s Nationality and Borders Bill (Part 1). University of Stirling Public Policy Blog [Policy blog post] 03.05.2022.


Price T, Parkes T & Malloch M (2021) 'Discursive struggles' between criminal justice sanctions and health interventions for people who use drugs: a qualitative exploration of diversion policy and practice in Scotland. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 28 (2), pp. 118-126.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2020) Rethinking Punitive Paternalism: Abolitionism, the personal and political. In: Coyle MJ & Scott D (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Penal Abolition. London: Routledge.

Research Report

Rigby P, Malloch M, Beetham T & Callaghan J (2020) Child Trafficking in Scotland. Scottish Government. Social Research. Edinburgh.

Research Report

Eunson J, Murray L, Graham H, Malloch M & McIvor G (2018) Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach. Scottish Government. Social Research series. Edinburgh.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Fotopoulou M & Malloch M (2018) Gendering recovery: women in research, policy and practice. Drugs, Alcohol, Women and Families, Manchester Metropolitan University, 23.05.2018-24.05.2018.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2017) The Imprisonment of Women in Scotland: Restructure, Reform or Abolish?. In: Moore L, Scraton P & Wahidin A (eds.) Women’s Imprisonment and the Case for Abolition: Critical Reflections on Corston Ten Years On. London: Routledge, pp. 71-87.


Malloch M (2016) Justice for Women: A Penal Utopia?. Justice, Power and Resistance, Foundation Volume, pp. 151-169.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Rigby P (2016) Contexts and Complexities. In: Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1-16.


Malloch M & Munro W (2016) (Re)imagining Punishment and Justice. Scottish Justice Matters, 4 (1), pp. 2-3.

Research Report

Mulholland C, Eunson J, Murray L, Bowen L, McIvor G, Malloch M, Whyte B, Kirkwood S & McNeill F (2016) Evaluation of the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund: Research Findings. Scottish Government - Community Justice Services. Research Findings, 61/2016. Scottish Government.

Research Report

Mulholland C, Eunson J, Murray L, Bowen L, McIvor G, Malloch M, Whyte B, Kirkwood S & McNeill F (2016) Evaluation of the Reducing Reoffending Change Fund. Scottish Government - Community Justice Services. Scottish Government Social Research. Scottish Government.

Edited Book

Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) (2016) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Rigby P (2016) Postscript. In: Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 246-252.

Book Chapter

Burman M, Malloch M & McIvor G (2015) A comparison: criminalised women in Scotland. In: Annison J, Brayford J & Deering J J (eds.) Women and the Criminal Justice System: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 59-80.

Research Report

Hamilton-Smith N, Malloch M, Ashe S, Rutherford AC & Bradford B (2015) Community Impact of Public Processions. Scottish Government. Social Research series: Crime and Justice. Scottish Government Social Research.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2014) Social Exclusion. In: Taylor P, Corteen K & Morley S (eds.) A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk. Companions in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 269-270.

Edited Book

Malloch M & Munro W (eds.) (2013) Crime, Critique and Utopia. Critical Criminological Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Research Report

Malloch M, McIvor G, Schinkel M & Armstrong S (2013) The Elements of Effective Through-care - Part 1: International Review. Scottish Government - Community Justice Services. SCCJR Research Reports, 3/2013. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & McIvor G (2013) Gender and criminal justice. In: Hucklesby A & Wahidin A (eds.) Criminal Justice. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Munro W (2013) Utopia and its Discontents. In: Malloch M & Munro B (eds.) Crime, Critique and Utopia. Critical Criminological Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-20.

Edited Book

Malloch M & Munro W (eds.) (2013) Crime, Critique and Utopia. Critical Criminological Perspectives. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Munro W (2012) Crime, Critique and Utopia. In: Georgoulas S (ed.) The Politics of Criminology: Critical Studies on Deviance and Social Control. Deviance and Social Control. Berlin: Lit Verlag, pp. 45-62.

Book Chapter

Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro W (2012) Social and Legal Transitions and Criminalisation. In: Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro B (eds.) Building Justice in Post-transition Europe? Processess of Criminalisation within Central and East European Societies.. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 2. London: Routledge, pp. 3-21.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & McIvor G (2012) Women, punishment and social justice. In: Malloch M & McIvor G (eds.) Women, Punishment and Social Justice: Human Rights and Penal Practices. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 3-12.

Edited Book

Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro W (eds.) (2012) Building Justice in Post-Transition Europe: Processes of Criminalisation within Central and Eastern European Societies. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & McIvor G (2012) Concluding reflections. In: Malloch M & McIvor G (eds.) Women, Punishment and Social Justice: Human Rights and Penal Practices. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 206-211.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2012) A Healing Place?: Okimaw Ohci and a Canadian Approach to Aboriginal Women. In: Malloch M & McIvor G (eds.) Women, Punishment and Social Justice: Human Rights and Penal Practices. London: Routledge, p. 13.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & McIvor G (2011) Women, drugs and community interventions. In: Sheehan R, McIvor G & Trotter C (eds.) Working with Women Offenders in the Community. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 190-215.

Research Report

Burgess C, Malloch M & McIvor G (2011) Women in Focus: An evaluation. South West Scotland Community Justice Authority. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2010) Time Out for Women in Scotland. In: Herzog-Evans M (ed.) Transnational Criminology Manual. Netherlands: Wold Legal Publishers.

Edited Book

Yates R & Malloch M (eds.) (2010) Tackling Addiction: Pathways to Recovery. London: Kingsley Publishers.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2008) A Spoonful of Sugar? Treating Women in Prison. In: Anderson T (ed.) Neither Villain nor Victim. USA: Rutger University Press, p. 18.


Kendrick A, Walker M, Barclay A, Hunter L, Malloch M, Hill M & McIvor G (2008) The outcomes of secure care in Scotland. Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 7 (1), pp. 1-13.

Research Report

McIvor G, Barnsdale L, MacRae R, Brown A, Eley Morris S, Malloch M, Murray C, Piacentini L, Walters R & Stewart D (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie and Hamilton Youth Court Pilots. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive.

Research Report

Barnsdale L, MacRae R, McIvor G, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Piacentini L, Popham F & Walters R (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie Sheriff Youth Court Pilot. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive, Social Research.

Research Report

McIvor G, Barnsdale L, MacRae R, Dunlop S, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Murray L, Piacentini L, Popham F & Walters R (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie and Hamilton Youth Court Pilots - Research findings. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice Research Findings, 85. Scottish Executive Social Research.

Research Report

Barnsdale L, MacRae R, McIvor G, Brown A, Eley S, Malloch M, Murray C, Piacentini L, Popham F & Walters R (2006) Evaluation of the Airdrie Sheriff Youth Court Pilot - Research Findings. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice Research Findings, 84. Scottish Executive Social Research.

Research Report

Loucks N, Malloch M, McIvor G & Gelsthorpe L (2006) Evaluation of the 218 Centre. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive Justice Department.

Research Report

McIvor G, Barnsdale L, Eley S, Malloch M, Yates R & Brown A (2006) The Operation and Effectiveness of the Scottish Drug Court Pilots. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive.

Book Chapter

Yates R, McIvor G, Eley S, Malloch M & Barnsdale L (2005) Coercion in drug treatment: The Impact on motivation, aspiration and outcome. In: Pedersen M, Segraeus V & Hellman M (eds.) Evidence Based Practice? Challenges in Substance Abuse Treatment. Helsinki: Nordic Council for Alcohol and Drug Research, pp. 159-169.

Research Report

Popham F, McIvor G, Brown A, Eley Morris S, Malloch M, Murray C, Murray L, Piacentini L & Walters R (2005) Evaluation of the Hamilton Youth Court Pilot 2003-2005. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice, Social Research. Scottish Executive Social Research.

See all 109 outputs


Module co-ordinator for undergraduate programme CRMU 9TS Gender, Crime and Justice and taught postgraduate Dissertation module CRMP009.