Does woman + a network = career progression?
Perriton L (2006) Does woman + a network = career progression?. Leadership, 2 (1), pp. 101-113.
Showing 1301 to 1400 of 1486
Does woman + a network = career progression?
Perriton L (2006) Does woman + a network = career progression?. Leadership, 2 (1), pp. 101-113.
Forbes T & Hallier J (2006) Social identity and self-enactment strategies: Adapting to change in professional-manager relationships in the NHS. Journal of Nursing Management, 14 (1), pp. 34-42.
Economics of Mine Waste Reclamation
Oraee K (2005) Economics of Mine Waste Reclamation. Modares Technical and Engineering, 18, pp. 67-76.;ORAEE%20S.K.;MODARES%20TECHNICAL%20AND%20ENGINEERING;Winter%202005;-;18;67;76;
Conference Proceeding
Production Planning at Quarries Mines
Oraee K, Seyedi M & Haghighat L (2005) Production Planning at Quarries Mines. In: Iran Mining Conference. Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, 31.01.2005-02.02.2005. Civilica (website).
Perriton L, Hodgson V & Reynolds M (2005) Editorial. Studies in Higher Education, 30 (1), pp. 5-10.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Development a Software to Estimate the Capital Cost of Surface Mining Machinery
Sayadi AR, Oraee K & Kiani A (2005) Development a Software to Estimate the Capital Cost of Surface Mining Machinery. The Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2005.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Estimation of Periodic Loads on Long Wall Faces Roofs
Oraee K, Goshtasbi K & Khakpour-Yeganeh F (2005) Estimation of Periodic Loads on Long Wall Faces Roofs. Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2005.
The political economy of networked learning communities in higher education
Greener I & Perriton L (2005) The political economy of networked learning communities in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 30 (1), pp. 67-79.
Book Chapter
Sense or Sensibility? A reflection on virtue and ‘emotional’ HRD interventions
Perriton L (2005) Sense or Sensibility? A reflection on virtue and ‘emotional’ HRD interventions. In: Elliott C & Turnbull S (eds.) Critical thinking in Human Resource Development. Routledge Studies in Human Resource Development, 12. London: Routledge, pp. 175-188.
Conference Proceeding
Songun Copper Project Economic Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis on Key Economic Parameters
Bagheri V & Oraee K (2005) Songun Copper Project Economic Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis on Key Economic Parameters. In: The Second Iranian Surface Mining Conference, Kerman, Iran, 2005. Second Iranian Surface Mining Conference, 2005, Kerman, Iran.
The role of social identity in doctors' experiences of clinical managing
Hallier J & Forbes T (2005) The role of social identity in doctors' experiences of clinical managing. Employee Relations, 27 (1), pp. 47-70.
The (mis)representation of customer service
Bolton SC & Houlihan M (2005) The (mis)representation of customer service. Work, Employment and Society, 19 (4), pp. 685-703.
Authored Book
Emotion Management in the Workplace
Bolton SC (2005) Emotion Management in the Workplace. First ed. Management, Work and Organisations. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Guerriero Wilson R (2005) Women, age, and the managerial career in postwar Britain: Exploring the roots of the barriers to women's opportunities in management. Gender Issues, 22 (1), pp. 3-19.
Gender and Career Choice: Experiences of UK Charity Retail Managers
Broadbridge A & Parsons E (2005) Gender and Career Choice: Experiences of UK Charity Retail Managers. Career Development International, 10 (2), pp. 80-97.
Research Report
The Economic impacts of Adult Entertainment
McQuaid R, Greig M & Fuertes V (2005) The Economic impacts of Adult Entertainment. Scottish Executive. Employment Research Institute.
Research Report
Working Together for Employment and Inclusion in Edinburgh: A Baseline Study - Full Report
McQuaid R, Anastasiadou C, Fuertes V, Greig M, Lindsay C & Wise S (2005) Working Together for Employment and Inclusion in Edinburgh: A Baseline Study - Full Report. Edinburgh Capital City Partnership. Employment Research Institute.
Research Report
Working Together for Employment and Inclusion in Edinburgh: A Baseline Study (Executive Summary)
McQuaid R, Anastasiadou C, Fuertes V, Greig M, Lindsay C & Wise S (2005) Working Together for Employment and Inclusion in Edinburgh: A Baseline Study (Executive Summary). Edinburgh Capital City Partnership. Employment Research Institute.
Authored Book
Employability and local labour markets
McQuaid R, Green AE & Danson M (2005) Employability and local labour markets. Urban Studies Monographs. London: Routledge.
New Ventures and the Development of Core Competencies
Martin F (2005) New Ventures and the Development of Core Competencies. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 3, pp. 1015-1023.
Authored Book
Strategic Management: Awareness and Change
Thompson J & Martin F (2005) Strategic Management: Awareness and Change. Fifth ed. London, UK: Thomson Learning.
Von den kreativen Berufen lernen: HR-Management für Selbstunternehmer
Behrendt H, Eikhof DR, Fehlauer C, Haunschild A & Wopp T (2005) Von den kreativen Berufen lernen: HR-Management für Selbstunternehmer. Personalfuhrung, 2005 (2), pp. 58-67.
Authored Book
Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace
Arnold J, Silvester J, Patterson F, Robertson I, Cooper CL & Burnes B (2005) Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace. 4th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
McQuaid R & Grieco M (2005) Edinburgh and the politics of congestion charging: Negotiating road user charging with affected publics. Transport Policy, 12 (5), pp. 475-476.
Research Report
McQuaid R & Lindsay C (2005) SWELL Action 3 Evaluation. European Social Fund. Employment Research Institute and Equal Works.
Research Report
The Social Networks of Older Workers
Gayen K, Raeside R & McQuaid R (2005) The Social Networks of Older Workers. Employment Research Institute, EQUAL Access, and the European Union.
Research Report
Older Workers in the Dumfries and Galloway Labour Market
McQuaid R, Hollywood E, Danson M, Anastasiadou C & Fuertes V (2005) Older Workers in the Dumfries and Galloway Labour Market. Scottish Enterprise. Employment Research Institute.
The Origins and Evolution of Scenario Techniques in Long Range Business Planning
Bradfield R, Wright G, Burt G, Cairns G & van der Heijden K (2005) The Origins and Evolution of Scenario Techniques in Long Range Business Planning. Futures, 37 (8), pp. 795-812.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Dimensions and Divisions of Dignity at Work
Bolton SC (2005) Dimensions and Divisions of Dignity at Work. The Knowledge Based Economy Colloquium: Institute Advanced Studies (IAS), Lancaster University. 19-20th October 2005, Lancaster University, 19.10.2005-20.10.2005.
Developing a value-centred proposal for assessing project success
Yu AG, Flett P & Bowers J (2005) Developing a value-centred proposal for assessing project success. International Journal of Project Management, 23 (6), pp. 428-436.
Modelling outpatient capacity for a diagnosis and treatment centre
Bowers J, Lyons B, Mould G & Symonds T (2005) Modelling outpatient capacity for a diagnosis and treatment centre. Health Care Management Science, 8 (3), pp. 205-211.
Regeneration friend or foe? issues with national congestion pricing
McQuaid R (2005) Regeneration friend or foe? issues with national congestion pricing. Scotregen, (31), pp. 4-5.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
McQuaid R (2005) Accessing Employment. Coalfields Communities Campaign Conference, Wigan, 13.07.2005.
Earning and learning: how term‐time employment impacts on students' adjustment to university life
Broadbridge A & Swanson V (2005) Earning and learning: how term‐time employment impacts on students' adjustment to university life. Journal of Education and Work, 18 (2), pp. 235-249.;
Complexity theories and organizational change
Burnes B (2005) Complexity theories and organizational change. International Journal of Management Reviews, 7 (2), pp. 73-90.
Conference Proceeding
Economic Comparison of Surface and Underground Methods in Sechohoon Iron Ore Deposit
Oraee K & Chamanara A (2005) Economic Comparison of Surface and Underground Methods in Sechohoon Iron Ore Deposit. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Iranian Open Pit Mines Conference. The second Iranian open pit mines conference, Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex, Kerman, Iran, 10.05.2005-11.05.2005. Iran: Civilica (website).
Conference Proceeding
Sadat Nabian Jordi F & Oraee K (2005) Implementation of Domestic Resources Cost (DRC) Method for Comparative Advantage Analysis of the Operating Copper Mines in Iran. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Iranian Open Pit Mines Conference. 2nd Iranian Open Pit Mines Conference, 2005, Kerman, Iran, 10.05.2005-11.05.2005. Kerman, Iran: CIVILICA.
Conference Proceeding
Mathematical Model for Flexible Allocation of Multi-Capacity Trucks in Open Pit Mines
Asi B, Oraee K & Ahmadi M (2005) Mathematical Model for Flexible Allocation of Multi-Capacity Trucks in Open Pit Mines. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Iranian Open Pit Mines Conference. The Second Iranian Open Pit Mines Conference, 2005, Kerman, Iran, 10.05.2005-11.05.2005. Kerman, Iran: CIVILICA.
Lindsay C, Greig M & McQuaid R (2005) Alternative job search strategies in remote rural and peri-urban labour markets: The role of social networks. Sociologia Ruralis, 45 (1-2), pp. 53-70.
Research Report
Relationships between transport and the rural economies
Halden D, McQuaid R & Greig M (2005) Relationships between transport and the rural economies. The Countryside Agency. Derek Halden Consultancy and Employment Research Institute.
Where now for Edinburgh’s Transport Strategy? – A response
McQuaid R (2005) Where now for Edinburgh’s Transport Strategy? – A response [Thoughts on the wider implications of the rejection of the City of Edinburgh’s proposals]. Scotregen, (30), p. 7.
Women's Work, Dirty Work: The Gynaecology Nurse as 'Other'
Bolton SC (2005) Women's Work, Dirty Work: The Gynaecology Nurse as 'Other'. Gender, Work and Organization, 12 (2), pp. 169-186.
'Making up' managers: the case of NHS nurses
Bolton SC (2005) 'Making up' managers: the case of NHS nurses. Work, Employment and Society, 19 (1), pp. 5-23.
Ambulatory Care and orthopaedic capacity planning
Bowers J & Mould G (2005) Ambulatory Care and orthopaedic capacity planning. Health Care Management Science, 8 (1), pp. 41-47.
Job guarantees, employability training and partnerships in the retail sector
McQuaid R, Lindsay C & Greig M (2005) Job guarantees, employability training and partnerships in the retail sector. Local Economy, 20 (1), pp. 67-78.
McQuaid R, Green AE & Danson M (2005) Introducing employability. Urban Studies, 42 (2), pp. 191-195.
McQuaid R & Lindsay C (2005) The concept of employability. Urban Studies, 42 (2), pp. 197-219.
Debugging The System The Impact Of Dispersion On The Identity Of Software Team Members
Marks A & Lockyer C (2005) Debugging The System The Impact Of Dispersion On The Identity Of Software Team Members. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16 (2), pp. 219-237.
The Adoption of Voluntary Codes of Conduct in MNCs: A Three-Country Comparative Study
Bondy K, Matten D & Moon J (2004) The Adoption of Voluntary Codes of Conduct in MNCs: A Three-Country Comparative Study. Business and Society Review, 109 (4), pp. 449-477.
McQuaid R, Greig M & Adams J (2004) Are new deal employment initiatives on target? Evidence from job search success in local labour markets. International Journal of Manpower, 25 (5), pp. 392-410.
It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know
Broadbridge A (2004) It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know. Journal of Management Development, 23 (6), pp. 551-562.
An English Assessment of Scotland's Education Spending Needs
King DN, Pashley M & Ball R (2004) An English Assessment of Scotland's Education Spending Needs. Fiscal Studies, 25 (4), pp. 439-466.;
Emergent change and planned change–competitors or allies?: The case of XYZ construction
Burnes B (2004) Emergent change and planned change–competitors or allies?: The case of XYZ construction. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24 (9), pp. 886-902.
The transformation of the music industry supply chain: A major label perspective
Graham G, Burnes B, Lewis GJ & Langer J (2004) The transformation of the music industry supply chain: A major label perspective. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24 (11), pp. 1087-1103.
Kurt Lewin and complexity theories: back to the future?
Burnes B (2004) Kurt Lewin and complexity theories: back to the future?. Journal of Change Management, 4 (4), pp. 309-325.
Privatisation and the European Union: The case of the Public Power Corporation of Greece
Burnes B, Katsouros M & Jones T (2004) Privatisation and the European Union: The case of the Public Power Corporation of Greece. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 17 (1), pp. 65-80.
Book Chapter
Arbeitskraftunternehmer in der Kulturindustrie. Ein Forschungsbericht über die Arbeitswelt Theater
Eikhof DR & Haunschild A (2004) Arbeitskraftunternehmer in der Kulturindustrie. Ein Forschungsbericht über die Arbeitswelt Theater. In: Pongratz H & Voss G (eds.) Typisch Arbeitskraftunternehmer? Befunde der empirischen Arbeitsforschung. Forschung aus der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, 56. Berlin: Sigma.
Book Review
Eikhof DR (2004) Menschenregierungskünste. Review of:
Richard Weiskopf, Wiesbaden, Westdeutscher Verlag, 2003, 336 pp. ISBN 978-3531137599. Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung, 18 (1), pp. 103-106.
Conference Proceeding
Fuzzy Model for Truck Allocation in Surface Mines
Oraee K & Asi B (2004) Fuzzy Model for Truck Allocation in Surface Mines. In: Hardygóra M, Paszkowska G & Sikora M (eds.) Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2004 Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Wroclaw, Poland, 1-3 September 2004. Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2004, Thirteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2004), Wroclaw, Poland, 01.09.2004-03.09.2004. London: Taylor & Fancis (Routledge, USA), pp. 585-593.
Calculation of the Initial Capital Outlay for Lead and Zinc Processing Plants
Oraee K & Akbarzadeh M (2004) Calculation of the Initial Capital Outlay for Lead and Zinc Processing Plants. Amirkabir, 15 (57-D), pp. 176-191.;ORAEE S.K.,AKBARZADEH M.;AMIRKABIR;Winter 2004;15;57-D;176;191;
Determination of Final Pit Limit at Miduk Copper Mine Using CSMINE Software
Oraee K & Goodarzi A (2004) Determination of Final Pit Limit at Miduk Copper Mine Using CSMINE Software. Scientific Quarterly Journal: Geosciences, 11 (51-52), pp. 90-97.
Book Chapter
A Bit of a Laugh: Nurses’ Use of Humour as a Mode of Resistance
Bolton SC (2004) A Bit of a Laugh: Nurses’ Use of Humour as a Mode of Resistance. In: Dent M M, Chandler J & Barry J (eds.) Questioning the New Public Management. First ed. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 177-190.
Book Chapter
Conceptual Confusions: Emotion Work as Skilled Work
Bolton SC (2004) Conceptual Confusions: Emotion Work as Skilled Work. In: Warhurst C, Grugulis I & Keep E (eds.) The Skills That Matter. First ed. Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 19-37.
Intellectual capital accounting in the UK: A field study perspective
Roslender R & Fincham R (2004) Intellectual capital accounting in the UK: A field study perspective. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 17 (2), pp. 178-209.
Hallier J & Forbes T (2004) In search of theory development in grounded investigations: Doctors' experiences of managing as an example of fitted and prospective theorizing. Journal of Management Studies, 41 (8), pp. 1379-1410.
Book Chapter
Perriton L (2004) A reflection of what exactly? Questioning the use of 'critical reflection' in Management Education Contexts. In: Vince R & Reynolds M (eds.) Organizing Reflection. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 126-141.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
From Poverty to Social Justice: Does the terminology make a difference to the practice?
Kelly L, Juleff L, McQuaid R & Adams J (2004) From Poverty to Social Justice: Does the terminology make a difference to the practice?. Scottish Economic Society Annual Conference 2004, Perth, Scotland, 30.03.2004-01.04.2004.
Book Chapter
Konfiguration und Koordination internationaler Dienstleistungsunternehmen
Holtbruegge D, Kittler M & Rygl D (2004) Konfiguration und Koordination internationaler Dienstleistungsunternehmen [Configuration and coordination of service sector multinationals]. In: Gardini MA & Dahlhoff HD (eds.) Management internationaler Dienstleistungen: Kontext - Konzepte - Erfahrungen. Germany: Springer Science+Business Media (Gabler: Wiesbaden), pp. 159-179.
Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: A re-appraisal
Burnes B (2004) Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: A re-appraisal. Journal of Management Studies, 41 (6), pp. 977-1002.
Managing Change in Nonprofit Organizations: Insights from the UK Charity Retail Sector
Parsons E & Broadbridge A (2004) Managing Change in Nonprofit Organizations: Insights from the UK Charity Retail Sector. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 15 (3), pp. 227-243.
Book Review
Entrepreneurship and local economic development: Programme and policy recommendations
McQuaid R (2004) Entrepreneurship and local economic development: Programme and policy recommendations. Review of: Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development: Programme and Policy Recommendations, by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris:(OECD), 2003. 238pp. ISBN 92-64-19978-0. Journal of Regional Science, 44 (3), pp. 626-628.
Doctors as Managers: Investors and Reluctants In A Dual Role
Forbes T, Hallier J & Kelly L (2004) Doctors as Managers: Investors and Reluctants In A Dual Role. Health Services Management Research, 17 (3), pp. 167-176.
Fincham R & Roslender R (2004) Rethinking the dissemination of management fashion: Accounting for Intellectual Capital in UK case firms. Management Learning, 35 (3), pp. 321-336.
The Psychology of Why Organisations are Slow to Adapt and Change
van der Heijden K, Cairns G, Burt G & Wright G (2004) The Psychology of Why Organisations are Slow to Adapt and Change. Journal of General Management, 29 (4), pp. 21-36.
Avoiding the 'McJobs': unemployed job seekers and attitudes to service work
Lindsay C & McQuaid R (2004) Avoiding the 'McJobs': unemployed job seekers and attitudes to service work. Work, Employment and Society, 18 (2), pp. 297-319.
Research Report
Edinburgh, Road Pricing and the Boundary Problem: Issues of Equity and Efficiency
Raje F, Grieco M & McQuaid R (2004) Edinburgh, Road Pricing and the Boundary Problem: Issues of Equity and Efficiency. Scottish Economics Policy Network.
Research Report
Edinburgh, Road Pricing and the Boundary Problem: Issues of Equity and Efficiency
Raje F, Grieco M & McQuaid R (2004) Edinburgh, Road Pricing and the Boundary Problem: Issues of Equity and Efficiency. Scottish Economic Policy Network, Stirling and Glasgow.
Managing uncertainty in orthopaedic trauma theatres
Bowers J & Mould G (2004) Managing uncertainty in orthopaedic trauma theatres. European Journal of Operational Research, 154 (3), pp. 599-608.
Research Report
A Review of Local Exchange and Trading Schemes (LETS) and Time Banks in Scotland
McQuaid R, Bond S & Christy B (2004) A Review of Local Exchange and Trading Schemes (LETS) and Time Banks in Scotland. Scottish Executive. Employment Research Institute.
Exploring e-government futures through the application of scenario planning
Cairns G, Wright G, Bradfield R, van der Heijden K & Burt G (2004) Exploring e-government futures through the application of scenario planning. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 71 (3), pp. 217-238.
A Simple Matter of Control? NHS Hospital Nurses and New Management
Bolton SC (2004) A Simple Matter of Control? NHS Hospital Nurses and New Management. Journal of Management Studies, 41 (2), pp. 317-333.
Critical Management Education: From Pedagogy of Possibility to Pedagogy of Refusal?
Perriton L & Reynolds M (2004) Critical Management Education: From Pedagogy of Possibility to Pedagogy of Refusal?. Management Learning, 35 (1), pp. 61-76.
Research Report
Gender Stereotyping In Career Choice
McQuaid R & Bond S (2004) Gender Stereotyping In Career Choice. European Commission. Employment Research Institute and Careers Scotland.
Research Report
The Importance of Transport in Business’ Location Decisions - Scoping Study (Executive Summary)
McQuaid R, Greig M, Smyth A & Cooper J (2004) The Importance of Transport in Business’ Location Decisions - Scoping Study (Executive Summary). Department for Transport. Employment Research Institute.
Book Review
New regional development paradigms, volume 1: Globalization and new regional development
McQuaid R (2004) New regional development paradigms, volume 1: Globalization and new regional development. Review of: New Regional Development Paradigms, Volume 1: Globalization and New Regional Development, ASFAW KUMSSA and TERRY G.MCGEE (Eds), Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001, 243 pp.; ISBN 0 313 31765 8. Urban Studies, 41 (1), pp. 230-232.
Research Report
The Importance of Transport in Business’ Location Decisions -Scoping Study (Final Report)
McQuaid R, Greig M, Smyth A & Cooper J (2003) The Importance of Transport in Business’ Location Decisions -Scoping Study (Final Report). Department for Transport. Employment Research Institute.
Research Report
Older Workers in the Scottish Labour Market: A new agenda
Hollywood E, Brown R, Danson M & McQuaid R (2003) Older Workers in the Scottish Labour Market: A new agenda. Scottish Executive. Scottish Economic Policy Network, Stirling and Glasgow.
Research Report
Older Workers in the Scottish Labour Market
Hollywood E, Brown R, Danson M & McQuaid R (2003) Older Workers in the Scottish Labour Market. Scottish Executive. Scottish Economic Policy Network, Stirling and Glasgow.
Conference Proceeding
Transport and the economy in a devolved Scotland
McQuaid R & Greig M (2003) Transport and the economy in a devolved Scotland. In: Hardy S, Larsen L & House F (eds.) Economic Governance Post-devolution: Differentiation of Convergence? : Conference Proceedings of the Regional Studies Association Annual Conference November 2003. Regional Studies conference on Economic Governance Post-Devolution: Differentiation or Convergence?, London, 21.11.2003-21.11.2003. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 47-49.
Leonardo and Co - Teaching Note Reference No. 803-045-8
Martin F (2003) Leonardo and Co - Teaching Note Reference No. 803-045-8. Bedford, UK: European Case Clearing House at Cranfield University.
Michelle Mone and MJM International - Teaching Note Reference No. 803-044-8
Martin F (2003) Michelle Mone and MJM International - Teaching Note Reference No. 803-044-8. Bedford, UK: European Case Clearing House at Cranfield University.
Research Report
Habitual Entrepreneurs in Scotland: Characteristics, Search Processes, Learning and Performance
Westhead P, Ucbasaran D, Wright M & Martin F (2003) Habitual Entrepreneurs in Scotland: Characteristics, Search Processes, Learning and Performance. Scottish Enterprise. Scottish Enterprise.
Working Paper
Leonardo and Co - Case Study Reference No. 803-045-1
Martin F (2003) Leonardo and Co - Case Study Reference No. 803-045-1. ECCH Case Study, 803-045-1.
Working Paper
Michelle Mone and MJM International - Case Study Reference No. 803-044-1
Martin F (2003) Michelle Mone and MJM International - Case Study Reference No. 803-044-1. ECCH Case Study, 803-044-1.
Organisational learning: the new management paradigm?
Burnes B, Cooper CL & West P (2003) Organisational learning: the new management paradigm?. Management Decision, 41 (5), pp. 452-464.
Managing change and changing managers from ABC to XYZ
Burnes B (2003) Managing change and changing managers from ABC to XYZ. Journal of Management Development, 22 (7), pp. 627-642.
Outsourcing: A public-private sector comparison
Burnes B & Anastasiadis A (2003) Outsourcing: A public-private sector comparison. Supply Chain Management, 8 (4), pp. 355-366.
Student Perceptions of Retailing as a Destination Career
Broadbridge A (2003) Student Perceptions of Retailing as a Destination Career. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 31 (6), pp. 298-309.
Still Serving the Community? The Professionalisation of the UK Charity Retail Sector
Broadbridge A & Parsons E (2003) Still Serving the Community? The Professionalisation of the UK Charity Retail Sector. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 31 (8), pp. 418-427.