Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Outputs related to Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Showing 901 to 1000 of 1071

Book Chapter

Malloch M & McIvor G (2012) Concluding reflections. In: Malloch M & McIvor G (eds.) Women, Punishment and Social Justice: Human Rights and Penal Practices. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 206-211.

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2012) A Healing Place?: Okimaw Ohci and a Canadian Approach to Aboriginal Women. In: Malloch M & McIvor G (eds.) Women, Punishment and Social Justice: Human Rights and Penal Practices. London: Routledge, p. 13.

Book Chapter

Graham H & White R (2012) Young people, dangerous driving and car culture. In: White R (ed.) Youth Subcultures: Theory, History and the Australian Experience. Tasmania, Australia: ACYS Publishing.,_history_and_the_australian_experience_second_edition

Research Report

Birchall J (2012) Common Cause, Collective Action: Part 1. Citizens Advice. Consumer Focus.


Rummery K & Greener I (2012) Introduction: UK Devolution. Social Policy and Administration, 46 (2), pp. 139-141.

Book Review

Punch S (2012) Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador's Urban Spaces. Review of: Kate Swanson, Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador’s Urban Spaces, (Athens, GA, and London: University of Georgia Press, 2010), pp. xiv + 146, ISBN 978-0-8203-3180-5. Journal of Latin American Studies, 44 (1), pp. 201-202.

Book Review

Punch S (2012) The Right to be Properly Researched: How to do Rights-based, Scientific Research with Children. Review of: Judith Ennew, with Tatek Abebe, Rattana Bangyai, Parichart Karapituck, Anne Trine Kjørholt, Thanakorn Noonsup, with additional material from Harriot Beazley, Sharon Bessell, Patima Daengchart-Kushanoglu and Roxana Waterson (2010)
Bangkok: Knowing Children. (Boxed set of 10 paperback manuals) ISBN 9786167333007.. Childhood, 19 (1), pp. 145-147.

Research Report

Murray S & Gayle V (2012) Youth Transitions. Survey Question Bank: Topic Overview, 8. University of Essex, National Centre for Social Research.


Machado H, Silva S, Costa S & Miranda D (2012) Bio-genetics and gender in the construction of the paternity intentionality: DNA testing in the judicial investigations of paternity [Biogenética e género na construção da intencionalidade da paternidade: o teste de DNA nas investigações judiciais de paternidade]. Estudos Feministas, 19 (3), pp. 823-848.

Book Chapter

Graham H (2011) A Marriage of (In)Convenience? Navigating the Research Relationship between Ethical Regulators and Criminologists Researching 'Vulnerable Populations'. In: Bartels L & Richards K (eds.) Qualitative Criminology: Stories from the Field. Canberra, Australia: Hawkins Press.


McDonnell D (2011) Co-operative Study and E-Learning: Lessons from Nova Scotia. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 44 (3), pp. 97-103.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & McIvor G (2011) Women, drugs and community interventions. In: Sheehan R, McIvor G & Trotter C (eds.) Working with Women Offenders in the Community. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 190-215.

Research Report

Hamilton-Smith N, Bradford B, Hopkins M, Kurland J, Lightowler C, McArdle D & Tilley N (2011) An Evaluation of Football Banning Orders in Scotland. Scottish Government. Scottish Government.

Book Chapter

McIntosh I, Dorrer N, Punch S & Emond R (2011) 'I know we can't be a family, but as close as you can get': Displaying Families within an Institutional Context. In: Dermott E E & Seymour J (eds.) Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-194.

Book Chapter

Wright S (2011) Divisions and Difference. In: Alcock P, May M & Wright S (eds.) The Student's Companion to Social Policy. 4th ed. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 173-179.

Book Review

Cayli B (2011) Mafias on the Move: How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories [Mafyanın Hareketi: Organize Suç Örgütleri Yeni Bölgeleri Nasıl Fethediyor?]. Review of: Varese, Federico, Mafias on the Move: How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011, pp.288, ISBN 9780691128559. Birikim.

Research Report

Brook O (2011) International comparisons of public participation in culture and sport. Brook (Editor) & O (Editor) Economic and Social Research Council. Economic and Social Research Council Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

Project Report

Machado H, Cunha MI, Miranda D & Santos F (2011) Stained Bodies - Prisoners’ perceptions of the DNA database for criminal investigation purposes and their perspectives of social reintegration. Report presented to the Portuguese Prison Services. Universidade do Minho. (Study of the prisoners perspective.pdf).

Book Chapter

Punch S (2010) Moving for a Better Life: To stay or to go?. In: Kassem D, Murphy L & Taylor E (eds.) Key Issues in Childhood and Youth Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 202-215.

Book Chapter

Shapira M (2010) Understanding the Impact of Immigration on the Labour Market Outcomes of British Workers. In: Stillwell J & van Ham M (eds.) Ethnicity and Integration: Understanding Population Trends and Processes: volume 3. Understanding Population Trends and Processes, 3. Amsterdam: Springer, pp. 153-178.


Zijdeman R & Lambert P (2010) Measuring social structure in the past: A comparison of historical class schemes and occupational stratification scales on Dutch 19th and early 20th century data. Journal of Belgian History/ Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis/ Revue Belge de Histoire Contemporaine, 40 (1-2), pp. 111-141.

Book Chapter

Brook O, Boyle P & Flowerdew R (2010) Geographic analysis of cultural consumption. In: Stillwell J, Norman P, Thomas C & Surridge P (eds.) Spatial and Social Disparities: Understanding Population Trends and Processes - Volume 2. Understanding Population Trends and Processes. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 67-82.;

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2010) Time Out for Women in Scotland. In: Herzog-Evans M (ed.) Transnational Criminology Manual. Netherlands: Wold Legal Publishers.

Edited Book

Yates R & Malloch M (eds.) (2010) Tackling Addiction: Pathways to Recovery. London: Kingsley Publishers.


Burgess C, Rossvoll F, Wallace B & Daniel B (2010) 'It's just like another home, just another family, so it's nae different' Children's voices in kinship care: a research study about the experience of children in kinship care in Scotland. Child and Family Social Work, 15 (3), pp. 297-306.

Research Report

Hamilton-Smith N & Patel S (2010) Determining Identity and Nationality in Local Policing. Home Office. Research Report, 42. Home Office.