Website Content
South Sudan: Suppressing Women Endangers the Peace Process
Haastrup T (2016) South Sudan: Suppressing Women Endangers the Peace Process. [Newsweek] 18.09.2016.
Book Review
Review of Bourbeau, Philippe, ed., Security: Dialogue across Disciplines
Haastrup T (2016) Review of Bourbeau, Philippe, ed., Security: Dialogue across Disciplines. H-Net Reviews, (August).
The Scottish Parliament Election 2016: Another Momentous Event but Dull Campaign
Cairney P (2016) The Scottish Parliament Election 2016: Another Momentous Event but Dull Campaign. Scottish Affairs, 25 (3), pp. 277-293.
Newspaper / Magazine
Salmond vs Darling debate: the perceived winner is not what matters
Cairney P (2016) Salmond vs Darling debate: the perceived winner is not what matters. The Conversation. 26.08.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
The party is over for Respect, but George Galloway could find a home again in Labour
Akhtar P & Peace T (2016) The party is over for Respect, but George Galloway could find a home again in Labour. The Conversation. 23.08.2016.
Written evidence to the House of Lords International Relations Committee Inquiry into UK Priorities for the new UN Secretary General
Dee M (2016) Written evidence to the House of Lords International Relations Committee Inquiry into UK Priorities for the new UN Secretary General. Written evidence to the House of Lords International Relations Committee Inquiry into UK Priorities for the new UN Secretary General [Written Evidence] UK Parliament.
Book Chapter
Religion and Populism in Britain
Peace T (2016) Religion and Populism in Britain. In: Marzouki N, McDonnell D & Roy O (eds.) Saving the People: How Populists Hijack Religion. London: Hurst.
The ‘Scottish approach’ to policy and policymaking: what issues are territorial and what are universal?
Cairney P, Russell S & St Denny E (2016) The ‘Scottish approach’ to policy and policymaking: what issues are territorial and what are universal?. Policy and Politics, 44 (3), pp. 333-350.
Book Chapter
Energy and Climate Policy: Synergies, Conflicts, and Co-Benefits
Stephan H (2016) Energy and Climate Policy: Synergies, Conflicts, and Co-Benefits. In: Heffron R & Little G (eds.) Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US: A Reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 581-586.
Solving the problem of social background in the UK ‘political class’: do parties do things differently in Westminster, devolved, and European elections?
Cairney P, Keating M & Wilson A (2016) Solving the problem of social background in the UK ‘political class’: do parties do things differently in Westminster, devolved, and European elections?. British Politics, 11 (2), pp. 142-163.
Newspaper / Magazine
Why UK could be doomed to years without proper access to world trade
Hopewell K & Margulis M (2016) Why UK could be doomed to years without proper access to world trade. The Conversation. 29.06.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
Brexit is on: Britain votes to leave the EU – experts respond
Crines AS, Spicer A, Durodie B, Spencer D, Cairney P, Taylor-Gooby P, Murphy R, Scully R, Usherwood S & Dhingra S (2016) Brexit is on: Britain votes to leave the EU – experts respond. The Conversation. 24.06.2016.
Website Content
How do Britain's ethnic minorities view the EU referendum?
Haastrup T (2016) How do Britain's ethnic minorities view the EU referendum?. [The UK in a Changing Europe (KCL Blog)] 22.06.2016.
Website Content
Women in Brexit Debate: still largely confined to 'low' politics
Haastrup T, Wright K & Guerrina R (2016) Women in Brexit Debate: still largely confined to 'low' politics. [LSE Brexit Blog] 17.06.2016.
To Bridge the Divide between Evidence and Policy: Reduce Ambiguity as Much as Uncertainty
Cairney P, Oliver K & Wellstead A (2016) To Bridge the Divide between Evidence and Policy: Reduce Ambiguity as Much as Uncertainty. Public Administration Review, 76 (3), pp. 399-402.
The ‘Rojava Revolution’ in Syrian Kurdistan: A Model of Development for the Middle East?
Cemgil C & Hoffmann C (2016) The ‘Rojava Revolution’ in Syrian Kurdistan: A Model of Development for the Middle East?. IDS Bulletin, 47 (3), pp. 53-76.
Website Content
The EU Referendum: Brexit's Imperial Delusions
Haastrup T (2016) The EU Referendum: Brexit's Imperial Delusions. The Disorder of Things: For the Relentless Criticism of All Existing Conditions Since 2010 [Blog Post] 25.05.2016.
Website Content
Is it really that hard to find women to talk about the EU?
Haastrup T, Guerrina R & Katharine W (2016) Is it really that hard to find women to talk about the EU?. [LSE Impact Blog] 19.05.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
Is Gordon Brown the unionists’ super sub? He’ll have to woo Scots working classes to score
Shaw E (2016) Is Gordon Brown the unionists’ super sub? He’ll have to woo Scots working classes to score. The Conversation. 12.05.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
Antisemitism row: why animosity on the Labour left still runs so deep
Shaw E (2016) Antisemitism row: why animosity on the Labour left still runs so deep. The Conversation. 03.05.2016.
Understanding Labour Party Management under Tony Blair
Shaw E (2016) Understanding Labour Party Management under Tony Blair. Political Studies Review, 14 (2), pp. 153-162.
Preprint / Working Paper
Peasants, smallholders and post-global food crisis agriculture investment programs
Margulis M & Claeys P (2016) Peasants, smallholders and post-global food crisis agriculture investment programs. Working Paper Series, FMSH-WP-2016-110.
Research Report
Iraq’s Shia Militias: Helping or Hindering the Fight Against Islamic State?
Gulmohamad Z (2016) Iraq’s Shia Militias: Helping or Hindering the Fight Against Islamic State?. The Jamestown Foundation. Terrorism Monitor, Volume 13, Issue 9. Washington, DC.
Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Approach: What Is the Empirical Impact of this Universal Theory?
Cairney P & Jones M (2016) Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Approach: What Is the Empirical Impact of this Universal Theory?. Policy Studies Journal, 44 (1), pp. 37-58.
Policy Document
Preventative spend: Public Services and Governance
Cairney P, St Denny E & Matthews P (2016) Preventative spend: Public Services and Governance. Policy Briefing, 1. University of Stirling.
Energy Justice: A Conceptual Review
Jenkins K, McCauley DA, Heffron R, Stephan H & Rehner R (2016) Energy Justice: A Conceptual Review. Energy Research and Social Science, 11, pp. 174-182.
Newspaper / Magazine
Why can't the African Union do more for the people of Burundi?
Haastrup T (2016) Why can't the African Union do more for the people of Burundi?. The Conversation. 18.01.2016.
Technical Report
Mapping Perspectives on the EU as Mediator
Haastrup T, Cochrane F, Dumasy T, Large J & Whitman R (2015) Mapping Perspectives on the EU as Mediator. University of Kent. GEC/CARC.
Imagining a Middle Eastern ‘International Society’? A reply to Ayla Göl
Hoffmann C (2015) Imagining a Middle Eastern ‘International Society’? A reply to Ayla Göl. Commentary on: Göl, Ayla. 2015. “Imagining the Middle East: The state, nationalism and regional international society.” Global Discourse 5 (3): 379–394. 10.1080/23269995.2015.1053191.. Global Discourse, 5 (3), pp. 395-397.
Edited Book
Handbook on Complexity and Public Policy
Geyer R & Cairney P (eds.) (2015) Handbook on Complexity and Public Policy. Handbooks of Research on Public Policy series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Book Chapter
Das menschliche Antlitz des Klimawandels
Schapper A (2015) Das menschliche Antlitz des Klimawandels. In: Jugend Denkt Um.Welt (ed.) Tree of Hope: Wie wir die Welt verändern können. Handbuch für Globales Denken und Lokales Handeln. Bremen, Germany: Kellner Verlag, pp. 375-381.
From 'Doing History' to Thinking Historically: Historical Consciousness across History and International Relations
Glencross A (2015) From 'Doing History' to Thinking Historically: Historical Consciousness across History and International Relations. International Relations, 29 (4), pp. 413-433.
Book Chapter
Peace T (2015) Introduction. In: Peace T (ed.) Muslims and Political Participation in Britain. Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 1-11.
Book Chapter
British Muslims and the anti-war movement
Peace T (2015) British Muslims and the anti-war movement. In: Peace T (ed.) Muslims and Political Participation in Britain. Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 124-137.
Edited Book
Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security
Selby J & Hoffmann C (eds.) (2015) Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security. London: Routledge.
The EU's multilateralist combat against the proliferation of WMD in the NPT: mirroring the Grand Bargain
Dee M (2015) The EU's multilateralist combat against the proliferation of WMD in the NPT: mirroring the Grand Bargain. European Security, 24 (1), pp. 1-18.
The EU's performance in the 2015 NPT Review Conference: What went wrong
Dee M (2015) The EU's performance in the 2015 NPT Review Conference: What went wrong. European Foreign Affairs Review, 20 (4), pp. 591-608.
Authored Book
The European Union in a Multipolar World: World Trade, global governance and the case of the WTO
Dee M (2015) The European Union in a Multipolar World: World Trade, global governance and the case of the WTO. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.;
The myth and reality of "return" - diaspora in the "homeland"
Kasbarian S (2015) The myth and reality of "return" - diaspora in the "homeland". Diaspora, 18 (3), pp. 358-381.
Book Chapter
The 'Others' within: the Armenian Community in Cyprus
Kasbarian S (2015) The 'Others' within: the Armenian Community in Cyprus. In: Gorman A & Kasbarian S (eds.) Diasporas of the modern Middle East - Contextualising Community. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 241-273.
Book Chapter
Communities, exiles, minorities and diasporas: the Middle East in diaspora studies
Gorman A & Kasbarian S (2015) Communities, exiles, minorities and diasporas: the Middle East in diaspora studies. In: Gorman { & Kasbarian S (eds.) Diasporas of the modern Middle East - Contextualising Community. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1-27.
Edited Book
Diasporas of the Modern Middle East - Contextualising Community
Gorman A & Kasbarian S (eds.) (2015) Diasporas of the Modern Middle East - Contextualising Community. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Globalizing The Classroom: Innovative Approach to National and International Learning
Bell P, Coates R, Colombo E, Dolgon C, Hernandez S, Margulis M, Nyamathi A, Pavlish C & Romo H (2015) Globalizing The Classroom: Innovative Approach to National and International Learning. Humanity and Society, 39 (2), pp. 236-253.;
Global public policy: Does the new venue for transnational tobacco control challenge the old way of doing things?
Mamudu H, Cairney P & Studlar DT (2015) Global public policy: Does the new venue for transnational tobacco control challenge the old way of doing things?. Public Administration, 93 (4), pp. 856-873.
Edited Book
Muslims and Political Participation in Britain
Peace T (ed.) (2015) Muslims and Political Participation in Britain. Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics. London: Routledge.
Authored Book
Cultural Politics and the Transatlantic Divide over GMOs
Stephan H (2015) Cultural Politics and the Transatlantic Divide over GMOs. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Canada at the G8 and UN Committee on World Food Security: forum-shifting in global food security governance
Margulis M (2015) Canada at the G8 and UN Committee on World Food Security: forum-shifting in global food security governance. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 21 (2), pp. 164-178.
Bottom-up versus Top-down Campaigning at the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014
Lynch P (2015) Bottom-up versus Top-down Campaigning at the Scottish Independence Referendum 2014. Revue Francaise de Civilisation Britannique, XX (2).
Book Chapter
The European Union and its performance in the NPT negotiations: Consistency, Change and Challenges
Dee M (2015) The European Union and its performance in the NPT negotiations: Consistency, Change and Challenges. In: Blavoukos S, Bourantonis D & Portela C (eds.) The EU and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Strategies, Policies, Actions. The European Union in International Affairs. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 77-94.
Newspaper / Magazine
Is Momentum a return to the bad old days of Labour's militant tendency?
Shaw E (2015) Is Momentum a return to the bad old days of Labour's militant tendency?. The Conversation. 21.12.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
Can the EU challenge China's proactive role in Africa?
Haastrup T (2015) Can the EU challenge China's proactive role in Africa?. The Conversation. 07.12.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
A tale of two speeches: how Labour divisions were laid bare in Syria debate
Shaw E (2015) A tale of two speeches: how Labour divisions were laid bare in Syria debate. The Conversation. 04.12.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
Corbyn's nightmare and why Labour must allow a free vote on Syria intervention
Shaw E (2015) Corbyn's nightmare and why Labour must allow a free vote on Syria intervention. The Conversation. 27.11.2015.
Going it Alone? The Choice of Political Union in British Politics
Glencross A (2015) Going it Alone? The Choice of Political Union in British Politics. Political Quarterly, 86 (4), pp. 555-562.
Website Content
Are Women Agents? Reading ?Gender? in Africa?s Rights Frameworks
Haastrup T (2015) Are Women Agents? Reading ?Gender? in Africa?s Rights Frameworks. [E-International Relations] 26.10.2015.
Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation
Clapp J (Editor), Desmarais A (Editor) & Margulis M (Editor) (2015) Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation, 2 (2).
Consultancy Report
Intergovernmental Relations & Parliamentary Scrutiny
McEwen N, Petersohn B & Brown Swan C (2015) Intergovernmental Relations & Parliamentary Scrutiny. Scottish Parliament. Edinburgh.
Regulating food-based agrofuels: The prospects and challenges of international trade rules
Margulis M (2015) Regulating food-based agrofuels: The prospects and challenges of international trade rules. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation, 2 (2), pp. 97-106.;
Mapping the state of play on the global food landscape (Introduction)
Clapp J, Desmarais A & Margulis M (2015) Mapping the state of play on the global food landscape (Introduction). Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation, 2 (2), pp. 1-6.;
Authored Book
European Social Movements and Muslim Activism
Peace T (2015) European Social Movements and Muslim Activism. Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series. Basingstoke: Palgrave.;
Book Chapter
Gendering Institutionalism: A Feminist Institutionalist Approach to EU Integration Theory
Haastrup T & Kenny M (2015) Gendering Institutionalism: A Feminist Institutionalist Approach to EU Integration Theory. In: Abels G & MacRae H (eds.) Gendering European Integration Theory: Engaging New Dialogues. Verlag Barbara Burich, pp. 197--216.
Biraderi, Bloc Votes and Bradford: Investigating the Respect Party's Campaign Strategy
Peace T & Akhtar P (2015) Biraderi, Bloc Votes and Bradford: Investigating the Respect Party's Campaign Strategy. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 17 (2), pp. 224-243.
Newspaper / Magazine
Too much too young? Chuka Umunna bows out of Labour leadership race
Shaw E (2015) Too much too young? Chuka Umunna bows out of Labour leadership race. The Conversation. 15.05.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
While Tories usher Scotland towards UK exit, Miliband’s SNP refusal looks a huge mistake
Shaw E (2015) While Tories usher Scotland towards UK exit, Miliband’s SNP refusal looks a huge mistake. The Conversation. 06.05.2015.
Book Chapter
The 2015 Election: BME Groups in Scotland
Peace T & Meer N (2015) The 2015 Election: BME Groups in Scotland. In: Khan O & Sveinsson K (eds.) Race and Elections. Runnymede Perspectives. London: Runnymede Trust, pp. 26-29.
Looking back to look forward: 40 years of referendum debate in Britain
Glencross A (2015) Looking back to look forward: 40 years of referendum debate in Britain. Political Insight, 6 (1), pp. 25-27.;
Newspaper / Magazine
It's time the world recognised the Armenian Genocide
Kasbarian S (2015) It's time the world recognised the Armenian Genocide. The Conversation. 24.04.2015.
Why a British referendum on EU membership will not solve the Europe Question
Glencross A (2015) Why a British referendum on EU membership will not solve the Europe Question. International Affairs, 91 (2), pp. 303-317.
Book Review
Review: Critical perspectives on African politics
Haastrup T (2015) Review: Critical perspectives on African politics. Gabay C (Editor) & Death C (Editor) International Affairs, 91 (2), pp. 438--439.
Newspaper / Magazine
Sorry Ed Miliband, but minority government is unlikely to work in Westminster
Cairney P (2015) Sorry Ed Miliband, but minority government is unlikely to work in Westminster. The Conversation. 23.03.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
It’s ugly politics as usual as the big Scottish beasts of Westminster prepare to exit
Cairney P (2015) It’s ugly politics as usual as the big Scottish beasts of Westminster prepare to exit. The Conversation. 11.03.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
A tale of two nations: how tuition fees in England and Scotland differ over debt and inequality
Cairney P (2015) A tale of two nations: how tuition fees in England and Scotland differ over debt and inequality. The Conversation. 04.03.2015.
Debate: What is complex government and what can we do about it?
Cairney P (2015) Debate: What is complex government and what can we do about it?. Public Money and Management, 35 (1), pp. 3-6.
Newspaper / Magazine
Shale fail: David Cameron has not gone 'all out' for fracking
Cairney P (2015) Shale fail: David Cameron has not gone 'all out' for fracking. The Conversation. 28.01.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
One very good reason why Labour should ignore Alan Milburn on the NHS
Shaw E (2015) One very good reason why Labour should ignore Alan Milburn on the NHS. The Conversation. 28.01.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
When Miliband comes a-knocking, will anyone be home?
Shaw E (2015) When Miliband comes a-knocking, will anyone be home?. The Conversation. 06.01.2015.
Climate Change and Human Rights: Mapping Institutional Inter-linkages, Special Section in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs, pp.666-760
Schapper A (Editor) & Lederer M (Editor) (2014) Climate Change and Human Rights: Mapping Institutional Inter-linkages, Special Section in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs, pp.666-760. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 27 (4).
Review: Rethinking Africa's Future beyond its European Past
Haastrup T (2014) Review: Rethinking Africa's Future beyond its European Past. Adebajo A (Editor) & Whiteman K (Editor) Revue Africaine des Livres, 10, pp. 13--15.
Edited Book
Regionalising Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance
Haastrup T & Eun Y (eds.) (2014) Regionalising Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance. International Political Economy Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Technical Report
Nigeria and Regional Security
Haastrup T & Lucia EL (2014) Nigeria and Regional Security. European University Institute. EUI RSCAS; 2014/49; Global Governance Programme-103; European, Transnational and Global Governance. EUI Working Papers.
Book Chapter
Land Acquisitions for Food and Fuel
Margulis M (2014) Land Acquisitions for Food and Fuel. In: Thompson P & Kaplan D (eds.) Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 1325-1332.
Book Chapter
The World Trade Organization and Food Security After the Global Food Crises
Margulis M (2014) The World Trade Organization and Food Security After the Global Food Crises. In: Drache D & Jacobs L (eds.) Linking Global Trade and Human Rights: New Policy Space in Hard Economic Times. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 236-258.
Edited Book
Land Grabbing and Global Governance
Margulis M, McKeon N & Borras S (eds.) (2014) Land Grabbing and Global Governance. Rethinking Globalizations. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
The absence of political constitutionalism in the EU: three models for enhancing constitutional agency
Glencross A (2014) The absence of political constitutionalism in the EU: three models for enhancing constitutional agency. Journal of European Public Policy, 21 (8), pp. 1163-1180.
Trading Out of the Global Food Crisis? The World Trade Organization and the Geopolitics of Food Security
Margulis M (2014) Trading Out of the Global Food Crisis? The World Trade Organization and the Geopolitics of Food Security. Geopolitics, 19 (2), pp. 322-350.
Subversive friendships: Turkish and Armenian encounters in transnational space
Kasbarian S & Oktem K (2014) Subversive friendships: Turkish and Armenian encounters in transnational space. Patterns of Prejudice, 48 (2), pp. 121-146.
Armenians, Turks and Kurds beyond denial: an introduction
Kasbarian S & Oktem K (2014) Armenians, Turks and Kurds beyond denial: an introduction. Patterns of Prejudice, 48 (2), pp. 115-120.
Bleak Prospects? Varieties of Europessimism and their Application to the Eurozone Debt Crisis and the Future of Integration
Glencross A (2014) Bleak Prospects? Varieties of Europessimism and their Application to the Eurozone Debt Crisis and the Future of Integration. Journal of European Integration / Revue d'Intégration Européenne, 36 (4), pp. 393-408.
British Euroscepticism and British Exceptionalism: The Forty-Year "Neverendum" on the Relationship with Europe
Glencross A (2014) British Euroscepticism and British Exceptionalism: The Forty-Year "Neverendum" on the Relationship with Europe. Studia Diplomatica, LXVII (4).
Authored Book
From the Global to the Local: How International Rights Reach Bangladesh's Children
Schapper A (2014) From the Global to the Local: How International Rights Reach Bangladesh's Children. Law, Development and Globalization. London: Routledge.
Introduction: Human rights and climate change: mapping institutional inter-linkages
Schapper A & Lederer M (2014) Introduction: Human rights and climate change: mapping institutional inter-linkages. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 27 (4), pp. 666-679.
Book Chapter
Der globale Klimawandel aus menschenrechtlicher Perspektive
Schapper A (2014) Der globale Klimawandel aus menschenrechtlicher Perspektive. In: Dannecker P & Rodenberg B (eds.) Klimaveränderung, Umwelt und Geschlechterverhältnisse im Wandel - neue interdisziplinäre Ansätze und Perspektiven. Forum Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, 40. Münster, Germany: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 48-80.
Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security
Selby J & Hoffmann C (2014) Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security. Geopolitics, 19 (4), pp. 747-756.
Newspaper / Magazine
Five reasons why some countries are so lax at regulating smoking
Cairney P (2014) Five reasons why some countries are so lax at regulating smoking. The Conversation. 23.12.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Jim Murphy wins in Scotland … but can he save Ed Miliband?
Shaw E (2014) Jim Murphy wins in Scotland … but can he save Ed Miliband?. The Conversation. 13.12.2014.
Beyond scarcity: Rethinking water, climate change and conflict in the Sudans
Selby J & Hoffmann C (2014) Beyond scarcity: Rethinking water, climate change and conflict in the Sudans. Global Environmental Change, 29 (1), pp. 360-370.
The global tobacco control 'endgame': Change the policy environment to implement the FCTC
Cairney P & Mamudu H (2014) The global tobacco control 'endgame': Change the policy environment to implement the FCTC. Journal of Public Health Policy, 35 (4), pp. 506-517.
Newspaper / Magazine
It's a sad day when three limp flags are top of the news agenda
Shaw E (2014) It's a sad day when three limp flags are top of the news agenda. The Conversation. 21.11.2014.
Energy Justice, a Whole Systems Approach
Jenkins K, McCauley DA, Heffron RJ & Stephan H (2014) Energy Justice, a Whole Systems Approach. Queen’s Political Review, II (2), pp. 74-87.