Authored Book
Charting Transformation through Security: Contemporary EU-Africa Relations
Haastrup T (2014) Charting Transformation through Security: Contemporary EU-Africa Relations. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
The Potential of Online Academic Communities for Teaching Staff: Findings from a Pilot Study of the SocialLearn Platform
McCall V, Mooney G, Rutherford P & Gilmour A (2014) The Potential of Online Academic Communities for Teaching Staff: Findings from a Pilot Study of the SocialLearn Platform. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 10 (4), pp. 404-425.
Public health policy in the United Kingdom: After the war on tobacco, is a war on alcohol brewing?
Cairney P & Studlar DT (2014) Public health policy in the United Kingdom: After the war on tobacco, is a war on alcohol brewing?. World Medical and Health Policy, 6 (3), pp. 308-323.
Newspaper / Magazine
Scots should forget devo max – it’s not possible and wasn’t offered
Cairney P (2014) Scots should forget devo max – it’s not possible and wasn’t offered. The Conversation. 24.09.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Ed Miliband’s last chance to tackle image problem and cut through to voters
Shaw E (2014) Ed Miliband’s last chance to tackle image problem and cut through to voters. The Conversation. 22.09.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Sturgeon poised as Salmond quits and power struggle with Westminster begins
Lynch P (2014) Sturgeon poised as Salmond quits and power struggle with Westminster begins. The Conversation. 19.09.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
A discourse of denial: memories of the Armenian genocide
Kasbarian S (2014) A discourse of denial: memories of the Armenian genocide. openDemocracy. 06.08.2014.
Edited Book
Scottish Political Parties and the 2014 Independence Referendum
Adamson K & Lynch P (eds.) (2014) Scottish Political Parties and the 2014 Independence Referendum. Political Studies. Cardiff: Welsh Academic Press.
Newspaper / Magazine
The Washington and Baghdad relationship: Are the allies in the same orbit?
Gulmohamad Z (2014) The Washington and Baghdad relationship: Are the allies in the same orbit?. E-International Relations. 04.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Salmond courts women and Labour voters – and keeps a close eye on UKIP
Lynch P (2014) Salmond courts women and Labour voters – and keeps a close eye on UKIP. The Conversation. 14.04.2014.
Book Chapter
Emergent Global Land Governance
Margulis M (2014) Emergent Global Land Governance. In: Seto K & Reenberg A (eds.) Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era. Cambridge: MIT University Press, pp. 183-200.
Newspaper / Magazine
Miliband bid to slay dragons of Scottish nationalism will hinge on three key voter groups
Shaw E (2014) Miliband bid to slay dragons of Scottish nationalism will hinge on three key voter groups. The Conversation. 21.03.2014.
Newspaper / Magazine
Miliband's Europe speech was clear, but it won't help his leadership credentials
Shaw E (2014) Miliband's Europe speech was clear, but it won't help his leadership credentials. The Conversation. 13.03.2014.
The Eurozone Crisis as a Challenge to Democracy and Integration in Europe
Glencross A (2014) The Eurozone Crisis as a Challenge to Democracy and Integration in Europe. Orbis, 58 (1), pp. 55-68.
Newspaper / Magazine
David Cameron wants you to phone a friend in Scotland, but there's a divorce hotline as well
Cairney P (2014) David Cameron wants you to phone a friend in Scotland, but there's a divorce hotline as well. The Conversation. 07.02.2014.
Authored Book
Politics of European Integration: Political Union or a House Divided?
Glencross A (2014) Politics of European Integration: Political Union or a House Divided?. London: Wiley Blackwell.
Governing the Global Land Grab: Multipolarity, Ideas and Complexity in Transnational Governance
Margulis M & Porter T (2013) Governing the Global Land Grab: Multipolarity, Ideas and Complexity in Transnational Governance. Globalizations, 10 (1), pp. 65-86.
Land Grabbing and Global Governance: Critical Perspectives
Margulis M, McKeon N & Borras S (2013) Land Grabbing and Global Governance: Critical Perspectives. Globalizations, 10 (1), pp. 1-23.
Authored Book
SNP: The History of the Scottish National Party, Second edition
Lynch P (2013) SNP: The History of the Scottish National Party, Second edition. 2nd ed. Cardiff: Welsh Academic Press.
Book Review
The Politics of Global Poverty - Diverse Perspectives on Measurement
Lederer M & Schapper A (2013) The Politics of Global Poverty - Diverse Perspectives on Measurement. Review of: Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty, Sudhir Anand, Paul Segal and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, 462pp. ISBN: 9780199558049. Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric, 6, pp. 60-68.
Edited Book
Globale Normen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
Schapper A, Fleschenberg dos Ramos Pineu A & Kneuer M (eds.) (2013) Globale Normen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Staatlichkeit und Governance in Transformation, 6. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
Book Chapter
The contradictions of development: primitive accumulation and geopolitics in the two Sudans
Hoffmann C (2013) The contradictions of development: primitive accumulation and geopolitics in the two Sudans. In: Allan T, Keulertz M, Sojamo S & Warner J (eds.) Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa: Foreign Direct Investment and Food and Water Security. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 57-70.
Book Chapter
Globale Normen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Eine Einleitung
Schapper A (2013) Globale Normen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Eine Einleitung. In: Schapper A, Fleschenberg dRPA & Kneuer M (eds.) Globale Normen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Staatlichkeit und Governance in Transformation, 6. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, pp. 9-34.
Book Chapter
Kinderrechte zwischen globalem Anspruch und lokaler Wirklichkeit
Schapper A (2013) Kinderrechte zwischen globalem Anspruch und lokaler Wirklichkeit. In: Schapper A, Fleschenberg dRPA & Kneuer M (eds.) Globale Normen zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Staatlichkeit und Governance in Transformation, 6. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, pp. 123-158.
Advancing Energy Justice: The Triumvirate of Tenets
McCauley DA, Heffron RJ, Stephan H & Jenkins K (2013) Advancing Energy Justice: The Triumvirate of Tenets. International Energy Law Review, 32 (3), pp. 107-110.
Bangladesch: Kooperation in der Gestaltung transnationaler Arbeitsbeziehungen
Schapper A (2013) Bangladesch: Kooperation in der Gestaltung transnationaler Arbeitsbeziehungen. GIGA Focus Global, (8), pp. 1-8.
EU as Mentor? Promoting Regionalism as External Relations Practice in EU-Africa Relations
Haastrup T (2013) EU as Mentor? Promoting Regionalism as External Relations Practice in EU-Africa Relations. Journal of European Integration, 35 (7), pp. 785-800.
Book Chapter
Africa-EU partnership on peace and security
Haastrup T (2013) Africa-EU partnership on peace and security. In: Mangala J (ed.) Africa and the European Union. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 47-67.
Newspaper / Magazine
Cameron is right to let voters shape the UK's future
McCourt D & Glencross A (2013) Cameron is right to let voters shape the UK's future. The Conversation. 02.12.2013.
Global Land Governance: From Territory to Flow?
Sikor T, Auld G, Bebbington A, Benjaminsen T, Gentry B, Hunsberger C, Izac A, Margulis M, Plieninger T, Schroeder H & Upton C (2013) Global Land Governance: From Territory to Flow?. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5 (5), p. 522–527.
What is the 'dominant model' of British policymaking? Comparing majoritarian and policy community ideas
Jordan G & Cairney P (2013) What is the 'dominant model' of British policymaking? Comparing majoritarian and policy community ideas. British Politics, 8 (3), pp. 233-259.
Authored Book
SNP: The History of the Scottish National Party
Lynch P (2013) SNP: The History of the Scottish National Party. 2nd ed. Cardiff: Welsh Academic Press.
Newspaper / Magazine
An independent Scotland may turn to Sweden for inspiration
Cairney P (2013) An independent Scotland may turn to Sweden for inspiration. The Conversation. 26.09.2013.
Book Chapter
Where global meets local: The politics of Africa?s emergent gender equality regime
Haastrup T (2013) Where global meets local: The politics of Africa?s emergent gender equality regime. In: Murithi T (ed.) Handbook of Africa's International Relations. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 103--111.
Book Chapter
Pressure Politics and the ‘Scottish Policy Style’
Cairney P & McGarvey N (2013) Pressure Politics and the ‘Scottish Policy Style’. In: Cairney P & McGarvey N (eds.) Scottish Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 154-170.
Authored Book
Scottish Politics
Cairney P & McGarvey N (2013) Scottish Politics. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapter
Locating the EU's strategic behaviour in Sub-Saharan Africa: an emerging strategic culture?
Haastrup T & Whitman RG (2013) Locating the EU's strategic behaviour in Sub-Saharan Africa: an emerging strategic culture?. In: Carbone M (ed.) The European Union: Incoherent Policies, Asymmetrical Partnership, Declining Relevance?. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 57--76.
How Can the Scottish Parliament Be Improved as a Legislature?
Cairney P (2013) How Can the Scottish Parliament Be Improved as a Legislature?. Scottish Parliamentary Review, 1 (1).
Book Chapter
Governance Dimensions of Climate and Energy Security
Vogler J & Stephan H (2013) Governance Dimensions of Climate and Energy Security. In: Dyer H & Trombetta M (eds.) International Handbook of Energy Security. Elgar original reference. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 297-318.
Never the twain shall meet? - a comparison of implementation science and policy implementation research
Nilsen P, Stahl C, Roback K & Cairney P (2013) Never the twain shall meet? - a comparison of implementation science and policy implementation research. Implementation Science, 8 (1), Art. No.: 63.
Diasporic voices from the peripheries: Armenian experiences on the edges of community in Cyprus and Lebanon
Kasbarian S (2013) Diasporic voices from the peripheries: Armenian experiences on the edges of community in Cyprus and Lebanon. The Cyprus Review, 25 (1), pp. 81-110.
All I’m asking, is for a little Respect: assessing the performance of Britain’s most successful radical left party
Peace T (2013) All I’m asking, is for a little Respect: assessing the performance of Britain’s most successful radical left party. Parliamentary Affairs, 66 (2), pp. 405-424.
Book Chapter
Global Climate Governance and Energy Choices
Zelli F, Pattberg P, Stephan H & van Asselt H (2013) Global Climate Governance and Energy Choices. In: Goldthau A (ed.) Handbook of Global Energy Policy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 340-357.,descCd-description.html
Book Chapter
Global Governance
Stripple J & Stephan H (2013) Global Governance. In: Falkner R (ed.) Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 146-162.
What is Evolutionary Theory and How Does it Inform Policy Studies?
Cairney P (2013) What is Evolutionary Theory and How Does it Inform Policy Studies?. Policy and Politics, 41 (2), pp. 279-298.
Margulis M (Editor), Borras S (Editor) & McKeon N (Editor) (2013) Globalizations. Globalizations, 10 (1).
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: How Do We Combine the Insights of Multiple Theories in Public Policy Studies?
Cairney P (2013) Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: How Do We Combine the Insights of Multiple Theories in Public Policy Studies?. Policy Studies Journal, 41 (1), pp. 1-21.
Territorial Policy Communities and the Scottish Policy Style: the Case of Compulsory Education
Cairney P (2013) Territorial Policy Communities and the Scottish Policy Style: the Case of Compulsory Education. Scottish Affairs, (82), pp. 73-97.;
Book Chapter
Muslims and electoral politics in Britain: The case of the respect party
Peace T (2013) Muslims and electoral politics in Britain: The case of the respect party. In: Nielsen J (ed.) Muslim Political Participation in Europe. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 299-321.
The Regime Complex for Food Security: Implications for the Global Hunger Challenge
Margulis M (2013) The Regime Complex for Food Security: Implications for the Global Hunger Challenge. Global Governance, 19 (1), pp. 53-67.
Book Chapter
Global Food Security Governance: The Committee for World Food Security, Comprehensive Framework for Action and the G8/G20
Margulis M (2012) Global Food Security Governance: The Committee for World Food Security, Comprehensive Framework for Action and the G8/G20. In: Rayfuse R & Wiesfelt N (eds.) The Challenge of Food Security. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 231-254.
Book Chapter
Cross-national ideology in local elections: the case of Azione Sociale and the British National Party
Peace T & Mammone A (2012) Cross-national ideology in local elections: the case of Azione Sociale and the British National Party. In: Mammone A, Godin E & Jenkins B (eds.) Mapping the Extreme Right in Contemporary Europe: From Local to Transnational. Routledge Studies in Extremism and Democracy. London: Routledge, pp. 288-302.
Book Chapter
The French anti-racist movement and the 'Muslim Question'
Peace T (2012) The French anti-racist movement and the 'Muslim Question'. In: Flood C, Hutchings S, Miazhevich G & Nickels H (eds.) Political and Cultural Representations of Muslims: Islam in the Plural. Muslim Minorities, 11. Leiden: Brill, pp. 131-146.
Book Review
Rezension von Heike Brabandt (2011): Internationale Normen und das Rechtssystem
Schapper A (2012) Rezension von Heike Brabandt (2011): Internationale Normen und das Rechtssystem. Review of: Internationale Normen und das Rechtssystem. Der Umgang mit geschlechtsspezifi sch Verfolgten in Großbritannien und Deutschland, Heike Brabandt, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2011, 275pp. ISBN: 978-3832961398. Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, 6 (1), pp. 158-163.
Authored Book
Understanding Public Policy: Theories and Issues
Cairney P (2012) Understanding Public Policy: Theories and Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Authored Book
Global Tobacco Control: Power, Policy, Governance and Transfer
Cairney P, Studlar DT & Mamudu H (2012) Global Tobacco Control: Power, Policy, Governance and Transfer. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Standing together or Doing the Splits? Evaluating European Union Performance in the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty Review Negotiations
Dee M (2012) Standing together or Doing the Splits? Evaluating European Union Performance in the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty Review Negotiations. European Foreign Affairs Review, 12 (2) p. 211.
Security, Equality and the Clash of Ideas: Sweden's Evolving Anti-Trafficking Policy
Bucken-Knapp G, Karlsson Schaffer J & Persson Stromback K (2012) Security, Equality and the Clash of Ideas: Sweden's Evolving Anti-Trafficking Policy. Human Rights Review, 13 (2), pp. 167-185.;
Technical Report
Regional Leadership: The Role of the EU
Haastrup T (2012) Regional Leadership: The Role of the EU. Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation. Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation.
Water scarcity, conflict, and migration: a comparative analysis and reappraisal
Selby J & Hoffmann C (2012) Water scarcity, conflict, and migration: a comparative analysis and reappraisal. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30 (6), pp. 997-1014.
Revisiting the transatlantic divergence over GMOs: Toward a cultural-political analysis
Stephan H (2012) Revisiting the transatlantic divergence over GMOs: Toward a cultural-political analysis. Global Environmental Politics, 12 (4), pp. 104-124.
Lest Scotland Forgets: A Stirling 100 Exhibition (2012-13)
Penman M, Bromage S & James S Lest Scotland Forgets: A Stirling 100 Exhibition (2012-13).
Explaining European Union Performance in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: Limited ambitions but pragmatic positioning
Dee M (2012) Explaining European Union Performance in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: Limited ambitions but pragmatic positioning. UNISCI Journal, DP 30, pp. 11-26.
Complexity Theory in Political Science and Public Policy
Cairney P (2012) Complexity Theory in Political Science and Public Policy. Political Studies Review, 10 (3), pp. 346-358.
Book Chapter
EU-US Cooperation on Security: The African Case
Haastrup T (2012) EU-US Cooperation on Security: The African Case. In: Laursen F (ed.) The EU, Security and Transatlantic Relations. Euroclio. Peter Lang, pp. 251--271.
Empowering minority women: Autonomy versus participation
Baumeister A (2012) Empowering minority women: Autonomy versus participation. Contemporary Political Theory, 11 (3), pp. 285-304.
'Public administration in an age of austerity': Positive lessons from policy studies
Cairney P (2012) 'Public administration in an age of austerity': Positive lessons from policy studies. Public Policy and Administration, 27 (3), pp. 230-247.
Policy Convergence, Transfer and Learning in the UK under Devolution
Keating M, Cairney P & Hepburn E (2012) Policy Convergence, Transfer and Learning in the UK under Devolution. Regional and Federal Studies, 22 (3), pp. 289-307.
Introduction: Policymaking, Learning and Devolution
Keating M & Cairney P (2012) Introduction: Policymaking, Learning and Devolution. Regional and Federal Studies, 22 (3), pp. 239-250.
Debating the Sources and Prospects of European Integration
Krotz U, Maher R, McCourt DM, Glencross A, Ripsman NM, Sheetz MS, Haine J & Rosato S (2012) Debating the Sources and Prospects of European Integration. International Security, 37 (1), pp. 178-199.
Intergovernmental Relations in Scotland: what was the SNP effect?
Cairney P (2012) Intergovernmental Relations in Scotland: what was the SNP effect?. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 14 (2), pp. 231-249.
The missing factor: why social democracy can lead to restrictive immigration policy
Hinnfors J, Spehar A & Bucken-Knapp G (2012) The missing factor: why social democracy can lead to restrictive immigration policy. Journal of European Public Policy, 19 (4), pp. 585-603.
The uses of ambiguity: representing 'the people' and the stability of states unions
Glencross A (2012) The uses of ambiguity: representing 'the people' and the stability of states unions. International Theory, 4 (1), pp. 107-132.
Book Chapter
The Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government: Does Minority Government Make a Difference?
Cairney P (2011) The Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government: Does Minority Government Make a Difference?. In: Cairney P (ed.) The Scottish Political System Since Devolution: From New Politics to the New Scottish Government. Charlottesville, VA, USA: Imprint Academic, pp. 39-58.
Book Chapter
The UK: A Case Study
Cairney P, Studlar DT & Mamudu H (2011) The UK: A Case Study. In: Cairney P, Studlar DT & Mamudu HM (eds.) Global Tobacco Control: Power, Policy, Governance and Transfer. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-120.
Book Chapter
Où sont les musulmans dans le mouvement altermondialiste?
Peace T (2011) Où sont les musulmans dans le mouvement altermondialiste?. In: Grannec C (ed.) Les Chrétiens dans la mouvance altermondialiste. Terrains du siècle. Paris, France: Karthala, pp. 149-187.
Book Chapter
Diversity and Equality: 'Toleration as Recognition' Reconsidered
Baumeister A (2011) Diversity and Equality: 'Toleration as Recognition' Reconsidered. In: Mookherjee M (ed.) Democracy, Religious Pluralism and the Liberal Dilemma of Accommodation. Studies in Global Justice, Volume 7. Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer, pp. 103-117.;
Book Chapter
The Scottish National Party and the Challenge of Political Representation
Lynch P (2011) The Scottish National Party and the Challenge of Political Representation. In: Elias A & Tronconi F (eds.) From Protest to Power: Autonomist Parties and the Challenges of Representation. Studien zur politischen Wirklichkeit, Band 26. Studien zur politischen Wirklichkeit, Band 26. Herausgegeben von Anton Pelinka: Braumuller Verlag, pp. 235-260.
Authored Book
The Scottish Political System Since Devolution: From New Politics to the New Scottish Government
Cairney P (2011) The Scottish Political System Since Devolution: From New Politics to the New Scottish Government. Exeter: Imprint Academic.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Ideology and Entry Policy: Why Non-Socialist Parties in Sweden Support Open Door Migration Policies
Spehar A, Bucken-Knapp G & Hinnfors J (2011) Ideology and Entry Policy: Why Non-Socialist Parties in Sweden Support Open Door Migration Policies. The Politics of Migration: Citizenship, Inclusion and Discourse in Europe, Glasgow, Scotland, 10.11.2011-11.11.2011.,35867,en.html
Hrvatska vanjska politika pred izazovima clanstva u Europskoj Uniji
Jovic D (2011) Hrvatska vanjska politika pred izazovima clanstva u Europskoj Uniji [Croatian Foreign Policy: The Challenges of EU Accession]. Politicka Misao: Croatian Political Science Review, 48 (2), pp. 7-36.
Book Chapter
Punctuated Equilibrium
Cairney P (2011) Punctuated Equilibrium. In: Cairney P (ed.) Understanding Public Policy: Theories and Issues. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-199.
First or Second Order Referendums? Understanding the Votes on the EU Constitutional Treaty in Four EU Member States
Glencross A & Trechsel A (2011) First or Second Order Referendums? Understanding the Votes on the EU Constitutional Treaty in Four EU Member States. West European Politics, 34 (4), pp. 755-772.
Book Review
Bosnian Rape Victims and their Children
Schapper A (2011) Bosnian Rape Victims and their Children. Review of: Forgetting Children Born of War: Setting the Human Rights Agenda in Bosnia and Beyond, R. Charli Carpenter, New York, Columbia University Press, 2010, 273pp. ISBN: 9780231151306. H-Human Rights.
A Post-National EU? The Problem of Legitimising the EU without the Nation and National Representation
Glencross A (2011) A Post-National EU? The Problem of Legitimising the EU without the Nation and National Representation. Political Studies, 59 (2), pp. 348-367.
The Use of "Public Reason" by Religious and Secular Citizens: Limitations of Habermas' Conception of the Role of Religion in the Public Realm
Baumeister A (2011) The Use of "Public Reason" by Religious and Secular Citizens: Limitations of Habermas' Conception of the Role of Religion in the Public Realm. Constellations, 18 (2), pp. 222-243.
German–Russian Bilateral Relations and EU Policy on Russia: Between Normalisation and the ‘Multilateral Reflex’
Timmins G (2011) German–Russian Bilateral Relations and EU Policy on Russia: Between Normalisation and the ‘Multilateral Reflex’. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19 (2), pp. 189-199.
Book Chapter
Turning nationalists into EU supporters: the case of Croatia
Jovic D (2011) Turning nationalists into EU supporters: the case of Croatia. In: Rupnik J (ed.) The Western Balkans and the EU: 'the hour of Europe'. Chaillot Paper, 126, 126. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), pp. 33-45.
The New British Policy Style: From a British to a Scottish Political Tradition?
Cairney P (2011) The New British Policy Style: From a British to a Scottish Political Tradition?. Political Studies Review, 9 (2), pp. 208-220.
Coalition and Minority Government in Scotland: Lessons for the United Kingdom?
Cairney P (2011) Coalition and Minority Government in Scotland: Lessons for the United Kingdom?. Political Quarterly, 82 (2), pp. 261-269.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Largely the Same Policy, But Largely Different Ideas: The Ideational Underpinnings of the Norwegian and Swedish Bans on the Purchase of Sexual Services
Bucken-Knapp G & Karlsson Schaffer J (2011) Largely the Same Policy, But Largely Different Ideas: The Ideational Underpinnings of the Norwegian and Swedish Bans on the Purchase of Sexual Services. 2nd European Conference on Politics and Gender, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 13.01.2011-15.01.2011.
Book Chapter
Introduction: The European Union, Russia and the Shared Neighbourhood
Timmins G & Gower J (2010) Introduction: The European Union, Russia and the Shared Neighbourhood. In: Timmins G & Gower J (eds.) The European Union, Russia and the Shared Neighbourhood. Routledge Europe-Asia Studies. New York and Hove: Taylor & Francis (Routledge).
Problems of Early Post-Communist Transition Theory: from Transition from to Transition to
Jovic D (2010) Problems of Early Post-Communist Transition Theory: from Transition from to Transition to. Politicka Misao: Croatian Political Science Review, 47 (5), pp. 44-68.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Security, Equality and the Clash of Ideas: Sweden’s Evolving Policy Towards the Trafficking of Women for Sexual Purposes
Bucken-Knapp G, Karlsson Schaffer J & Persson Stromback K (2010) Security, Equality and the Clash of Ideas: Sweden’s Evolving Policy Towards the Trafficking of Women for Sexual Purposes. 60th Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Sixty Years of Political Studies: Achievements and Futures, (PSA Annual Conference 2010), Edinburgh, Scotland, 29.03.2010-01.04.2010.
Global Child Rights and Local Change: Evidence from Bangladesh
Schapper A (2010) Global Child Rights and Local Change: Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Human Security, 6 (1), pp. 3-21.
EURORECAMP: An Alternative Model for EU Security Actorness
Haastrup T (2010) EURORECAMP: An Alternative Model for EU Security Actorness. Studia Diplomatica: The Brussels Journal of International Relations, 63 (3/4), pp. 61-80.
International Climate Policy after Copenhagen: Towards a 'Building Blocks' Approach
Falkner R, Stephan H & Vogler J (2010) International Climate Policy after Copenhagen: Towards a 'Building Blocks' Approach. Global Policy, 1 (3), pp. 252-262.
Edited Book
EU Federalism and Constitutionalism: The Legacy of Altiero Spinelli
Glencross A & Trechsel A (eds.) (2010) EU Federalism and Constitutionalism: The Legacy of Altiero Spinelli. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Palubna diplomacija i funkcionalna suradnja: hrvatsko-srpski bilateralni odnosi na pocetku mandata Ive Josipovica
Jovic D (2010) Palubna diplomacija i funkcionalna suradnja: hrvatsko-srpski bilateralni odnosi na pocetku mandata Ive Josipovica [The Shipboard Diplomacy and Functional Cooperation: Serb-Croat Relations in the first days of Ivo Josipovic's Presidency]. Izazovi Evropskih Integracija, 11, pp. 27-42.