Professor Tara Fenwick

Emeritus Professor

Education University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Tara Fenwick

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About me

My research has focused on professional work and learning in practice, professional/interprofessional education, and issues of professionalism and responsibility. I retired in August 2016 and am now living in Canada.I work with various approaches that some call ‘sociomaterial’, foregrounding the materiality of work practices, knowing, politics and subjectivities. 

From 2010 I was Director of ProPEL, an international network for research in professional practice, education and learning: . ProPEL's remit, now under new leadership at the University of Stirling since my retirement, remains broad and interdisciplinary: (1) to promote innovative studies of professional knowledge, practices and learning across domains such as health care, management, policing, medicine, social care and education; and (2) to explore effective new approaches to support professional learning across contexts of higher education, workplace and community.My recent books include: 

Revisiting actor-network theory in education(with R Edwards Routledge forthcoming 2017) Professional responsibility and professionalism: A sociomaterial examination (Routledge 2016) Reconceptualising professional learning: sociomaterial knowledges and practices (with M. Nerland,  Routledge 2014) Governing knowledge: comparison, knowledge-based technologies and expertise in the regulation of education (with E Mangez, J Ozga, Routledge 2013) Materialities, textures, pedagogies (with P Landri, Routledge 2013) Emerging approaches in education research: tracing the sociomaterial (with R Edwards and P Sawchuk, Routledge 2012) Knowledge mobilization: politics, languages and responsibilities (with L Farrell, Routledge 2012) Actor network theory in education (with R Edwards, Routledge 2010),

Doctoral SupervisionsI have recently supervised students who explored questions of knowledge production and everyday practices in changing work organisations, new technologies in professional practice and education, equity and politics in workplace education and learning, boundaryless professionals, social responsibility and ethics in professional practice, gendered conditions of work, and workplace literacy.

Research (1)


Digital R&D Fund for Arts & Culture in Scotland: Research Consortium
PI: Professor Claire Squires
Funded by: The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts

Outputs (138)


Showing 100 of 138 — See all 138 outputs

Book Chapter

Fenwick T, Doyle S, Michael MK & Scoles J (2015) Matters of Learning and Education: Sociomaterial approaches in ethnographic research. In: Bollig S, Honig M, Neumann S & Seele C (eds.) MultiPluriTrans in Educational Ethnography: Approaching the Multimodality, Plurality and Translocality of Educational Realities. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag/Columbia University Press, pp. 141-162.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2015) Sociomateriality and learning: a critical approach. In: Scott D & Hargreaves E (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Learning. London: SAGE, pp. 83-93.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2014) Rethinking Professional Responsibility: Matters of Account. In: Fenwick T & Nerland M (eds.) Reconceptualising Professional Learning: Sociomaterial knowledges, practices and responsibilities. London: Routledge, pp. 157-170.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2014) Assessment of professionals’ continuous learning in practice. In: Billett S, Harteis C & Gruber H (eds.) International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 1271-1297.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T & Edwards R (2014) Network alliances: precarious governance through data, standards and code. In: Fenwick T, Mangez E & Ozga J (eds.) World Yearbook of Education: Governing Knowledge: Comparison, Knowledge-based Technologies and Expertise in the Regulation of Education. World Yearbook of Education, 2014. London: Routledge, pp. 44-57.

Edited Book

Fenwick T & Landri P (eds.) (2014) Materialities, Textures and Pedagogies. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2014) Conceptualizing Critical HRD (CHRD): Tensions, Dilemmas, and Possibilities. In: Poell R, Rocco T & Roth G (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Human Resource Development. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting. London: Routledge, pp. 113-123.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2013) Work and learning: perspectives from Canadian adult educators. In: Nesbit T, Brigham S, Taber N & Gibb T (eds.) Building on critical traditions: Adult education and learning in Canada. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2013) Older workers in the professions: learning challenges and strategies. In: Field J, Burke R & Cooper C (eds.) Sage Handbook of Aging, Work and Society. London: SAGE, pp. 300-313.

Edited Book

Fenwick T, Nerland M & Jensen K (eds.) (2013) Professional learning in changing contexts. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2012) Ethics and experiments with art in mobilizing educational research. In: Fenwick T & Farrell L (eds.) Knowledge mobilization in educational research: politics, languages and responsibilities. London: Routledge, pp. 142-153.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2012) Matterings of knowing and doing: sociomaterial approaches to understanding practice. In: Hager P, Lee A & Reich A (eds.) Practice, Learning and Change: Practice-Theory Perspectives on Professional Learning. Professional and Practice-Based Learning, 8. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 67-83.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T & Farrell L (2011) Knowledge mobilization: The new research imperative (Introduction). In: Fenwick T & Farrell L (eds.) Knowledge Mobilization and Educational Research: Politics, Languages and Responsibilities. London: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 1-13.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2010) Trends in workplace learning research. In: Peterson P, Baker E & McGaw B (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. 3rd ed. Elsevier, pp. 83-88.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2010) Beyond individual acquisition: Theorizing practice-based collective learning in HRD. In: van Woerkom M & Poell R (eds.) Workplace Learning: Concepts, measurement and application. Routledge Studies in Human Resource Development. New York: Routledge, pp. 26-40.

Book Chapter

Wallace J & Fenwick T (2010) Transitions in Working Dis/Ability: Able-ing Environments and Disabling Policies. In: Taylor A & Sawchuk P (eds.) Challenging Transitions in Learning and Work. The Knowledge Economy and Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 309-324.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2010) Trends in Workplace Learning Research. In: Peterson P, Baker E & McGaw B (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Third ed. International Encyclopedia of Education, 1. Elsevier, pp. 83-88.;

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2008) Learning on the line: Skills, sociality and solidarity among garment workers. In: Livingstone D, Mirchandani K & Sawchuk P (eds.) The Future of Lifelong Learning in Work: Critical Perspectives. The Knowledge Economy and Education, 1. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 185-200.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2008) Workplace learning: Emerging trends and new perspectives. In: Merriam S (ed.) Third Update on Adult Learning Theory. New Dimensions for Adult and Continuing Education, 119. San Francisco, CA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell/Jossey-Bass, pp. 17-26.;

Book Chapter

Farrell L & Fenwick T (2007) Introduction. In: Farrell L & Fenwick T (eds.) World Yearbook of Education 2007 - Educating the global workforce: Knowledge, knowledge work, and knowledge workers. World Yearbook of Education. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1-10.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2007) Experiential learning. In: Kincheloe J & Horn JR (eds.) The Praeger Handbook of Educational Psychology, Volume 3. Westport, CT, USA: Praeger, pp. 530-539.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T & Farrell L (2007) Educating a global workforce?. In: Farrell L & Fenwick T (eds.) Educating the Global Workforce: Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Knowledge Workers. World Yearbook of Education 2007. Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 13-26.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2006) Work, learning and adult education in Canada. In: Fenwick T, Nesbit T & Spencer B (eds.) Contexts of adult education: Canadian perspectives. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2006) Inside out of experiential learning: Fluid bodies, co-emergent minds. In: Edwards R, Gallacher J & Whittaker S (eds.) Learning Outside the Academy: International Research Perspectives on Lifelong Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 42-55.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T (2006) Escaping/becoming subjects: Learning to work the boundaries in boundaryless work. In: Billett S, Fenwick T & Somerville M (eds.) Work, subjectivity and learning: Understanding learning through working life. Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 6. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 21-36.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T & Somerville M (2006) Work, Subjectivity and Learning: Prospects and Issues. In: Billett S, Fenwick T & Somerville M (eds.) Work, Subjectivity and Learning: Understanding Learning through Working Life. Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, 6. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 247-265.

Book Review

Fenwick T (2006) Work, learning, and education in the knowledge economy: A working-class perspectiven. Review of: Hidden knowledge: Organized labour in the information age, D.W. Livingstone & P. H. Sawchuk, Toronto: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004, 360pp. ISBN 978-0742529175; Reading work: Literacies in the new workplace, M. E. Belfiore, T. A. Defoe, S. Folinsbee, J. Hunter, & N. S. Jackson, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004, 600pp. ISBN 978-0805846218; Voices from the margins: The stories of vocational high school students, J. P. Nagle, New York: Peter Lang, 2001, 135pp. ISBN 978-0820450322. Curriculum Inquiry, 36 (4), pp. 453-466.

Book Chapter

Fenwick T & Somerville M (2006) Work, Subjectivity and Learning: Prospects and Issues. In: Billett S, Fenwick T & Somerville M (eds.) Work, Subjectivity and Learning: Understanding Learning through Working Life. Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 6, 6. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 247-265.

Edited Book

Fenwick T, Nesbit T & Spencer B (eds.) (2006) Contexts of adult education: Canadian perspectives. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.

See all 138 outputs