Private International Law of the Environment
Beaumont P (1995) Private International Law of the Environment. Juridical Review, 1995 (1), pp. 28-39.
Private International Law of the Environment
Beaumont P (1995) Private International Law of the Environment. Juridical Review, 1995 (1), pp. 28-39.
Scotland: Towards a Child and Family Code
Sutherland EE (1994) Scotland: Towards a Child and Family Code. University of Louisville Journal of Family Law, 32 (2), pp. 405-419.
Sutherland EE (1994) Adoption: The Child's View. Scots Law Times, pp. 37-39.
Mother Knows Best or, "When is a presumption not a presumption?"
Sutherland EE (1994) Mother Knows Best or, "When is a presumption not a presumption?". Scots Law Times, pp. 375-378.
Sutherland EE (1994) Grandparents and the Law. Greens Family Law Bulletin, (33), pp. 3-4.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (1994) Rules for Declining to Exercise Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters: Forum non conveniens, lis pendens. In: Banakas E, Gardner JP, Carey Miller D & Bridge JW (eds.) United Kingdom Law in the mid-1990's: Part 2. First ed. United Kingdom Comparative Law Series, Volume 15. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law, pp. 549-575.
Authored Book
Beaumont P & Moir G (1994) The European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 with the Treaty of Rome (as amended) Text and Commentary. First ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell.
Conference Paper (published)
West Meets Middle East: a study of conflict between legal systems
Goodall K (1993) West Meets Middle East: a study of conflict between legal systems. In: Schreckenberger W & Starck C (eds.) Praktische Vernunft, Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft: Vorträge des 15. IVR-Weltkongresses in Göttingen, August 1991, Band 3. Archiv für Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie – Beihefte (ARSP-B), 52. 15th IVR World Congress, August 1991, Gottingen, Germany. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Authored Book
Grandparents and the Law in Scotland
Sutherland EE (1993) Grandparents and the Law in Scotland. Edinburgh: Age Concern Scotland.
A Solution to the Traineeship Crisis?
Sutherland EE (1993) A Solution to the Traineeship Crisis?. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 38 (10), pp. 400-401.
Edited Book
The Option of Litigating in Europe
Carey Miller D & Beaumont P (eds.) (1993) The Option of Litigating in Europe, First ed. United Kingdom Comparative Law Series, Volume 14. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law.
Book Chapter
Jurisdiction under the Brussels Convention in Contract, Tort, Delict and Quasi-Delict
Beaumont P (1993) Jurisdiction under the Brussels Convention in Contract, Tort, Delict and Quasi-Delict. In: Carey Miller D & Beaumont P (eds.) The Option of Litigating in Europe. First ed. United Kingdom Comparative law Series, Volume 14. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law, pp. 13-29.
Sutherland EE (1993) Clyde and Beyond: The Report of the Inquiry into the Removal of Children from Orkney in February 1991 (Case and Comment). Juridical Review, 38 (2), pp. 178-184.
Book Chapter
The Role of Children in the Making of Decisions which Affect Them
Sutherland EE (1992) The Role of Children in the Making of Decisions which Affect Them. In: Freeman M & Veerman P (eds.) The Ideologies of Children's Rights. International Studies in Human Rights Series, Volume 23. The Hague, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 155-166.
Parental Rights: Some Recent Developments
Sutherland EE (1992) Parental Rights: Some Recent Developments. Scots Law Times, pp. 259-362, 369-371.
Sutherland EE (1992) Children's Charters. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 37, pp. 435-437.
Sutherland EE (1992) The Orkney Case. Juridical Review, 37 (2), pp. 93-108.
Beaumont P (1992) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 41 (1), pp. 206-211.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Does Scots Law Measure Up?
Sutherland EE (1991) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: Does Scots Law Measure Up?. Scots Law Times, pp. 198-201.
Child Law: Radical Change or Woeful Neglect?
Sutherland EE (1991) Child Law: Radical Change or Woeful Neglect?. Scots Law Times, pp. 447-448.
Sutherland EE (1991) Child Custody in Context. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 36, pp. 289-291.
Authored Book
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991 (c.12), Current Law Statutes Annotations
Beaumont P (1991) Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991 (c.12), Current Law Statutes Annotations. First ed. London: Sweet and Maxwell.
Book Chapter
Local Administration in Scotland; The Role of the Sheriff
McLeod Little G (1991) Local Administration in Scotland; The Role of the Sheriff. In: Finnie W, Walker N & Himsworth C (eds.) Edinburgh Essays in Public Law. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 296-314.
Scotland: Financial Provision, The Status of Children and Child Protection
Sutherland EE (1990) Scotland: Financial Provision, The Status of Children and Child Protection. University of Louisville Journal of Family Law, 28 (3), pp. 588-599.
Book Chapter
Sutherland EE (1990) Parent and Child. In: Smith T, Black R & Thomson J (eds.) The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia, Volume 10, paras. 1012-1312. Edinburgh: The Law Society of Scotland/ Butterworth and Co.
Book Chapter
Regulating pregnancy: should we and can we?
Sutherland EE (1990) Regulating pregnancy: should we and can we?. In: Sutherland E & McCall SA (eds.) Family Rights: Family Law and Medical Advance. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 100-119.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Role of Children in the Decision-Making Process
Sutherland EE (1990) The Role of Children in the Decision-Making Process. 1st International Interdisciplinary Study-Group on the Ideologies of Children's Rights, Israel, 07.12.1990-09.12.1990.
Research Report
Serious assault in Public Places: An Analysis and a Strategy
Wood T & Goodall K (1990) Serious assault in Public Places: An Analysis and a Strategy. Home Office Police Research Awards Scheme.
Edited Book
Family rights: family law and medical advance
Sutherland EE & McCall Smith A (eds.) (1990) Family rights: family law and medical advance. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
"Public and Private” in Legal Debate
Goodall K (1990) "Public and Private” in Legal Debate. International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 18 (4), pp. 445-458.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P (1990) International Adoption. In: Gardner JP (ed.) United Kingdom Law in the 1990s. First ed. United Kingdom Comparative Law Series, Volume 10. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law, pp. 118-132.
Beaumont P (1990) III. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 39 (3), pp. 700-704.
Book Chapter
The Law Protecting Children in the United Kingdom
Sutherland EE (1989) The Law Protecting Children in the United Kingdom. In: Mason J (ed.) Paediatric Forensic Medicine and Pathology. London: Chapman and Hall, pp. 441-453.
Scotland: The Reform Process Continues
Sutherland EE (1988) Scotland: The Reform Process Continues. University of Louisville Journal of Family Law, 26 (1), pp. 175-186.
Child Protection North and South of the Border
Sutherland EE (1988) Child Protection North and South of the Border. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 33 (6), pp. 206-210.
Book Chapter
Mcleod Little G (1988) History of Local Government. In: The laws of Scotland : Stair memorial encyclopaedia. Vol.14, [Local government, Location: leasing and hire of moveables, Medical and allied professions, Medicines, poisons and drugs, Meetings, Mental health, Messengers-at-arms and sheriff officers, Mines and quarries, Money and means of exchange, Nationality and citizenship, Nuisance].. The Laws of Scotland: Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia., 14. Edinburgh: LexisNexis/Law Society of Scotland, pp. 8-33.
Sutherland EE (1987) A.B. Petitioner. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, (32), pp. 274-275.
Scotland: Family Finances and Property Reformed
Sutherland EE (1987) Scotland: Family Finances and Property Reformed. University of Louisville Journal of Family Law, 25 (1), pp. 211-224.
Remedying an Evil? Warrandice of Quality at Common Law in Scotland
Sutherland EE (1987) Remedying an Evil? Warrandice of Quality at Common Law in Scotland. Juridical Review, 32 (1), pp. 24-37.
Conflicts of Jurisdiction in Divorce Cases: Forum non Conveniens
Beaumont P (1987) Conflicts of Jurisdiction in Divorce Cases: Forum non Conveniens. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 36 (1), pp. 116-131.
The Family Law (Scotland) Act 1985
Sutherland EE (1986) The Family Law (Scotland) Act 1985. Scots Law Times, pp. 85-89 and 93-98.
Book Chapter
Scotland: Developments in Scots Family Law
Sutherland EE (1985) Scotland: Developments in Scots Family Law. In: Freeman M (ed.) Annual Survey of Family Law 1984. International Society on Family Law, pp. 125-135.
Beaumont P (1985) Competent and Omitted. Scots Law Times, pp. 345-349.
Res Judicata and Estoppel in Civil Proceedings
Beaumont P (1985) Res Judicata and Estoppel in Civil Proceedings. Scots Law Times, pp. 133-135 and 141-145.
Book Chapter
Scotland: Developments in Scots Family Law
Sutherland EE (1984) Scotland: Developments in Scots Family Law. In: Freeman M (ed.) Annual Survey of Family Law 1983. International Society of Family Law, pp. 37-48.
Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Bill
Sutherland EE & Griffiths A (1981) Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Bill. Scots Law Times, pp. 165-169.