Communications, Media and Culture

Outputs related to Communications, Media and Culture

Showing 1 to 100 of 1067

Book Chapter

McKeown C (2025) The Pain of Thinking at Light Speed: Posthuman Play as Response to “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream". In: Incomputable Earth Technology and the Anthropocene Hypothesis Incomputable Earth. Theory in the New Humanities. London: Bloomsbury.

Book Chapter

Dinan W, Esteves V & Harkins S (2024) Climate Obstruction in Scotland: the politics of oil and gas. In: Brulle RJ, Roberts JT & Spencer MC (eds.) Climate Obstruction Across Europe. New York, NY 10016, United States of America: OUP, pp. 57 - 79.

Website Content

Haynes R (2024) Frank Bough. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography [Website] 01.04.2024.

Book Chapter

Rennick S (2024) Feminist Philosophy of Time. In: Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. Routledge.


Tomaz SA, Taylor L, Ryde GC, Bradwell HL, Cooper L, Coffee P, Mannion G, Hennessy C, Haynes R, Whittaker AC & GOALD Project (2024) Generations Active Together: An Example of Using Physical Activity Promotion and Digital Technology to Bring Together Adolescents and Older People in Stirling, Scotland. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.

Book Chapter

Jones B (2023) The "Lack of Listening" During South African Election News Coverage: Ramifications for Peace and Democracy. In: Omanga D, Mare A & Mainye PC (eds.) Digital Technologies, Elections and Campaigns in Africa. 1 ed. African Governance. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Haynes R (2023) TV and Sport: A Symbiotic Relationship. In: The Television Genre Book. 4th ed. London: Bloomsbury.

Book Chapter

Haynes R (2023) Sport News. In: Creeber G (ed.) The Television Genre Book. 4th ed. London: Bloomsbury.

Book Chapter

Rennick S (2023) Foreknowledge. In: Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Book Chapter

Haynes R (2023) Football Heroes and Heroines. In: Allison ST, Beggan JK & Goethals GR (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Heroism Studies. Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-8.


Bradwell pL, Cooper L, Edwards KJ, Baxter R, Tomaz SA, Ritchie J, Gaudl S, Veliz-Reyes A, Ryde GC, Križaj T, Warren A, Chatterjee A, Haynes R, Hennessy CH & Whittaker AC (2023) Staff perceptions towards virtual reality-motivated treadmill exercise for care home residents: a qualitative feedback study with key stakeholders and follow-up interview with technology developer. BMJ Open, 13 (11), Art. No.: e073307.

Conference Paper (published)

McKeown C & MacDonald E (2023) Teaching Interactive Digital Narrative Through Found Photography. In: TBC. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 16th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Kobe, 11.11.2023-15.11.2023. Cham , Switzerland: Springer.


Elliott-Smith D (2023) Scary Stuff is Academic [Horror Studies, a book series distributed by the University of Chicago Press, presents academic takes on horror’s many facets.]. []. Chicago, IL: Chicago


(2023) Queer Horror, Marxism and Hollywood [Arts Express Radio Interview with Dr Darren Elliott-Smith]. [Radio Show/Podcast] 06.09.2023.

Project Report

Hardy J, Kubicka H, MacRury I, Núñez Gómez P & Rangel Pérez C (2023) Policy Briefing: branded content governance project. UAL/ UoS/ UCM. London.

Website Content

Haynes R (2023) Hugh McIlvanney. Oxford Dictionary for National Biography [Website] 13.04.2023.

Conference Paper (published)

Zioga P & Vélez-Serna MA (2022) Interaction Design for Audiences: A Proposition for Building Resilience and Recovery for COVID-safe Independent Cinemas. In: Tsitsou L, Rana H & Wessels B (eds.) The Formation of Film Audiences: Conference Proceedings. Studies in the Digital Humanities. Audiences beyond the multiplex: understanding the value of a diverse film culture, Online, 02.03.2021-03.03.2021. Sheffield: Digital Humanities Institute.

Book Chapter

Berridge S (2022) Managing Feelings: Raising Films' Testimonials and the Impact of Caring Responsibilities on the Emotional Well-being of Mothers Who Work in the UK Film and Television Sector. In: Mayer S & Columpar C (eds.) Mothers of Invention: Film, Media and Caregiving Labor. Detroit, MI, USA: Wayne State University Press.

Conference Paper (published)

Buchanan S & Husain Z (2022) Digital Participation, Surveillance, and Agency: Insights into the Role of Digital Literacy to Manage Risk. In: Kurbanoğlu S, Špiranec S, Ünal Y, Boustany J & Kos D (eds.) Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1533. 7th European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL 2021), Bamberg, Germany, 20.09.2021-23.09.2021. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 719-729.

Book Chapter

Dinan W, Bernardi C, Esteves V & Harkins S (2022) Online climate denialism: Eco-systems and echo chambers. In: Hansen A & Cox R (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. 2nd Edition ed. London: Routledge.

Website Content

Newey C & Rennick S (2022) The Use and Usefulness of Peer Feedback. T&L Exchange, University of Reading [Briefing] 06.12.2022.

Presentation / Talk

Elliott-Smith D (2022) Introduction to Video Essays Workshop (Presentation) 'Watch Me' Women's International Film Festival, 12.11.2022-12.11.2022.

Website Content

Morrison J (2022) Is it time to retire the term 'left behind'?. [Blog post] 13.10.2022.

Website Content

Morrison J (2022) A Liz in Toryland: the irrelevance of Tory culture wars.. [Blog post] 08.07.2022. While Liz Truss outbids Rishi Sunak to revive culture-war rhetoric, it’s stagnant wages and rising prices – not ‘woke’ issues – that are worrying Britain’s ‘left behind’. James Morrison, author of the new book The Left Behind, explores how out of touch the Conservative Party is.

Research Report

Pixley T, Smith-Rodden M, Campbell D & Hadland A (2022) The State Of Photography 2022. Knight Foundation. USA.,experiences%20of%20imagemakers%20from%20historically


de Boer J, Llompart M, Massey R, Dinan W, Clapp R & Watterson A (2021) Letter to the Editor of Risk Analysis on the de Vries et al. Article (2021) on the Role of the Media in Communicating About Risks Linked to Crumb Rubber. Refers to: de Vries, Marion, Claassen, Liesbeth, Te Wierik, Margreet, Das,Enny, Mennen, Marcel, Timen, Aura, & Timmermans, Danielle(2021). The role of the media in the amplification of a contestedhealth risk: Rubber granulate on sport fields.Risk Analysis.; Epub ahead of print May 6,2021. PMID: 33955574. Risk Analysis, 41 (12), pp. 2179-2182.

Book Chapter

Haynes R, Hadland A & Lambert P (2021) The State of Sport Photojournalism: Concepts, practice and challenges. In: Boyle R (ed.) Changing Sports Journalism Practice in the Age of Digital Media. 1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 144-159.

Book Chapter

Morrison J (2021) Pluralist public sphere or elitist closed circle? Elite-driven agendas and contributor ‘chemistry’ as determinants of pundit choice on a flagship BBC politics show. In: Morrison J, Birks J & Berry M (eds.) Routledge Companion to Political Journalism. 1 ed. Routledge Companions. Abingdon: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Morrison J, Birks J & Berry M (2021) Introduction: The New terrain of mediated politics. In: Routledge Companion to Political Journalism. Routledge Companions. Abingdon: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Canning C & Buchanan S (2021) Exploring the rehabilitative cultural role of the prison library: addressing sensitive information needs via cultural activities.. In: Garner J (ed.) Exploring the roles and practices of libraries in prisons: International Perspectives. Advances in Librarianship, 49. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. pp. 11-37.

Book Chapter

Berridge S (2021) Mothers' Subjective Experiences of negotiating caring responsibilities with work in the Scottish film and TV industries. In: Liddy S & O'Brien A (eds.) Media Work, Mothers and Motherhood: Negotiating the International Audio-Visual Industry. Routledge Studies in Media and Cultural Industries, 8. London: Routledge, pp. 145-159.

Conference Paper (published)

Bernardi C & Mendieta C (2021) Micro-targeting and non-profit marketing: loss of serendipity or effective strategy?. In: Karpasitis C (ed.) Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Social Media. 8th European Conference on Social Media, Larnaca, Cyprus, 01.07.2021-02.07.2021. Reading: Academic Conferences International, pp. 41-49.