Presentation / Talk
Health Information Behaviours: understanding the information intermediary role in the information search process.
Buchanan S (2016) Health Information Behaviours: understanding the information intermediary role in the information search process.. National Health Service Education Knowledge into Action (K2A) Expert Webex, 09.11.2016.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Health Information Seeking Behaviours
Buchanan S (2016) Health Information Seeking Behaviours. National Health Service Education Scotland Health Literacy Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26.10.2016.
Whereabouts you are
Biró E, Butler J, Calvo M, Bento Coelho I, Keehan A, MacLellan FJ, Weir CM, Worsley D, Makki Zakari H, Zioga P & Checchia V (2016) Whereabouts you are.
Newspaper / Magazine
Louis Theroux’s new Jimmy Savile documentary is a horrible misstep
Boyle K (2016) Louis Theroux’s new Jimmy Savile documentary is a horrible misstep. The Conversation. 03.10.2016.
Research Report
Peer Review in Practice
Butchard D, Rowberry S, Squires C & Tasker G (2016) Peer Review in Practice. University of Stirling.
Framing Referendum Campaigns: the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum in the Press
Dekavalla M (2016) Framing Referendum Campaigns: the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum in the Press. Media, Culture and Society, 38 (6), pp. 793-810.
Newspaper / Magazine
National Treasure reminds us you can be family man and monster at same time
Boyle K (2016) National Treasure reminds us you can be family man and monster at same time. The Conversation. 21.09.2016.
Conference Paper (published)
Framing families:'deserving'versus 'undeserving'households and neighbourhoods as glimpsed through juvenile panic stories in the online press
Morrison J (2016) Framing families:'deserving'versus 'undeserving'households and neighbourhoods as glimpsed through juvenile panic stories in the online press. In: , Brighton and Hove, 21.03.2016-23.03.2016. London: Political Studies Association.
Short Subject: From imperfect strangers to new citizens: Screening race and ethnicity in Nordic film history
Moffat K (2016) Short Subject: From imperfect strangers to new citizens: Screening race and ethnicity in Nordic film history. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 6 (3), pp. 225-233.
Commonplacing the public domain: reading the classics socially on the Kindle
Rowberry S (2016) Commonplacing the public domain: reading the classics socially on the Kindle. Language and Literature, 25 (3), pp. 211-225.
Book Chapter
All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others: how and why inequality became invisible in the British press
Harkins S & Lugo-Ocando J (2016) All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others: how and why inequality became invisible in the British press. In: Servaes J & Oyedemi T (eds.) The Praxis of Social Inequality in Media: A Global Perspective. Lexington Books.
Book Chapter
Is identity politics compatible with the pursuit of global justice?
Alexander K & Eschle C (2016) Is identity politics compatible with the pursuit of global justice?. In: Steans J & Tepe-Belfrage D (eds.) Handbook on Gender in World Politics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 103-109.
Conference Paper (published)
Beyond the bottom line: redefining the value of design in SME formation
Johnson MP, Champion K, McHattie L & White G (2016) Beyond the bottom line: redefining the value of design in SME formation. In: The 20th dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings. 20th DMI: Academic Design Management Conference ADMC16, Boston, MA, USA, 22.07.2016-29.07.2016. Boston, MA, USA: Design Management Institute, pp. 121-149.
Conference Paper (published)
From Participation to Collaboration: Reflections on the Co-Creation of Innovative Business Ideas
Broadley C, Champion K, Johnson MP & McHattie L (2016) From Participation to Collaboration: Reflections on the Co-Creation of Innovative Business Ideas. In: Lloyd P & Bohemia E (eds.) Proceedings of DRS 2016: The 50th Anniversary DRS Conference 2016, Future-Focused Thinking, Volume 5. DRS International Conference Series. DRS2016: Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference, Brighton, 27.06.2016-30.06.2017. London: Design Research Society, pp. 1739-1758.
Book Chapter
Theatre, Film and Television: Lindsay Anderson directs David Storey’s In Celebration (1969) and Home (1970)
Izod J (2016) Theatre, Film and Television: Lindsay Anderson directs David Storey’s In Celebration (1969) and Home (1970). In: Hedling E & Dupin C C (eds.) Lindsay Anderson Revisited: Unknown Aspects of a Film Director. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 157-172.;
Dissent & Disruption: Alan Clarke at the BBC. Essays in accompanying book (6 in blu-ray version, 1 in DVD version)
Rolinson D (2016) Dissent & Disruption: Alan Clarke at the BBC. Essays in accompanying book (6 in blu-ray version, 1 in DVD version). [Box Set Book] 06.2016.
Break-point for Brexit? How UKIP's image of 'hate' set race discourse reeling back decades.
Morrison J (2016) Break-point for Brexit? How UKIP's image of 'hate' set race discourse reeling back decades.. [Blog post] 27.06.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
Fattened pigs, dog whistles and dead cats: the menagerie of a Lynton Crosby campaign
Dinan W (2016) Fattened pigs, dog whistles and dead cats: the menagerie of a Lynton Crosby campaign. The Conversation. 16.06.2016.
Understanding the Information Needs of Young Mothers from Areas of Multiple Deprivations
Buchanan S, Ruthven I, Jardine C & Louden K (2016) Understanding the Information Needs of Young Mothers from Areas of Multiple Deprivations. Bridging Theory and Practice in Information Science (BTAP-IS 2016), Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow UK, 15.06.2016.
Book Review
Book Review: Jandrić, Petar and Damir Boras (eds). 2015. Critical Learning in Digital Networks
Allmer T (2016) Book Review: Jandrić, Petar and Damir Boras (eds). 2015. Critical Learning in Digital Networks. Concept, 7 (1), Art. No.: 3.
Book Chapter
Universal Aspirations and Ecocosmopolitan Rhetoric: The Finnish Ecodocumentary
Kaapa P (2016) Universal Aspirations and Ecocosmopolitan Rhetoric: The Finnish Ecodocumentary. In: Hjort M & Lindqvist U (eds.) A Companion to Nordic Cinema. Wiley-Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas Series. London: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 510-528.
Illuminating the practice of Knowledge Exchange as a 'pathway to impact' within an Arts and Humanities Research Council 'Creative Economy Knowledge Exchange' project
Munro E (2016) Illuminating the practice of Knowledge Exchange as a 'pathway to impact' within an Arts and Humanities Research Council 'Creative Economy Knowledge Exchange' project. Geoforum, 71, pp. 44-51.
BODIES IN TRANSFORMATION: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Representations of Bodies on Screen
Elliott-Smith D (2016) BODIES IN TRANSFORMATION: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Representations of Bodies on Screen. Bodies in Transformation, University of Hertfordshire, 06.05.2016-06.05.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
Local Film Audiences: The Orkney Film Magazine and the The Drift Back (1956)
Neely S (2016) Local Film Audiences: The Orkney Film Magazine and the The Drift Back (1956). 04.2016 p. 21.
Website Content
Early Cinema in Scotland
Velez-Serna MA, Caughie J, Griffiths T, Bohlmann J & Merz C (2016) Early Cinema in Scotland. 23.04.2016.
Television news and the digital environment: A triadic multimodal approach for analysing moving image media
Jones B (2016) Television news and the digital environment: A triadic multimodal approach for analysing moving image media. African Journalism Studies, 37 (2), pp. 116-137.
The Architectural Cinematicity of Wang Shu and the Architectonic Cinema of Jia Zhangke: Diagrammatically decomposing the 'main melody' in monu-mental assemblage art
Fleming D (2016) The Architectural Cinematicity of Wang Shu and the Architectonic Cinema of Jia Zhangke: Diagrammatically decomposing the 'main melody' in monu-mental assemblage art. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 3 (1), pp. 33-53.
Book Chapter
Cher and Dionne BFFs: Female Friendship, Genre, and Medium Specificity in the Film and Television Versions of Amy Heckerling’s Clueless
Berridge S (2016) Cher and Dionne BFFs: Female Friendship, Genre, and Medium Specificity in the Film and Television Versions of Amy Heckerling’s Clueless. In: Shary T & Smith F (eds.) Refocus: The Films of Amy Heckerling. ReFocus: The American Directors Series. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 17-35.
The construction of a ‘historical moment’: Queen Elizabeth’s 2011 visit to Ireland in British and Irish newspapers
Dekavalla M & Rafter K (2016) The construction of a ‘historical moment’: Queen Elizabeth’s 2011 visit to Ireland in British and Irish newspapers. Journalism, 17 (2), pp. 227-243.
Preprint / Working Paper
Time to chill? Lessons on lobbying transparency and participation
Dinan W & Elliott M (2016) Time to chill? Lessons on lobbying transparency and participation.
Health Impact Assessments, Regulation, and the Unconventional Gas Industry in the UK: Exploiting Resources, Ideology, and Expertise?
Watterson A & Dinan W (2016) Health Impact Assessments, Regulation, and the Unconventional Gas Industry in the UK: Exploiting Resources, Ideology, and Expertise?. New Solutions, 25 (4), pp. 480-512.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Musicians’ Union Campaigns in the Late 1920s
Izod J (2016) Musicians’ Union Campaigns in the Late 1920s. Working in Music: The Musicians’ Union, musical labour and employment, Glasgow, 14.01.2016-15.01.2016.
The magical realism of body counts: How media credulity and flawed statistics sustain a controversial policy
Ahmad M (2016) The magical realism of body counts: How media credulity and flawed statistics sustain a controversial policy. Journalism, 17 (1), pp. 18-34.
Unethical Morality in "Documenting" Terrorism: Terror at the Mall, Nowhere to Run, Wolves of Westgate
Fleming D (2016) Unethical Morality in "Documenting" Terrorism: Terror at the Mall, Nowhere to Run, Wolves of Westgate. SubStance, 45 (3), pp. 66-83.
May A Billion Guerrilla Filmmakers Bloom: (Non)filmmaker and media philosopher visits Ningbo
Fleming D (2016) May A Billion Guerrilla Filmmakers Bloom: (Non)filmmaker and media philosopher visits Ningbo. Ningbo Guide, 10 (8), pp. 48-49.
Book Review
The Ringtone Dialectic: Economy and Cultural Form. By Sumanth Gopinath. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013. 416 pp. ISBN 978-0-262-01915-6
Avdeeff M (2016) The Ringtone Dialectic: Economy and Cultural Form. By Sumanth Gopinath. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013. 416 pp. ISBN 978-0-262-01915-6. Review of: The Ringtone Dialectic: Economy and Cultural Form. By Sumanth Gopinath. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013. 416 pp. ISBN 978-0-262-01915-6. Popular Music, 35 (1), pp. 144-146.
Archivos de la filmoteca: Margaret Tait y el ‘Poeta en Nueva York’ de Lorca
Neely S (2015) Archivos de la filmoteca: Margaret Tait y el ‘Poeta en Nueva York’ de Lorca. Contraluz, (34), pp. 72-73.
Book Chapter
Open source and consumption
Lin Y (2015) Open source and consumption. In: Cook D & Ryan J (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. p. 3.;
Conference Paper (published)
A Hypothesis of Brain-to-Brain Coupling in Interactive New Media Art and Games Using Brain-Computer Interfaces
Zioga P, Chapman P, Ma M & Pollick F (2015) A Hypothesis of Brain-to-Brain Coupling in Interactive New Media Art and Games Using Brain-Computer Interfaces. In: Göbel S, Ma M, Baalsrud Hauge J, Fradinho Oliveira M, Wiemeyer J & Wendel V (eds.) Serious Games. JCSG 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9090. Serious Games First Joint International Conference, JCSG 2015, Huddersfield, UK, 03.06.2015-04.06.2015. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 103-113.
Book Chapter
The poverty of ideas in the newsroom
Lugo-Ocando J & Harkins S (2015) The poverty of ideas in the newsroom. In: Blaming the Victim: How Global Journalism Fails Those in Poverty. London: Pluto Press, pp. 36-59.
How Malthusian ideology crept into the newsroom: British tabloids and the coverage of the ‘underclass’
Harkins S & Lugo-Ocando J (2015) How Malthusian ideology crept into the newsroom: British tabloids and the coverage of the ‘underclass’. Critical Discourse Studies, 13 (1), pp. 78-93.
Book Chapter
'Come on Boy – Bring it!': Embracing Queer Aesthetics in Marcus Nispel's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
Elliott-Smith D (2015) 'Come on Boy – Bring it!': Embracing Queer Aesthetics in Marcus Nispel's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003). In: Clayton W (ed.) Style and Form in the Hollywood Slasher Film. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 180-194.
Voiding Cinema: Subjectivity beside itself, or unbecoming cinema in Enter the Void
Brown W & Fleming D (2015) Voiding Cinema: Subjectivity beside itself, or unbecoming cinema in Enter the Void. Film-Philosophy, 19, pp. 124-145.
Digital Media and women's issues in Egypt and Saudi Arabia
Bernardi C (2015) Digital Media and women's issues in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Warwick.
Inside a Cultural Agency: Team Ethnography and Knowledge Exchange
Schlesinger P, Selfe M & Munro E (2015) Inside a Cultural Agency: Team Ethnography and Knowledge Exchange. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 45 (2), pp. 66-83.
Authored Book
Curators of Cultural Enterprise: A Critical Analysis of a Creative Business Intermediary
Schlesinger P, Selfe M & Munro E (2015) Curators of Cultural Enterprise: A Critical Analysis of a Creative Business Intermediary. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.;
Book Chapter
Using Linguistic Ethnography to Study Techno Eliteness of Social Media Audiences
Beyl J & Lin Y (2015) Using Linguistic Ethnography to Study Techno Eliteness of Social Media Audiences. In: Zeller F, Ponte C & O'Neill B (eds.) Revitalising Audiences: Innovations in European Audience Research. Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education, 5. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 106-122.
Experimentation and Imitation: The Journey to Elle 360
Champion K (2015) Experimentation and Imitation: The Journey to Elle 360. Journal of Media Innovations, 2 (1), pp. 23-40.;
Shaping screen talent: conceptualising and developing the film and TV workforce in Scotland
Kelly LW & Champion K (2015) Shaping screen talent: conceptualising and developing the film and TV workforce in Scotland. Cultural Trends, 24 (2), pp. 165-175.
Measuring Content Diversity in a Multi-Platform Context
Champion K (2015) Measuring Content Diversity in a Multi-Platform Context. Political Economy of Communication, 3 (1), pp. 39-56.
Book Chapter
Objects Found: Locating a tradition of Scottish women filmmakers
Neely S (2015) Objects Found: Locating a tradition of Scottish women filmmakers. In: Bruce K, Hetherington A & Fiske T (eds.) Ripples in the Pond. Thinking Collections. Glasgow: Gallery of Modern Art (with Modern Edinburgh Film School and Glasgow Affiliate Project).
Book Chapter
Margaret Tait’s ‘Poetry of Presence’
Neely S (2015) Margaret Tait’s ‘Poetry of Presence’ [Introduction for Spanish translation of Margaret Tait's poetry]. In: Gallina significa miel: Poemas escogidos y ensayos sobre cine de Margaret Tait/ Hen Means Honey: Chosen poems and essays about cinema by Margaret Tait. Punto de Vista Collection. Navarra, Spain: Gobierno de Navarra. Fondo de Publicaciones.
Book Chapter
Voicing the Silences in Lucy Reynolds’ “A Feminist Chorus”
Neely S (2015) Voicing the Silences in Lucy Reynolds’ “A Feminist Chorus”. In: Reynolds L, Bain A & Edbrook L (eds.) A Feminist Chorus. Glasgow: MAP Magazine, pp. 12-13.
Not waving....agitating?: 'Visual pleasure and narrative cinema,' the second wave, and me
Boyle K (2015) Not waving....agitating?: 'Visual pleasure and narrative cinema,' the second wave, and me. Commentary on: A short article on the 40th anniversary of Laura Mulvey's 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema', focusing on its relationship to feminism's second wave and its enduring legacy.. Feminist Media Studies, 15 (5), pp. 885-888.
Introduction: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema at Forty
Boyle K (2015) Introduction: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema at Forty. Commentary on: Mulvey, Laura. 1975. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” Screen 16 (3): 6–18.. Feminist Media Studies, 15 (5), pp. 880-881.
Book Chapter
The myth of authentic self-actualisation: happiness, transformation and reality TV
Singh G (2015) The myth of authentic self-actualisation: happiness, transformation and reality TV. In: Hockley L & Fadina N (eds.) The Happiness Illusion: How the media sold us a fairytale. Hove: Routledge, pp. 162-180.
Portrait of a serial killer: Intertextuality and gender in the portrait film
Boyle K & Reburn J (2015) Portrait of a serial killer: Intertextuality and gender in the portrait film. Feminist Media Studies, 15 (2), pp. 192-207.
Authored Book
Media-State Relations in Emerging Democracies
Hadland A (2015) Media-State Relations in Emerging Democracies. Basingstoke UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
News Images on Instagram: The paradox of authenticity in hyperreal photo reportage
Borges Rey E (2015) News Images on Instagram: The paradox of authenticity in hyperreal photo reportage. Digital Journalism, 3 (4), pp. 571-593.
Edited Book
The Art of Invective: Selected Non-Fiction 1953-1994, by Dennis Potter
Greaves I, Williams J & Rolinson D (eds.) (2015) The Art of Invective: Selected Non-Fiction 1953-1994, by Dennis Potter. London: Oberon.
Carceral Soundscapes: sonic violence and embodied experience in film about imprisonment
Lovatt P (2015) Carceral Soundscapes: sonic violence and embodied experience in film about imprisonment. SoundEffects, 5 (1), pp. 25-39.
Book Chapter
'Slow Sounds': Duration, Audition and Labour in Liu Jiayin's Oxhide and Oxhide II
Lovatt P (2015) 'Slow Sounds': Duration, Audition and Labour in Liu Jiayin's Oxhide and Oxhide II. In: de Luca T & Jorge N (eds.) Slow Cinema. Traditions in World Cinema. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 189-201.
Book Chapter
Life is Cheap: Chinese Neo-Noir and the Aesthetics of Disenchantment
Lovatt P (2015) Life is Cheap: Chinese Neo-Noir and the Aesthetics of Disenchantment. In: Shin C & Gallagher M (eds.) East Asian Film Noir: Transnational Encounters and Intercultural Dialogue. London and New York: IB Tauris, pp. 179-195.
Risk and Journalism in the Digital Age
Hadland A (2015) Risk and Journalism in the Digital Age. African Journalism Studies, 36 (1), pp. 129-134.
Book Chapter
Resisting meaningful action on climate change: Think tanks, 'merchants of doubt' and the 'corporate capture' of sustainable development
Dinan W & Miller D (2015) Resisting meaningful action on climate change: Think tanks, 'merchants of doubt' and the 'corporate capture' of sustainable development. In: Hansen A & Cox R (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. London: Routledge, pp. 86-99.
Book Chapter
Sport and the Media
Haynes R (2015) Sport and the Media. In: Houlihan B & Malcolm D (eds.) Sport and Society: A Student Introduction. 3 ed. London: SAGE, pp. 290-311.
Book Chapter
Empowered Vulnerability?: A feminist response to the ubiquity of sexual violence in the pilots of female-fronted TV drama series
Berridge S (2015) Empowered Vulnerability?: A feminist response to the ubiquity of sexual violence in the pilots of female-fronted TV drama series. In: Silva K & Mendes K (eds.) Feminist Erasures: Challenging Backlash Culture. Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK RG21 6XS: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 91-105.;
Conference Paper (published)
Hosts and Champions: Taking the Commonwealth Games Scotland Archive on tour
Haynes R & Magee K (2015) Hosts and Champions: Taking the Commonwealth Games Scotland Archive on tour. In: volume L. ‘In a league of their own’: archives of the history of British sport and physical recreation, 2015 British Records Association conference, London, 26.11.2015-26.11.2015. London: British Records Association, pp. 37-46.
Book Review
A Sense of Place: Regional British Television Drama 1956-82
Rolinson D (2015) A Sense of Place: Regional British Television Drama 1956-82. Review of:
Lez Cooke, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2012. 240pp. ISBN 9780719086786. Critical Studies in Television, 10 (3), pp. 121-123.;
Studio as hybridised community space: For the Love of Albert
Rolinson D (2015) Studio as hybridised community space: For the Love of Albert. Critical Studies in Television, 10 (3), pp. 5-22.;
Website Content
Peter Dimmock: Television pioneer and master of the deal
Haynes R (2015) Peter Dimmock: Television pioneer and master of the deal. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 26.11.2015.
Book Review
Cinema as Weather: Stylistic Screens and Atmospheric Change
Lovatt P (2015) Cinema as Weather: Stylistic Screens and Atmospheric Change. Review of: Cinema as Weather: Stylistic Screens and Atmospheric Change. Kristi McKim, New York, NY: Routledge, 2013, 234 pp. ISBN 978-0415894128. Screen, 56 (3), pp. 387-390.
Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases
Velez-Serna MA & Caughie J (2015) Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 9 (2), pp. 164-179.
Book Review
Murray, Ros. Antonin Artaud. The Scum of the Soul
Fleming D (2015) Murray, Ros. Antonin Artaud. The Scum of the Soul. Review of: Murray, Ros. Antonin Artaud: The Scum of the Soul. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 190 pp. ISBN 9781137310576. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 51 (4), pp. 503-503.;
Book Review
Flusser, Vilém. On Doubt
Fleming D (2015) Flusser, Vilém. On Doubt. Review of: FLUSSER, VILÉM.On Doubt. Ed. Siegfried Zielinski. Trans. Rodrigo Maltez Novaes. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (Flusser Archive Collection), 2014. 105 pp. ISBN 978–1–937561–24–6. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 51 (4), pp. 499-499.;
Book Chapter
Mapping Approaches to User Participation and Digital Labour: A Critical Perspective
Allmer T, Sevignani S & Prodnik J (2015) Mapping Approaches to User Participation and Digital Labour: A Critical Perspective. In: Fisher E & Fuchs C (eds.) Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 153-171.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Scottish referendum in Slovenian Media
Jelen-Sanchez A (2015) The Scottish referendum in Slovenian Media. The 2014 Scottish independence referendum in the media, Stirling, 18.09.2015-18.09.2015.
Research Report
The State of News Photography: The Lives and Livelihoods of Photojournalists in the Digital Age
Hadland A, Campbell D & Lambert P (2015) The State of News Photography: The Lives and Livelihoods of Photojournalists in the Digital Age. World Press Photo Foundation. Oxford University's Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.
Newspaper / Magazine
Justice should be the driving force for reporting on the refugee crisis
Harkins S (2015) Justice should be the driving force for reporting on the refugee crisis. The Conversation. 18.09.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
The orphans of a GENERATION: Preserving the legacy of Margaret Tait
Neely S (2015) The orphans of a GENERATION: Preserving the legacy of Margaret Tait. MAP Magazine. 19.08.2015.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Reaching the disadvantaged and disengaged in times of crisis: towards an understanding of information behaviours to inform interventions
Buchanan S, Louden K & Tuckerman L (2015) Reaching the disadvantaged and disengaged in times of crisis: towards an understanding of information behaviours to inform interventions. International Federation Library Associations World Library Information Congress (IFLA WLIC 2015), Cape Town, South Africa, 15.08.2015.
Newspaper / Magazine
People should have the 'right to wipe' youthful online indiscretions
Singh G (2015) People should have the 'right to wipe' youthful online indiscretions. The Conversation. 03.08.2015.
Book Chapter
Paralympic branding
MacRury I (2015) Paralympic branding. In: Poynter G, Viehoff V & Li Y (eds.) The London Olympics and Urban Development: The Mega-Event City. 1st ed. London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 235-252.
Newspaper / Magazine
Amazon is 20 years old - and far from bad news for publishers
Rowberry S (2015) Amazon is 20 years old - and far from bad news for publishers. The Conversation. 16.07.2015.
Book Review
The Writer on Film: Screening Literary Authorship
Neely S (2015) The Writer on Film: Screening Literary Authorship. Review of:
Judith Buchanan (ed.), Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 270 pp. ISBN 9780230313842. Screen, 56 (2), pp. 276-278.
Research Report
An evaluation of section 1 of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012
Hamilton-Smith N, Anderson S, Simpson I, McArdle D, McBride M, Goodall K, Haynes R, Jago N & Crawford J (2015) An evaluation of section 1 of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012. Scottish Government. Social Research Series. Scottish Government.
Open data and co-production of public value of BBC backstage
Lin Y (2015) Open data and co-production of public value of BBC backstage. International Journal of Digital Television, 6 (2), pp. 145-162.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
British Cinema Exhibitors and Musicians, 1927-33
Izod J (2015) British Cinema Exhibitors and Musicians, 1927-33. What is Cinema History?, University of Glasgow, 22.06.2015-24.06.2015.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
First-time mother syndrome: first-time mothers’ information practices and their relationships with healthcare professionals.
Louden K & Buchanan S (2015) First-time mother syndrome: first-time mothers’ information practices and their relationships with healthcare professionals.. Information Interactions and Impact (i3 2015), Aberdeen, UK, 23.06.2015-26.06.2015.
Book Review
How to do things with pornography
Boyle K (2015) How to do things with pornography. Review of:
Nancy Bauer, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 232 pp. ISBN 9780674055209 .. Times Higher Education Supplement.
A Skeuomorphic Cinema: Film Form, Content and Criticism in the "Post-Analogue" Era
Fleming D & Brown W (2015) A Skeuomorphic Cinema: Film Form, Content and Criticism in the "Post-Analogue" Era. Fibreculture Journal, 24, pp. 81-105, Art. No.: 176.
Book Review
Jimmy McGovern
Rolinson D (2015) Jimmy McGovern. Review of: Steve Blandford,
Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2013, 224pp. 978-0-7190-8248-1. Critical Studies in Television, 10 (2), pp. 143-145.
President of state in face of mortality: Exploring implications of Drnovšek’s radical shift on media, public relations and relationships between the two
Jelen-Sanchez A (2015) President of state in face of mortality: Exploring implications of Drnovšek’s radical shift on media, public relations and relationships between the two. Public Relations Inquiry, 4 (2), pp. 181-200.
Website Content
Blot on the landscape: How Brighton and Hove kept the progressive dream alive.
Morrison J (2015) Blot on the landscape: How Brighton and Hove kept the progressive dream alive.. [Blog post] 11.05.2015.
One nation and two messages: how Scotland has become a problem for British journalists and the Labour Party
Harkins S (2015) One nation and two messages: how Scotland has become a problem for British journalists and the Labour Party. Jackson D (Editor) & Thorsen E (Editor) Political Studies Association. UK Election Analysis 20150: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Early reflections from leading UK academics. Political Studies Association.
Authored Book
Critical Theory and Social Media: Between Emancipation and Commodification
Allmer T (2015) Critical Theory and Social Media: Between Emancipation and Commodification. Routledge Advances in Sociology, 144. London: Routledge.
Website Content
Catherine Street’s Muscle Theory: an assemblage of organicity
Zioga P & Bento-Coelho I (2015) Catherine Street’s Muscle Theory: an assemblage of organicity. Central Stn: The Creative Social Network [Blog Post] 28.04.2015.
Rapid Response to Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? Yes
Harkins S & Miller D (2015) Rapid Response to Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? Yes. Commentary on: Basham P, Luik J. Is the obesity epidemic exaggerated? Yes BMJ 2008; 336 :244 doi:10.1136/bmj.39458.480764.AD. BMJ.
Website Content
Remembering Richie Benaud, the voice of cricket
Haynes R (2015) Remembering Richie Benaud, the voice of cricket. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 11.04.2015.
Website Content
Two more videos from our Hosts and Champions exhibition
Haynes R (2015) Two more videos from our Hosts and Champions exhibition. Sport Heritage: From Sporting Past to Future Wellbeing Blog [Blog post] 02.04.2015.