Professor Nils Bunnefeld

Outputs related to Professor Nils Bunnefeld

Showing 111 Outputs


Jones IL, Timoshenko A, Zuban I, Zhadan K, Cusack JJ, Duthie AB, Hodgson ID, Minderman J, Pozo RA, Whytock RC & Bunnefeld N (2022) Achieving international biodiversity targets: learning from local norms, values and actions regarding migratory waterfowl management in Kazakhstan. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (7), pp. 1911-1924.

Book Chapter

Hodgson ID, Cusack J, Jones I, Minderman J, Nilsson L, Pozo RA, Rakotonarivo OS & Bunnefeld N (2021) Building Peace to Save Nature: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Managing Conflicts in Conservation. In: Underkoffler SC & Adams HR (eds.) Wildlife Biodiversity Conservation: Multidisciplinary and Forensic Approaches. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 3-22.


Cusack JJ, Bradfer‐Lawrence T, Baynham‐Herd Z, Castelló y Tickell S, Duporge I, Hegre H, Moreno Zárate L, Naude V, Nijhawan S, Wilson J, Zambrano Cortes DG & Bunnefeld N (2021) Measuring the intensity of conflicts in conservation. Conservation Letters, 14 (3), Art. No.: e12783.

Book Chapter

Skrimizea E, Lecuyer L, Bunnefeld N, Butler JRA, Fickel T, Hodgson I, Holtkamp C, Marzano M, Parra C, Pereira L, Petit S, Pound D, Rodríguez I, Ryan P & Staffler J (2020) Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing the potential of conflict as a positive driver for transformative change. In: Bohan DA & Vanbergen AJ (eds.) The Future of Agricultural Landscapes, Part I. Advances in Ecological Research, 63. London: Academic Press, pp. 255-311.


Bush ER, Whytock RC, Bahaa-el-din L, Bourgeois S, Bunnefeld N, Cardoso AW, Dikangadissi JT, Dimbonda P, Dimoto E, Edzang Ndong J, Jeffery KJ, Lehmann D, Makaga L, Momboua B, Momont LRW, Tutin CEG, White LJT, Whittaker A & Abernethy K (2020) Long-term collapse in fruit availability threatens Central African forest megafauna. Science, 370 (6521), pp. 1219-1222.


Cusack J, Duthie AB, Rakotonarivo OS, Pozo R, Mason T, Månsson J, Nilsson L, Tombre I, Eythórsson E, Madsen J, Tulloch AIT, Hearn R, Redpath S & Bunnefeld N (2019) Time series analysis reveals synchrony and asynchrony between conflict management effort and increasing large grazing bird populations in northern Europe. Conservation Letters, 12 (1), Art. No.: e12450.


Redpath S, Keane A, Andren H, Baynham-Herd Z, Bunnefeld N, Duthie AB, Frank J, Garcia CA, Mansson J, Nilsson L, Pollard CRJ, Rakotonarivo OS, Salk CF & Travers H (2018) Games as Tools to Address Conservation Conflicts. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 33 (6), pp. 415-426.


Neergheen-Bhujun V, Awan AT, Baran Y, Bunnefeld N, Chan K, Cruz TEd, Egamberdieva D, Elsasser S, Johnson MV, Komai S, Konevega AL, Malone JH, Mason P, Nguon R & Piper R (2017) Biodiversity, drug discovery, and the future of global health: Introducing the biodiversity to biomedicine consortium, a call to action. Journal of Global Health, 7 (2), Art. No.: 020304.

Research Report

Jones I, Whytock R & Bunnefeld N (2017) Assessing Motivations for the Illegal Killing of Lesser White-fronted Geese at Key Sites in Kazakhstan (2017). UN-AEWA. AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group Report Series, 6. Bonn, Germany.

Book Chapter

Milner-Gulland EJ, Nicholson E & Bunnefeld N (2017) Synthesis: Moving Forward Together. In: Bunnefeld N, Nicholson E & Milner-Gulland E (eds.) Decision-Making in Conservation and Natural Resource Management: Models for Interdisciplinary Approaches. Conservation Biology Series. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press, pp. 213-234.

Book Chapter

Nuno A, Bunnefeld N & Milner-Gulland EJ (2017) Using Management Strategy Evaluation as a Framework for Improving Conservation under Uncertainty: The Case of the Serengeti Ecosystem. In: Bunnefeld N, Nicholson E & Milner-Gulland E (eds.) Decision-Making in Conservation and Natural Resource Management: Models for Interdisciplinary Approaches. Conservation Biology Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 156-181.


Redpath S, Linnell JDC, Festa-Bianchet M, Boitani L, Bunnefeld N, Dickman AJ, Gutierrez RJ, Irvine RJ, Johansson M, Majic A, McMahon BJ, Pooley S, Sandstrom C, Skogen K, Swenson JE, Trouwborst A, Young J & Milner-Gulland EJ (2017) Don't forget to look down - collaborative approaches to predator conservation. Biological Reviews, 92 (4), pp. 2157-2163.


Grauer A, Konig A & Bunnefeld N (2015) Citizen Science Based Monitoring of Greylag goose (Anser anser) in Bavaria (Germany): Combining Count Data and Bag Data to Estimate Long-Term Trends between 1988/89 and 2010/11. PLoS ONE, 10 (6), Art. No.: e0130159.


Papworth SK, Bunnefeld N, Slocombe K & Milner-Gulland EJ (2012) Movement ecology of human resource users: using net squared displacement, biased random bridges and resource utilization functions to quantify hunter and gatherer behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3 (3), pp. 584-594.


Milner-Gulland EJ, Arroyo B, Bellard C, Blanchard J, Bunnefeld N, Delibes-Mateos M, Edwards CTT, Nuno A, Palazy L, Reljic S, Riera P & Skrbinsek T (2010) New directions in management strategy evaluation through cross-fertilization between fisheries science and terrestrial conservation. Biology Letters, 6 (6), pp. 719-722.


Struve J, Lorenzen K, Blanchard J, Borger L, Bunnefeld N, Edwards CTT, Hortal J, MacCall A, Matthiopoulos J, van Moorter B, Ozgul A, Royer F, Singh N, Yesson C & Bernard R (2010) Lost in space? Searching for directions in the spatial modelling of individuals, populations and species ranges. Biology Letters, 6 (5), pp. 575-578.

Book Chapter

Milner-Gulland EJ, Bunnefeld N & Proaktor G (2009) The science of sustainable hunting. In: Dickson B B, Hutton J & Adams B (eds.) Recreational Hunting, Conservation and Rural Livelihoods: Science and Practice. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 75-93.;