
Varieties of Risk: Epistemology and Psychology of Risk

Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Collaboration with University of Edinburgh.

A project on the epistemology and psychology of risk, with a dedicated applied aspect in how philosophical discussion of risk can have a distinct impact on other areas such as legal reasoning and gratuitous risk taking

Total award value £613,789.66

People (1)

Professor Philip Ebert

Professor Philip Ebert

Professor, Philosophy

Outputs (11)

Conference Proceeding

Ebert PA, Miller DL, Comerford DA & Diggins M (2024) END USER INTERPRETATION OF THE AVALANCHE DANGER SCALE: A SCOTTISH STUDY. In: Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop. International Snow Science Workshop, Tromsø, Norway, 24.09.2024. Montana State University Library, pp. 1626 - 1632.


Schubert T, Kulcsar Z & Ebert P (2023) Optimal aus Fehlern lernen. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 103 (40), pp. 72-73.;

Newspaper Article

Ebert P & Zweifel B (2023) Wisdom of Crowds [Gruppenentscheidungen im Bergsport]. Bergundsteigen. 01.2023, pp. 32-38.

Technical Report

Ebert P & Comerford D (2022) SAIS User Survey Summary Report. Diggins M (Contact Person) Scottish Avalanche Information Services. Online: University of Stirling.